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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 18
i".:...; 'A�i 2.l- OoD1 RTCl G114- 1 Alf,'TIWR$ AY, 'UL.Y.1,1976 - • • • r•1Un e i4'4'4O,Q1 �4 ,," U.nW4.111,4U • 11 and-.that.it wast, Thou :were Robert: Asquith, .George • ttalthby,,•• di'ni.x{11M LL+i1.4M�IL•'i U i U Y•Y^i..4•W711T„,�•E.rratllRobert Arthur, iam • • l'liiarman aithbyecailed'• ter. n. ..George. 'Bald:, • McDow.ell; .Frank . Raithb4r,. • days and •tted'that Jacob W igrier, Herbert .and . :WrlTiarri Wagner - church building on the Mog'rici'ge and Ge°orge•Raith ' Secretary tr"easut`ers have• -grounds had been built iii18:70 by. .. been George H. Ball; Kolmer with the first burial being cin" ,• Since that ,: time the K: Dawson, Bert; Marsh,' F, 0, 18.7. In 19'24 .a meeting w 5 g as following..have h •1 -'-fi�icilveen . rs; 'Celia Ta lor. •. .. held, an , M._ .._ y d•. o.1l.': the .oar •n o � n: w da s. N rma McD e Georlvrr . 1.Sturdy, � Dr, -C:A., I-towson Chas. C ,retakershave been Geo' e ' ,. as: E. ,a �, '.q �lisitors with Mr.' -and Mrs s. John ill be statiQn„ed McDowell, Carol Seers, were Men- 1:11' Mrs.,,Mauriee .held of .the p• lot holders and, a ©lousher Jamie Bean and Mars: Stanley Balt. -.•.. , Orville+Free last Sunda were at Caeraldton detaahnlent of. Shar n the first Trustee, Boa d • - d n' "Ta eck' r ..w-as..1 • nd: Mrs.. ' Gordon the Ontario Provinci'a1•Police'.. Dabr A rea i g lent Ch..' - 1VIx,, a . . . Richardson,. or' Clinton' and ' :Mrs::•'Frances 'Clark, Mrs.' Eighth -year •:seals,.`Keith' Mrs. Dunn end Mrs; Elgie of : 'Beth , Lansing• and Mrs • Hallam • • •Reaforth:, -Myrtle Munro went :on the': ---. Ninth year seals, Debbie'. .Guests last :Sunday. witth Huron,: County H:istoripal. Cunningham., Linda Cun- Mrs. Eleanor Bradnack were ..-Society bus trip :last week. ; ningham TYnice Daer, .B'rent • Mrs',.. Harold: 'Nicholson . and Ccingratulations : to.� Miss, Andrews. - ' and. - Mrs. Arthur Wanda Plaetzer, daughter of. Tenth -Year: Seals,- Bradley 4*.cholson, `:Seaforth, Mr. and '' Mr" and' M?s: Lawrence Andrews, •'Darcy- Andrews Mr's: i J -oh i Stadlem:anrr, : Plaetzer,. RR 1: Auburn wito Michael Andrews,.,. „ • Christine and Rhonda,'`1tlt• 2. received: her diploma as a • Eleventh year 'seals; Anita'' •`Yth, arid .�Mr, and 'Mrs. :.D -ental Assistant' at' the -Hallam, ,.•Mari•19n `' Archam •"George -Collins of Huroti , graduation ceremony held' on bault Maven, Goderiicll. ,. June 18 et •Fanshawe College ACW Mr; Robert A mstrong ;She has,',=rextended her dental• Aki= ioor�esting''meting of • returned horde last weekend career-�-and ---rs- f now a• members axrcl .friends.of St '.;.frori•-surgery orr his knee.in Pr.,eventtve Dental. Assistant: • Mark's, .Anglicaiay, Chu:r..eh Uri.iversity Hospital, London; Wanda has. accepted-; a Women'• 'was; :helms hast a month ago:: -• •• position- in "London coin_ Thursday ;evening atA the Miss Mary Massel - of . merw•cing in -August " . ho"rrie of Mrs Robert $later,, . • Louden visited last S d •th M opened the Meeting _and o un aY S d wase 'given ,:by lVlrg.' Gerald McDOWc::1. Mi -. Ail old..,COok in-. etrodut : the R:ev E. Si. fear•.., as the sl eaker:of the,evenirg ' •:He _gave ,an iritere,sting message om Stewardship using • charts fol•lawed ;''by, . discussion. He stated that .ev.ery dollar should • have three names Tim'e;" .Talent anal. Treasure.. M—~" P.resicl nC . _M.rs. • Er .test- ., Dur nin ; „eo tlu cl the -. i4.us.ine S and several fall •.projects were_discrrssgd.--This w -ill .bei t`Fie -last Meeting until: September. The socia) committee serveda-delicious. lunch 'of-; . stra.wberry. short-. on _ n vrsr e . un. ay visitors wr, r• Mrs.. Slater- the president; cake., • -- wi'ti,;Mr. and Mrs. Thomas •and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer Jahnat;rn a,ntl :Nie . .,:were PO, ..Charles VFerrrli, :the 5OtlilanL9.g.tVICK ' ' .. •. .. - welc:o�rrred . e�ve'vOne•. :Ili"' Philips • r ' '. 2 . lint n r -s ' •J`ac n•.. ;• The 5Ot1 annual Memorial i R - o , M k Bible •. reading from .: the' ; Mr;' ani: Wins:. Willi'ain •. Cam bell • `°'•arid • .:1Vlilton service. yeas held: last Sunday P Gos el. 4f ,St. John was read Reich of` Kitchener visited` piunke.ttof Brckan. by at Ball's Cemetery with the. Mrs; Thomas Lawlor; - last. Sunday with:Mrs.;.Elva Mrs. Roy Farrow ; it"chell, Prayer ,was led ;1 y: M s. ,Ian 12ev 'r..r.ed Carson;. rector bf . Straugfran. '' ••• Nlr ;and Mrs. John K. Yelling,. St 1Vlark'''s'Chureh in charge .; g Clark:Music,-.for :the ._h Thomas .Tardrn visited"with of :the.: lrnp'er>a1 ...'.‘Motel,,,-., :T' a Rev. Fred"Carson gave ym.ns:, was his' brother, Frank'Jardin at tape . by •lVirs:.•: Oiiyer .Stratford, visited .last Wee.k:. a talk on Life...in tkie'Fruits of Barrie a<nd =alio :tire' , one day with:' Mr and Mrs. ,the Spirit Mrs. ` E,1mer Anderson and in relatives at' Bradl'ex Baiy •on .•4Thornas Johnston, .,u �. the scr -ice of orial choir led •: the weekend l ,' '' _ • Trommer read- a very rn=•' the service of song Mrs°.'.Donald: HHaines, Mrs , ..,„• WAI:KERB:URNCLUB ter.estrng article 'entitled, Frank, lkaithby, chairman . ^.Thomas Haggitt, tin .Lillian. ' 'Tile rrionthhy meeting of the - Meeting, of Women of ''Three wo f ::x .e Trustee77 B'.eard ," Leatheriand;. 1V1r: ;and 1VIr:. Walkerburn:Club was held at ,Cultures: welco• med •alb •and thanked'the • Roy Deer and lVXrs:_.Eleanor,': ttie_home.lof .Mrs.: Stevie., MrT :Carso': closed. the car,e,taker,RobgrtTUrner.and'. '•: Bradnock'' returned -last, 'Ball ome1 ent'Mrs. Carmen :•meetingwith.prayer:. , '41' ..:his -helpers• for.. the;rippkeep-`of.'.' The' `business .section of the _ Saturrday: evening,frem a ten .Gross•opened; the trieetrng'-by me e • •was. in the Change °of the tthe Boa y, He, also. -stated :• • day trip to -Charlottetown •• singing:.0 Canada followed by'. e,,,: g - that the Board had pu'rcha'sed „ ^ 1 n the president, in the absence' r••inee, Eduard °island ;where., a poem; God's Gift's: Mrs.:,. :they -.attended the National "•Leonar'd: Archambault le. in of .Mrs:`Th'omas receit:The ..• ' ave g apr n received a -•* Women's•lnstitute..hiald at the , iia er .. : "tr llin o University:of-Pring wa •d.;' The minutes Of the previous' Penny for. each -letter in Be • Island; where :over..7D0 . W L. . ri eetiiag- were`, accepted "as :present I 1. calirinity. members .from• across - ;read iv.the secretary, Mrs: T:he'roll,ea1 was answered Canada attended. .Lloyd.Penfound, an m.otrorl'of- by a Bible'yerse naming the , Mr:: and Mrs: -Thoma ".g' Mrs. -Lloyd McClinchey and minut s $he Ma s :°fhb. Johnston M.S.Harr Arthur minutes of the s re meeting y Mrs _1V1ar�ian : I•iunking„ RcTII : .were approved as;read'•.bythe and 'Miss Laura 1 h 1I)ps call was 'answered. ,:by' '12 `secretaaY:. Mrs.21,01-m,'.Daer attended the graduation members• paying their fees- The financial report was',also . ceremonies' at the Ontario and b,.. two guests . • given • • Police • 'College,,'... Aylmer, Mrs. Lloyd:McClrnchey;the. Lunch'was served byMVTrs . Ontaii o, last Friday for Jghn ;,treasurer; gave:,the :financial Robert :Slaier ` assisted = by' McNail; •son 4f Mr: and Mrs statement Mrs •'Leonard,-. Mrs- Donald Cartwright, '-,--,-' ` Stanley McNa11; , . Weiland, Arhambault.' conducted die ` when John graduated as an ;election. bf officers . UCW , Ontario Provincial Police •.The new officers for the. The general meeting af;,h. `.'Officer. The Honourable John _knmirig year_ are:'. Co• •_ United -Church ..Women`_ o ; P- M'cSufi �CbTicitor, r'esid'ents ,,Mrs;: -Joe 'Hunkrng . Aut�'urn Knox United •;Church '.. General of sbntar•ie.•.Was. ;tile and Mrs: Lloyd McrClincliey.; ?. was_held:in the Sunday school guest, speaker and Mr'. E treasurer, ••.',Mrs .:'Garth;. on June 23:at 8 30-.p m Unit . • Bell, .Q C. acted as chair-rnan-•=-MCli ..dh.eY,- ass-istant 'One was In cl}a•rge led by Mrs, of`ilie Ontario, Police Com treasurer, :Mrs .J°ames �• 'ixiis$on Entertainment arias Geiiald•McDowell who opened' Sc'hrieider secretary, Mrs., the, worship service' on the" � ; pfovided 'kry' the' Waterloo • Llo d :Penfourid .. assistant, ., them'e',of Stewardship with a'':; 1regional Police Chorus and Mrs Thomas Cunnin m 2._;,; ,).•,,.. z " the W-'inds rr-,Police Pipes and , poem What_sha111.Give u _. •e., . .: 'he -draw prize donated by Mrs Lloyd" McClinchey, vvas. '"The • 4 1 17 ares• lesson, wori• liy Mrs Marian Hunkrng, Exodus . 4 1t17 , was read bY•., - Plans,,, were : made tQ hold' 4. 1Vlrs icor:man •Wightman: The ,meditatiomwas given by Mrs' picnic on the evening -Of Silly.. n 22nd• and in ease of rain July . Gerald •. McDowell on - this pass, et-f.scri tore. . 29, at the home pf.vMn and ,t4 Reports on. !their West f O r Mrs Ted Hrinkang•• The sport.program is in the . csiirister College Weekend•: •..charge. of ,..Mr -s.: _Marian •' : ' Hrnking.; • ,' Mrs. •. -Garth :':�1VIc'Ciinchey, : Miises. -Sandra,. • ?and Karen ,._McClinch.4y. A - Lunch-- ammittee•;. -i°s . 'Mrs. E°l-l•iett--:Lap: , ::lylrs,.`'.•Llbyd.. McClinchey, , •Mrs;, ` •'Leonard; Archambault. . r f A reading; • `A G�oursye in . • Public Relatio-ns4' -and irog,•:� 'teresting contests were in the.; • .. chatge•• of Mrs..,J :eonard' •Archarribault, •. - The 'riew 1Tur'on County ` LiAnel:•vias-'served :by• .Dii. Housing Authority ':•was• ''Garth 'Mc•Clincnh�ey,- Mrs. inaugurated . e'arlier ` this ••••Marian bHuriking and Mrs: 'month under'be;.Ministry of .r,: �: Ste'ilrart Bali: �, , • FlpuSing s..: -plan ted decexi ,.x e .. • . 3 y, tr'alrze ass'i'sted housing CHILD•R-EN GET A ARD management to a more,llocal -.Last- Sunite.y.; Tune. 127','-'.'le'‘el and expand the local;: Rortal.d Hallam.,;,•superin,housrn'g.•authe,rity,,,,,ctHA•`. :tendent: o£.'..Knox United 'system fr.f° ,- `Church, ;Sunday .'schoah •The laiittibi�ity'. supersedes„ Ball,: ::Atmos 'Ball,, George` "litaitliby andltobert TI#rner: . The Rey, Fred Carsanira.iiis inspiring �,inessage recalled the.Jarth`of early' Settlers and urged eweryone::.to . come together in the n, the of Christ. because a Chri ii' �'a 1?s never dies.lbut :`lives' forever. even after death." • 9.7 4 MONTE .CARCO' 2 door. hardtop; 350. 8a autoillatic,-power steering, power :. :brakes, radio, rear defrost, tilt. steering, deluxe bumpers, radial tires, remote control mirror,. Finished in lime, green, • With dark 'green v'inyl;•roof and;beige.. interior A„REAL ,. $HARP •,LEAN. CAR. HNL-35.8. , , • Sales Representatives :4:- Don,Fuiler, Emmerson Erb;:tvan-Bean OLDSMOBI11 GODERItH` . 4 m• .. •.:. .. • JIM' a • 7e'; TELEVISION a •.Y 'L,,akeshore Sales• and 'Service Yo ii - MATT"'. SMITH 1Prorretor • BAYFirELD, "ONTARIO. -presented to 407—Children their ' the former -Clinton 'Housing ',diplomas...and seals -tor .:ate. Authority Which, had. been 'in tendan,ce, during ' the , past . al?eyanc. for :some time, an. year. 'Those ceivi.ng...tbeim• •thee, Gode rich Hous, • • were:: - Authority; whose •chairman.. • First year „dipjomas., Anna • was Harold Shore of., Marra Young; Steven Whin, Goderich:. Th'e au:thoYrty Glenyce •'Marie.. Young, office is located in God•errch. ' "• 'Sandra Deveau, Lori •Arm= Harold. Knisleyof God.erich s•tronge, •Lana,,. Lawrence; is ;.chairman of'pl•the new Kenny Millian -and Lan ..authority. , Other members.__. Milliaii•: are -Jack Delbridge of:Exeter',' Second, year seals, L grin Frank oSills ofr Seafortth and, Cunningham; Angela Millian,-Ken .Flett;of•Clinton •'Bobby Million; Michael a total Ontario Hnusing; :-Millianand Steven Verbeek. •Cnrporation tproifolio, under' ” Third year seals, Daryk • r,Tianagement '=includes• 301. Cartwright, Todd-••An'drews,. •senior -tizen. wand faniily Julie. ,:•Cunningha'rn- and housing rental units 'in Angela Schneider. • a - Clinton, Goderi01i, Bayfield; •• Sixth year seals, .Lotie Exeter, Seaforth, Wirigham, ..Cartwright, Juli-e ^ 'Daer, and Brussels. A • further 60 • • Glen ce' 1VIt!Clirr"ch y, Shawn senior; citizen. and . faily Seers, Dennis Schneider.; and •housing rental unitsm• are ` ' Brian'Wightman, •' under development ..in Seventh year sea`is•,,Rodg.er� 'Seai•orth, Zurich, Blyth' and Cunningham, Nancy Ver Wingham: kieel :fin McDowellT Pitt% �ustng M'inr•ster John .Rho es. commented recently • • fine the = ministry's policy of '' STEREO: further decentralization of ...: x.`... , housing managerneht, with '. the transfer of all OHC direct - ..manage. rent piotfoljos to • lodai housing authorities •• -- "The- system ensures that management will remain Se1lsitivC.'to; 1664 -Wads: and -.7,:, priorities: by: putting it an the haitds•of local' public-spirited` Citizens, ' wird yet be , ' autonomous to..act ffn. the b'es't ,interest:s of the whble corm 'rnutnity," he said. - -moll`mit Interior = E'xterior Paints or,• • your Home:: or Busin-ess: q : Now we can-•e#fer you excellent paints with our other fine floor • covering - and •carpet products, ..for your .home , decorating.'All at our everyday Low prices; pecial 'Iii#I-oductory' Offer .:.. All'International Plaint i•rr Stock!' That's right' We now have the exclusivefrranchise'fbr International • Paint in. the Goflerich. area. Come on in •and see all the different. colors and. types for all your pa'inting,needs.And the' price for this :',nuality paint; is right! , Phone •565.2:852 • • • • •0: a Ml1I.E •EAST OF' G'ODERICH ON I+Y.„#fig rO1 EN: • '• AhoniS . 6.,......: •