HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 11• Lt • •cllevc seven:•'to, it ye4A14.._.0 L : • ; • agIe ese young peopte hat:a • 0 •tot of splendid-„ ideals nrtk-+ only :in 411'elr'' i'lower „ .. . arrangeYnents 4.4. • in;. thair posters •and -display :of hob:- _ -hies•Tn'the hobbiesa�a n1eene ,- about '1957. At: that. ti.ntc the; Ga u w V.. mads seine' cute teasel ;lien xy. �. cha�r�! Wh9; tto h,a ,,e • -- kid's stayed in gangs anal went:nrisws' Da", aaiz 'wt re sup - ° reall'�y ingenib-us eyeryvVliere.to:gether.. The other .hobbies included' 50 .and happy to .have W .'After: ,school they.full d • their: friends. around•• -+once '.coin :arid• .stamp collections ..:< Just a -while baCk,�`someone . • AndreOvv''s Dairy-'etter . ` f>: •again`; nna.(Rarrison) .and.. which really„showred the oars:.- worked up••tl a idea'of"et is 'ternoon, Actually: A'; OS was.' Tubb B and interest~ ••besides ha 4_ g' t ng h, .:�' , .8�._: :.lggg, :.°.7-14:.,d:''; . lad• .. ':;tete ~-old high.:sehool alu.most tae of the gang, for'If Chir olm."and Edna ., ..now '• 'earned fnaney tii'vested ;%n e theirs. Art"s I andscaping.:Qf together • again''-- •the gratxp;: semi :someone. pfidne aslc>ng fo'r. seine of these.bgys �d •girls• May or Johnny, he would did: not ma ry-a.scho Nhate - BeiYrtett ,''sponsors .,_th s ` always say they had.just left Y Green Thun hers and Art and wl'I m; not Sure of s,oine of.' . ... _ • or waren 1; there depended their *Met; lattt: I the:4b , •'Mary Have ,been great witia o the tone of vour, voice t many of ' `fou 1- would enjoy : the kids: on the kids laved hint:: heating . •of ' those I-•eoytld',.i.' This pis siurel'y a' great help '`I think ..Lie (McLean) recall. in keepingqoungsteruS at this 6 Kilborn • gathered the ad• . There ` . wet+e. also 13 Oh .:.'diffi.cult age, learning and out dresse of most of the'group Vol'land Ruth Amy, Mary of"•mis.chief: T.hope the who were scattered far and (A1eander) and:;(en Howes; Parents ,apprec'iate: this '- wide. and she and' $•eth Betty '7(Mathesol)) and . since .it. is a .lot work; worry (Anstay) McBean Disk's Murray Cardiff. .Now:' this < artd time: cons•uming. wife :made ip'i beairtrftil -' 'f1rg i"est _p-ohiis`-in •.the-• O e - couple ,live near 'Ga�r�ic�a,� .. ff��tl smorgasbord ,fpr the, party. abut, as Beth says, ,` We. still: shoW received a beauti whicki :was held at.• the Gaff ' dont see them:: ver often. •p1•acque:. from: Art's: Lands ' Club ' • '" • Lorne Rivers ` and ':Ja•�r • 's;caping,as well as.other fine �.'� ... '}"here were 'no•parent. Cr (Bo.wler•• );.:John Simhson.::and ,'prizes`.'• teachers but al out J1),...Young Amelda;: (Banter) Bill Tier Mrs., Al Barnett," can to adults made up the gatig that. and::"Rev' :(i.oUfnder),,> en::•everyone- • :''is 'the: guiding",:; Save :..,MV. sj .borrow- camel oma ,; Y had, ,li ht• o hls,group: Shehacs:not ,• :.secure -- it. will ".a ,. a Zahn Grrar►arn.. was ab. it tree ostn Children- and" too; Y s arte.d a..youngsters.• P. 5'-� . 'one the •:fart • Wawa Van- '' ever. tva ao m-'ke'Vi t• •a:Y are now, grandparentsr!lien : rtJup: here' , `but created in-',•,, Y Y,.� �, .. ;, c_bn „.�i ouver- Bill.'' Gracie arr€1 : :.. • • and .. TZo�e_ . , • ompsori have,:: tierest arilong t 6tliex Gaxden ' Martha ('Bedard) came from • . liths thio bout Ontario. u -4 -lit 1 -nt t•.4a• en.- - ,410 •s n,. quite a.ianiilY'too, g 3r -c ,� _, . _ _ �� _ ..__. . _�•_, P,_..�_, ,..... � -fie 11 s e . -tYt rs�'-rs`-rite . • ••r.... ("rrrffstha:and-fro n ..: r -••� � ���'^' � �. •. "'' 1 aria .Street ii te'd"`Clfurc .was .the Esc ne far t e.'.',..- • ' -4-n7 Ltt3`s . • (Betlar T"_.• .. �e"'."�R,'",_. first ' a (Duquettej- b'oih `town kids Year ,that a medal has n h- e h wedding Ju Eighty-seven yeti r, • . e Fiona Burlington "There were b. en truck.for hE. oun ne'12 `fCir Beverl .L nri M'llar a.neT' avid' Paul. still• visit their•. e- mines here e- ..•S t ,. y g..... Y Y .1. experience is a• `. fol:ks :frorn :Toronto. and •that Wes neBr:itt n. f y.out. �fairl often ',but ••there a in .� .gardeners, Ani -the. Canadian , ..: W . Y o The bride is -the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, . wide:area; London and area; y' a.:'.a... Ross Millar,.110 Sf. David. t: G' derich andh service .h•e1p-you•ge... the .. _.••, u hoW often:do you,.get time. to Itos.e . ;Society: preserite S , . o , the gro.of})'15 a`1miiI£on, ;:1Be.11eville St.. Junior- ineda:lthis, e.ar to• the the son of Mr: and Mrs,.' Paul•Bri;tton-,-RR5 Stratford,. most for,;your more visit;old pals: ' , Y r -- Thomas.. and other places.• I Goderich .Gibb: wit '•its 3�4; er• - ` .., 3' • W.hen`: he couples arrived at- Re:v:..Leonard• Warr officiated at- the •double : Ycsterda x..; to_da Caret_ recall-. _where-fh . all; e - more -entries, ` Th -e Greer} .• . Orli. Y . Y r:, . .. th'e.party they;were°all name 7 . cere.nzony..lvlus-ic was•su plied'•la Flora.:sim�'son.Wand .� __ .. _ .arri.ved"frorri:, ... - - .. .. .. , .:. _., n,.,:�-.� �. _ Thu•mhers conduct their'.aW . Vr. tcrla.itn.d. �_...., n a' . . s. C'i ray.. , , ._ ... � . - • : . ,_ ., ::. x ..._,...... .:•pinned but.sotrie.> of , tlae•rrt... ,... ,..., , ::::... ....,�,...,....... W,a. da Fenner.. The... s':an �Mcarn.i . - ...Has...Br• oken.:.:�F•e've�. , .;_ _....--1.t-'ias..like.•,orie. b5'g...fa ily... ......,.�M.....,. meetings , have ... their own' Y g. 4 +P. , L.• 0.7 • • • GODVAICH . • IIGiiAL- �AR,'I'HURSt AY btu col+umnthotr*: r. q . 16 4,04 mon unit mart by S•cotty Harrifiton • Mait,your e°rob,i,�rz.to •„Impdtatilo••thirpopAr All.f.ttars will * 4dproviders,astamprdaddressed'envelope ',.. ii ancli}'fid,. Some of general Jeterest.wili be published f�e, tetjars must be stoned' but we will NOT,revs:it your idipnty "Mike Qyestiont, and Answ ere basird pn Ontario low . aro ublished to interni m14,•not to odstisi. Ns ane. • .shoat t so Aa 1 or Interpret 4 rY pq y the taw without the: • aid Mitre. advita at a trained expert: tithe ynowI"the foots' elnce.tbe facts of owl's-casemay rhanga the !Ppl�catlon o7,�ahe.hv_+L'' Mg PHONECALLS PLEASE,,. iL 'Imo ill Highway 21 South, Goderi,ch, Open Every „OaII;BILL MELICK ••�, e�����4tU,' /dig/"': .yrs .fad- Ltd District a Representative zl?on Denamme'.• 75,HAMILTQN Gt.1DER(Ci4 1M•QNUMENTS: - MARKERS' LETTERING' '� 5►i:.4 ,2-373 6)5 2._1 t your COLLISION REPAIR CENTRE :SND. BOD•. 24-91.:1 • 5 $. BA.YFJ,ELD RD, GODE.RIC'HI • uocj Grey your. ane -stop VG i -hid tl7e.. name for a. WXiiit .0 • ,, Only Just Begun and,W+rddin•g Song :, They ta,lfed: a Irltile'_a tninute executive an T -"make their• keep people. guessing,. -but the.... all night' even tho there was . lans and'deci•sions ::• t ,„ •, `" The bride was ' iweq in Marriage. e. b 'her father, The ' ... .. voice or'the wal'k'er just atilt R 'Jean . .. .. ether:- . , � .g g Y musts for daneiR .Theyfvel'-'7, .. Jean' :and other -dedicated ..''' bride wore a•.,formal-length°'. gown of sheer . > ;of the .head would -always give :' '- - .:, help ...�.. gggan,za' with • too • ...busy,' :remifliscing :•ai:•►d .the. „ • •.. c^.• . gardenersstand:ready•toshort s1neves. and aw':edcling1arrd.collar.'Daisiesand lace:. _.. to away. _.�. - 1 u Y hero in a hin au ould •ba e t an .•w a c i acce te'd'thc n ti atur full -skirt -L-. . g i" Y.. Y Y a1 waisfiine and-bodii?e. The g Ov r -t E�' Ent t ea "some e h ,. YY 'hearrriThe B .netts re noted for ic.above thechatter. h a •� a had Dui on welgYtf;, many.'were• � • �' ..flared into a cathedral' •train, -A three tleredmwEil _f_lowed- . The:parents.of the kidsa't}ll:. still`thin man re }sa and-' t'neir lovely. garden °•-r •'.from a Thatcl ins head .giece'..H-er�bougUet was is"i --- ' Y greying • 1. As a landlorld of several 1yuildin s 1.have s..ome uest;ions reVefrdin:g my position with the Rent -Review Board. (-11,- If: 1 wish to: make .a.pp11, .atiali for ; petrpission to:- : char e_arore than 8% .far •m.ciny of :the_`units` 1 own, g, •do .I hairs tea;: make separate °submissions'.for each f h`. .e b o a hearing?. o r (2) •-What Will the pr Cada be.for .g_ 3 Will.1 need a•taw'-er to:a ` ear.before a rent review- ( ) ,Y. PP. officer? (4)%If several tenants t.n-the same building .appy. ius.tification••of -increases;•:•+:do •t--have•.•ta appear at a; ach:ten t? " . se orate hearing'fofe rfn TRUST .00'•MPAN'r' :eir;ae.'.ieee': li.vizi -m to:•wn-thought if wa's.;. .' •• g ••especiall'y .Jean':s . roses .-- .-..,..and.rrf'au.ve carnations:• ` • some. balding so that rrtade::a.. e '' `'• !"-..• • . '• : wonderful.to•'see these youngctver.a h>xndredoaft'het and _ .-tun and thrill' e to ether ' adults` :after so many yeas;..^m s : • Jean has wclri• ibrEe' beautiful Maid of honour was Pat • Millar', Slist Delano er A..A. Weatherby.; . • .. -. ' . •:. ms�st en1oyalsle. - .Everyone..,. Y er of-the�brde.'.', i2 too: Some: orf these yoi1ngste : • agreed she ' .rose. .bowl awards : with=her Bridesmaids were Mary,Ann Overgaauw_':of I.�R.5;Forest:. �i381--Goderich-t y, Must, it agarr • � had away for' nearly ,ye ii;:.�et 5 h ethe :a 1. .•manyTth "r' pities: T.o ad'dto `' • and Carol •Millar, sTster.of>t'1 brideband- Valerie and years.:: been,, make it. a lin :rSext''year„for the show;:the ladies wore long ; . Stisan.Britton RR. Stratford, sisters of the groorn They -Mary' Andrew and :hubby ,• . gowns and. served tea 'turn a „<were dressed alike in yellow swiss clot .floor length owns • ' .. ,' : . • our )�i-.Centefinra"1'.:. ... p.,.; .:' � .. 1; ... , :beautifully appointed table. • • With caPe sleeves and yell• w floc :.hats, ' I • .have probaiily ;missed _ _ ;, .. R, Y . o RP.Y ... -rraan-iaikiGs' btlt`.:ua*�' �o.. Pku:ctionae a S�ictOri:a S.te r, .: g y cBark3ussorYsf res hrixke; aria's flower rrl ." • Flowers'tor Ail Occasions' 8 [:?istinctive,Gifts. to a ' United:Ghur'ch stat 6;.30 in. the US nie Mac_ Campbeh to k' a_ Lot t .dressed 'in MiniaturFStyle to the bridewith daisies. ._ ictures so - can ; evening •July:7, . 1Vlark that inher.hait . > p - yes Oat " •• .check with Mac.. calendar.. •... '.� • Ire/ r- :Vacation• .Bible School at ` ATT the• attendants. carrued.bouquets of; daisies .and' Wedding ��,.. The Art Mart.'dates July l5" .._. iii ng pKnox Church starts J;u,. 2 _ + .t=une• als.' •$E '• �. to l8 are.comin a fastso if _ y Ii 'to •mauve.carnatians.: 'a' 85:01 ;. :. 30..'A .es • 3. -.to •12.: ;lt!I'orning: ' Gary Radford of Landoll was best man.=Ushers were . :.;..Fresh cut._ 'v .,.' any;: of .you, eraft'speople,g Fr d Overgaauw :.. F . , '• . : ;•, .. ....-• �.. S; ,, ., ._.. .:•yerr:.t.m�de. an:entry.please -alas er. ,Pt.' .t , ses • � Rick •Milla-r; .broth he bridei' e g. _..lowers .. l " Check tile _:Bulletin .;Board • brother�in law. of bride; :John- Britton, brother of groorri .:. :, •... � .;,..:ca]] me �pr;.ca�lT.and:i'eave your ' . -Dried :Flov7erf .. _ "'Tsi 77k.le..alla.rliyne,.... .for earlier da't'es - " . anti 7 ai:..a.nteletan Erie , d 'of; groo s Ports. •• . • 521.4..'-'1;52�..name,and your:cralftwith:tlie... Y ,' Recreation Office at '' 9;t •LQv of S:tratford'cousrn of the bride'w•as ringarer;-•:•-1.--.} , a :Martha • SHOPPERS SQ:Ul,1RE - GaGS.ERICFT .� •Y'' Waterloo St.: $�' .. '� .. ; , •.:.t i `n foliowed.at Saltford VaIle .Ijall with the': ,.,., cal - .. :� '. -:, ... � _, ThereGeptioY. . . •;. '• • l anyhmQ ,�'s'`s24-2132 • ::° Tell �yrlur• friends: s0; :they .. a. 1.i..;;�,.;.i,,,.«. i i ' ail cleof. •the bride Arcl'tue•G. MacDonald Of .Steatford as', »ieM.�w+ ew.»�!�»�«s.�w«s.+.u:..,.;r::di+»s».+.�' :can plan'to' visit here ,at that ` :•, - MacDonald time •nand. 'pray for nice. - master of cem e-onres - ,, .. •- _. ,° -_ •,.weather for that. week t Idere; Gsiests Wer'ereceived by the bride's mother w,ho wore a is ...quite. • a • large;,program formal=length gown of mint green; `a sheer•:flowered coat• ,. planned so • it. will help ,you . , PRACTISE ' and corsage of.mauve carnations: The groom's mother:: -entertain guestsO'that:tinie.•: --BREAST S assisted, weaimg ;a ;formal, long cream'. gown and a a .. I.,ELF _-•-- :•ci3rsage-oiorange cantations. "" •The entries are, very .good .. P :. EXAMINATION and- there: •:wr11'•be; ••several• ,Forr..the wedd.ingtrip•the bride change.d'into•:a:cream •9: �epfe.__deinorisstr..axirig.:,.:>rtseir .',`. ., • . • ;, • ' coloured pant;outfit: and h corsage:of orange reset::` ;';.:c„ ft.;�;.h in all,�i is-roundisig.'• - - ip v a. _ row.. t•319HameSt. Stratford ::, •re residin a . r ' ;'They a g ' ,up• wary' ni,�efy: `There . 'is a .. �� � •� aw . -' • • - .. - -, •The bride-46:S.enteriained•,at- several• showers -prior to :g I h -p e' lou Wtere abl ,.her •.marries e. Hostesses were..Kathy Hunter,,' Judy,..:'' •.,::I:hopeyouwerE•ableto.aake ��' t g §. Andrews,' Isabel MaeDofsal'd,•Gwen Corriveaii,in•C}inton; in: the. two' flow, er•shows last- �� ' -,4 `Ruth • Ann. Ballantyne in .Stratfo`.r'd, •neighbours Marg Saturday. •Ta :was' .;ianab'1�e•tQ:,' ' • i : • Fritz1ey`;\- can Shelton and'Ruth-Hodgins; and::also the•:'__ attend the- ,l3.ig.,••one:-• at ":the. 1 �.:, - . Church but' I did' catch the : r CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY • office.Staff atKroehler's•in:Stratford. +r '.`Green Thfii:hbers' show :at ... the -Mall. It..was just•a•gr t ' show for -••t -be '; youngsters • . ,. • rVOJR•. •• HEADQUARTERS: FOR RO Et�S.•'. AJ�ES IC�TV '•' •EXPERT TV SERVICE AENN�A NT NST►' ;162 MARY ST GODERICH PROFESSIONALLY EIVIiV'EERED-- ` EASIiY ERECTED - • D1idLITY. CONTRIJL "" ECONOMICAL COMPILETELY VERSATILE" ` . UNIF1 M >+C . . ` VH.E N AVAitAlliti(EAI •"RO Y48 •.NO WEATHER• fELAYs WH,ERC:.T master charge glplu° LUL U UU, ,IUUnWI STORk HOURS: Man. thru' 1 hur4a; e, s:3o Fri.;e•5 5 14.8'3.83., 155:ANiLESE051 GaDERIC11:-:TURINAT5101404HWY,•21 ' t#,U }:CALL LOCATED1 BLOC;(( EAS}'. - 4,1L1 S 4.8 $3 ' • • • • • • •BOkly oats d NOrt•.h .Stars nO•t inCi�.U,ded in this -44:L SALtS FINAL Kingstotl- Street NO EXCHANGE' • O,REFUN• 'D. E oodericif • • ` (1) Yesi You rnusf file -for'. separate application for each unit. (2J The rent re•v:ew•a'fficer'is:emPowe red to; c. 11 w:tnesse.s and to-fequi-re-necessary :informatio_n to; ,: ` produced, and 4 ` +�oth itenanfs `and landlords hare:acc ss to, an material wh '. Girt is ordered ^ - fled with.re t kevie Officersa n w 9 i (3) •A :lawyer : should note be necessary since rent; review'. hevrfrags:ace..mll inforrr[ctl: .p • (4)•'Not• neces'sarrl . The.rent review officer may fix a coniii'it Y. '`Jigriag data fn reyigw•cases ^in the same auirding, . • Quality - • Brand' Nd me --- FJ vI;U.RNQSHINGS ` LAMPS -'. r •01i R • GOf fRIC 1 " 524.45.21, GRANGER'S TV SALES & SERVICE • ADMIRAL, ELECTROHOME & RCA COLOR TV RECORD AND TAPE BAR MAJOR::` APPLIANCES PICK UP & DELIVERY GODEIICH 524-8925 ]OHIOJET fE call the I mber Number 524-8171 63'EL•.GIN:,AVE E.CzOOERICH' +'This is usvcll. •ffse rti ofyeii for the•annuat;increase fly bylight:-' ;tradesmen,•.and unsciyrxpufous salesmen;. end"t air favourite targetis the seniorcitizen • P ' Each yea r'thousan _.s'of dollars are Iosiio_these_d%shonest da- .• who pose, cis tspnk::- speetn'{s,'ho ne r spa r speciarists.and ' - promoters of. 'various, getnriVh-quick -schemes: You've...wor hard'for •your.money ,..:-.-don't,tet someone frick.:yoii out of rti 'The Mi ' try 4f Consumer'and Commerciel,,gelations • hove published a ery, helpful, booklet; to hefp;you..*1•otect yoursc+aff, . and ifs. FREE :liar it~or' the asking! It%:ttlled3:Cons4rgee i'&s Far .,Senior Citizen and. you can,get +t by writing Ontario Con rerrs', Queens'ParfC, Toronto; Ontario. ' sumr 1 i ob.are alreedy a•:victim'offpny.form af::tri kery'ycur rights are protected by fhe Business Practices Act. Contait your nearest Consumer Protection Bv..reay.IoSated at'80 Dundas Street; Lon- don or phone -. •' Tfjey.are ltrere to hrefp you; sorrnake them tmmediafefy aware, ' ,o an4;problern'yov i4.ighthave intihis-regard, 7';)1!•:: • •' ti,:si, Your Full rine••€H-R-YSLER 91 !. 41.4'HURON RD,"G'ODERICN 524 831.1 --; P�Yn'ii(itlTH ` `bopG: hclhdayy 1,c1mri•`wrjting..to.youfre-m Nova:Stvtiis about:. ridicufo.us 'situatioiti '1 am the unmarried mother ofa; baby boyY-bOrn in January of this yeas. A'b'out -a weer after the birth.I gave him up, for'ado•ption; to the Children's Welfare-�. , " However,'1 got a,good•job a.m.'could finally suppawt m.y;'' child sa I wrote the Director of Children's Welfare asking 'for ••-rrry''th'ild to: b'e•-r ' •e4u.rried 1•:was:•told: adopption proceedings had' been commenced and .t iat•.1 would have to wait until diter tHee adoption atsplic`'ct:tion had been dealt with before I. caulc1.4.iake•ani application to get my.child back: e:141,order.to.thifike an application I need to ktiovw,certai'n ° facts;about the;,arl.option„atoceedings However every time try to find:out, the Departnient of Soiat'Seervjces wbn''t tell me anything,so. that 1 -°cannot• appea1i the'•adoption` What.can 1 do? Unfortuiiayely1:nol mech..As late as;idly-.1,,9,Z4,.;„this.isi ,was• 'before the Nova Scotia' Supreme Co'u'rt and it •was decidod there Yhat'nerither the Child. WeTfare Act,-ridr the Adoption Act impose a duty todisclose infe't•matioti.to•the parent .as to'where:arid .,•whets an adoption order 'was made. Even -though ibii,fpory pre vent an cippealby d"parent the court will n.ot order the.dis'elosure• of this information i seerns in this: situation there is nothingo parent can do -in file • fare bf >'the caurJ's' porictr after anadoption: order has been rites de. 3 -HOUR SERV'ICf. ,fit •EPAIRSr•' .A46. A`r1ONS. Ciefl ter TANK & TUMMY OPEN 'r DAYS A W EK ,J Rami '"• • • i • RESTAURANT VARIETY. .,GAS_BAli LAUNbROMAT HWY. 21 & HURON AYFIt1D. 565-2824 • A..