HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-07-01, Page 4A+
fJRSUA'`?;,;T•li, ; i&31i •
+wrt�i: Mier ,highly trained'
anaesthetists::•-:Tlxeti only
89 Jack lddik) Ilo-roQ 11ddl x I :MPP ;:h $pital .in ;tbear w4tki a
w r .. ��. v 12par-aseope ::for die nQstic
° a. '" and therapeutic procedures
a . \ si e G n h
axe; ..a hos} ital. . from miles a*ay •t fort •
this ..
Mttiister � "
. .„:: whch• over a period of some1. servzce.. _ �'
The tlwd sesston•of the;30t�1z ; merit 'a,nd to y h:e11 with the ten ears provided excellent •, `: The -:first.: 1class - remote ,..
Ontario ffegislature has„ -now.' eoP,le: :• • .- ' 4 and ' very. eompre.hen4sive.' caxdiao' monitor" '. • and,;..-
adjourned for the summer : "-A first rate. eg'ample`of .this mental health dare and•only a resuscitation teann' available::;
recess'. How`eVet ,; if•',the was the5f-dosing •�of. Clintarii few: •mont:h$. before.,) the• 24 hour ,.'a day with, a •suc.-
Supreme Court of Canada iiospitaL`"without any reel,' hospital had re:cei:ved :from .. eessful• resuscitation..rate°of.,''
fitiles: liter•; thzs inlfiitth :that "conproin•rse 1, Sakti, .sure, ::• the, -£anal an Paunch.cry , 100 percent for 1975: The fact ,.
't 4 s,a tnoxif,-,I it ;the they put 'up a. -great act of Hospita}aAccredztatton; 6a: ',dint the• hospital specialized' •
. tist'enn g -to• our befiefss• angl the. -highest accredji:tations• of in ' the . treatment ' of ::
•.federal govei:iiment on tkie ,
reading our' : letters ,winch.: -any hospital:ln Ontario ; 1'texndlihilta and was asked }5y
,Anti-inflation Elation programme:: is ,
' igvalid; the Menilbers of the po.0 re h in by the ;tl-iou5ands The:: case of • 'the . Clir ton • the University Hospital in:;m,
-'Provincial 4, FarIia4nent 'w.ill .�u. v' e e •did`•it .get its = Public Hospitai'was appealed* LQndOn.'to establish ° errai, ••-.
r: -almost certainly lies recalled `noi�h•e • .., in therDivisi.onal Court .. and • peritoneal dialysis unit ..fora
::Into" . 'sessien:: Thew: Federal , -''1" stressed• that now' there- ;the elQsure:` of--Cli•ntun-,-e d ••e a-Uients in the area; which;•is•
'JOi '; : Min, inter•has :.. .sited
t%iwas" no. place ferstck: people a.' three other- hospttals•'*Was 'functtonitag'very sueCess,fuily
e • Coourt` to rtile- on the . rain Glznton -and • area. to go ruled invalid and rightly . so, _ and is, in fact, the only one; in :
!coustituilor►alrty; .af .. the wizen they reeny need it Tito.: There,, is no- bssib-1'e Huron Caunty, '-
federal-provincial:egreetnent ' •n?ares.>r hospitals, :'Seaforth -"justification: for - elosing. a' •` I quoted letters that: Gam
after objecti;otxs,' :raised. by Goderich and Wingham have hospital of., this calibre with ::.. to-rhy offtoe;;to ititistrate how.' ;
`.. indicated they are full and the kind of record it'has.,;,,3 le were feeling:
teachers in Renfrew County.
]_Suring': deb te• ►n the can tjm
> . ':aw czn"
bdatethe.."• -I gain 'outlined the font I told '.the Chairman- that'1 ::
s e of the Mnistr' of ' patients ,from,► -- Clinton and tions carried .;out in the knew• 'that I. have gone over
H'ealth'„ the Mi.rlister `.surrounding, area,- I. said it - C1'lnton .Hospital:, -Thi many this gridund'bef'ore; that it was
" „threatened'. to uit'his position" seemed Huron Middleseft had,'n e m 4r g�e.n c y : ` s u-rg;i'c a l:"' ploughed ground but o "-, said-
c . P • -bbeen si ti g1ed. out•for t eir ver d .. • .
if •iii appeal :caurt�°°"rules <.the.._. ,� g h x� wproce uses carried out as a that . 1 • firmly believed.�that:_
spec al'attention; •••••'_'''''.„:' ,--: • result uf.--- it otor- vehicle do -•,::Eh s.. ground •must;-b.e held in
province does note tia+e • the
p Firs„tt,,.-.,,.. the- Goderich. cidei•fts -The: onl hos ital in . order..: -o
.power • td. ','close : hospitals Y p P. t . give the seed an
through -' abii;et grdex.in- sychiatric I-Iospita "'' Was''; -tire area- with. Ei-ve certified opportunity 'to ,germinate, .
,Council, d°• -the' i�rovince:,, reatened with, the Health..:.active.: 'specialists an "'s.taff• ' `(continued.on age 1.Q'A)
- does .'riot tTieiz:;introdu-ce _ < k f
• 'enabling: legislation. The,,-,..,.- _
.:-Div'isionar court has • ruled
°;- that. the•Cabi%et.does"not have
. they' . power..;. to close` ''.ten:,
hospitals 'and- the Proviric-ial
i �,4;:,,,
Gove>�ament's appealing they
.:..ruiing: C. •
Meanwhile; ;four., hospitals.
0. ' in ] 'lizrton, Paris; Durham •.-,
interi"?h.f,inacing The. ``
Minister '- also 'said '_his -.,.
-• Ministt` y .st'aff. has been
`reduced by'2;192 over the:past -.
.two years in an effort to make
savings L• ibeia}. :a.dero.
• Stuart •Smith •, aid_the Healtii.>
•Minister ha' ne7er .'`%angled.
'so thoroughl as at•did in its
•r :attempts: to close' hospitals;
that •the ,goverinner}t s. • 'ac-'..
tivities,,in- this,area ]eft b ny •1
hospitals rn a s1 a nbi '
'.tied. _'caus;ed" fea"r among
hes ital employees '
os people. Were. lies said, ,.,
ed-nesday ` Frig -re :S tiir•da
V _
� e
,(Ct_OSED ,,lux. THURSDAY, U Y. r ,
1NN•E:R Vfl•hARE.
A wide'serettion•'of-the
latest sotin s
sliocleel� at. thea gQvern-
• ;.merit's assutnptiort, lt. could _,.•:
close:, `hospitals-
coirninunitieS, sttig'ply by;
Cabizlei "derision.
The '-
•;gr vetntr ent. Ministers,, ark;.''d
apparently ..,afflicted by tele:
cotton ,that, decisions can- be,'
•made' at• an' ft'lite°:.centte•. and''.
4thentiposed•by re�gulation''y•
AbQ.tit X130 (7ntario coxa
mwmtles are etn o tiered --t
int •: 5wia, their: a ,as
are= tc&• dangerous: to use: An -
additym 1 0 c.:06? tipsjp,S
are�expected to..be prohibited
-'•' from .openirxg their are zeas -in :The-1••iuron P•efth-R•oman.0atlietie Separ e�Se''hdol,system operated its first`s Ystem-wide
1 tirac.k' rE y. about ..
far t- 0,4ess• they make and 400 ite .recentl" a3 tylitchi)._District Eli h•Sehootin•Mt^tehel•1.,AtOtal'of,:about••
structural •re.pairs:.. Many o : s600 worn' of aYvalCds=-an,edals, trophies acid ribbons_ .- Ve'r' provided b -District-3i ef= e:
▪ these. arepas niay. ha ie'seen trhights of Ca'liimlxus who sad t toy are,w.illing to-helpagain...next year:: Top athletes from
heir. last 'hockey -game;•as ; the meet were-; fr. iri.athe Left, rear: eni&e Connelly of.RR 3 "Goderich, i.intior gI?1,`aeff'..,• ,^
• : ;well; -because Maj or,repa rs .. Den>xo�iaxtte of.'•Go• : rieh, jurii_or bpi argareeWouters, RR.1• St.ul,s
often• cost, as much as a new gent;, M,ike. Schefter. lt`R_,1„•:$ebnngviIre intermntiiatejboy,;, front,: Linda.. McCarthy,: 84
'building* �--Norfolk- St., Stratfort senior.gir1, and Joe, Van`Bake1;R•R 2; Duplin, senior -boy, About 360,' ,
- ` However ,• .the • Minister • of : ' youngsters participat, n,:the meet:•Don,Moylan'�of•Seaforth,`represented'the Knights•for•
Labour,, has: indi.ca•ted'..xhat.. ._. ti
some Of the./Unsafe - arenas "'r
may be :allowed to, retrain
•operi • 'hhihe i-e.pafrs
. carred outer and t''he•Ministet:.
ofukttire::arid •R.ecreaton has ,
announced that grants will be .
" made : available to'cover at
';least half the: cost .Qf?rena-
• repairsan most areas_,. `.
A q.Uestron was raised in the
House. by a.• memberfof the
Oppositi.ori„. The . Minister -,of,.
Transportation:: .andsgrri'
muntcori's was: asked
Whether he • was aware th'at:•"'
'well Canada is. -planning ons.
;:•. g•
proceeding', with. 'the in-,.
:.•trodixcfIbn of the Balance
,M'•inister Arto tut e w Receiver Th:e
was asked • ft. An-.
". ter•"vene either. 1•41ugh
CRTC` or:_:::dii•ectly. Id • this'
m�l'tt�x'°°ir.It•.: vvsr5,:-po.•d..wtittt ,
That ..,tile Provincial Gover, ,
••arimefit"' 'rias ""r";ntervened• on
many occasions. with .regard'.
W•Bell_rate hearings an:d it! an :
• important .matter like•,.fhis_ it-
is ; .iii pe'rative ,F that :, the •
•Ministers intervene •on behalf •
':of tl}•e hard of hearing
Minister;; 'Mr SnoW;'•.,
advised. that ..he ilial
correspondence on the matter
and as he recalled,the rriatter'
was, rr o ved.. satikfactority_
but that he would;have to look
up the. details.- • ... '
�- The' iftlanee Armiture
•• Re;re;'Ver is a new receiyer.
•--f`orf a a,'•by Bell Canada...;
Accor-dingto:B•el1 Canada it
design that will produce a:
great_Savingsr 1, ,,,Alfie future.
- . I owever, =.ppoop e_._wi1 Wear._.:
hearing aids will not be"able
.4%to'pick up tate soiind. The new
receiver • vvifil :grade ally . be;
• , phased into a1j . telephones,;
:vera period of 10 years ,
" 1; had :40°0.6.7'44%14w
7'1during-the discOssiornkoti, +e .
▪ 'health 'estiptates to bringutp
the matter. of tlie,'closing' of
our hospitals. •Ile the:speech `I '
••4.0ted and --endorsed _aft
,•editorial wliiach "saial" -that
derntiot'd,ey . suffered, a great ..
-;setback irr'._the ,•Provrnee of
ntart0,,,' and , that. it was'
'governnletk.t1tl govern-
N `
O0D IDEA ..~. b.
• • \for;•a limited time only you"wf receive one
a genuine 1976" SSouvelit with any purchase
"hug -or -small on' any mighty 'gift from our
tie*• EskimoRoom�°A wide -variety'.o'f items
•• trot -Yu -Soap Manes; to•moccasins are sure fa
'please* from
> M
100% 9NYLON
Easy wearing,, easy46" care dor-.;and eas9'',to
.-:43.617 ._slaiteles.s tank to,a2 p h_sc eject-
Irne rid rib neck and `ar,,rn leS,,100°/g'ry lon;k.
.,..,,_in_assorted'sunnnier shades: , -
24% : :LADIES'
Staycool rel 'style with„"these ,fop-quaiity
polyester.-and:p.yl.on, `.pail -on ' Short :•shorts
'Elastic waist front crease on leg, Available In •
-{Stain-a d-tancy:Jacquard-styles,In,assortedOUB .:-_:d
•colors• REG. -244
:.L.A DI:E•S
'1 he ultiirr ate in;::,all,.purpose• suirla er_•lels
wear ..1�,,sshort sleeve T-shirt in 190°,6 riglon w.itl. .
•.styllsh"scrso rie0k•' In, 'a wide assortment of
seasonalsrades:_.• - _ _ ' tr
• OR .. -
rr ,
16 -13A -GE ••
S,EL F_ A 9 A ESW:E�-
&.Boys' •
22 .6, - 61/2;12
EG�_. s.99. REG. 9.99
"Far .me V•lxllofe.FainiIy
s..ft. • .K...
.1 4
Store' :those vacation
photos' in this handsome,
-:1'6=page, deluxe photo aI= •
bum with fancy co>re'rett
ringself a
" "Sdhesive TQ.r'
easy use. • •
' OUR,
Inexiiensive, keep.fit• shoes for. the whole f
lightweight construction with suede 'teathbr trim,
• padded collar and tongue, trfcottining and tush tined
feri"y cloth- innersole; molded, sup -tread i a'itgm. iin
n:.Tbtue• ..
PORT --6:0X-
• keel the heaLiyf)m bo-
thering yotirldet
pair Of the'e omforta+•• •
trio, •acryllq and -nylon :
;.Stretetty, terry • sport
s0CkS1.^ Contrasting:
:strioedlag in assorted
• Limited Quantities dietAil iteros,
' sorry, N0' Rainaheeks
SIZES S,M.L•XL; 141'; to 17
Mock up for summer at now these low, low, seasonal
prices. Choose from solids fancy prints, florals,
geometric °designs... polyester and cotton. nylon,
polyester, cotton... Available In a wide variety of
summer shades.
c ,M.yn yanigiriw:wiueNWMi4m•- -once mite: