HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-10-7, Page 4Overseas Trade Keeps Canada Prosperous —Workers busy —Wages good —Farmers affluent To Win World.Tlrade We Must Develop Our Sea Heritage Our Ports Our Men Our Ships Trade mustflowEast and West and Overseas - Shut off this Dominion from the seas and in fifty years Canada will cease to be a nation. • The Navy League of Canada 14 Fairbank Engines and Farm Equipment lateet price cin the Canadian Fairbanks Morse Co. engines, 11;:'¢I:orse power $110.00 lY horse power $175.00 6 horse power 5285.00 These engines are equipped with the Bosch anagrleto, the finest ig- nition system known. Double gear pump jack 815.00 Internal gear jack $30.00 FARM LIGHTING POWER, 40 Lights, S525.00. Emery stands, saw arbors, pulleys. belting, hangers and shafting on short notice. THE CASE TRACTOR Ali makes of engines overhauled, cylinders re -bored or ground, new pis ens made to ft with rings. Ory AeeteIyne welding done. Cochrane Machine WoWorks Exeter, Ont. Just a Little Tired ! This is the Beginning of a Nervous Breakdown. How often do we hear peopl'e say "Ob:, there's nothing the matter, just a little rundown, that's all." This may be the beginning of a Ner- vous Breakdown and may soon be followed by Headache, Dizziness, pains in the region of the Spine, Weak Digestion and many other troubles. Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy is almost sure to prevent Nervous Collapse. It is just the right thing for Nervous Troubles of any kind. When you "don't feel right," and tire easily you should not delay in taking this wonder remedy, as it will bring back the Vigor and Vitality of Good Mesltli, that you so mueh desire. It drives away Fear, Nervousness and Despondency and makes your Sleep more Restful and Satisfying; it is a Tonic and Strengthener to the Heart, the Nerves, the Brain and the Body. Don't Worry and don't give up be- cause others medicines have failed to help you, buy a few boxes ofHack- ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy from, your dealer to -day and an improve- ment itt your condition will quirkily follow. Be sure that yen get Hacking's, if your dealer does not keep it, we will gladly send It by mail. Price 50c a box, 6 for $2.50. Hacking's Limited, Listowel, Ont. Hacking's Remedies are sold it: e titer by W. S. Cole, Druggist. A number from ,Exeter, attended. to Exeter and Usborne S. S. Assoc- ttlon Convention at ?'llfittv:l[e on J`edn ssday. TiTIE F.,-).1,IER TUNES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. AD'.11RTISING RATES Display Advertising—Made known On application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c each insertion for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five Iines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Auction sales $3 for one insertion T i and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10c and 50 a 'ine. important events Which Have Occurred Owing the Week,. The Busy World's I•Iappenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into. Randy and Attractive :Sbape for the Readers of Our Paper --. A Solid Hour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY, Bolshevists looted Bokhara when. they captured it. Faculty of Medicine, announces examination results. The Yale, B.C., Federal by-election is set for November 22. Hon. Mackenzie Bing opened his tour in Victoria, B.O. George Stanton was electrocuted at the Oriilia power plant. Amundsen's polar ship is held in the ice on the Siberian eoast. Cloudbursts have done Much dam- age from Trieste to. the Riviera. Labor bodies and G,A.U.V, discuss Ok tion regarding rent increases, China has refused to receive the Soviet representatives from Russia. Toronto will vote in January on spending 2200,000 for athletic sta- diums. It is stated that Speedwell Military Hospital, at Guelph, is about to be closed, Cleveland and Chimgo were both victorious in their American League fi xtures. Brantford citizens will be appealed to assist cease using electric heaters, so as to conserve power. The One Big Union is said to have ordered a. strike . of Alberta coat miners on October 1. It is stated that the two bandits who were killed in Saskatchewan were Bolshevik -.gents. Brooklyn are champions of the Na- tional League, the Giants being elim- Inated on Monday when Boston beat them 3 to 2. Thomas Lamb of Toronto was run into by a motorcycle on East King street, Hamilton, Monday evening, and sustained slight injuries. J. W. Seymour Corley, Crown At- torney of Toronto, is shortly to re- tire, but the change is not scheduled to take place 'until after the by-elec-- tion hi Northeast Toronto. Tom Richardson, ex-faember of the British House of Commons, accepted the nomination as Labor candidate in Yale -Caribou by-election, after several weeks' consideration of the 14 E.D?..1E ;DAY. Correspondence proves Hydro has not delayed radial probe, Three Canadian Baptist Associa- tions are planning to unite. Enrolment at University of To- ronto is expected to total 5,500. The Cleveland American League lengthened its lead to one full game. The National Council of Women want the Cabinet to make many re- forms. The Owen Sound Sun -Times is to be issued thrice instead of twice a week. Victoria College sophomores put the freslunen. under cold water showers. The first three games of the world's Baseball Series will be played in Brooklyn. The preliminary peace terms of the Reds have been submitted to the Riga Conference. Estates owned by King Victor Em- manueI have been seized by agricul- tural societies. Sister of St. Louis established a stew record by making his 250th hit of the seeeon. Hon. R. W. Wigmore, Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue, is plan- ning a tour to explain the luxury taxes. Dr. Robert Shearer was found dead n a field on his farm, near Siineoe. evidently crushed by a heavy limb of a tree. James Collins and A. P. Do:,nan, Welland Canal helpers, were burned to death in a small house near Thorold. - King Victor Emmanuel of Italy has given the royal assent to the Treaty of St. German between -Italy and Austria. Forty-five thousand rifles captured by the Germans from the Russians during the war have been sent to Gen. Wrangel. Dr. W. C. Arnold bas been ap- pointed Director of Medical Services of the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment. Miss MacKenzie and Miss Pepler of oronto defeated Miss Alexia Stirl- and Miss Annable in a foursome Lambton on Tuesday. "Whatever the weather may be," says he, Whatever the weather may be, It's the songs ye sing and. the smiles ye wear, That's making the sun shine everywhere." SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once, Time let In five minutes all stom- ach distress, clue to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or ernmtations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or-headeche., Pope's Diapepsin "iia noted for its, spared in rel lacing upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickesttomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once he Betting a large fifty - cent ease of Pape'sDiapepsin from any drug store. -,You r'alize in five minutes •how needless it 'is to suffer fl'om indi- gestion, dyspepsia; or any stomach dis- order caused h': r«rmentation due to excessive acids le ,stomach, THURSDAY. Aid. James Roll has been elected Lord Mayor of London. Cleveland made a dean sweep of the series with St. Louis, - Toronto ochool teachers are con- lidering group insurance. F. H. ICeefer, M.P., favors separ me provinee i?I New Ontario, A number of Toronto divines are denouncing rent profiteering. Members of the Builders' Exchange of Toronto have formed a new asso- ciation. Woodbine wore the Stanley Produce Stales, run at Woodbine Park on %n'arinesday,. • It is reported that Sir George Per- tey will return to London as High Comm iesioner. The feeds are., accusing the Allies of sending large supplies to Poland. ;(;rough Danzig, Mrs. Albert. Sliencely of Peterbaro,. iroppc<l deer. °while playing cards at 1 vot4 r cans' party. • The thirty-seventh death as a re- mit of the Wall Street, New York, :zplosion is reported, The Welland Tribune and the Tele- ;rein' have ainaigainated, to be run to an independent paper Raymond Gossente aged 12, wan in- stantly killed by touching a .leve wire STI be tie eir Tim ER T,. $. h-: " h .r'r $elle.• 50 Hi,ghoclass Shorthorns MOSTLY SCOTCH; WITH HIGH-CLASS PEDIGRI,ES TO BE SOLD IN TOWN OF CLINTON, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1920, At one O'clock share. (Offered • for your anpraisai,, in field conditions; Some 20 cows with cal- ves at (foot; baleinee jt , calve. CAPT. T. E. ROBSON C, W, ROBINSON, FRANK TAYLOR;•, MR, ELLIOTT • Auctioneers. lesolouneesomememilialle i t• eae (Vere tate or cttt Li- ana it., in Turoxtto during September.. ,Jia Barnes led the Southern open golf cltnmpionsllips 'with a card of 75, Senator Gideon Robertson says K are huge coal reserves piled up 'iiberta, 131 tntfcrd Trades and Labor Cour:- tit suggests some radical changes in. Levis government, .- ..ttu'rcantile chiefs show prices are lawsr in- Canada than in the United See. s an Entity ,tkiags. Two ail:Mice and New Toronto pia rs accused of assault, were let go o t suspended sentence. L 'k of rain and consequent low r, :.tel ' in the Trent,river is causing power shortage in Eastern Ontario, 1't :mpsafe won the Western Horse - mains Futurity, for three-year-old p.:a.,rs, at Columbus on lhursday.. Chines iestaurant proprietor i Hamilton was 1 it -1 up and the cas ,register robbed by two Masked me The Chicago gland jury invcsiigat ing�',. baseball ill be iueor borated special body toteethe deeper into ill scandal. 111`S. Steelisn Wencf > e I tan. mysteriouslyi tui a ',•.1 from her home on 'i ". tt r. r•ttee, 1 Illi not been ra i t� +. From one pit ie cut lira 14 , iecc+s is Mrs. Allan ,to':, c S - _.hough, near Ingtreoll has , uhcr. d a basheI, .c numbering leti;t:3 w, i;3ting 44 pounds. It 11 n. Terms—Chattels, cash; real , estate t ' made known on day ofsale. Write ;,for Catalogue to. J. MERNnR, M.P. Seaforth, _ Ontario,, Auction Sale OF HOUSE AND LOT mAND HOUSEHOLD . EFFECTS. an Corner .Albert and Simcoe„ 'Streets J xeter•, pa SATURDAY, OCT. 16th, 1920 At 1 ,o'clock, sharp, the following Real Estatte—Frame. House in good repair and quarter acre of land, with fruit (trees, etc, Effects—Parlor Suite; 3 beelsteadls with springs, one iron; 3 ma(t(tresses ; 3 dressers, 3 tables, , lounge, side- board, cupboard, 2 rockers, 12 kit- chen chairs; 2 cook stoves, one ccal or wood, Canada. Pride; baseburner with pipes; Florence automatic oil stoce in good cond;i:lace; 2 wash tubs, ringer stand, quantity .sealers & dishes, hoes, rake, spade, shovels, saw many other articles. Also' quantity of hard wood. Two noted 8ritiah Wo -tan Social Workers in the city. The Bridenbulrg Co-operative Asso- ciation is opening a stor.a to -day. The Moscow Soviet; in a com- munique, admits the loss of Lida.. An air (nail service has been estab- lished between Warsaw and Paris. The Board of Com erce will be asked to "try"" ;and stop rents from soaring. Rev, D. M. Solandt has been ap- pointed manager of the Presbyterian Church paper, Canada's Baby Conservative Asso- ciation has been incorporated, with offices at Montreal. The Cleveland baseball team broke even against Detroit on - Friday, while St. Louis beat Chicago 8 to 6. The governor of Toronto Jail re- fuses to let movie company "stage" the escape of Frank MesCillough. Fred Magee,',i.P.P., 'has been ap- pointed a Minister • without portfolio in the New Brunswick Government. Many Americans .are dodging the high war tax by 'buying railroad tickets in Windsor with Canadian money. In addition to German cruisers and destroyers, France is to get an additional quota of cruising sub - Oil er S. Jordan, building contrac- tor, shat himself in a fit of despon- dency athis summer cottage near Tecumseh. Players Benson, Haiderson and Goodman, of the world's champion I alecn hockey team.s have moved to Saskatoon. Wm. Collett of Prince Edward Is- land was drowned while bathing at the mouth of Red river, Winnipeg, with his son. Bugle March beat Kettle and Woodbine in the mile and threee quarter race for the Earl of Dur- ham's Gold Challenge Cup at Wood- bine Park. It is proposed to reorganize base- ball, take it out of the hands of its present rulers and place it in control of a committee of business men after dedicating it to the American people. MIO;,DAI. Alma College has adopted the "house system." Sterling exchange in New York is steady at -Cattle deal: - e says retail butchers charge too much for beef. Persian Cossacks have reached Er- zeli, on the Caspian coast. ' Sergt,-Majc1 McNamara.; M.P.P.,,,is preearing a bill 10 regulate rents. The fund for Ingersoll. returned mon is to be divided among them. Mrs. A. Schwartz of Breslau, Ont., was fatally injured by being burned. Exterminator won the' Ontario Jockey Club Cup race on Saturday. Six youths were arrested in To- ronto on charges of stealing motor; cars. Miss Mary Kinlake was fatally in- ured when struck by an auto near Toronto. Hamilton natural gas consumers have been warned not to use gas for heating. • Cleveland won the American League pennant by beating Detroit on Saturday. Seventy thousand and fifty-two aliens arrived at Ellis Island during. September. The agreement between the Italian metal workers and employers has been signed. John D. Isaacs of Vancouver was accidentally killed with a Manitoba j the top of Frankford hridlee. tunting party. St, Catharines 'qualified to playin he O.A,L,A, junior final by eain Weston, 35 i:o 2. g' The Italian Gover!acmes- rigent is !acmes - rig the subsidy to extend search for 11 deposits in the provinces, Gen. Seely, Who Commanded the MISS REBECCA HAWKINS C. Wt Robinson, Auct. Pratt AUC`ION SALE of 'HOUSE, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at the premises of the undiersignled, Andrew Street, ,Exeter, on SAT.,URDAY, OCT. 9th, 1920 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following Three-piece parlor -- sgj,te, parlor tables, rocking chairs, dining room table, 6 diniangroom chairs, jardinere stands, bed spring and matress, bed- room stand, 2 kitchen, .tables, 12 kit- chen chairs, -hanging 'lamp, 4 other lamps, mirror, base -burner, with oven, Pandora. range and .pipes, pictures, carpet .sweeper, .flower stand, . house plaints, . sietiledder, lawnmower, wheel- barrow, flower pots, bucksaw, sawhorse axe, lantern, shovels, garden rake, hoes washboards, tubs, quilting frames, fruit jars, dishes, bailer, set irons, and many other useful articles; 536 :ons tons chestnut coal. There will also be offered for sale at the same time laid .place, if not pre- viously sold, the 13.4 story brick house with ;.Macre land, owned by the pro- prietor. :There are on the premises a number of fruit trees, hard and soft water, etc. Everything is in good state of .repair, and the nropeirty is most desirable one. Terms :—Chattels, cash; Realestate made known on day ;of sale. C. W. Robinson, Fred. Luxton, - Auctioneer Proprietor CLEARING AUCTION SALE —of— FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS R. S. Brown, auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from John Cow- ard to sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con. 9, Usborne, one mile North of Winchelsea. —on— THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1920 Commencing at 12.30 sharp. HORSES—One horse 9 years old; 1 horse 11 years old; 1 mare' five years old; 1 horse 4 years old; 1 horse 6 years old; 1 blood. mare rising 2years old; 1 aged team. CATTLE—Three cows due in March; 1 Jersey cow due in May, 2 farrow cows, 4 steers two years old, 5 heifers 2 years old, 6 yearling steers, 6 yearling heifers, 5 spring calves. FOWL—About 75 hens. PIGS—Three shoats about 60 Ib.; 12:at about 40 lb,; 1 brood sow. IMPLEMENTS—One Frost and Wood hinder; 1 Massey :Harris bin- der; 1 Massey -Harris mower; one Massey -Harris side rake and tedder; 1 Massey -Harris hay loader; one Massey -Harris fertilizer -drill; one Massey -Harris drill, 13 hoe; 1 Mas- sey -Harris cultivator; 1 Massey -Her - kis manure spreader; 2 Massey -Har- ris discs; 1 land roller; 1 set iron. harrows; 1 two -furrow riding plow;\ 1 two -furrow walking plow; 1 walk- ing ' plow; 1 single -furrow riding plow, Cockshutt; 1 Bain ;wagonand box; 1 truck wagon; 1 hay and stock rock; '1 wagon box and pig rack; 1 gravel box; 1 Clinton fan- ning trill; 2 sets. of scales,; 1 gaso- line engine, 7 h.p., Sti.ckney; one gasoline engine, 4 lap., 'Connor; two grinders; ` 1 circular saw; 2 root pulpers; 2 sets of bob sleighs; one cutter;. 1 Stewart horse clipbers; 2 sets of double harness; small tools too numerous to merition. Six ton of Timothy hay; three ton of Clover hay; 11/2 acres'maugolds; 11/2 acres of turnips to be sold in the fifpld. TERMS—Five dollars •and under asst, over that amount twelve utenths credit by giving approved otnt notes or a discount of four ent. off for cash. 'Decision. of the auctioneer -to' be' final, Positively no reserve as the tkop- , fetor is giving up farming. c anadian cavalry in ;the great was', et'fo former members of the brigade Toronto. A. C. Mcbiieken, Assistant Receiv ' -General of the Federal Govern- ent Finance Debartment in Wiinni= ( r Changes I n.t he rules of go4f have 11 en approved by the .Royal and An- ,n nt Galt Club of St. Andrew's. Cho Hamilton Collegiate Irtstante 'r le have decided to wear "middies" ai eg, died. suddenly at his dub, en :lothes. Auctioneer Proprietor d' skirts to, combat high east . of . p ROI3T. S. BROWN, lom.' COWARD 611ElWDII IIIIWIO�mum !IIN_�mIIi1M16➢mIU1101WOWl _; lommtmoio Imlli �� � VialnuNmlmu yTherroin ary? ,4079or.Patent ieHicileki„ iredOfabfaCjiJartttiolifofASj similatin�ilteTtiodbyRe�uta".,, ;ting iheSlonlachs 0fdI3oW215 oto Theiebyrlornolingpi` eslio 13 Gheerrultiese'sttldRest.Con?eins rtelther Opitim, Porphine (tor Mineraf.'NOTNAJWO1 Reppeoferocsallarrasel ?rmtpki,,i'ee'Lalma - % ddl..,alto Anise Seed Appr,rmia , fi(Col benRf9,i4.4 brin Sri Clut7ietiS110. 5 Tlinfa_ rJ�ne��,,- — AhelPfunieinedy for ,i Constipati;mest dca; and cee;sa ;s ®r SIBBP rSlitlintthereffemitilniailcy, TanSinrile Signature re of 04/ • THS C� a COrm,`r. •MONTREAL,T'.O• C STORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That , Genuine Castoria Always Bear the Signature of in Use Fir Over Tbfrty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES .THE 'MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. BEFORE CROPS ARE SOLD Farmers needing money while waiting to market crops or stock are invited to consult with the Manager at any of THE MOLSONS B A N K Branches, Savings Departments at all Branches. T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH, CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY, TEE USBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INS( R• ANCE ,COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON • DIRECTORS WM. BROCK' J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert, OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Ribbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer T. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN, & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAtTT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. phone 8. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D.4 D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Si ty. DENTIST Office over GladTuan t Stanbut•y's ofilce, Main Street, Exeter. . Advertise in 'the '1'irnhs. 7t'jw 's. .11kt1�' Ii�i:< �9. • MONEY TO LOAN Jry We have„,,a large amount of private funds fo loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GL,ADMAN & STANBURY Barristers,. Solicitors, Main St.. Exeter, Ontario 1 I. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publics;• Commissioner, Solicitor for the: Maisons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates o2' Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted, in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders lett at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Address Iirliton P. 0. 113. G. F. ROUL . . . 5TON, L,D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law o2lce: Closed every Wednesday afternoon. T fflA Tor Infants and Children In Use For e Always bears the Signature of;trr, WHEAT PARTICIPATION . CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably be auth- orized by the Wheat Board about the end of October. 526 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, P. A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES .THE 'MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. BEFORE CROPS ARE SOLD Farmers needing money while waiting to market crops or stock are invited to consult with the Manager at any of THE MOLSONS B A N K Branches, Savings Departments at all Branches. T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH, CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY, TEE USBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INS( R• ANCE ,COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON • DIRECTORS WM. BROCK' J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert, OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Ribbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer T. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN, & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAtTT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. phone 8. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D.4 D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Si ty. DENTIST Office over GladTuan t Stanbut•y's ofilce, Main Street, Exeter. . Advertise in 'the '1'irnhs. 7t'jw 's. .11kt1�' Ii�i:< �9. • MONEY TO LOAN Jry We have„,,a large amount of private funds fo loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GL,ADMAN & STANBURY Barristers,. Solicitors, Main St.. Exeter, Ontario 1 I. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publics;• Commissioner, Solicitor for the: Maisons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates o2' Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted, in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders lett at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Address Iirliton P. 0. 113. G. F. ROUL . . . 5TON, L,D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law o2lce: Closed every Wednesday afternoon. T fflA Tor Infants and Children In Use For e Always bears the Signature of;trr,