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displays upcoming talent
Victoria Public School held Goddard, J. Kloss,, B. Mit-
its annual field day last week . chell;. 800 Meters, R. Kisch,
and the competition included T. Goddard', M. Bedard, .J.
six track..: events. ..and fouir ,;w_,Refnolds ; : softball throw, R.
running events. V,a.none, ' C. Jardin, R.
Debbie Mitchelmore Yuudt,. J, Branton; standing
captured the midget girls' long jump;. B. • Wilson, - R.
'crown on the:strength of first Stedda"rt, M. . Worse I, K,. Johnson; Dr Wilson,
Harris; runninglongump, T. 4,„:
place ,finishes in the . 90tn, j • . •
$00ni , and the' running long Goddard, - J. Branton, G. • INTE.M
jump arid a second in the.high Moulton, R. Stoddard; high_ " 90' Meters, L. Kelly B,
jump. A:' Graham also took jump, R. Kisch, J ` Bedard, 'S.' Ross, K. 'Adams;:.
three firsts in the midget girls Hildebrand, 'R Stoddard; M.. 200 Meters, L.• Kelly B.
f events. , Worsell. Bedard, • K. Adams; D. 90 Meters; R. 'Ward,. D.
` .Paul Tigert took first in the Graham;! .'.800 Meters•, C. ' Harman; 200 Meters, M:.
."800m 'and the running long; INTERMEDIATE GIRLS Mac.Dotiald, K.• Adams; shot' Pond, R. Ward; I. Cochrane;
." jurnp and added a second in , 110 Meters, C. Smith, J. Hoy, put, D. Graham; K: Adams, S. shot put, • 1-:.,,,cochrane, M.
'the 90m andfourthin the K Schweitzer,_ 'L.A. John- Profit, ,K. Linington; stan- Pond, R: Ward; standing:long
' 209m to Win the Midget. boys" ; 200 Meters, C. Smith, J..• ding long jump, R. Little,•C, - jurnp, D. 1-larman, . : I
title. R: Youn ' placed' in Hay, C. Main; 400. Meters, L. • MacDonald, R. Jones, Cochrane, R; Ward, M: Pond; •
Young P urn ' victoria Public School- held its annual -field -day last Wed
two running events. G dd d B j p nP high
y (front) Kim Sweeney and Vickie g
Jones each -battled their way
to two first place finishes and - ,
a share of top spot in the,
junior girls'division.
cones was.first in'the 90m
and. the. softball throw while
Sweeney took the 200m and
the high jump Jenes added a
Taylor, S. Harman; standing D1erolf, 13. Fuller., S..Ross, R.
long jump, B; Sowerby.; Worscli; high jump, R. Little,
running long jup, J. Hoy, 13. Bedard,'L..KeIly, S. -Profit.
L.A. Johnson, C.', Srnith, K. •
Schweitter triples juxi p R:-- ' SENIOR Gift �—�--�
Schweitzer L.A.°°\Vehnsori; `200 Mer E. McG1iee w-.
high. jump L ,,Taylpr;..L. A. stnnding long, jump, M.•
Chi istense,tl, 'W. Bauer;
running long jump, E.
I�VIIcGhbe.; M." Christensen;
1iigh jump;;F. McGhee.
Taylor, C. Main;800 Meters,
L. Taylor, C. Main; shot,put,
K. Schweitzer, 3.4..'Ido.y,. L.
Goddard; running long ump'r- running n.esday and the overall winners included, front) Elizabeth
B. Bedard, S„Ross, Fuller, Cochrane. Harman;McGhee, senior girls; Debbie Mitchelmore, midget girls;
S. Profit; triple jump, G.. jump, M. Pond. Kim Sweeney, junior girls co -champ along' .with Vickie
secondin the ••400m and
Sweeney a second in the
running long jump.
R.:.Kisch won three events
in the junior boys'competition'
but it was not enough to beat
Tim Goddard who took two
first and two •seconds to win
the junior. boys`title.
Goddard won•the 200M and
the riinriing._long j.u-mp and
finished second to Kisch in 400.
,and 800rn: • .
Lisa Taylor took three
firsts to win the intermediate
girls' division as she out-
.. distanced .C.. Main in .the 400
- and 800m and added another
first:. in the high jump. -She
also finished third'in the shot
Bob Bedard won only one
eventbut edged L. Kellyout
for theintermediate'boyetitle
en the strength of thre
. second place finishes.
Bedard finished second to''
Kelly in the 90 and 200m races
• but -he won the running long
jurnp and then finished ahead
of Kelly in the high jump:
Elizabeth McGhee won the
•senior girls' competitor as ..
she racked up firsts in the
' 200m .race, the running long”
jump and the high jump. Ian
Cochranewon th'e senior boys
' with firsts in the'shot;put- and
running long jump and a third
in. the 200m._
9(f Meters, D. Mitchelmore,
T. Fisher, A. Duncan, S.
Robinson; 200 Meters, A.
Graham, T, 'Fisher; S:.
Robinson, •P. Dovey;:• 400
Meters, A. Graham, A. S.cott,
J. 'Campbell, S. Main; 800
Meters, D. Mitchelmore, A.
Duncan; T. Fisher, S. Bur-
nett; softball throw, A.
Graham; . C. Hayward, S.
Burnett; standing long jump,
J Harrison,I:; Rean, H.•
Housing • Action
The Goderich Area Housing
Action committee were ad-
vised at theirlast meeting
that any ` construction • in
Goderich of senior citizens
housing - taken on by the
province of Ontario could be
.as faraway.-as- a year and a
William Blackwell,
development officer with
Ontario -Housing C.rporatio
told the committee that OHC,
Jones_ ; .and'the intermediate girls .champ, Lisa Taylor. The
boys winners -were Ivan Cochrane, senior; Paul Tigert,
midget; Bob Beddard, intermediate; and. Tim' Goddard,
junior. (staff photo)
Government senior citizen housing :long.
based on rent geared to in-
come. He pointed out that no
requests. had' been made in
Goderich, to .take advantage
of the, program but added that
OHC was' open to' suggestions
if the town felt a need for the
plan in the Goderich area.
He told the committee -that
di ected at assistance in rent acceptable because the units with the tenants paying
government in. those "cases
will be .. subsidizing , other
building_ uses.
Goderich township reeve
Gerry Ginn told Mr.,Black-
well that the rental situation
in Goderich made the plan he
outlined unrealistic and said ,
that it.would appear. that to
meet the needs of senior
citizens in�the.;area ha felt the
government should. be
"talking new building".
He added that most; of the
units„ available for .renting in
Goderich. . were upstairs.
apartments -And one of the ,
reasons the 'senior, citizens
were expressing a desire to
move• to a senior • citizens
building was because they
were "not interested in
:Mr, Blackwell said he was.
aware ' of • the' situation Qf
rental• units' available here
adding -that the ,problem was
the same across the province.
He said • he felt • that a
government owned, : and
financed •building could be as
far away: as two years adding
that the plan lie outlined was .
good•.on buildings planned for
the. future if a developer' w.as -
interested'.: int • constructing
one. ••
He said a private: apart- -
anent building could be used
for subsidized housing and a'
developer could ( be
guaranteed occupancy; for at
least 15° years and .probably
longer if the town wanted to
lease it indefinitely. He'ex
plained that if a unit is built
by • a. private interest "the
government is not opposed to
paying the going' rate for the
at the ,present time, had
nothing out on tender inthe
province and owned no land
anywhere thata unit could be
built on. He said, that if a
project were .initiatednew
for Goderich or any other
community it_ may take at
least that long to become
: reality:
Mr. Blackwell 'spoke tothe
n, •committee•,'on governrne
payment ' for low income
' families and individuals and
that: another branch of the
housing corporation' , dealt
with the actual construction
of government owned housing
' complexes.'
The, development' officer
OHC was divided into 'two: said that a need had been
'categories. with relation to . shown in . Goderich for sub-
tet- sut5s�dlzed llo iii . He sadd-sidi ed housing= -hie; • s -aid
subsidized housing programs
his concerns were primarily .recent surveys done by the
housing , atction committee
and OHC officer•John'Lyndon
revealed 93 .senior citizens
interested and , eligible for
subsidized housing and 41
families eligible for- gover-
nment housing support.
Mr. Blackwell unveiled a
-program available to th.e,..
town that required no.•,
physical .construction : of
buildings if enough available
rental housing could be found
to meet the needs of the
:community. He said theplan
is geared 'to income and
basically.. invoty_es.:Landlords
offering. their units to .the.
•-government at their set rate:
with the intention of renting
them to low income families
or. individuals. He said the
plan allows OHC to' set 'the..
• amount each tenant will pay
for; , the housing with the
government paying the
remaining portion in the form
of a grant.
° The plan is applicable only
on buildings that will be used
entirely for tenants involved_
in the. OHC subsidy: He said
apartments over . s es or
private • dwellings are not
Hotchkiss, P, . Horton; run-
ning long jump, D. Mit- The Division "B" playoff champs in the Wednesday night bow
chelmore, S. Burnett; A. Saturday night at an awards banquet The team members are
Allan, S: • Robinson;' 'high ° ,,,,McWhinney, Del Mitchelmore and Colleen Straughan, (back
_jump, • A. Alcock, "D. Mit- chelmore and Rick McLean. Not available for photo was Ron
chelmore; L. .Branton, S..' Ainslie) a.
90 Meters, R,. Young, P..
Tigert, D. Brissette, J.
Thompson; • 200 Meters; L.
Burnett, • R. Young, J.
Thompson, P. Tigert; 400
• Meters; R. Young, •:P:
MacDonald, P. Menary, M.
McIsaai; 800 Meters, P.
Tigert, G. l3unn, T.
MacLennan,.: B. Glousher;
softball throw, .T. Keller, D.
_••Smith, . J. Thompson; stan-
ding long jump, S. Wilkinson,
J. Keller; :P. MacDonald; M.
Mcisaac; running long jump,:
P. .Tigert; D. Shaddick, J.
. Keifer, P. McCartney; high
jump L. Burnett, D. Shad-
dicky D. Smith.
auma it GIRLS
90 :Meters, V. Jones, C.
W.illiams,' .D. Ross,, S -
Thompson 200 Meters, K.
' . Sweeney., S. Thompson, L.
Tolchard, T. Larsen; • 400 .
Meters, T. Larsen, V. Jones,:
N. Bedard, C. Williams; 800
Meters, M. Hodges,
Larsen, V. Alexander, L.
Tolchard; softball throw, V.
Jories,,K.-Isaac, C. Williams,
B. Jones; standing long jurnp,
P. Rean, F. Alexander, M.
Hodges; --N. Bowers; running
long jump, S. MacDonald, K.
SvieeneY,• - B. . Jones, S.
Thompson high jurnp, K.
Sweeney, S. McLean, B.
Jones, P. Ream
ling league were honored
(front row from left) Gail
row from left).. Don .Mit-
Graham. (photo by Jason
90 Meters, 3. Branton. M.
Bedard, J. Bloss, B. Blaney,
200,;Meters. T. Goddard, J.
;Bloss. B. Blaney. M. Worsell:
400 41Meters. , R. Kisch, T.
The Wednesday night mixed bowling 'Teague„ Wrapped up
their season Saturday night with an awards .banquet.
Honors for bowlers on both ends of the scale were handed •
out with (front row from left) Marj iVloor'e taking the ladies
high average with a 219, Flo Robinson the high single with a
G`t and Del 1itrhelniorer thti'Itii;is:tripMc with a 79 . In the
'i en's Competition (hack row from left) S,:ognny Moort had,
the high' average, with a 124, tarry Million+'the :high triple
wit'h an 812 Don Carrick the high single with a 340 and -)plan
� g
i isheir men's low gime willt a 76. (photo by,,lason Aintlie)..
what they can afford and the
province and federal
government making up the
difference. He added Att the
Wayo• .
problem is that. developers
are just not interested in
putting up' the .apartments
because of the money
situation in the -country. `
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