HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-06-03, Page 12• •• 4 PAGn ,•-•,•430DERICH•SIGNA-L-STAR, T,HURSDAY,4VNE 3,1976 elera . • • cKc: • Aatement was also approved and the auditors:report was given by Mrs. Gordon Kaitting of Tiger Dunlop. Mrs. Wightman gave •a short message telling of her work' during the year and congratulating the 12 bran- ches on their excellent work and their ca-operatioh,.,Mr§: Celia 'Taylor of Goderich sang - .two „spies_ accompanying herself on the ukelele, • The Board Director of F.W.1:0.., ' .Mrs. Gordon Papple of Seaforth; ratified the District Directors, Auburn, —Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Blyth; .Mrs. Reg, Hesslewood, Belgrave, Mrs. Norman •COultes, Clintotr; • Mrs. Amber. Popp, Dungannon; Mrs. Graham McNee;: Goderich; Percy Blundell, „.Goderich Township; Mrs. Penhalei -Londeshoili; Mrs.. Harry •Tebbutt, Maitland; Mrs. Ethel Adams, ' St. Helens; Mrs. • S. Chandler, Tiger Dunl'op; Mrs. Eric BY ELEANOR BItADNOCK • The Huron West District of the Women's Institute met last Wednesday in Auburn • - Community Memorial Hall • for their 76th annual Meeting. • . The president, Mrs. Ivan Wighttnati, of Belgrave was In thaige.andthe pianist was Mi.. Catherine Jackson , of Auburn. -• After the opening Ode, the Mary Stewart• • • Collect and 0 Canada, Mrs. Wightman welcornedthe . , • 2). • • delegates • from Auburn, Myth, •Belgrave, Clinton, Dungannon, Goderich, Goderich Township, Lon-' •• • 'desboro, , Maitland, St. Helens, Tiger Dunlop and L .• Wingham, visitors and lionouredguests; • ' ' Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, president of •the Auburn ' . Branch welcdrned everyone to the village of Auburn and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read by the secretary- Mrs. Richard Buchanan of Tiger. Dunlop.- The financial • • • • .• ..•! • ..::Elect nOtioti-,:officer• • - ' • 1 .0 • • • • • iltr 1 Ct. 211 111; - ' rungruswArwinermormusrormuus er ttends Wabuin and Mrs. k. Lockeridge, - The Pennies for Friendship which is the gift sent to the Associated Countries of the World with headquarters in London, ngland was taken • by the Blyth branch, Mrs: Keith 'Webster and Mrs. Emmerson • Wright. The pennies were presented by • the ,Branch treasurer's, Mrs. Donald Haines, Auburn; Mrs. , Luella McGowan, Blyth;:' Mrs, Ross Higgins, Belgrave,; • Mrs.'Mervyn gatkin, Clinton; • Mrs. Winnie Dungannon; Mrs. Donald • Riehl, • OoderiCh; : Mrs. • William Porter, • Goderich TOWnship.; Mrs. • Lorne Lonclesboro; Mrs. Janet Hubbetd, Maitland;, Mrs. „ James Aitcheson, St. Helens; Mrs. :Gordon Kait• ting, Tiger Dunlop and Mrs. • Mrth MaCKe,nzie; Wingham•.. Mrs. Gordon Papple gave e • detailed report of the Provincial Board meetings and Miss Jane, Pengilley, • home economist , for Huron • • ••• ' ' . • ' • • 55'55 55 55 . • • • • , • • The. Women's Institute held a district meeting in the Auburn Community tiarl lastweek and among the many guests were Helen McKercher (left) Director of Home Economics • Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture, Toronto, and Mrs. Wallace Laidlaw, the London area president. Watching the guests sign the register are Mrs. Gordon Papple, a member of .the Board of Directors; Marie Buchanan, secretary of Huron West; and Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Belgrave, President of Huron West WL (staff photo) ' • • • Farmers! Cottagers! Do—it—Yourselfers! WHERE CAN YOU BUY • • . • .: • CE ATI -HESE PRICES?. 2X4's 15c, FT. Reg. 26c FT 2X6's ...• 28c FT keg. tlic FT 2/P8'S 39t.:FT• Reg. 57c. FT 7X 1 OIS 49C FT. Reti• 71c FT • • GODERICH BUILDALL, STORE HOURS: MON'. THRU 8-5:39 FRI., 8,5 . SA -T., ISSANGLBSEA St, BUB:GALL LOCAT ASSOCIATE STOPE • 5 2 486118 3 8 1 8.1 GODERICH —TURN AT SIGN ON HWY. 21 BLOCK EAST CALL 5244282 , . County told abqut the 4-U • program in the county and. • the senior courses. Mrs. - Thomas Haggitt, DistrictResolutionatinvener *" .gave her report and Mrs. Norman Coultes; public relations officer for the . 'District gave the report of .1...Officers Conference attended • • last Month in Waterloo. , A delicious), lunehebri was • served by the' Auburn. • Branch: Head table nests were introduced by "Mrs.' Oraharn •McNee. Greetings were bought by • Mrs. Wallace• Laidlaw, London • area, president, • and Huron Eat, Mrs. William Freeman and Huron South - by- Mrs. Roylance WestcOtt. Favors were -given by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce „Auburn I3ranch. The aft.ernOori session opened' With the IlyMn of all • Nations and a sing -song led by Mrs, Gordon Kaitting accompanied by Mrs. Nor- • man Coultes. Highlights of the past year were given by the presidents, Auburn, Mrs. Thomas Ilaggitt, • Belgrave, • Mrs. Norman Coultes, Blyth, Mrs. Reg • Hesselwood, Clinton, Mrs. • Ceci.l Dungannon, Mrs. Graham McNee, Goderich,Mrs. • Percy• Goderich •Township, Mrs. • Carol Penhale, Londesboro, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Maitland; Mrs. Les Jacklin, St. Helens, Mrs: Peter—Chandler, Tiger Dunlop, Mrs. Earl Sherwood, Wingham, Mrs. • Alfred Lockeridge: The In Memoriam ser.y.ce, in charge of Clinton branch Mrs. Cecil , Elliott,. Mrs. • Amber Popp and Mrs. Lorna • Radford reniernbered former, members who have passed on to Higher Service. They were, Mrs. George Michie,, • Belgrave'; Mrs. Charles Wise, Clinton; Mrs. Lorne Hasty,, Dungannon; • Mrs. • Jean Chambers and Mrs.' Robert • 13Ogie Goderich; Mr's. •••"- • •••""•:i. Douglas Shaw, 'St. Helens; Mrs. Harvey Fisher, Tiger Dunlop, and Mrs. Harold Brooks Wifigharn, "Mrs, Donald • Haines in - traduced the guest speaker, Miss, • Helen McKercher, Toronto, director of Home Econornic,s service ofthe Department Of• Agriculture and Food. In her inforrhatiV.0 •address' she stressed keeping, trzditional tffings alive in our communities and spoke cif the home • economic service carried on. in Ontario.' She was thanked by Mrs. Williarn, Porter and presented with a Women's Institute plate. The collection wasteceived by the Goderich ToWnship. Branch and Mrs. Catherine Jackson played an instrumental Orr the plena.. . • Reports were received from Mrs. Norman -Coultes, P.R.O.; • Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Agricuslture. & Canadian Industries, Mrs. Luella., McGowan, Citizenship & World Affairs,,Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Education & Cultural Activities, Mrs. Ross Gdminie, Family and Con- sumer Affairs, Mrs. Celia Taylor, curator and Mrs. ,Thomas Haggitt resolution convener presented . an emergency resoltition re the keeping open of Clinton Public 'hospital. After much discussion the resolution was accepted, and Mrs. Haggitt, Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock were appointed to reword and send to the proper authorities at Toronto. Mrs. 'Keith Webster reported on Huronview and •MrS: Gordon Papple preSided for the; election of of.ficers. The slate of Officers , were •oresented by Mrs. Graham McNee. The courtesies were extended by. Mrs. Peter Chandler of St. Helens and Mrs. •Cecil Elliott of Clinton invited the District to hold their annual meeting in Clinton in 1977. Mrs. Eleanor • • • Bradnock spoke a few words' • of appreciation to Miss Helen McKercher for her work with the Huron West District through the years and as she retires in October presented her with a gift. Miss • McKercher thanked everyone for the Birthday .cup which sbe received. • • Thefollowing is the slate of officers for the codling past prisident, Mr&. Dctnalci 14aines, .AUlatirn; *president, ' M•rs. Ivan 'W.ightmari, Belgrive; Ist:vice-president,. • Mrs. Graham, Dungannon; 2nd triee- president, Mrs., William Porter, Goderich Township; .secretary -treasurer, Mrs. • Richard, Buchanan., Tiger. Dunlop; assistant secretary - treasurer, „Mrs. Stanley Hopper., • Belgrave; Federation rePresentative, Mrs'. • Ivan Wightman, Belgrave; alternate, Mrs. Eric Anderson, Londesboro; public -relations officer, Mrs. Norman Coultes, Belgrave; curator, Mrs. Celia Taylor, - Goderich; assistant curator, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Lon-. desboro; auditors, Mrs. • Charles Johnston, Blyth and Mrs. Robert , Powell, Wingham; district delegate, Mrs.Graham McNee, Dungannon and 'alternate, Mrs. Peter Chandler, St. Helens. District Standing Com- • alatee Conveners are -Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. CeCil Elliott, • Clinton; - CitizenShip and World • Affairs, Mrs; Leslie • Jecklin, Maitland; Education • and Cultural Activities, Mrs; Margaret'. Taylor, Lon- desboro; Family and Can- - sumer'S. Affairs, Mrs. Ross Gamniie; St: Helens and Resolutions, 'Mrs. Thomas. Haggitt, Auburn. LBE •A REQULAR+7 BLQOD DONOR ••"•'.1 ••• • •r••••,, '2,1.777,7777777 • . . • . Grade A Be f Hinds Fri)nts 11. ••• ' ' . • . • 0, .. LB. 5CLB Sides Ow Heavy es, of Beef 75c L r . . • CUTTING, WRAPPING & QUICK FROZEN AT'NO EXTRA CHARGES Ground Beef 50 LB. -- -Beef.Liver L OTS 69c L. 45c I B Pork Specials Pork rx7AELF ...L••••••-• 89c • Homerniinide,0 LE 89 LOTS 89CLB. • Sausage - 2,501i1 79c• Ripley A attoir 395-2905 or 3 9 - 2 9 7 9 after 6 p.m;;:t :yt G()DERIC GET THAT EXTRA. STRETCH ! """•••-••••••• • .„,„„._ ......„,_ z•-01.101.,— -- 1-30 4C.D.)_11117711.... --,— • -'77,....7—.. - ..•-•_-......__-. __ • -----.----_ ______ _ . ---"---.---........._ •,,.........-......,,....-'----''''':. . ----•45.L=1:7a4)--------7----"---7 •••••••••••••••••••••....wor vto,....,,.. tdhoi g. miracle with you by inviting you to become a member of the Goderich Community In this day and age it takes a very great miracleindeed to get any extra stretch out af your liar. Our members have found this extra siren:hat their Credit Union. They wish to share . Credit Union and TAKE advantage of the many services offered there. •• SHARE SAVINGS .. Share Saving Accounts earn very attractive dividends calculated on the quar- terly minimum balance. What's more... every penny you save.up to $2,000 earns LIFE INSURANCE at no cost to you. . GUARANTEED DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS •" Guaranteed Rates - 9-10 percent One Year Tern - Withdrawal privileges. ° CHEQUING ACCOUNTS • The Creilit Union also provides Personal Chequing Services. No monthly service -charge; NO charge for. cheques, NO required minimum balance, it's scot-free. PERSONAL LOANS Should you need extra money, you may borrow at 12;13 percent INTEREST • RATES. EXAMPLE—$500:00 lopn for one year, is only .$44.42 per month — this includes LOANPROTECTION INSURANCE. • PAY DAY LOANS Up to $50.00 for 30 days costs 50c. Sometirnes these come in handy to _pay hydro bills or some 'other small obligations. - OTHER SERVICES MORTGAGE LOANS - '2nd's, . TRAVELLER'S CHEQUES, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Registered Home Ownership Plan. • Housewives and also ladie in other 'professions find that the Credit Union is a good place to save a little at a time for. that new Spring outfit or perhaps a new coat for next winter. It matters not how little you are able to save each time — as long as you save. • The Goderich COmmunitV Credit UniOn is owned and operated by and for the • people of.Goderich and district, your friends and neighbours. Goderliti sCommunity'Credit U.niori oFFice HOURS • DAY - THURSDAY 9:30 A.M, .5.30 P M /‘. 9! 0 ..M. 64P P.M. • TELEPHONE-, 524-19 39 ST DAVID ST. '''!" PAID Y A M. 1 •+, .1; t• • -. • t.',Watttaallakitatewawag..........,•,... 5 • • " • , • . . • • 1' • d