HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-9-16, Page 8T H EXETER TIMES ., STEWART rLQ m 16 Ladies and Misses Winter Coats, Suits, and Serge Dresses We have a complete range of Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter Coats in all the latest styles and the newest colths in Fur Collars and Trimmings, also the new Cape Collars. All Coats are marked below the luxury tax. Specials in Salts Esquimette Sealette Coats hi several differ- ent styles. They are sure swell Coats. If in want of a winter coat don't fail to see our range. Overcoats for Men and Boys Our new winter coats for Men, Young Men and Boys are sure the altest word in styes and colors. Call and be convinced. Ladies' Furs Now is the time to pick out your new set of Furs. We can show you all the latest styles in all the different furs. Specials for Fair Day We will have a lot of Specials well worth your inspection on our counters for FAIR DAY, also some specials in Groceries. Make this your headquarters for Fair Day. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. J. A. Stewart Market Report `---The tolUbrwing. it the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $2.45, New oats 75e. Barely $1,25, Lard 36c, Family flour $6.90. Shorts $3,00 per 100 pounds. Bran $2.75 per 100 pounds. Peed flour 4.25, New laid eggs 59c. Dairy butter 50e to 53e. Creamery butter 64c. Roosters 17c. Hens 22e to 27e. Chicks 280. Young ducks 23e. Old ducks 18e. - Hogs $20.00. Potatoes 2e per ib. ARE YOU A Man or. Woman Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? • Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in the coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company, Box EXETER TIMES OFFICE NAME ADDRESS Date Born, day of in the year AB. •@,Qi,•••N♦••••• e•Neeee LOCAL Mitchell tax rate will be 37 mills for 1920. Our price is right and so is our flour. -Harvey Bros. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman visited for several days in Toronto. Mr. Alex. Stewart, of London, spent the week -end in town. Mr. E. Howald has been indispos- ed and off work for several days Mrs. E. T. Howe and daughter Helen left for Toronto on Saturday. Mr, Garnet Miners is showing a number of hogs at the London Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. hestle have re- turned after visiting with realtives in Hamilton. Mrs, W. S. Howey and fancily have returned after spending the summer at Grand Bend. Dr. Browning and Mr. George Hawkins motored to Toronto during the past week. Mr. E. Fowell returned to Wind- sor Monday after holidaying in Exe- ter and Grand Bend. Large crowds are passing thru town daily by auto bound for Lon- don to take in the Fair. Mrs. 0. Becker and children, of New Hamburg, visited Dr. and Mrs. Browning during the week. Miss Laura Jory has returned to her duties with Southcott Bros. af- ter being indisposed for a week. Mrs. Stanbury returned to town last week after spending the summer at her summer home. at Bayfield. Mrs. (Rev.) W. Down, of Picker- ing, is visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. J. C. Tom and Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Mrs. ' E. Heywood ;left on Satur- day last for Adelaide to visit for a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Nichols. Miss Clara and Russel Shoebottom and two friends of London township, visited with Mrs. S. Atkinson on Sunday. Mr. Heath, of Detroit, was the guest of Mrs. Birk and other friends in town for a few days during the past week. Mr. W. Laing, of the Bank of Commerce staff, Exeter, spent the week -end at his home here. -Sea - forth Expositor. Messrs. Stuart Stanbury and Will Strang, Misses Margaret and. Annie Strang left last week to attend Sea - forth Collegiate. Mr. and Mrs. John Hackney, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne and son Ray motoredsto Detroit for over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Paisley, of New York who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Stewart left on Monday by auto for their home. Mr. C. B. Snell has purchased the D. Braund property in Exeter north. He has started to tear down the old brick blacksmith building. Western University London, Ontario eArts and Sciences 3l/Iedicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE JK. P. R. NEVILLE, Regristrar 2 With the Churches GAV ON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10,00 a,m,-Sunday School and Bible classes. 11.00 a.m.-Communion. 7.00 p.m. -"The Same in Fortune as Adversity!' Friday evening --Preparatory ser- vice. Good Music at all Services IAMBS STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. 3. Wilson, B.A.„ taster. 11,00 a.m.--"How David Won Hea- ven's Title' --`A Man after God's Own Heart." 3 p.m, -Sabbath School. 7.00 p.m. -"The Problem." World's Racial A hearty welcome -Helpful singing Furniture & Undertaking We wish to announce to the public that we can now supply a motor hearse in connection with our under taking business. M. E. Gardiner )FERA HOUSE BLOCK R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER We have added a motor hearse ) ottr uriclertakirlg business. Phone -20. 1(1715 CHANCES. First=claw Milk Route for sale in tlixdOn. Apply" to Sydney Smythe, Iilfiitesd 'Broker, Market Laine $i(ilnei PHONES 74W and 74J. Corn for Canning Factory Those growing corm for the Can- ning Factory will kindly bring sample cobs to the factory of ter the 13th, when they will be advised when, to snake delivery, , Help Wanted ,husking cool when the factory starts 3t. EXETER CAN.11 ING CO. The storm on Sat. evening put a number of telephones west of Dosii oodt Out Of commission. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 a.m.--"Our Lord's Coming 7.00 p.m. -"The Great Retreat." Bethany. -Rally Day Service, .110 GREATEST 1117' IN YEARS u F ,�CdlC:itlt to the Unitc,d l�»armern • N Rud romiwse<lby t11c �ecll-known song writer, Mr. Morris Manny. SONG W ords and Music 35c, postage Win„ prepaid, Address: CuocKtut Plum, Luorrtp, Publishers, 48 •uid ee Lombard Street, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE --One used 11 -hoe Massey -Harris grain drill. In Al repair. --Wm. WARD, NOTICE CARS FOR HIRE --Phone 56. Wilson & Sims. Mr. Silas McFalls, who has been on the Molsons Bank staff at Clin- ton, was taken ill last week and rushed to the London Hospital where he was operated on for ap- pendicitis.' The operation was suc- cessful and he is progressing favor- ably. Rev. M. 3. and Mrs. Wilson were in London Tuesday to visit him. Miss Handford, of Ingersoll, ren- dered very acceptable solos in both services of the Evangelical church on Sunday. Zurich Herald, Mrs. Thos. Laing has returned from an extended tour thru the west visiting Winnipeg, Edmonton, Cal- gary, Banff and Saskatoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Fenner and daughter, of Cornwall, Mrs. Burr of London, and Mrs. A. Taylor, cif Hen - sell visited Mrs. T. Shapton on Mon- day. Junior Farmers who intend 'enter- ing the judging competition at the Exeter Fair should get their score cards from the Secretary, R. G. Set- don on Saturday. In referring to the baseball season just closed, the Zurich Herald sug- gests that the league would be much more interesting if Exeter, Hensail and other towns and villages could arrange to enter. . Mr. H. W. Doerr last week moved into the house he is remodelling On Main street. Mr. E. A. Follick is moving into the house vacated by Mr. Doerr, recently purchasedfrom Mr. J. N. Rewards. Rev Mr, McFarlane, of Bayfield, occupied the pulpit in Caven Presby- terian church on Sabbath last preaching acceptable - sermons. The Pastor, 1tev. Jas. Foote, conducted services at Bayfield. The work on Mr. W. S. ITowey's new house Is progressing. The house is a brick veneer. The framework is up and much of the work on the IInterior is completed. The masons were held up 'for lack of brick but %1 the l 7 ri- .. .^•.r wc1 yt „7., -- :1 ,. ... ..,,I . r CCM, tt.tl.S:r.. ....wT;,;, Classified Adds WANTED Choice Clover Honey in Five and and Ten pound pails. -WILSON & SIMS. DR.JOHN WARD,CHIROPRACTOR, corner of William and Sanders Streets. Hours 10 to 12 a.m. ; 2 to 4 p.m. and by appointment. A number of Registered Short- horns, Heifers, young cows and Bulls. Must be good individuals. I intend visiting the Exeter District very shortly. Anyone with stock for 'sale write me by return mail to the address below. W. J. McCALLUM, Stock Importer BRAMPTON, ONT. The Exeter Cider Mill will be open on Thurs. Fri. & Saturday of each week until further notice for the making of apple butter and eider. -S. J. V. CANN. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you will let T. H. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of choice,farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. For terms and particulars apply 'to Thomas Cameron. Woodham, P. O., auction - Remember we can save you 25e on your daily paper. 7 SPEC1AL , T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP 'II'CRSDAY, SEPT. 1Ot1t, 1920.. FAIR WEEK --AT- Powell's bazaar "Rapid Turnovers Make Quick. Profits," and we geed both. --A few. ' items. Enjoynie Tooth Paste, large tube'l9c Good Hair Shampoo 25e. Colgate's Tooth Paste, large tuba 25c Good Talcum Powders ....15c & alae Fru tatives, large box 39c 100 Writing Pads, 10 & 15c values, Beechans Pills large box `'sic at 83. Good Tooth Brush 15c 100 Bunches of Envelopes 8c Good Hair Tonic & Dandruffif Rem- 200 Water Glasses, Special 6c. edy 75c PURITY Powder Flavorings; .... 25c. COMFORT IN BUYING MEAT HERE. Comfort in the seats provided for customers, more comfort in the con- fidence that you are getting the very choicest meats at the very lowest prices. Come and enjoy selecting a roast, a steak or some chops. You'll appreciate the lowness of price and above all you'll enjoy as never be- fore the meats served on your table. BEN. MAIiINS Both Equally Smart and classy are the summer suits..in- chided in our present offering. They are not to be compared with ordin- ary ready-to-wear apparel. They are in a class by themselves. You'll have to see them to realize how superior they are in every way and how great is their value at the prices we quote. Flannel Pants Palm Beach Pants W. W. TAMAN PHONE Duck Pants and Motor Dusters 8 I a We Can Save You Money on Fair Day Ladies' Coats and Dresses Furs! Furs! Furs! We want you to see. our Coats and Dresses when in town on Fair Day. We can show you a splendid range of styles. Our prices should interest you. We haven't a large stock, but we are offering a very fine range of Furs in Black Wolfe, Oppossum, Badger, Red Fox and White Thibet at very moder- ate prices. Ask to see them. 25 pr. Men's Shoes, per pr. $4.98 Here is an opportunity to save anoney. These shoes are regular $6,00 to $6.50 values, sizes range from 6 to 8'/z. Our special price for Fair Day is per pair $4.98. All -Wool Serges per yard $2.69 This is an all -wool Serge and comes in different shades. The regular price is $3.00. For Fair Day only you take What you want at per yard, $2.69. Ladies' Fine Shoes $2.49 50 pair Ladies' Dongola, and Patent Leather Shoes sizes 21/ti to 51/4. The regular price for these shoes is $4.00 and $4,50. Reduced for Fair Day only at per pair $2.49. Men's Work Shoes $4.98 Worth in the regular way $6.50. Sizes. 6, 7, 9, 11, If you happen, to be able to wear any of these sizes, our Fair Day Special price should interest you. $4,98. Boys Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, ' $2.60 We are going through our stock of Boys Shoes and will have all sizes 1 to 5, worth in regular way $3,50 to $4.00, You can take your choice on' Fair Day onyl at per pair $26.0. 50 pairs Ladies' Corsets $1.98 Our regular selling $2.25 Corset, 36 pear, including sizes 18 to 27. This is a Special Price for Fair Day only, Per pair $1.98. Men's Fleeced Drawers and Shirts $1.09 \ Regular $1.25 value. We have 25 dozen • Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers. Get your seasons require- ments on Fai? Day, Our special price will be $1.09, Men's Work Shirts $1.98 This offer is for Fair Day only. We have 30 dozen of these good Work Shirts which we are selling for $2.25. Our special price for Fair Day is $1,98. NEW TWEED HATS NEW PALL CAPS NEW NECKWEAR NEW GLOVES NEW• SHIRTS NEW HOSIERY MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S SWEATER COATS STANFIELDS *UNDERWEAR PHONE 134 SOQTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 . ffe ,. rf' v-, .,.. �i . ;�,f�y� ,:, -A.K. elli.. r 04111. ^ -C , spy : . .. n.. f,......,.'�i..;�if.-ali���..,�llc::'�ilec�Ai��i.-:+'e��sa;:.� S'^�'}�.. �'�T�'a' .e,6.\' � ..i�:'�6►"�:.die./�i�e%.1�"►/il•.`ti'i�'4.�.`� ..,.., v..a% f sig d