HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-9-16, Page 4• TRI7litS11" $EM 16th, 190%
Tuo neWaheedlighte 'Which have
been adopted by tile Motor League
fOr tbek anti:4 ere now being attaelted
o ars, and they are a setiefactorY
iniproventent Veer these that are near
in use, which glee a blinding light
ertaking it almost impossible to See
the read When meetiug a car with
it lights on, The new digitta are
shaded at the top, clueing the light
to be deflected and although the
•Iiglat may not be thrown far, they
are safer aud mere Pleasant to meet
on the road,
•Following is a list of the fall
fairs in this district issued by the
.Agricultural Society Branch of the
•()uteri° Department of Agricultural:
/Ulm Craig Sept. 22-23.
Blyth ...,„ , . Sept. 20-21
Brussels Sept 14-,15
Exeter .. Sept. 20-21
Forest ... October 5-6,
Kirkten .!...... ....... Sept, 30 -Oct. 1.
Listowel , • Sept. 10-16
Milverton Sept. 24-25
Vote/len , ...Sept. 28-29
Parkhill . , . „Sept. 28-29
$t. Marys . . ... .... Sept. 2344
" "S ratford . . .. . ... Sept. 20-22
Seaforth . . . , ., Sept. 23-24
StrathroY .... Sept, 20-22
Wingliam Sept. 30-Obt. 1.
Zurich , Sept. 22-23
Toronto Daily Mail SC Empire ;4.00
Toronto Daily Glebe $5.00
Toronto Daily World
Toronto Daily Star
London Daily Free Press $6.00
ete- -re nee- ' • '
London Daily Advertisef
Family Herald & Weekly Star $1.50
Farmers' Advocate
Canadian Countryman $1.00
Montreal Weekly Witness $1.65
World -Wide ,
Toronto Saturday Night ....
MacLean's Magazine $3.00
Rural Canada . $L00
The Youth's Companion .... $2.50
The Farmers' Sun ..........$1.50
Partners' Magazine $2.00
Christian Guardian
The Exeter Times has a clubbing
rate with most daily and weekly pa-
pers. To find the clubbiug rate ad.d
the price oe the papers you wish te
subscribe for and subtract 26e feein
a daily paper and 1.0c erom a week-
ly paper,
Subscription rate $1.50 a yeer.
13101. LOOallE110 AND OPERATED
The following article was taken
from the Medicine Rat Daily News,
The Mr. Tom referred to is a aon of
Mrs. J. C. Tom of town and brother
of Mrs. Yeo. Scene of the production
figures we understand, are a little
Mr. W. D. Sanders, of the Exeter
Canning and Preserving Company
Ilupressed With Suitability of This
City to Make Such a Venture Suc-
cessful -Large and Enthusiastic
eleeting Held at the Offices of W.
H. Tofu & Co., 'Where Subject Was
Thoroughly Discussed-nr. San-
ders Will Consult With Partners
on natter of Investing a Large
Sum in Project.
One of the most promising indus-
trial prospects in many moons was
discuesed at considerable length by a
meeting of ,ahnost thirty prominent
citizens in the offices of Messrs. W.
H. Tom & Co. As a result, although
• no final deeision was reached, there
is a possibility amoanting to a
strong probability that Medicin.e Hat
Wilt be the location of et canning in-
dustry which should eventually
reach large proportions.
This industrial prospeet developed
in an unexpected manner, Mr. W. D.
Sanders,' one of the three brothers
who have built up the very success-
ful badustry at Exeter, Ont., known
as the Exeter Canning & Preserving
Co., stopped off at Medicine Hat re-
cently for a visit of only a day. He
was on his way home from a pleas-
ure trip to the coast. But while here
he met hie schoolmate, Mr. Tom, who
with Mr; John Benson au d others,
ehowed hint seine of the vegeta.ble9
crops which, again this year, have
proved that the Hat is the garden
cite -of the West. So the visitor's stay.
lengthened out to several days and
he left for the east firmly convinced
of the great possibilities here for a
canning factory and resolved to con-
sult his brothers with a view of as-
sisting, financially and otherwise, in
establishing such. an industry here.
Enthusiaetic Meeting
Mr. Tom's belief in the importance
of discussing a canning factory with
Mr. Sanders caused him to do some
quick effective work in arranging
for the meeting and that Mt belief
was justified was amply proved by
the interest and enthusiasm of those
e'en attended.
In. an introductory a.ddresej.
enders stated that there appeared
o be no better leeation in the west
or a caneillg fattOry than Medicine
tat and on being informed that laud
s available, he declared that "if you
an produce the goods, I can guar-
ntee a nice profit." Fuel and trans=
ortation were two great advantages
or a canning factory here, he said.
he west is the great market for
he products of the Exeter company
-tech are known as the Excelsior
rand and a factory here would
ave a great market. The canning
ndustry, moreover, was practically
n its infancy. The managenient, the
recessing and the growing of the
ecessary products were the essen-
ials for a canning factory, said Mr.
enders. "And if you can grow the
tuff, I can guarantee the rest." Giv-
ng a brief history of the Exeter
ompany, he said that he and his
two brothers had started some years
ago with a capital of $25,000 and
had increased and developed their
proposition until now it is valued at
$100,000. They have 400 acres of
land and the chief products of the
factory are peas, corn, pumpkins and
apples. The rate of production per
acre was about 125 cases of peas and
100 cases of corn and the total year-
ly production from the 400 acres
was between 75,000 and 100,000
cases. The daily output of the fac-
tory was from 1,700 to 2,000 cases.
When the Exeter conipany started
aid Mr. Sanders, the pea straw, corn
talks and cobs, etc., were used for
anure. That, however, was waste -
1, and the company built tw5 soles
f 500 toue capacity each to take
re of these by-products and were
lling much silage to farmers be -
des fee.ding 150 cattle.
Display Advertising -Made known i
on application.
Stray Animals -One insertion 50c
three insertions for $1.00
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e
each insertion for one month of four
Miecellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sale, To Rent,
Wa,nted, each insertion 50c. Lost
and found locals 25e.
Local reading notices etc., 10e per
line per insertion. No notice less
than 25c. Card. of Thanks 50c.
Auction sales $3 for one insertion
and $1.50 for each subsequent in-
• sertion if under five inches in length,
'Legal advertising 10e and 5c a
Coastipation Generates
Wben Constipation comes, what
ha.pponse The Colons get clogged
'with waste material, which is ex-
trarnely poisonous, the iblood circula-
tion =nes in sufficiently close con-
tact with the waste to take up these
Pons aibsorption and to dietaeb-
tute .them thrcnighout the body. The
await is -the Liver becomes Slug-
gish, you 'become dull and heavy, $
Billeneness asserts itself, then you s
have Headache, Kidney and Bladder in
Troeble, Indigestion, Appendicitis, ftt
and more evils besides.
Hacking's se
Kidney and Liver Pills
are highly recommended for
Constipation •e:
• The Canning Seasons
The season here was 'quite long
lough to mature produce for can -
ng, Mr. Sanders believed; But the
corn his company' used was, a cob
ual to about three of, any that
e had seem here. Three miles was
entt as far as the corn and peas
erc transported to the factory al -
and its Evil Results ni
They are purely vegetable, do not ell
Gripe, Purge or Irritate, and bring 11
relief by producing a healthy condi- a;
tion of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
and Do.weis.
No• matter what medicine you are
taitirog for a laxative it tuig,ht he just
as wall to change off to 1-lacking'ss
The combination of Cascara, Pep-
' permint, M.a.yr.pple and the othst
'Vegetable Drugs contained in these
pitis will produce results to be un
equslled by az.y others. They wob
beautiful in Digestive Disorders. fs:
Cas.en the Stomac's, for Spasroctrc
Pains in the Stomach and ikows.1.
sad for DyspepsLa reel
Buy a fete boxe... from your ilsaltsi
toelsey, but be abselutely eere. you
get Haolden'e.
Tiettireee Remeires are snni
er by "tAr. S. tole, nru usgist.
.etP\ 1°11 el'O: ea. . R 4 -
4'44 II
1F0t" Is4ants a7,1i.i Children.
Vor Over 30 Yezi„
though in some cases the coin was
brought slx or seven miles. -Peas
could be grown at a greater distance i
from the factory than three miles
but, in that case would be ;thrashed
in tho field and should he taken
quickly to the factory so as to he
available it the hest condition.
In the packing season the Exeter
factory employs out GO hands in-
cloding some .••.;:tnuest and thildeen.
Pea packing stazti about Inly •lst,
nels. corasa cern a:d. then 1.1,e; pump-
kin and a'ople ,packing suson which
lasts almcgt until Christmas., Mr.
ganders believed that the canning
of pumpkivs here win's! be an es-
pecially good feature because of the
i lack of fruit .for pies. He asked if
' toroatess could bF: grown sitcom-
fully here and was azsurcd that, they
Answering a question, Mr. San-
dey:q stated that the, market for can -
goods was greater,- per capita,
in the west than in Ontario. ,
. Corn, said the speaker, was used
I'vlicra in ui,o "doughy" condition hat
If the cern was well maented When
canned, the preserving Would bring
it back to" the creamy condition. The
fresher it could be put up the better
• and the only danger in transporting
corn was from overheating,
The discussion Curing again to
peas Mr. McLane stated that an ex-
pert had said that thie would be a
great pea count*, and that the cool
nights Prevented trouble front the
Mr. Sanders stated that he had
talked with Mr, T9). and Mr. Pick-
ard concerning the possibility of es-
tablishing a canning factory here
"and they met all the obstacles `I
brought up." One of his brothers, he-
eaid, had retired from the company
buthad Spoke of wanting to get into
the canning business again. This bro-
ther was thoroughly experienced in
the business and had invented some
machinery used in the factory.
Mr. Benson told pf having stated
to Mr. Sanders that, with the excep-
tion of apples, everything that the
latter grew in Ontario could be
grown here. And, after seeing , Mr.
Benson's place and Mr. Heald's place
Mr. Sanders had been convinced that
the statement was correct.
Soule idea of the great importance
of having products sown at such in-
tervals as will give atteteatly supply
in packing time was given by Mr.
Sanders, who looks after the farm
for his company. He sows three vari-
eties of peas, including Alaska,
which is ready for the factory -with-
in eight weeks after sowing, The
Sowings are timed carefully so as to
have the creip get to the factory
without hardening, and the more
fancy the peas can be put up the bet-
ter is the market. "We are acknow-
ledged to have the , most scientific
system in Ontario in this connec-
tion." he said.
Atte; furtilEr discussion, which
brought out the' information that
from two to three acres -of land
wetted be needed for a factory, Mr.
Sanders said that he would Consult
with his brothers concerning the
prospects for a factory here. And he
mentioned a considerable sum
which, if they agreed with him, he
would be willing to nut up towards
establishing the factory.
Mayor Brown said that, in conver-
sation with Mr. Sanders, he under-
stood that the latter's company had
almost reached its limit in Ontario.
There was, on the other hand, prac-
tically no limit te the, development -
Which the canning industry could
atta.in here. The freight was prac-
tically a 25 per cent lar on eas-
terq canned goods, Sent -CO the West,
and the cheap fuel here was a great
advantage. The mayor offered to see
Mr. Sanders and his brothers when
he Will be Ontario in the near tu-
lure, and the opinion of the meeting
was that it would tee well, for the
mayor to do so and send word of the
result of the conference.
Mr. Cousins, in moving the ad-
journment of the meeting, declared
that the citizens should be thankful
to Mr. Tom for ,bringing about such
a successful gathering.
Mr. Alex. McMurtrie, of Hamilton,
is home on his holiday's.
Mr. Arthur Coxworth left.on Mon-
day of last week pn a business trip
to the West.
Miss Jessie Buchanan left on
Monday evening fo resume her du-
ties as teacher in Brantford. •
Mrs. Smythe and two children left
this week to spend • a month with
friends in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold who
have been holidaying in London and
Detroit, for the past two weeks, re-
turned home on Monday last.
A quiet wedding *as solemnized
at the home of the Misses Carlisle
on Wednesday, Sept.Sth, at high
noon, when Miss Annie Carlisle was
united in marriage to Mr. Hugh Mc-
Donald. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the Rev. Mr. McConnell in the
presence of their immediate friends
and. relatives. The many friends' join
in wishins; them every happiness.
Mr. D. •Iliquhart has sold his oat
meal mill air./ grain elevator and
grain haziness to Mr. Geo. T. Mickle
of Ridgetown, who took possession
on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bonthron and
children of Detroit, spent a. few days
with Mr. and Mrs.-Robt. Benthron
also Mr. and mrs. memairtin. and Falle early Tuesday when fire swept
childrea of "i3a-Perie, the lionseten Hotel and part of the
Bliss Margaret M.axwall, who business district with a 'property loss
t estimated at more than $300,000.
now in training for a nurse -and who
has 'been visiting her sister, Mrs. THURSDAY.
(Dr.) Peck, for the past week, was 'A wolf hunt is on at the gates of
St. John, N.B.
on Monday taken to St. Joseph's
hospital to be operated on for ap- • Moetreal will revert to standard
., time on Sunday, Oztober 24.
pendicitis. •The fax crop in Canada this year
is reported exceptionally large.
t The 1.4enteshoremen's strike in Ja-
maica has bk.:u3n amicably settled,
GeOlTe S. Lyon, veteran golfer,
made the best gross score at.Otte.wa.
Sir Alfred Smithers has undergone
succeesfully an operation at pew
The ,tInited Farmere eontemplate
areas .s.
eppeal against rallway rate in -
John Kerr, aged 22, was instantly
killed by a C.P.R. express at Milver-
ton Seal len.
Tree Attetrellan Wheat 33oard esti-
matee the, country's crop at 167,000,-
000 bushels.Very .
many newspaper publishers will he Rev, Dean Moyna passed
wy as 'the result of
paying an high as $200 Der ton) andl heart diltsleaTsfel:clut°
Will have to be raised /ater on. inspiring address..before the Empire
it is oven posaible thet title figure Dr. )1111.is T. Powell delivered an
At $200 perton, the increase to, 'Club of Toronto. '
sheet newspaper users is about 4001 The New York 'Giants are only one
per cent in four years. In 1,907 the game behind Clecinnati, National
'League leaders.
AriCe was $65 a ton. This rose to; .
$12 in the first hall of 1913," and to.
elected president of the soctttiOn
$R1: in the sitcond half. During 1912 of Canadian Clubs. •
the price was,.$84 for sheet neWs:.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During, the Week.
gueets of the directors of the National
Exhibition, Wednesday.
A witneakt in the timber probe said
ex -Premier Hearst and Hen. Mr. Fer-
guson knew of pulp tooling.
FOriner Premier Clenterteeau of
France will leave Pities on the 20111
to hunt tigers in the Ilimaltryae.
ale worhys Raeneneense owe. British player, Armour of
tuu7 c °wiled ;1'4 Scotland" remains in the running
r ""'"" for the United States golf title.
trineadi 8"edrsAottgact OturhrePter -tura will ask the Government to build a
Tee Union of Quebec Municipalities
Solid Hour's Elaleeinelet. Second bridge aelVSS the St. Law-
• TUESDAY, The Toronto baseball team beat
French troops have oceupiedI Akron on Wednesday, 7 to 0, but lost
Aintab. eround, Baltimore beating Syracuse
of those in previoue Years,
The Leber Day parade fell short twice. onwAy.
'British Guiana wants the preferen- Canada has e fine mineral exhibit
tial tariff with Canada lowered. tit Michigan State Fair,
Many Jewish orphans in Ukrainia Cabinet Ministers are seekiag to
Will be provided homes in Toronto, evert a striker power etnployes.
knowledge or Limber limit steals.
Sir William Heart denied' all
German scientists are urging Par- Former Judge Duncan S. McIntyre.,
liament to abolish beer drinking. of Ontario county died at Whitby.
Seven Persons were injured in a The Board of Connuerce commenc-
ecillision on the Niagara Gorge route, eel its investigation bf milk prices.
The Lithuanians are proposing ces- Germany has paid France 100,000
Nation of hostilities with the Poles. francs as reparation for Breslau'
The -Bishops of Oxford and Wor- damage,
• Waiter will bring $250,000 to Canada. The Toronto baseball team beat
Three persons were killed by a fall Akron, 2 to 0, but failed to gain ou
of rock in the Cave of the Winds at Baltimore.
the Falls. Brooklyn regeined the lead in the
Dr. John H. Comfort, many years National Baseball League race on
it practitioner in the Niagara district, Thursday. . -
died at Vote Dalhousie. • Elizabethtown township residents
• Hon." Manning Doherty declared protest against removal of the Ceara
Ontario'S harvest was the most boun- station at Lyn. .
tiful in twenty-five years. Twenty-three persons were killed
• Jack Dempsey, heavyweight box- at Warieneel, Germany,. when a muni-
4ng champion, knocked out "Billy', tion dump exploded.
Mieke in the third round. David Taylor of Montreal, 11 years
the Toronto baseball team beat old, lived a month on the remains of
Rochester in both games Monday by food left by picnickers.
scores of 7 to 1 and 9 to 5. Mustapha Kemal Pasha has issued
, Bishop Fallon of London, Ont. a proclamation saying the British
Who is in England, y11
yew Ireland. 4.11.(1 French are Islam's eternal ene-
Vereie Marital to Cana a.,
Dr. A. F. Riflery, Liberal, vraa -
nominated to ofpose Hon: R. W. Wig- SATURDAY.
U. F. 0. leaders are vigorously
more in the by-election in St. John.
campaigning in three by-elections.
The three leading teams in the Hon. Manning Doherty denounces
American Baseball League won dou- British control of Canadian bacon.
ble-headera. Cleveland leads by one
game. The Leafs gained half a game on
Baltimore by beating Buffalo, 5 to 4.
Miss Toronto outfooted all oppon- Mrs:- James Ridpath, Teterboro,
ent•s in the International Gold Cup died of lockjaw after stepping on a
motorboat races at the Toronto Ex- rusty eau.
Hutchinson and Lloyd of Balmy
C. P. Grier, Montreal, and W. P. Beach won tbe Globe Scotch doubles
Thompson, Mississauga, remain in on Friday.
the United States golf championship Rey. Dr. E. A. Henry was inducted
running. . • •
Hamilton Westinghouse in'ea111.1-1;on ibnyttoe.31ftea ttioi:ic'aiit.e of Deer
Pres -
the Dominion soccer championship,efieten ni&tieand New York fire -
beating Winnipeg Britannias, 2 to 1, mile and policemen ask for salaries
inneyeetiette. ef $2,500 per year.
• William -H. Tones, 30 Balmuto -Mrs. Bickle won the International
tdreet, Toronto, was arrested last lawn tennis championship, beating
ni'giet by peteWye Levitt for the Miss Best in the final.
ter. 'Oakville', on a charge of " Label' leaderrent the invitation
eriminal negligence. eeie e to Premier Meighen from the Dom-
inion Trades Congress.
Dr. John A. Merrick, physician at
Byantford dedicates a school to the Merrickville fax more than hale a
late Major Ballachey. eentury, is dead, aged 83.
Mackenzie and Mann power em- Joseph Clement Sylvain, a 70-yeae-
ployes threaten to strike. :ed newspaper vendor in Quebec, was
A dispute over steel rails is being 2un, clown by a street car and fatally
heard in the Exchequer Court. ht.
An earthquake in Northern Italy The Italian Bolsheviki instituted a
badly wrecked...several towns. navy. by launching a destroyer from
Hon. S. N. 'Parent, ex -Premier of
Quebec, died at Montreal, aged 65. the. communized navy yard at Li-
Cabinet Ministers and counsel in The Polish Government is protest -
timber probe denied any "saw -off." ing to the .Allies that the Germans
The Imperial Press delegates
paid their second visit to Toronto sross the frontier.
Are not inierning refugee Reds who
to -day. Gen. Wrangel inflicted a decisive
The Poles have declined to accede defeat on the Red artnies and is in
to Gen. Wrangel's request for mill- sontrol of the territory between the
tary Dnieper and the Don..
The threat of the street railway- The conference of allied ambassa-
men at London Coencil failed to lore has protested to Germany
materialize. Against ships boued foe Danzig being
The city of Toronto was charged stopped at, the Kiel Canal.
with carelessness at. the inquest on The Bishop -Barker hydeoplane,
Frank .Wood. bound from Orillia to Toronto, crash -
The world's harvest Prospects el among the treetops of Bickles'
show a total yield just equal to ';Vood, about eight miles -from Osh-
requirements. awa. Its four occupants tvere injured.
Ernest A. Ruth was charged with Fifty young snakes were born Fri -
negligence following a motor fatal- day to a scaly mother at the permaft-
ity in .Toronto. • ant exhibit of the Department of Nat -
Eight women, all Republicans, vot- ural history in the G-overnment Build -
ed in the state primaries In Massa- lug at the National Exhibition.
chusetts on,Tetesday. A girl of 19 was committed to the
A new power station is being erect- Jail Farm, Toronto, Friday, ler hay-
ed. at Raney's Falls, Ont, by the in.g bigamously marined W. G. Atte-
Hydro-Electric Commission. well. Wife No. .1 gave, e-vidonce and
The Toronto baseball team beat s‘:1,8ildl sile h4
arrtioeldd. the girl that Atte-
Akron, to 2, while Syracuse was waC
• losing two games to 'Baltimore. MONDAY.
Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe,
York Pioneers getbered at Sharon
• *Widow of the great Canadian Pre- to recall /the county's early days. .
mier, Sir John A. Macdonald, died on
Major R. Douglas • Gaibtaith died
Sunday. itt
Ike Toronto General Hospital.
There was an attendanee of 67,000 The freight rale increase has rals-
people at the Toronto Exhibiton on
ed the price of flour 25e per barrel.
Tueedaya-an increase of 4;000 over
Church leaders regard the Lam -
last year.
Premier Lloyd George • reached e
_ bath appeal for church union favor -
London unexpectedly Tuesday night a'is:v.-
.:iixty thousand persons are home -
from Lucerne. He traveled direct in-
stead of through Paris. •
Ten persons are known to have qua.ke.
The storm on Saturday did vast
been- burned to death at' Klamath dama,
o to 1 lx district.
crops in the Niagara
,The Duehess of Marlborough is be-
ing urged to sidnd for Parliament as
it Labor candidate.
Mrs, Ruth Roundy of Truax was
instantly killed when an automobile
overturned near Wilcox.
Roumania has replied to the Rus-
sian Soviet's 1)31.Le0 proposal, saying
it desires good relations.
London, England, it tbr,atened
with a general strike next Saturday
of all electrical engincars.
The, Toronto brseball lost to Buf-
falo on Saturday and boat timm on
Sunday. Baltimore won both daYs%
J. C. Campbell is the choice of the
IT. P. 0- consveni •):1 ti) contest the
West Tet erboro riding in lh 3 Federal
.to use.
Rev. Edgar Wateon, M.P.P. for
North Victoria_ heti.% et:de-led les lies -
!orate of Pm:elan Faris . Baptist
Commodore .A. C. Ross is in To -
Sante connection with his plan. to
havCanada challsuge for the Amor-
:ca's Cup.
The stettniehlp Metuganier inward
'mund from Liverpool., run. on a mud
'mak twenty-five miles from Mont -
'cal on Sunday,
"Chick" Evans, Ctc go, beat
Ouhnet, Boston, 7 to. 6, in
he final for the United States arna-
.eur golf cliampionalp.
The Gvrernment destines to grant
etaY of -the Railway Board's order
_flowing this. ased railway . ratcsa,
The Imperial Press delegates were Thiel gOcs tato effsoette,da,40, '
less on account of the Italian earth-
TORONTO, Seel:. 8. -Another ad-
vence fn the price of newsprint is
rumored as possible, according to
CIIC Pinanclel. News Bureau, which
states- that an increase in the price
is expected to be made by the mills
around the first of October. The un-
derstanding that the new price will
11111ge from. $130 to $110 per ton for
rolled news and *20 in advance of
these, prices per tot for sheets in
two -ton tots and at the mill, By
nary, 1921, the prospects aro that
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A, baby's medicine
is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interfhangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the common ailments' of Infanta and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
years has not proven.
Castori a is a harmless substitute fot Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops snd Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor -other narcotic substanee, Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and. Dieftlider; al14134 Feverishness' arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend.,
Bears the Signature ofr
II Use For Over 30 Years
",••••:. • , , .• •
Harvest time brings expenses which must
be met with ready money. Should you
need an advance to help you over this busy
season, interview t'his Bank. We are pr
pared to help all responsible farmers. 6 90A
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND . $15,000,000
EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
Almost every farmer finds his Money tied up in
stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs
assistance' he should consult our local manager.
Savings Departments at all Branches.
Head Office, Farquhar. Ont.
President, THOS. RYAN
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborne and Hibbert:
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
, R. R. No. 1, Woodham.
Solicitors. Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office -Baker's Livery on James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone 8.
floater Graduate of Torouto Culver-
• Sity,
°face over Gladman 'Staribury's
effete, Main Street, 'Exeter. ;
Aetvertiee in the Tionee. It pays.
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on fartn and village
properties, at lowest rates of in-
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St. Exeter, Ontario
I. R. CARL/NG, B. A.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public.
Commissioner, Solicitor for the
Molsons Bank, etc.
Money to loan at lowest rates of
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc.
tioneer: Sales eonducte,d in ann.. et-
ality. Terms moderate, Ordees tII
at Times Office will be promptly at-
tended to. P -hone 116, Kirkton.
Address Kirkton P. 0.
Pet. G. P. ROUISTON, L.D.S., D.D.S.
(Mite over I. R. Carling's Law
Closed every Wedneeday afternoon.
1 A
In.fan,te afid Children
Irs Use For Over 30 Years
Always beam
the / „te
Sigaatuto of l'1"/,(i-g.