The Exeter Times, 1920-9-16, Page 1,`FORTY-SECON D YEAR ---No: 2277 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY ` MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1920 :l IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIi MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIHMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL I EXETEA COUNCIL .. Immo Monday, Sept, 13, 1920 1 A regular meeting of the Muni - ▪ cipal Council with all members pres- s eat. The minutes of the' meetings held. August 23rd and 31st were read and approved.. Per Ward and PenhaIe that the r -=-'..,commissioner secure a sdraper and .'i n ;MOM i U ▪ mm AMINE INIEm ARMIN wOMM MMINIP IIMMOM OIMIM minim MEOW OMMOR MOON O MM AOMM INIM▪ M MOW MMM AMMON Ammar mom AMMO .111111. .111111111 MMM IMMM MMOlp MMM ORIMM AIMM oiMMM Exeter Fall .Fair. Mon. & Tues., Sept. 20 & 21 Special Bargains Throughout our Store Hundreds of Ladies' Voile Blouses Reduced in Price Great Clearing Sale of A11 -Wool and Silk Dress Fabrics Big Bargains for Fair Day in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, also in Our Shoe Department SPECIAL -8 only 97 -piece Dinner Sets at about half of to -day's price. Clearing at $25.00 a set. Complete Showing of Ladies' and Misses Coats, Snits and Dresses for Fail and winter NO LUXURY TAX WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SILK DRESSES. FALL AND WINTER COATS—For Ladies, Misses and Children, in new styles and colors, excellent range of fabrics, all marked below the luxury tax. SPECIAL—Salt's genuine Esquimette Sealette Coats, moderately priced. DRESSES—In all wool British serges. Silks and Georgettes for Misses and Ladies. Beautiful range of colors and skies. Dozens to choose from and reasonably priced. SUITS.—In all wool serges, colors brown. Plain tailored styles, also trimmed with military braid and buttons. We invite an early inspection of these lines. PH°NE 32 Jones & May PHONE 32 MOMS MOND try and clean the pavement. Carried. Mr. Mawson, auditor, gave his re IMMO port for the month of August. Ac- cepted on motion of Elston and Penhale.Carried. Per Elston and Davis * that the Municipal Council will give a re- ward of Twenty Dollars to the per- .."' son or persons who will give inform - tion that lead to the conviction of the party or parties who removes or in any way destroys the street ear- ner signs, (silent policenien). Car'd. Per Elston and Penhale that the UMM MIMM OMM W MO MMW MMMI IMMO Mem moms ammo lodoear Mown mimm memo asimmt Ammilm mma mom ammo elomme mama imOIM immok amnia it mimW IMIdM Mame IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIiIIIIIiIIIIIIillllllllllllllllliglllllllllllllllilllllllilllilllllilllillllllllllllilllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr1 Exeter Fair Days September 20th and. 21st WHILE IN EXETER VISIT THE HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE WITH THE BIG STOCK. 12 RANGES AND 18 IUi A- TERS TO SELECT FROM CAST RANGES from $70 up STEEL RANGES from $95 up Complete with Warming Closet, Reservoir and Therm- ometer. HEATERS FROM $25.00 UP Perfection Oil Stoves ,..46.50 New Process Heaters ..412.00 BUIX.DERS'HARDWARE For Houses, Barns and Buildings of all descriptions at lowest prices. A. C. Lock sets as Cut 85e. TINSMITHING & PLUMBING Heaman's Hardware 27W PHONES 273 DIILLINERY OPENINGS SAT. SEPTEMBER lSth. AND FOL- LOWING DAYS We are presenting advanced fall and winter models. Here on display are the very latest Millinery ideas from the leading fashion centers, to- gether with original creations from our own workroom. Prices never ex- cessive. T. V. CURLISS ENGAGEMENT Mi. and Mrs. W. C. Rivers an- nounce the engagement • of their daughter, Elizabeth Irene, to Mr. John L. Routledge, son of Dr. Rout- ledge of Zurich: the marriage to take place early in October. BORN KERSLAKE—In Usborne, on Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ker- slake, a son, (Harold Edwin.) NICKLIN--At Speedwell Hospital Guelph, on September 10th, to Mr. and'Mrs. H. S. Nicklin, (nee Miss Nina Kinsman) a daughter. ' MARRIED AYLEN—BOWMAN—At the Main St. Methodist parsonage on Thurs- day, Sept. 9th, by the Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, M.A., Robt: Sidney Aylen, of Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Aylen, Douglas, Isle of Man, British Isles, to Constance Alicia, youngest daughter of the late 1‘4r. and Mrs. John Bowman, of London, Ont. DIED JACKSON—At the family home, 99 Windermere Road, Walkerville, Monday, August 30th, Susannah S., widow of the late Rev. George Jackson. Jriterment at St. Thomas IN MEMORIAM. JOHNS -In loving memory of Earl Johns who was killed in action on Sept. 12th, 1917. The happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left a vacant spot This world can never fill, Reeve and Clerk are hereby inpo• ered to issue Debentures in the name of the Municipality for the payment of the construction of the street pavement as provided for in by-laws No. 4 & 5. of 1920. Dating the same October lst, 1920. Carried By-laws No. 4 and 5, of 1920 to provide for the borrowing of the sum of $8,000 and $20,000 repec- fully for street pavements as voted upon by the ratepayers and carried, were read and finally passed, the former on motion of Elston, second- ed by Penhale, the latter`' by motion of Davis, sec. by Ward and carried. The Reeve and Clerk were instructed to sign the same and t the seal of the corporation thereto and forward copies for registration. Elston -Davis -That the following accounts be ,passed, -R. McKenie Son, supplies, 13.32; C. Ford, labo 40.50; G. A. Vanstan,e, labor 7.50; G A, Hawkins, 2.60; J. 'W. Taylor, Cour cost 3.00; E. Elliott, insurance T H 15.60; E. Guenther, teaming 84.00; L Reynolds 32.00; C. Heywood, 84.00; Cornish 12.00; R. Davis 64.00; Har ve Bros 24.00; W. Preszcator 24.00; P Dearing 8.00; S Jory 8.00, Lt Hull 4.0 T. Sanders, labor, 21.18; J. J. Mille 1.75, W. Westcott 12.50; J. Gillespi jr., 1.25 ; C. Fahner team, 3.50; F Mallett, Sabor, 8.40; R. ,Quance 3.50 J. Parsons 13.30, J. Weekes 4:00; P. Coleman 8.00. Adjournment ,by Davis J. Settles, Clerk. rSBOR.NE COUNCIL & r, CORN ROAST A number of young people from the Exeter H, S. held a, corn roast on the banks of the Aux Saub'le on Tuesday evening and had a most en- joyable time. Corn, marshmallows and other refreshments were on the menu. The three H. S. teachers were present. EXETER BOY GOES TO NEW YORK Mr, C. R. Howard, who has been accountant on the staff of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce in town, left 'on Wednesday morning for New York, where he has been promoted to the lucrative position of assistant accountant of the New York branch. Mr. Howard returned to town this week after enjoying a few holidays in Toronto and other places. His many friends in town will wish for him every success. LINEN SHOWER. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Vera Rowe on Fri- day last when a number of lady friends of Mrs. Wm. Melville (nee Miss Mae Wood) met and presented her with a linen shower. The occas- sion was a complete surprise. The presentations were brought in in an umbrella decorated with ribbons and flowers. The remainder of the even- ing was spent in games and amuse- ments after which refreshments were served. WHEAT RETURNS GOOD. Wheat deliveries in. town during the past week have been extra heavy and the farmers have been quite gratified at the handsome cheques received for deliveries. The wheat is of extra good quality most of it testing over standard. A lot of it Ts �V clean and is being brought to market Y direct from the threshing machine. t• Mr. J. S. Harvey, of Harvey Bros., A regular meeting of the Usborne Council was held in Elimville on Sept. 4th. All members were present. Minutes of the meeting held Augus 7th were read and approved. BI -law No. 11, fixing rates fo 1920 was finally read and signed. The following notion was passed That since due notice has been given .by .,the Usborne Council to the Exe ter Council that the Usborne Coun cit refused to collect a school rat on N% lot 21, lot 22 and 23, con 1, Usborne, for the Exeter Schoo Board until proofs are given tha they have power to collect such rates and since no response has been re- ceived from the Exeter Council or School Board and no proofs given, the result that on the request of the owners of the said lots, they be now placed in School Section No .5, Us - borne and that they be charged the No. 5 rate for 1920. The' 4% miles of extra designated road to which the township of Us - borne is entitled, was allotted from the Corporation of Exeter, east, to Coward's corner on the Exeter side - road. Bills to the amount of $413.88 were passed and orders issued for the payment of the same. Council adjourned to meet on October 2nd. Henry Strang, Clerk. states that he never saw wheat with less shrinkage than there is this year. With a good crop and a big price the returns are very satisfying. STEPLADDER. NEEDED TO PICK CORN COB. 'When speaking of the remarkable growth of the products of the field and garden it is quite frequent to hear the remark I never saw the like." The Times has on exhibition t in front of the office a stalk of corn that easily beats anything we have r seen. And this remark has been. made by many who have seen it. The stalk measures thirteen feet four inches. It has one large cob of _ corn and the ordinary man needs _ some sort of an elevation to reach e it. An extra tall man can just nice- - ly reach the bottom of the cob. tONE POLICEMAN (SILENT) STEPHEN COUNCIL Tlie cou.acil, met on the 7th Scot at 1 p.m. Councillors Hayes and Sweit - zer absent. Previous minutes adopted Penhale-Webb -That ten dollars he granted Dashwood School Fair. and twenty-five dollars to Crediton School Fair towards the payment of 'prize money,-Carriecl, The ,following orders were pas8ed,•- Provinciad Tre!surer, war tax tit•k0'(r. i $15, Peckover Limited. iron &' :'refight 15,54; F, W.Farncomh. Elliott and Willis Awards .105.09: Ed, Fahner.cv'. tract 35.1.5; Paul Schenk, cnm'r 6.15 ])r J. W. Orme, attending B. of H, meeting at Toronto 18,60: Mrrcdith & Fisher, law costs 47,62; G. T, P. crs._ tem, .freight on. ceittent 55.13; 1),Lip • Wert, ren bridne Con-. 12 1.50; Treas. r>ashwood School Pair 51(1.00; Treas, Creditor' School. Fair 25.00. Adiournmen.t ,to Sept, 13 at 7 om, A Special A'fecti,ne was held in, the Clerk's o:'fice /on; the 13(h,' a` 8 n.m, Councillor S ve tzer absent. Previous minutes approved, Hayes-Penhale - That A'on.zo Hodgins be a.ppo',nfred tax collector at his .former salary,-Car'd. The following orders were passed - Frank McKeever, gravel 17.05: Noble Scott, award drain, 13.80; T. Chambers rep culvert 2.00; Noble Scott. the across Cons. 2 and 3, 2.70. Adjourn- ment was made to 4th Oct,, at 1 p•tn. Henry l:ilber, Clerk. I3BTHANY ANNIVERSARY Bethany Anniversary services 'will t 26th be held on Sunday, Sept. after- noon and evening. The pastor, Revs W. G. H. McAllister, M. .A., will preaeh, Special music by the T1ht'tm,ea Road ladies Quartette. BEATEN UP AND ANOTHER KIDNAPPED. The imposing, scarlet, silent pol- ice force that has been doing duty on Main street has received some rough handling by the public since its innauguration a few weeks ago. One was knocked over and badly beaten up the other evening during a shower when it was struck by an auto. The one doing duty at the north end was kidnapped last week and carried a mile north of town where it was thrown in the ditch. Some residents of the community have not taken kindly to the red sentinels that stand at different crossings and 'direct the "traffic to the right," Some of the larger autos hind it a little difficult to make the turns on the corners as directed ow- ing to the width of the pavement. MOSTLY GOSSIP. Dame Gossip was busy last Friday and in the evening a party of young people created an embarassing situ- ation when they serenaded the home of an Exeter lady who was enter- taining a number of friends in hon- or of a gentleman guest. The lady and gentleman were seen to visit the James St. parsonage and the story gained circulation that the nuptial knot had ,been tied. In the evening the rattle of tin pans was heard accompanied by the toot of auto horns. It is retiorted that a couple of Exeter youths visited Dashwood the other evening and took a couple of the Dashwood fair ones over to Cred- iton for an auto ride. Some of the Crediton lads succeeded in ` taking the Dashwood maidens away from the Exeter lads and gave the latter a beating up. True love never did run smooth. The carpenters have finished the Work of remodelling Mr. Nelson Sheere's house, corner of James and Andrew streets. It is now ready to be lathed and plastered. When com- pleted it will make a beautiful and comfortable home. , DOMlil RINK-- A dance will b... held at the Mine Welk on pair DA•y, afternoon azul evening. Good orches- tra, Locals Mr, Cliff McEvoy visited in Exe- ter over the week -end. Mr. Chas. Dunsford is holidaying with his parents in town. Mr. Nelson Hill of Niagara Falls is holidaying at his hone here. Miss Mary Gill visited Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gill during the week. Don't eat inferior bread. Use Har- vey Bros.' Flour and have something worth while. Two rigs collided on Huron street west Saturday evening and slight damage was done to the buggies. A number of ladies from Coven church attended the Presbyterial convention of the W. M. S. at Bay- field on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Johns, of Tuck- ersmith, and Miss Edna Turner, of New York, visited their cousin, Mr J. G. Stanbury last week. Mrs. Ed. Snell has returned from Toronto where she took her little daughter Helen to the Sick Child- ren's Hospital for treatment, Miss Marguerite Pickard has re- turned home after spending the summer in the west. She will attend Normal school this fall. Mrs. W. H. Harvey, of Flaxcombe, Sask., ]eft Tuesday for her home af- ter visiting for two months with her sister, Mrs. H. Perkins and other relatives in this community. Mr. Ferguson has moved into the brick cottage on Andrew street, va- cated by Mrs. G. Hockey. The sale of Mrs. Hockey on Saturday was well attended and good prices were realized. A convention of the Drugless Phy- sicians' Association of Canada will be held in London on Thursday of next week. The public are invited to the evening session and several from town are planning to attend. Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, oc- cupied the pulpit of the James Street Methodist church last Sabbath mor- ning in the interests of temperance. He preached in Main street chute at night and Bethany in the after-, noon, Subscriptions were taken ug and amounted to over $17x,00. Mr. Parks, superintendent of the. I.0.0,F. Relief Association was 14 town Tuesday and attended a meets ing of the brethren in their lodge room the same evening. He addreses ed a few remarks to the order, IIURONDALE SCHOOL FAJR, Come to Hurondale School Fair on Friday afternoon, September 17th. Concert in the evening and a good program of speeches and ,music. )VIrs.. Garnet Passmore, entertainer., Ad- mission 25c. S� H.00L EXHIBITS. All schools aTe eligible to compete at the School Competition at the Ex-. eter Fair, am;cl are invited to take part, At the Dome Theatre SATURD A.Y VIVIAN MARTIN Paramount Star 1N -- "JANE GOES A -WOOING" Special attraction will be the in- troduction of a one -reel vaudeville act, something new in pictures. Also a good one -reel comedy. There will be special pictures for Fair Days, both Monday and Tues- day. Farm Light and Power Will be exhibited at the Exeter Fair. All the engines are equipped with the BOSCH Magnetos, the fin- est ignition known. Be sure and see the exhibit at ' the Exeter Fair. J. G. COCHRANE Agent for the Canadian Fairbanks —Morse Co. \`"®•�._ �\�/ :,\\� :.v\•�►y,_ \ail. ���i_�':��� ��� ;, � �;.� �► :. \0 .. Kirkton Fair Thursday and Friday Sept. 30th-Cctaber 1, 1920 SPEEDING IN THE RING LOCAL TROT • FREE FOR ALL Foot Races, Lady Drivers, Girl Drivers. Prize Ribbons for Horses stamped in Gold. 100.00 in prizes is offered in the Baby Beef Competition. Medway Valley Band will be in attendance. Meet your friends at the Fair. They will all he there. WILLIAM BROCK, President. AMOS DOUPE, Secty.-Treasurer. ��• �►�._,� - : �� : ��� , rte , :�\�► _ �. Z TIIE EXETER FAIR Monday & Tuesday September 20th and 21st t Fine Exhibits Many Good Sports Big Crowds Choice Live Stock Great Speed Trials Splendid Concert Concert in the Opera House, Tuesday Ev'g MR. 'JOCK" ZIALLANTYNE; Comedian A, G. McCULLOCI'•I, Baritone EARL McALLISTER., Piper and Dancer. MISS ALICE ECKERT, Reader and impersonator ISABEL GRAHAM, National Costume Dancer DR: J. H. SMITH, Accompanist. EXETER BRASS BAND IN ATTENDANCE Admission 25 and 15 ,cents R. C. Seldon, Secretary Wm Andrew, Presdent