HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-29, Page 20. . . ' t PAgy124•L.Go-D#RicasxoN.A11:2Si0;-T:14,1sD.A*,ApREJ,29,197q';:** • • • .1 'rT'T'7 , .. . P 7.--'111,•:""tr:Fr,777.77",.. : .,.. ...,: • ...:-,. r.: . •, ,,,,....: ..: ,,...... ,, ,, ......„ „,4. , .„ :. ,„•:, „i.. !km i. • , :•-:,::. ..,...,. .:,... :.',...+1.,,. . , . . . . . . • — . . , . . . • . • . • • • • • • . . . ▪ 1.ARTICLES-FOR SALE CHECK, our prices' on chester- fields, m-attresses, -otirome suites. coffee tables. C. &. E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, 1,12 • mite south of Goderich.-tf • •• AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl. Cleaner -remove,s44st, lime and mineral deposits. SimpIrPlace in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Pium bine and Heating, . Kingston Street, Goderich.-1.4tf SINGER For Authorized Sales Service, sewing maihines; vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all in -ekes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 • -18aa'ai.".anaimaloiraimaalmaram-8;miamilmommo. amemessareirmirma0 4. DEADLINE ; OF,1 TAK-11‘16 • CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER, 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR. THAT WEEK'S'PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 10c per word, minimum $2,00. Hamilton ' St., 524-8431, LARTICLE'S.FOR SALE Goderieh.-2.8,29tf . • ' • SWIMMING POOL 'FOR SALE: Moving - will sell you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood --Pool at sacrifice price of 53000.00. Savings of 52100.00.. 1975. model, call 416-625-2719„ days .or evenings, collect.-13-35ar SEWING. MACHINES.' Large Selection of good used sewing machines, Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes'. All . machines •and repairs _guaran- teed. 29 East St., 524-6012, La Boutique.-38tfAR SWIMMING POOL: Less than 1 yr.' old. Fanta -Sea above ground Redwood. - 16 x 24, .cost 54500,00. Must sell immediately - will sacrifice - savings' of $2000.00. Call .416-625-8817, 'days or eyenings, collect.-13-35ar TOWER KING pressed Stave Silos with cement plaster lining. Area • representative Francis Boyle, RR 3. Ripley, Ont. Phone 395-5088.--rtfn COMPLETE non-metallic banding system with banding material.. Can be seen at Signal- • Star.'524.8331.-,-nctf SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading ManufaCturer and: distributor hag above ground aluminum , pools left 'over from 1975 season, if; price, guaranteed installation and terms, Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days• or.. evenings.-6tf MOBILE HOME, .8 x 45, fully .• equipped, coverecIdeek, patio, 6n • lot 36, Southampton' TrailerPark. Mcivable., Phone Palmerston 343- .2318.-16,17,18 SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, yr. old. Repossessed by • bank, sacrifice 1/2 price: Call Mr. • Harvey, :collect, days or 4166258819T'5 HARDTOP SKAMP.ER, 8'sleeper tent. trailer; :fully equipped, two, burner gas stove., sink,' electric. refrigerator, two good tires plus spare. Ready to go.- Asking 41,000.00 firm. Phone .529-7573 after 6 p.m, •-,15tfnc THELlowest• Prices on stamps for - ...411=90 .any,wfiete on what I have, If ythi dtwer pereras :an item in.thy stock Lwill match. andbeat it,.As aii introduction, a handl fki-npS (your. hand) for 50c. Anyone over 180 cm. 607 Phone'524-9106 after 4 p m -1l 0211,1,21=01.11011ZEMINIMMINON• —!,ARTICLES, FOR SALE HI FI Fleetwood (Electrohorne) stereo, radio -,combined A.F.C., walnut. cabinet, excellent con- dition, records included. C411524, 2300 after 6 p.m. -18 - 4' x 8' POOL TABLE with ac- cessories. Owner moving, must sell. Phone 524-7096.-18nc GLENELLE 1/2 ton truck camper in good condition. Phone •. 524- 1688.-18 ODDS and ends Christmas Arid spring decorations, display stands. Two days only - April 30, •- May .1. IVIake us an off.er.-F. E. Hibbert & .Sons, The. Square, Goderich.-18ar , • lARTICIES FOlt SALE 3. CARS, TRUCKS:41 SALE . . • . _ „ . 1p73 Ford Ltd. Brougham, lets of extras, 2 .. door - hardtop, 15,200 mites. Phone 5242343.-18,19.. • . ' , GIBSON Hawaiian .guitar, electric -With- 'Case, amplifier. Music_ stand; $15. 10 Speed bicycle $5.0. i Royal Electric typeWriter 540; 2 H78 x 14. tires and viheels, 5 stud, $25. Phone 5.24-616.68 , • 1. • TWO boys' CCM bicycles, 24" wheel, 9ne 5 speed, one regular, excellent condition. Phone 524- 8838 after 5 p.M.-18 •1•• • • TRUCK topper for 1/2 ton. truck, insulated and panelled. Phone, 524-6582.-18 'SIX months old, ,hardly used, Sklar chesterfield -and 'matching chair, 2 bar stools and sniall,,bar fridee, one single bed, excellent condition,. older style dresser, wooden coffee table and end tables, good condition. Phone 482-3825.-18 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style borchure. Rawsons . Shop for Men, Goderich. --20tf 350 KAWASAKI, good condition. Asking 5500. Phone 529-7245.-18x . . OPEN face 7 feat produce confer with 'bottom milk department compressor separate. Good ,;condition, $2002 or .best offer. Phone 524-6321.-18ar ' 14 PopT Springbok Aluminum boat, 9.2 ILP. ChrYsler motor: irailer,7 life jackets, fuel ;iink; cortiplete-5950.• Phbue 482- 9616.-18x • • •MU UNLIMITED'your • • .complete music centre, rentals and sales. 79 Hamilton St. Phone 52'4-2711.-26tf SUNSET trailer, 1975; ex- " •cellent condition, fridge, stove furnace and°. toilet. Will accept tent trailer or smaller trailer as trade. Phone 524-7758 after 6 .p.m.--16tfne. • 20 FOOT cabin -cruiser and BOAT Trailer 1.6 ft. boat, 18 H.P. outboard motor; Phone 5241 Evinrude • motor; other used 7881.-.-17,18 ' • . Motors. Truck tipper; new two burner propane camp stove. UPRIGHT Schiller piano, Phone 524-6008,-18.12,n_ • ALBUMS, used, popular, over 100 available, in excellent condition. Including Joe Walsh, Hendrix, Cream, Cheech & Chong, Stories, John Kay, Neil Young, Nazareth, Frijid Pink, Grand Funk, Guess Who, Di lli nger, Frampton, ' James Gang, any above $2. Many others from 25c. Call 5.24-9106 after 4 p.m.-nc • TAPES, eight -track, usedo in- ' cluding .Moody • Blues, Trium- virat; Yes, Humble Pie, James Taylor, ELP, Traffic, Grand Funk, eight more and all at $1, $2, $3. All .excellent condition. Call 524-9106 after 4 p.m.-nc GOLF SET - New set of clubs still in the box. 3-517-9 iron,, driver, three wood and putter', 590.00. 524-9106 ;after 6 p.m.-16tfnc . 'RAINBOW TROUT for stocking ponds etc., all sizes available. Phone Blue Spring.Trout Farm, 364-1065. Please telephone fir- st. -14f • '7J Sun Camper used very little. .23' traver,trailer, tan- dem wkeets-, sleeps 8, 12 volt gas & electric, 3 pg. bath; fridge, stove- with °Yeti; fur-,,, nace, carpeted throughout, also oar Fitch & wide. mirrors, i"1$5,000. Phone :5244818 after 5 LIVE BAIT FOR SALE DEW WORMS FISH EGGS MINNOWS WE ARE LOCATED NORTH OF DUNLOP'S CORNER ON HWY. 21 NORTH Watch for the sign $75-0-.13-0T orange' leatherette recliner chair, $25-.00. Phone 482- 7289.-17,18 ' • USED refrigerator and stove, men's golf clubs and bag, barbell sefwith 170 lbs. Call 524-2819.-18 MOBILE HOME,' 10 •X - 34: • TWO adjustable, art or drafting • Phone 524-6267.-18 • • Phone 529-7128.-16tfnc tabl s nd radial. saw on stand - • • . . Phone .482-3876.-1.8ar 1968 Mbi3II-E 'home 60. x 12, 2 ' bedroom, fridge, stove, dryer, • CHESTERFIELD. and chair, F some furniture, 'excellent cot - green floral pattern,, three • tage.• Must be moved $8,900. • 345 - months old. Phone 524-2208 after 5 • 8380,MitChell.-18x . reasonably priced, partly fur- 'fliShed, ideal for a cottage., Phone 529,7295 after 6 p.m. -17,18 NO. 2 POTATOES, also No. 1 and seed potatoes.. Phone 243- 2015.--17,18 RAFIG1•1 Chopper bike,' 3 speed, regular 5124.95, selling at good price. Like new. Rhone 482- 3253.--18 - BOY'S CCM 5 speed bicycle, good condition.,two new tires. Phone 524-7508.-18 SERVE L regrigerator large size, • gas 'or propane, needs ' some work. Renault 10, good motor, Michelin tires. Forsale for parts. Phone 524-9545.-18 .FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners.524-6231. We'can Suit you 'for every occasion with FREEMAN'S, FORIV1 A L RENTAL CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS arid JEFF'S FORMAL. WEAR. Exclusively at Check out reasonable rates and excellent service ofthe'- 'nice guys. • ACID FORD MERCURY SALES LTD:" 5 24-2645 .. /0' 263 HURON RD. GODE R ICH OAP RENT -A -CAR 2A. ARTICLES WANTED • • 1972 AUSTI3c' ',TOW, safety - checked,' 'Oci.wehone after 6 p.m. 524-29.1.-18 • . .• 1962 VALIANT Slant 6 atitornatic, running condition. Price 4175. Phone 524-2703.-18,19 "t• 1967 MERCURY Pickup,. as iS, 6 cylinder autornatic, new tires, good battery. Call 524-2593 a.fter 5 - PET STOCK 8. HELP,,,WANTED. • II-. HELP WANTED ONE 10 month old female tricolor MATURE...: I, .. . ... ' • tall 482-9.651.•-18 • person wit references PER.,ON to work at construction, to help with general housework, '.• 1 ,_ • registered, • . • once every two weeks. Call.after . • . 6 p.m. 524-2478.--17tf : . • ,.. 6, CCOMM TI N 0 ' . A ODA 0 T .RENT BACHELORAPARTMENT, broadloomed bed -sitting room, kitchen and bath, suitable for business person. All utilities paid. Available May 1st.' Phone'524- 609§,after 3 p.m. -17,18 THINKING of Holidays? Nor- ' Ma' t Holiday on LakeCecebe, 8 -miles west of: Burkes Falls, 1976 PACER, $4,500.00 or -best housekeeping cottages, camping, offer. Phone $24.6946.7-18;19,20,21 boats, motors, sandy beach', small but personable. Dave f1967 CAMARO, V-8., automatic, McClatchie, 12.-R 1, Callender, 705- 752-2334 or 705 -387 -3746.L -I8-22 Phone 524-6239.-18 recent safety check. Best Offer. 1971 MERCURY Cyclone, 3 speed automatic transmission.rebuilt, 351 aur barrel also rebuilt January 76. Never `had body wait. 52,600.00 dr "best effer.. Phone 524-7015 after 4:30 p.m. -18,19 HOL/SEPAftgNTS ' Couple -required iminediateli as houseparents in an exciting program for handicapped adults: Comfortable private apartment prOvided. Enjoy relaxing family life in rural setting with in- teresting people and activities centred around pets, plants and 'hobbies. Salary commensurate _with qualifications and.,ex- operience. Reply • in writing to Meadowcrest Residence Inc., RR .1, Lucan,Dnt.-18 SPACIOUS four bedrbom, two storey -brick, two baths, L.R.D.R., utility room, basement. Apply, 63 Ratteribury St. after 6 p.m. or call 482- • 3821.-18 'SINGLE person to share spacious apartment, large own bedroom. 1968 PONTIAC Grand 09_ $80.00 monthly, available May Pa r is i enne. Phone lst. Call Bill at 52476811i7-1.8tfnc 7492.-18,19 • ••• •••• • ' 1973 BUICK Le Sabre, 2 door HEATED unfurnished two hardtop, low mileage. Certified,* bedroom apartment for rent May 53,250.00 or best offer. Phone424- lst. Phone 524-7364.-18 ' • 8096 anytime. -18 • -BACHELOR apartment, diose to 1972 FARGO 1/2 ton truck, slant 6' square, broadloomecr, bed -sitting, standard, with radio. Certified, room, kitchen •and bath, walk'In $2,000.00 or.beskoffer_Rhone 524- cldset. Suitable for •business • 8096anytime.-18 . person. Available May lst, 60 POLICE. CARS„TRUCKS AND Phone 524-2362.-18,19 VA,NS. 12 - 1975 ChevsL 22 - 1974. ONE .bedroom bachelor apart - ‚Dodges; 6 - 1974 Plyn&uths; 5 - ment, available May 1st. 26 1974 Chevs; 2 - 1973 ,Cheys; 1 -1972, Bennett St. Goderich.•Gall 565-, Fd Wagon; 1 - 1972 Plymouth;'2 2843.-18 - 1969 Chev Vans; 1 Ford Van; 2 1972 Dodge . 1/2 tons; 2 - 1972 ROOMS for rent.. Kitchen • burham-369-3136."-18 to -n ; 2 .7131-hrifeges"-Plre'n•---49------•-• --TritForedrny2atitoonna; 1 _2Foornds1;1•/2 PERSON wanted to share large G.M.C. 3/2 tons;'l' Flat bed, wide apartrnent_and _expens preact 41' trailer. As low - two others. Large unfurnished $995.00. 'Licence DRS -358. bedroom. Call 524-8332, ask for Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east, Bill.-14tfnc of Hai -over on Highway 4. Phone ONE and two bedroom apart - 1972 240Z DATSUN, 'excellent ments, fully furnished heat hot condition,. ,full decor, low • water and hydro supplied. Adults Ca-11=bef ore 5 p,m -52_4- only, tie. pets. 59 North St., 524- 7123 after .5 p m call 524- 9303,•;-17tf • Real Estate Experienced Sales Representative for Real Estate office in Kincardine. Apply in writing. to W.J. I4ughes Realty -Ltd., 38 Est Street, Goderich, Ontario. • WANTED - 36" girl's .bicycle STOVE and fridge for sale cheap. and a baby carrier for a bicycle. 4 " • Di MUST SELL Bedroom suite, chest of drawers, rnaplewood, bunk beds, 3 piece living room suite, stereo 1 cornponent 5'A Britannia Road after ,5 0.371. LINED drapes 201 ft. will over one wall of -windows or 2 separate windows, please call after 5 p.m.. 524-6224.-18x • - • 100,000. LBS. -ef-,Market Sheering TWO push lawn mowers, $10. Quota. Phone 523-9229.-18 each. Orre large pool table with • • • two cues, a -rack, a set of ball ••- with cover, like .524-2762.-18 new, $150. Phone 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE • FURNITURE, ''glass, china, clocics, bells, brass, copper. Will buy for cash or sell by. auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524- 9064.-22tf USED set of golf clubs (shoot left). Phone 524-6637 after 6 P..nrt.-17tfnc FOR. sale:' Axminster. rug - Red Kirman 6- x 9, Good condition 530. Tel. 524-8935.-18 Government Surplus kaki Goderich Office desks, maple and oak; office chairs, maple and oak; captains chairs, macile and oak; straight batk chairs, maple and oak; swivel chairs, maple and oak; office tables,' maple and oak; stacking chairs; work benches; storage cabinets; all types of filing - - .cabinets, legal and letter, 2-3-4 and 5 drawerp adding machines, electric or manual; stacking cabinets, all sizes; steel cupboards with shelves; hydraulic jacks,, up to 20 ton; • drill presses, new bench type; largest stock of steel bolts in Huron County, will sell by the Ib.; over 1,0 ton for sale; large quantity of paint, most colors. Contact: N. HAMILTON. 701 South St • Phone 524-8602 TRAiORs. „ New Jaycos on.dlsplay now: • 1161/2 ft, travel trailer with toilet -52950.00 1 20 ft. traVel trailer with fridge; furnace,,.4 pc. bath .etc.- 1 Jay Flippo, hardtop falti-doviii 0510.00 1 Jay Flight hardtop fold410Wti - 52400.00 • 1 lay DOVe hardtop with furnace - $2900.00 : 1 1,75Jay ()Ova, iised one seaten, altkipiekup truck capsand callipers. Bilmstiod Metallobticating , Winghaiti 351-2272 • • . 1974 CD 175. Honda, twin, A-1 shape.' Phone 524-8067.-18 1.915 MOPED,' like new, $200. firm. Phone 524-27871-18 - • APPLES, Spies, fruit wi1.$e scarce so if you are wise, you w fill your ,freezer While you' Bring containers. Phone 482,-9136, Ross Middleton refrigerated Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river.-18,19,20ar 1970 FORD Galaxy 500, safety checked. Call 524-6818.-17tf 1965 MERCURY, V-8., 4 door,ptop 'Condition, 'recently safety checked, 5300.00, Auburn 526-' 7272,-L-18ar . 1967 PLYMOUTH Wagon, radial tires. As is, best offer. Phone 524-- 9582.-17,18 1. 1969.FORD 1,/2 ton, red, 6 cylinder, s ndard transmission, safety certificate. Phone 524-7537.-18 1971 VEGA coupe, one ower 4 . , speed standard, Ziebart . un -- ONE used upright piano, Phone dercoating, certificate " •of' 524-2711.--18ar mechanical fitness $1200. or best • offar. Mrs. Gordon Lobb RR 3, GENDRON baby buggy. Con- Clinton, Phone 482-7144.-18 verts to 'stroller and car bed. Phone 524-7609,-18 1972 DODGE Challenger, 318 V-5; 3 speed standard floor shift, : 33,000 miles, Phone 524- HIDE -A -BED; storrn windows, 32" x 35" and 68" x 24"; lined 61327-18,19 drapes, 10' widths, 7' long. Phone 524-9309.-18 1972 COVENTRY Mobile Home, 12 x 64, 2 or 3 bedroom, with or without lot, very -reasonable; stove and 2 door fridge. Phone 524-2553 or 1-744-1993.-18 • FOUR used riding mower's, one tractor,' on used garden tiller. Special. prices in effect' on new Snapper Riding Mowers. Steve Argyle Outdoor Equiptnent, Bayfteld, 565-2800.18ar 1974 140NDA 450, low mileage. Phone 524-2740 after 5 p.m. -161.f ANTIQUE Boxwood stove. Phone Auburn 526-7272.-18ar 1972, 340 • ROADRUNNER' 4 speed, radials, buckets'. `Phone' 524-6351 after 4 6, .-18 : 1966 CI4EV 1/2 ton, style side hody, needs new owner, needs some • repairs not. over 52001 Contact -Jack Noble,St. Augustine. -18 1971 AUSTIN 1300, 2 door,- as is, best offer, phone 524-980,0.-18 6369.-17.18 • • SMALL lakefrontcottage, • ail ' conveniences, suitable for • teacher from September until June 1977. Reply to Drawer 88, Box 220, Signal -Star, Goderich.-17,18 1974 FIAT 128, Sorts 'coupe, 5 speed 'transmission, radials, disc brakes, .radio, 37,000 . miles. 'Excellent condition, certificate included. Phone 482-3545.-1718 1970 MAVERICK; good Motor, new tires. Asking $700.00. Call 524-8853 after 6 p.m.,-.17tfric • Electric powered Golf Cart complete with charger. A-1' condition - 5625. Gord Munroe, 524-8841 or - evenings 524-9412 , DAVE'S COLLISION • 'VARNA, ONTARIO PHONE 482-3125 1972 GMC 1/2 TON V8 engine', automatic tran- smission,' AM -FM radio,' radial tires, License C94356 • $2,395 1972 CHEV. IMPALA 2 „doOr hardtop, factory air coaditiOniag, VB engine, automatic, transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, new tires,in excellent condition. License E)E645 $ 2, 2 9 5 „ +972.CHEVROLET • 4 door VII engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power bralces,radi9o,1; $l,9 mileage. License DH K151 . 1971 FORD 3/4 TON V8 engine, automatic tran- smission, powersteerins, power brakes, radio: Open to • offers. License C92192 1968 PONTIAC 4 door hardtop, V8 engine, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, radio. Clean older car. License DHD974. Before inspection. • $ 5 9 5 artmetacettitesontammtwoefflasonow ' NOW RENTING Prestige . Office. Accommodation 58 Elgin Ave. East ' Opposite Victoria &Grey Trust -.524-93i2 • ' • • . • 7. WANTED TO RENT , WANTED before or on J41y room or small apartment in Goderich for single working girl, room preferably to have kitchen privileges. Phone 524-6891 after 5 p.m.-18tf -1970 POJ ,, % ton 'truck V.8 M • Photte 524-6386,-116,17,18 _. . is, $1,000.00 or nearest offer, 4: -SA. 0.1T STOCK TROPICAL fish, canarie Asking price- Shop, $150.00. Call 524iiiii......i s. peto.n pplies. Pat's Pet'' 6197.-17,1'8 p, _ OCtn)trit:rijoe3t5.e00pMasinul 0 a.m. Exeter, m. to 6 pm. .l 1967 CHEV, good second car, daily and Friday evenings.2-40tf • r WANTED: Bachelor apartmen,s, preferably ground floor. Phone • 5.24-.6232.-18, . • WANTED: Room and board for female university student em- ploye'd at Point Farms Provincial Perk.'Weekends from May 13 - • June. 18. Full time from June 18 - September 1st. Phone 524- 9682.-18,19' --- TOWN OF GODERICH Requires Police Ciinstable Must be .able te meet !he tario Police ,Act. ficationb. For applications write fo: - Chief Of. Police, Goderich Police Force, 65 Vest Street, • Goderich, Ontario. • t losing date May 24,1976 WANTED : house for rent in Goderich. 3 becireomr woman • with'3 children wanting. tdffloye from Hamilton to Goderlbh. Contact 245 Kenora Ave. Unit 27 Hamilton. 416-561-0066.: Mrs. - Vern Stanley. -18 SINGLE man desires furnished apartment in Goderich. Phone 524,6896.-18x RESPONSIBLE young couple requires house within 30 mile radius of Goderich, June 1st. or 'later. Apply Drawer No. 92, c -o. Box 220 Signal Star, Goderick.-18;19 .E.1.44.111141. 8. HELP WANTED 2 . NOTICE .boderich Airport. Written applications will be received by the undersigned for employment Of one Student for work at- the Goderich . Airport; weekends spring and fall;full-lime employment July, and August, 40 hciur work week involving weekends. Dutiet will consist of general Maintenance; grass cutting, fueling aircraft, mutt be able to drive a tractor and take directions from airport manager: Wages as per provincial student rate. Ap- plications will be received, until Noon Friday, May 14th, 1976'-. J' Harold Walls AdMinistrator 57 West Street sOme lcnowledge of building* an' asiet. Call. Jim Martin 524-9042 after 7 p.m. -10 'TEENAGER „Saturdays, to,help homemaker catch up with the cleaning. Apply Drawer 89, Signal -Star, stating name, ad- dress, age, grade and an idea of how much per hour ex- pected.--17tfnc I;ERSON wanted for light con- • struction work. Phone Stewart Aluminum Sales,. 524- 7019.-17tfar Tourist Information Booth requires staff -May to October 1976 Reply in 'writing to GOderich Tourist Committee, 9 Waterloo St. S. Goderich, Ont. eadline- MAY 7, '1976 wiwww's SALES we have an opening in the- Sales Field for an ambitious person willing to work evenings. Good Remuneration. Contact: - ONTARIO - -'.T—T --- HURON DIVISION • CLINTON 48.2-9-300 or write to' Ontario Motor League 57 Rattenbury St. Box 1060 -- CLINTON, ONTARIO. 44, DUE.TO EXPANSION we require two Real Estate Salespeople in Goderich. We are opening another Branch Office, and two of our Goderich Salespe.ople are' being, moved. We prefer ex- perienced people, but it is not necessary. Must. want full time •work, and a desire to earn a higher than average income. Hoist provides: ' • • Sales. Aides - • Hundreds of„Listings ' • Leads ' • Across .Canada Referral System Local,,,,Referrals '41 Insurance Beriefits • Commission plus Bonus Plan • • • • Unlimited Ontario Ad- -vertising 1 Manager Assistance • •• Modern Office Facilities • Secretary Service For an appointment ,or a -confidential interview to talk it over -Call Mr....Tobey, Goderich Office 524-8951 'or Mr. Cutts, Executive Vice - President, Hanover 364-3110. . . VALUABLE Sales Franchise - Available: We require .two or three rriature , c are er-m inded • people to offer our complete -financial services to residents of the God,erich-Wingha ni distriet, Extensive Company Eenefits. Whether you are now a prcifeasiOnal salesman or would like to berme one, for a rewardirrg career with excellent commission iticome possibilities, call Wayne Chandler, pistriet Manager, Investors Syndicate LiMited, 887-60/1.-16.22 . • ' .• CUSTODIAN 'REQUIRED the Huron County Board of Education requires a • custodian at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham. Written applications, stating „age, experience and telephone number, should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendefit,Mueon County Board of Education, 103 Alpert St., Clinton, Ont. • " Applicants 'will be notified if required for an in- terview. Deadline for applications is May 14, 1976. H. TURKHEIM Chairman D.J. COCHRANE Director r • 7