HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-29, Page 17Social News On Sunday, April 25, Mrs. Lauretta Hefford entertained a group, of Dungannon Old Girls at her . 20th A nual Spring:Lunch;eon,. The :guests were Laurette Treleaven, Wilma (Treleaven), Wood- ford, Eva Kilfough, ,Alnia Hunter, Edith (Treleaven) Younkie, 1ililda Finnigan, Margaret (Pentland) Frit, chard; Flora.Durnin.and her friend, Nora Creyke, After luncheon, the guests enjoyed reminiscences .of church life in Dungannon a, generationor two ago, and also .talking about old friends and events in the village. Two. "candidates,—Judy• Godfrey- and Kathie Efere were•presented for con- ' fir. mation at Worship Service • at Dungannon United Church on Sunday. After the con- firmation • service they were welcomed into the congregation by .Rev. H. G. Dobson and,.: by Mr.. Bert McWhinney, :°Clerk of the session. Sunday, May 9, the. Sacrament of Baptism will be UNOkNNON OINOS Women's Auxiliary of-W.I.. at Hur"opview on Monday, April .19. • Mr.. and- Mrs. Eunis C mf r 0 o t, St. Catharines; Mrs. S.D. Fines,. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur and 'Brad of • Willowd.[ale spent , the. weekend at. the, W'ilbiir's summer. horhe.here, Mr: and Mrs. Wilbur .haveput the house up for sale as they have °.purchased a farm- near Whitechurch:. The Dungannon Area Young People's Groupheld a card. -...party ..at Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Wed- nesday April 21 > at which there Were 1.8 tables in. play.. Winners : of , the 50-50.' dr w were 1st Harold Ad:arns; 2nd Gordon; Martin, Port Albert; 3rd Sally Kerr. The Young People presented the Agricultural Society with a cheque. for $257. as their half Of the 50-50 Draw. The Agricultural Sacjety .ap- preciates this tangible evidence of the interest and concern . of the Young People's Group. They hope for continued support at the Agile aural Society Dance at observed. Interested parents " Saltfofd Hall on May 7. should contact the minister. Mr c The ladies of the U.C.W: are packing a bale ,so • articles of clothing, men's, • women's, children's and shoes in good condition will be acceptable at the church: Miss Debbie Vella of Goderich • visited - her sunt, Mrs. Mary Bcre on Sunday. Sympathy, is, extended. to - M. and Mrs. Roy Wintemute. and family on.,the dea•ths_of his brother-in-law at Simcoe. Regent' visitors with Mr. ' Frank Moulton were. his son and his wife., Mr. and Mrs. 'Bill -Moulton of Simcoe:— On Good Friday, ,Mrs. f It9rE*tr lorrafda�' gran= = i • dson• . andhis wife, Mr. and :Mrs Pe e� r Ntacuonald ani little son Ryan of Ottawa and Mr. and. Mrs? Jim Peterson.of Lucknow visited with '• Mrs. MacDonald and Mr. Moulton. ',Mr. Frank Moulton went to Wingham hospital by am- bulance .' last Sunday and is :•. being treated for diabetes and a heart condition. . His granddaughter Miss Brenda Moulton and friend of Port Elgin visited him. in . the hospital one day during the week.. ' Mrs. Cecil Blake.. spent a few days ,in'Alliston with Mr. and Mrs. Jim BlakeYand Sean. On her way home on Sunday evening she stayed' overnight with. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick, Wingham as roads were -snowy, and slip-'. pery:: r Mr. Robt. Irwin was palled.: to his father's bedside in Winghanf hospital when Mr. Wm. Irwin took a bad spell. • Mr. • and Mrs. Robt. Irwin visited Mr. Wm Irwin on Sunday and found •--him .somewhat improved. • Mr. Leonard Chisholm has been in Wingham.hospital the, past two •weeks suffering ., from pain in the soiaticnerve on his left side: He is ,receiving therapy for his back. • Mr. Wm. Wiggins returned home from the ` Wingham hospital on Thursday. Callers. with Mrs. Elma-- Reed during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed of Port Colborne, Mr; and Mrs. Frank Sherwood of Southampton, Mr. ` Thos. •Dickson of Goderich and Mr. W.B. Anderson of Lucknow. Mrs. Elmer Black and Mrs: Graham McKee represented., Dungannon Women's.. ..Institute at' a meeting of and . Mrs. Harry nt lkl. S. MARY Chambers, Tracy and Trevor of Goderich visited on•Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. Hugh McWhinney. Mr. and Mrs....,..i&ilfrrd. Pentlands. •.accompanied •by Mr',:and Mrs. Bel? Andrew oP_ Kincard: inp spent - the weekend at S idbiury'With Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Crockett, • Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Ott, Matthew and ,Andrew; . Kit- chener, Mr..` and Mrs. Bob Eedy, Megan and Jennifer of Mississaugaand Miss M.artlia. Eedy of Stratford .• spent the weekend with Mr; ::and Mrs. Irvine.Eedy. • Visitors on,Easter weekend with Mrs. Lorne Ivers were Miss'Janice Million of Str'atfQ.rd .and Mr. and Mrs. •.Lyle Jackson. and Tammy of Burlington.: •Miss Janice Million and Mr.'s. Jackson (nee'J.udith Million) are;twin nieces: of Mrs. Ivers. They accompanied her to Lucknow •: to visit Mr. Ivers in Pinecrest Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Fowler, Darrel and Karen of Parkhill' visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler on Sun- day. - DUNGANNON U.C.W. The April meeting was held Scott 'Carrow proudly displays . the trophy as novice rlinnerups along with coaches Bill Hayward and Don Johnston: :. Super Shag 97.2 Didion 240 The Utopia of real sports cars. Equipped' with 414 -FM radio, neap radial fires, plus a 4 speed transmission. A locally owned vehicle. Completely certified - ready to go. L. 0145757 ' • " , • " 184 East Street MOTORS• LT.D 5144715 GODER'iCH at the horne of Mrs. Ivan_ ivett' Nts•:iC, Drennan opened the :meeting with an Easter verse. Mrs. Diennan and Miss Beth • McConnell,,gave devotional readings and Mrs. • Harold Dobson read scripture passages, from the jbspel•s of -Mark and•John on the Easter Therne. - Mrs ..Wilfred:FsnMgpd tRlsr.. cif"the life and• work. of, Rob Winner, a:. missionary in Japan. • -Mr. Witmer, was prig pally from Goderich, and well •known to, some of the' members, thus making the study of • his ,life that much niore interesting. Shelley Rivett favoured .us with three organ selections, namely, "The Age" of Aquarius," "We've Only Just Begun", and ` "Killing me Softlywith•his Song"; which were •-Much' 'enjoyed arid appreciated: •, .✓Fhe World. Outreach Committee will be packing a bale and ask that donations of adult clothing be left• at the church no later than May 9. It is hoped that someone from the congregation will take advantage of the \Alma School Leadership Course taking place from August 22 Local man dies in Dartmouth. to Augu,t.2,5,, �.: �•:.. . The correspondence was` read. and Mrs. Cecil Blake reported on the Official•Bo.ard meeting. The U.C.W. will be taking charge of one church service in August.. Mrs. Dirk Logtenberg gave •a, thought for today' called "Quick Action" i "I'm not an early•gardener,I get my tools .? v—nut .et:,Aoi? chow, ev.er.�y _— year my -weeds, Grow earlyi- thick and fast - The meeting closed with, everyone .repeating the Mizpah benediction. A, delicious lunch was served by 'hostesses Mrs. :Ivan•' Rivett world Mrs. Ray Wintemute,and', a 'social time followed.., s•D.G, TAYLOR Donald Gary, Taylor, 25, died suddenly Sunday, April 25 imr Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.: He is survived by his wife, Barb Taylor of Goderich his mother and father, Mrs. Leila • Gilchrist, Seaforth, and.., Raymond Taylor, Orillia; brothers and sisters Beverly of British Columbia; Marlene of, Manitoba; ' Ronnie of Orillia; Shirley of Vanastra; Gary of Kinburne; Nancy of .___.:..w�,t.rr'3�,g+,.:��nii-!'h �,•lpnc .__.. Kenny and Diane at home in:. - Seaforth; his grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs.W.A: Johnston, •Monklarits, and Mrs. L. Taylor, Welland; and several aunts and uncles, Funeral services will. be. -today Thursday, April 29•. from the Ball and . Mutch , . Funeral Home, Clinton; with .... the ..Rev. ass_ Nicdiots• of. Goderich• officiating. Interment willbe in Clinton Cemetery.'. GTODi RICH SIGNA , TAR, TH UR SDAY, APRIL 29,197. Ai 0i),EN.1.6 THE S[ ARA.T . MAIN CORNER, CLINTON t,NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR)• PHONE 9182-7.77.0. N ••r EbSs ,cr■{r T i �RE..• r4' � � f^. i SKIRTS'— PANTS - •Si40RTS;—:s(,NTOPS• • OPEN 1.4_. REPLACES THE . ORIGINAL Ile SALE ENDS. SATURDAY, MA Y :1 • Hydro facts Heavy water, which' allows Ontario Hydro to use natural ' uranium at the Douglas Point and "Pickering nuclear generating stations, . looks, feels and tastes like ordinary water. But it costs a lot more. Pick a: pan that fits the element on your stove, says•• Ontario, Hydro.. This will' avoid waste heat escaping. Keeping the lid on a pan results -in fasteafing. Ontario Hydro co-operates with . segments of the elec- trical industry in developing performance standards for appliances. Stripes Stripes Stripes. 60" POLYESTER SILK KNIT '3.98 YD. '4.98 YD. 60" POLYESTER LINEN KNIT REG. 07.98 YD, •: NOW '4.98 YD.e 60", DOUBLE-KNIT PONTI-DE.ROMA WEAVE - SZ..98 'Gauze& Krinkl•e loo PERCENT 36" PRINTED, PLAINS: COTTON /1EG.43.98 YD., . NOW 1.98 YD. 36" CRINKLE -POLY PRINTED '2"98 YD. 60" CRINKLE -POLY PRINTED REG. 56.98 YD. '3"98 YD. • Single Knits Suitable for T,Shirts, Doran Shirts, Shells, Men's Shirts • 9 colours SPECIAL ' • .60" POLY, COTTON 9.98 YD. Cotton 36" PRINTED PRE-SHRUNK rl.29.YD, 45" POLY -COTTON VOILE SMALL ,PRINTS.,:REG.$2,98 YD. S 1.98 YD; 100 PERCENT POLYESTER ,BASKET WEAVE Floral, Reversible, Crepe, REG., $3.98 • ^ NOW : •S 2.98 Y $UITAELE• FOR GRADUATION. 45" 100 PERCENT.POLY-PONGEt PRINTS ON WHITE `t gO. $2.98 NOW .52,29' YD rryy s SewingCentre 11 VIeTOR1A ST:, .CLINTON 402 MI6' MAO, WON 0111.41611115104 •11.00141.11,1/41.0 tww w04` ro co oN DEODORIZER DISINFECTANT z VAPORISATEUR DISINFECTMl SPRAY_ Hexa/� DISINFECTANT:' SPRAY 14 oz. (10 Pouches per carton) armac' 14 Shoppers. Square, 6odsrich • Archie Berber,, PHM.B. ' Larry Rieck, -PHM:B. , The "Main Corner" when you're BUILDING REMODELLING * DECORATING Did'you get aII•yoUr insidejobs done this winter? No?. How about panelling? It's all here- 100's df Sheets FR• OM $ 3 95 TO • •AND. ' Ceiling Tile... White, Gold WO, and 2 new ones -,Coral and Crystal. FROM 90c EAR* CURBS • : FLOWER BED EDGING -}-WHITE STONE CHIPS increases on window Products, ere imminent .. there's a large stock of . DA$HWOOD PRODUCTS .Here at the old pricing fora limited time SASIRES'S .$41 . 93 PICTURE FROM FROM . WINDOWS • LU.45 CLASSIC ENTRANCE SYSTEMS - PATIO DOORS Let Bill quote your houselot window requirements COUNTER CASH at CARRY Building Supplies 2 4 PRINCESS ST. WEST, CLINTON 482-96'12 iw