HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-29, Page 13PEAR EDITOR
hike; .modest
(continued from page 4) in this province where no one
Increase ov
bumper -sticker campaign to has 'enough ablljty to choose '
keep the mandatory seat belt except some governmen
issue before She pubic eye bureaucr who can't even ,The :Huron_Perth.. Count
prion to and during the next park a bicycle straight. Roman Catholic Separat
provincial_ election and to The -mandatory seat belt .School •Board taas.sed• a 197.6
show our , politicians . law is •clearly an in-. bjidget of $3;910,340 that wil
fringement on ••-the in:, meian an increase of 0464,089
er 76.1..dget
y school year calendar for 1976-
e:. 77, • , calling •• for n-ine'.
professional'aetivity days,
Mr. Shantz stated that he
, does " nat find professional_
ii • activity days for teachers too
Worthwhile, and •sought to
d reduce the number from nixie
to .'six, : but: no one Would
s`econd his motion,
The calendar. approved has
187 instruptional days plus the
nine professional' days, which
include four. ' school'
curriculum days = September
• 13., December 10, January 21
and June 30, and five county
M4, October 18„N.ovember.26,
arch 7 and. June'29..
David Zyluck,:a .grade 7 and
8 teacher of `Precious Blood
School, Exeter, was ap-
pointed , principal of St.
Joseph's School in
Joseph Tokar, Stratford;
superintendent of special
services„ had his resignation
accepted effective the end of
July. Mr. Tokar has been
named director of education
for the Elgin County separate
school board•and•will assume
his new position August 1. Mr.
Tokar has been with the
board for the last' six years -
and has been responsible for,
curriculum p•rogram,_
professional. --development
and special education.
The Ontario :English
Catholic Teachers'
Association will underwrite
the `expense for the ' next
professio.nal development •
day up to the amount.oL $500
as.' outlined in a letter from
Terry Craig, president of the
The board will send $100 •to
the Catholic Parents Action
_:Group of , Ontario to assist
that' group in its fight ,for
.secondary ,school grants for
Catholic 'schools. •It was
suggested that as the "Huron-.•
Perth board did rrotbeve a--. --
secondary school under its
jurisdiction, the request for
•money did not affect the
board and. only verbal. en-
couragement should be sent.
At this point St, Marys
board• member John
through, the • 'use of the divlcjual s right to choose and ., or 13.4 per .cent over its -19,7
Bumper -stickers that the ,
vast majority of the people in
that's : why the ; following expenditu're; •
this' provinye, oppose the $logan was selected, for our Stratford' trustee;, Ronal
atoryseat belt law• bumper -sticker; i'SE-AT Marcy,.a. 'member of the
The most eat belt
thing BELTS SHOULD BE YOUR finance committee, said:
at this” time, • however; is to CHOICE "Since We started"working on
organize and gather as many We. firmly believe that the the -budget three` Weeks ago
provincial . government is. 'we have decrea•se4 the mill
as possible one „. using the. mand'atory.Seat belt rate by 1:94 mills over what
• mandatory seat o belt laes " .the law as an alternative to doing • we had originally expected."
r,We Hat belt law. ss some real -and positive things He said salaries and
far, we„ estimate that across �,tr-'nge
Ontario about 250,000 people that should have'been done a benefits account fpr 95.74 per
.have already signed .such a long - time ago. We cite the cent of the increase. and 68.72
petition. Anyone d'esirin to following: The government, per cent of the total ,budget
could have acted against the for 1976, - • •
organize a petition in their
• area may obtain •a petition drunk drivers who cause : Mr. Marcy said a. break-
forrnarea to get them started mole' than half of the auto down'o.f expenditures reveals
-(havingspace for 32 .�arr.e fatalities.; or the government- increases of 19.97 per cent in
p ). could have acted agairist'the. instruction, 3.7• per cent in
free of charge by contacting
PAMUS headquarters. in •St. people with extremely bad plant operation • and, main -
Thomas. • driving . records (about 10 tenance,; 14.74 per cent in
Anyone having already sent -•
percent of the drivers) who transportation: while capital
petition" signatures to . the .cause.about 90 percent of the expenditure has been
provincial government accidents; ar_She government decreased by 52.21'per .cent.
should advise PAMUS of the could have forced the in- Mr. Marcy pointed out that
exact number of signatures sub,s.e.
rance companies ..to . 'this year the trarfsportation
obtained. Future their rates entirely on• one's grant has been reduced by
petitions pre'vlous' driving record in. eight per cent which may
may be sent to PAMUS order to motivate bad drivers mean reductions .in tran-
headquarters or direct to the to improve themselves. sportaion in September.. He
provincial government — it' But • instead ofacting deplored the fact that, in 1969,
doesn't matter.- •The- im-
• portant thing is that the . against the above mentioned the.. ministry of education
number.., of signatures ..ob- minorities, the government. encouraged the county
to' chose to do`the one thing.that boards of education,
tained be reported
•• PAMUS. • • • -maximized the government's necessitating extra trap -
•When we approach 1,000,000 control over` the people. ,and sportation, resulting `in• high
signatures,. PAMUS will call minimized individual liberty transportation 'expenditures: ,
confer ll nd • and freedom in this province. on the part of county boards;
a major press
following this, we will seek an, Through the the
:seat all in the -name' of equality of ,
audience -with. the key_ belt law,, • the government educatiofi: lie said itaw.this
members of Parliament: who ; blamed ,the people for the year with the. cut back in the
were responsible • for • evils the government chose to' transportation grant,. this will
initiating the mandatory seat ignore.• mean an• increase in costto..
• belt law. When:we'meet wjth.. The• mandatory. seat belt..., the local taxpayer of $44,000:.
`these officials; we will law affects every driver and He regretted that the cut was
passenger in this' rovince all in one year, not a, raduaI
• petition. them . to •'repeal the
• (with a few special Iex- reduction.•
ma outline
or e po belt law and ce tiohs and — r Marc said the board
outline _some•posjtive steps to p ) Yet; the law Y.
reduce traffic accidents that • does,. absolutely nothing to wont replace.three of the fill.
we will want the government reduce:' accidents• or : make . -time •.teachers .who Have
anyone' a better driver. In . already resigned,' nor does ..it
to_act:on_which • are discussed •_fact,-- .0 e, the_-..manej'atory,_. plan.to;replace one.consultant
further on in this•newsletser; . seat •belt law. came into effect .who resigned recently; Two
If: ;these key members of . (January 1; 1976 to March. 31, portable'' classrooms will be •.
Parliament .should refuse •to vacated, one at Seaforth-due
act: on the petition, we will. 1976} ; the accident :rate in•
Ontario has actually risen by. ' to declining, enrolment. and
have no•choice but to inform:
• . them that when the next 7' percent (reference The' one at Kingsbridge, where the
ejection' occurs, PAMUS will London Free • Press, April 2, •• mew Brifce-Grey County
do ever th 19,76, page 1). `, separate_school will absorb
,Y mg possible to ' u • its
defeat them in:• their owxr • -- neere.y,:: p�-p
Robert Ward, Trustee Francis:Hicknell of
-• ridings. WS: Unfortunate:that
Seaforth, a member.: of the
such a lever might have to be' Treasurer^and.
Public Relations, finance committee, reported
..used. to instill.some common- • that provincial grants and '
sense in our government but other, revenue will • provide.
history has shown that some85,25 per cent of the 1976
politicians only react when Gtt off budget, compared-t087:65per
faced with certain'•defeat.• • cent in. 1975. Local taxpayers
We want to emphasize at j, t will be required to:contribute •
this point that we. are not your
chest. 14.72 per .cent to -this year's
denouncing the use of the seat budget. - -
belt, as a:. means. of saving • Jaek Lane, superintendent •
• lives and reducing injury.,% of business and finance;
Seat. belts are highly !� rl'te Dur`.
y presented the '1976 mill rate •
protective to the individual n ` for 0 the supporting
_ many scrash are bullet opinion municipalities . as , follows:
proof -vests, helmets, Ashfield Township, 36.72
suits -of -armor, bullet-proof- Colborne Township, : 36.17;
to name a few such items. But t
glass and armor plate - just G trice Township, • 33,.75;
'today Grey Township, . 30.61; Hay
when has' it got to .be the place,, Township, .39.66;•
Civic Cornea �°`
Announcements of a civic nature are printed free of
charge in this space in the --hope that increased public
awareness and participation will be the result. '
Today, Arbor. Day. If the weather is bad, Arbor Day
will berescheduled for Tuesday; May 4:
Today, 10` aim., Court House, Council-- Chambers
(second floor) Huron County Council April session.
Monday, May 3, 7:30 p..tn., Town Council meeting,
council chambers, town hall.
Township, 30.80; Hallett
Township, • 30.43; McKillop
Township, 31.57; Morris.
Township, • 28.24; Stanley
Township, 33.49; Stephen.
Township 36.44; Tuckersthith
Township, 34.25; Turnberry
Township 30.88; Usborne
Township, ' 30.13; . East.
Wawanosh Tdwnship, 32.'59;
West Wawanosh, 28..46;
Clinton, 35:17; Exeter, 34.34;
Goderich, 38.82; Seafoirth, -
31.39; Wingham, 37.20;
Bayfield, -41.00; B:lyth•, 33.45.;
Brussels, 33:54; • Hensel],,
31.80; Zurich, 36.54. ...
In other business during the
meeting, which was not
adjourned until 1 -. a.m. -
Tuesday, in a recorded' vote
with Stratford trustees
Howard Shantz and David -
Teahen' against, approval
was ,,,given • to , the proposed
rowsky siiap'ped: ,'I•f-we
can support the : cows surely
we can support .the catholic
secondary schools." He was
referring to a decision in
March to give $100 to. the
Perth Milk ' Board for- its
educational program'' for
young people.
are big
A meeting of the Huro
County Travel Associatio
was held Monday evenin
April 26 at Hully . Guily i
Varna. The meeting • wa
chaired by Presiderit'.Rand
'Collins, .with'.. members
'present from around the
county teli;ing part in the
various discussions .on
tourism the meeting proved
to be timely and enlightening.
A cominittee was formed to
draw up and cost an ad-
vertising program for. the '76
tourist season, .a program in
which all tourist and related
establishments will be asked
to participate.
Present at the meeting was
Bill Morgan, • general
manager of - the South
Western Ontario -Travel
Association whpbrought the
•membership up to date on its
activities and how the Huron
Association :can .fit in . to the
overall Tourist promotion
program, takingadvantage
• of local and provincial funds.
Mr. Morgan stated that all
business'• people- . and
politicians alike .should
realize how important the
tourist dollar is to Huron
County. Although direct
statistics for H'tiron are not
available it is estimated that
tourism ,in Ontario is a $2,6
billion business.
Mr. Morgan also cited some
of the advantages ofthe local
travelassociation such as co-
operative " advertising; up-
datt,d information, effective
distribution and solving of
mutual problems. •
'•'Allof these will not only
help us to bring the tourist
here but ,beep _them here and
bring Ahern bank again," he
said. -
The next 'meeting will be
held in May the specific date
and location to be announced.
Pork ChopsLB ' 1,1
LF3. 79c
(2-3 L.B.)
(SAVE 81..0.0 18.) 1.8.
$1 59
para Ribs 1 ..
SAVE 20c L8. LB. , •
- LIMITED CALL 524-8551
ode Dressed Inspected Meats at`Wholesale Prices
L.i; 95t'
The Screwballs, playoff winners in the Friday night mixed Stokes, •Barry Bogie, *Willa Bogie. and Art T o 1
bowling league, gathered for a `team picture with their available forphotographa chahoro by
trophy. The Screwballs are (from left) Joe Stokes,Peggy was Donna �olehard. (photo b`y
• ' Jason Ainslie)
The Friday night bowling league champs received trophies- "' Atfield, DorothyAtfield
4• •for their efforts this season at a banquet Saturday night, Not `available ' , aphMarg- were Carrick and Donh Carrick.
The winning team, the Pilo , we�_ _e_ tl ft to ri' g b for photograph. Lee and truth t,areau,
ght-L-L)_a�vd-____(.hA(1. 'y -atm, Ainslie). .:
The Tuesday night mixed bowling leagtie,wrapped up their
season•, with an awards night at whichthese ladies were
honored for their bowling ability. The winners are (from
left)' Jean MacInne
single; and Peg Stok
high. triple;. Ruth Fougei•e, high
high average: (photo by Jason -
Individual men's winners in the Fridaynight mixed bowlln «.
league were (front left) Joe Stokes .,
a 312 high average;
Russ +iJenumill,-a 791 high triple; Gord Ferguson, a 315 high
single; 'and, Art 1'01ehat'd who Jumped his average 26 points
to 130 to been ne the most linpro�+ed'bowler. (photo by Jastlti
' O•