HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-29, Page 9•
Total school budget 18,42.8,4'5.4
Chairman says "bare ';bones" budget
The tax rate for school emphasize that the cutbacks by the •government was a ' reduction in, 'level
purposes in the County of we have effected will not , minus ,quantity." assistance" will cost the boa
Huston. for 1976 will be in- harm the :education 'of our Chairman. of the budget close,to $860,000." '-
creased, by 28.7 per :cent as young people: Drastic as it committee,. John Elliott of The budget corn -mit
the .result of 'the, budget ap may 'seem we f 1 that' h g t
---co-o�l�ration of school � and the boar
feel a wit }.: ,p recommended '
rt► z' -8y hoard of e& tiaf_± °?vt said that
of At the same meeting:, the
rd . board agreed to . make ap-..
'plication to the Ontario
ee. ministry "of education : for
d permission to postpone ,the
an. ;.�secc ril"phase cons
This year five lovely young
ladies will vie for the honor of
Queen of the Prom to be held
this Friday at GDCI. The five
ladles are Laurie Kernighan,.
Patti Denornme, " Flora
Simpson, Marion • Bell and
Anne Melick. -
Laurie, 19, is • the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Kernighan of 11.R. 4
Goderich. She is a Grade I3
student at GDCI and in
September will enter. her first'
year of general 'studies •at
Wilfrid Laurier University in
Patti Dendmme, 17,, is the
daughter- of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Denomme of
Goderich. She is a Grade .12
student and will. be studying
business at Lambton Com- '
munity ,College in; Sarnia in
Flora :, Simpson is 'the' 18
year old daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Duncan Simpson of R.R.
3 Goderich.: She is a Grade 13
student. and hopes to attend
Victoria College at the
University of Toronto.'
Marion Bell, 19, will enter
her `first year:.of general
studies at the University of
Toronto' in • September..
Marion, a Grade 13 student; is
the. daughter cif.Mr. and Mrs.
R.W. Bell.
Anne Meiick, 19•, ' is the'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Melick of R.R. .2
Goderich. Anne, a Grade .13,
student, will continue her.
studies at Western. University
in London. •
r v�nciai.
trustees last Wednesday_ - ant"'t rPdppx' ed_ he transfer of
' staffs, students, parents and cent of revenue for the board existin g working fund re
night, April 21 municipalities, the.board will ,compared with 75 per cent, in fund of$200,000 to be used to
The total budget for •the continue to provide'a sound .1973,
reduce the . requisition from
year was approved` at educational. syster r of which' Elliott continued, "The - municipalities,
$18,428,354, " an • increase of
$2,330;150 from the actual
expenditures in - 1975. It
amounts to 14.47 per cent
Iri the last two months, the
board- in ' supporting the
we can all be proud.'' .
Turkheim emphasized that
per cent o
"at the Exeter Pu Iii chool.te
the 1977 budget year.
The ministry had
authorized the expenditure of
$277„710 for alterations and
m at
spent in this category.
•irustee Layley `Hill of
Goderich asked why ,debt
charges and loan,interest.had
(continued on.page 16)•
addition: of an auditorium
.the Exeter school. The budget -
shows. no plans for. capital
projects.. In 1975 $186 658' was
close to 80 p f the ®�school budget was already
commttedwhentheboard �. •ripleJUreceiv"'ednotice of the
cks off party
decreasein n support from the
Ontario govern n nt's
ad -
request for, restraint • i
<. in.viting the world, or anyone : and invites friends' from far • will be able ease the oto groms, they the annual art mart and craft
expenditures drastically in When we were advised,; that who wants to come'. The party and- wide to "
three areas.. contain that.' festival. held. i..n'Court House
the rate of 'support would .be . •celebrate our 'enthusiasm over the winter to • Park..
The cosi "of education reduced to 60 per .cent and 54 is to celebrate the 150th an- - home and share our pride'". ensure a su>acessful summer.
services was reduced by' 31. per cent at the elementar " niversary, of• the town's ” The song is to be used'as the Th
per cent, ed operating expenses Y founding and to. kick off the • t Tim Elliott, former ad
n provincial government. The town of Goderich is Goderich as a ':happy place until later in. the year to volve • 'with '
spending, slashed expected T.urkhe'im continued . having a birthday .party and to live .and laugh and
love" rel l t Celebration :'76,. .
focal point for an extensive committee was
advertising campaign to kick bsf. eo celeide the•
off next fall: Tlie campaign is. basis of. the ,celebration
working .with" every "service
designed to involve the entire }club; church', organization,
comntunity of Goderich•-and`. and group in Goderich to
hopefully to attract tourists,;_ .make the celebration. a total
ex residents, relatives and co`tMunity forf. ''
sightseeers to town to join -in The committee is working
the celebration. with the tourist committee of
The Triple Jubilee corn- council, the tourist com-
mittee is working now on -mittee being a liason'between
plans for the summer long council and the Triple Jubilee
party and hopes td ,go cocci `nie'rnbers•" The ,Goderich
pletely public, later in the
year; The committee feels
that by releasing their plans
arid sec on.dary school levels party; an' invitation has been ,,ministrator of Alexandra ;
were down -by 22 per cent �c Marine and General hospital;
has been named co-ordinator
of the Triple `Jubilee. com- .
mittee , and , .is joined by
George Low , • Mrs. Leslie
• King, Ed -Tonks, Mrs. Pat.
Spence, Mrs. Nancy Pond, `
Judge Frances Carter and the
Rev. Lockhart Royal.
P and respectively, we were pit to music. by the' Triple
non-operating costs were already faced with. salary Jubilee Committee .
slashed by 13 per cent.. - contracts that had been The song, (see page four)
b About 50 members •a, of: negotiated eight months two verses and a chorus, is an
councils -from Huron - previously and tenders for •.original of ..Rick' Bank's, anti
.municipalities attended the.school . supplies: had . been has been copyrighted by the
budget approval. meeting and called." town. The music was.
participated in aquestion and In 1975, government sup- - arranged by Laurie
answer period. • port: was 62 per cent in both McAllister and has • been•
' Board."chairman IHerb the element d ••
ary an secon ' recorded and copyrighted by
Turkheim,• in opening' the dary school panels..
budget discussion said; "we The board' chairman:_NorthernhorMusic.
"have done our utmost to pare; continued, "We, as a Board::" The words "of the songh
our budget to the bare bones believe . that 'restraints are • founding
Board -"briefly a - God 'for nd.
and t.o cut any rnore•would be necessary if our economy is tiof'Goderich and
irresponsible." testify to the claim th'
He, continued "I would
toat. it is all at once they will generate
be saved but are concerned
the prettiest town in 'Canada. needed enthusiasm' in town...
that the lead time given to us : The homey theme describes' . They hope : that; •by waiting
Sports field new proposal
A sub committee of the
Goderich „Recreation Board
submitted plans tothe board
of education for use of a
parcel land , across from
GDCI on Bennett Street.
e oar o education had
originally offered use of the
land to the town as a site for
the recreation complex. The
plans -for- the complex were
•dropped, and an alternate
Lions bus service
The Goderich Lions Club has announced it -swill. con-
tinue bus service for seni8r citizens` but on .a reduced
schedule. •
The club' implemented the fwo days a week senior
ci i ens bus service for a three-month trial period, in
waryand due to the success of the project wilrcon-
tinue one day per week. '
Beginning next week, the service will not be available
on Mondays but will run on Thursday from 10 a.m..to 2
p.m. The response to. the bus service Was good and an.
,average of 34 people per day took advantage of it. - -
The club cut the: service to one'day during the summer
months because because senior citizens are more mobile during
the warmer weather. In September the service will'
return -1:o its Mothday-Thursday schedule. • -
The club t1so intends to provide transportation to the
Sunday •night band concert's for senior citizens.
project was proposed.
Thenew proposal calls for
softball ,diamond; tennis
courts, and track 'a{nd - field
facilities to . be built on the
land. Mayor Deb ' Shewfel
made the proposal ' at. an
earlier " recreation board
meeting after. the complex
plans failed to materialize
and .conflicts arose over use
of agriculture park.
The matter will , be dealt
with at the May 3.'i'Fieeting of
the Board of Education in
In other recreation board
news B.M. Ross and
Associates yvill conduct a
structural analysis of the
Goderich arena. The roof
inspection has been delayed
because the entrance at the.
rear of the arena was not high
enough to allow'a'PUC truck
into the building. The work is
expected to be done the first.
week of.M:ay,
• Senior tennis instruction
will begin in May and: !tin' fdr
six weeks and the • junior
instruction ,will begin during'"
July.. Since summer
playgrounds were cancelled
the recreationdepartment
hopes to provide an alternate
a program during July and
The ` special " program
Summer Happenings, will he
t conducted for one week 4n
July ;and August ' and •will
consist of regular summer . .
activities plus other special
events and trips and,is geared
for boys and girls between the,
• ages of six and 12. The
program ,will depend on
registration and . the
availibility of cfualified
,„ leaders.
Red Shield
.blitz corning
this weekend
The Red Shield blitz will be
:held May 31rom 5to8:30p.m.
Canvassrs will be going door
.to `door, all over Goderich
sbliciting .funds for. Salvation
ArmY projects-,
Thisis the onceannual
_drive to raise funds for work
done by the Salvation 'Army.
please be generous.
The committee members
are preparing" their plan's
Recreation' and Community`, using a 60 -page report. on.
Centre 'Board .is expected to possible celebration activities
take a more active part in that was prepared and
Triple Jubilee later, in the submitted by.. , Taurus
year, The Goderich 'Tourist Marketing Services which is
Committee is currently in- headed by.Rick Banks.
4 - 4 . 4
The Beta Sigma; Phi sorority honored a 25 year. member
Sunday With an afternoon luncheon held In Godjciit..
Martha Rathburn was guest of honor at the luncheon and
here looks over the scrapbook of Sorority activities in
Goderich with some of the long time'mernhers of the.group.
From the left are Auleen Curry and 11/ayM'ooney, sponsors
of the Sorority, Mrs. Rathbiirn; and Kay Wise a charter
member of Beta Sigma Phi from 1951, (staff photo)