HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-22, Page 25KiN6SBRIoeE: KAPERS
• Mrs. Jail Cuurtucy 9291189
Frank Austin .'celebrated
his 84th birthday on Saturday,
April _17. Relatives, friends
and neighbours called on him
:during the day' bringing best
Wishes. A.rnong:thenl were. hiS;
,Sister,: Mrs. Irene Murphy of
GoderiCh' and . Mr. and Mrs',
Raymond Murphy -ofToronto.
A birthday.supper was,seryed
at the 'home of his daughter
Teresa, Mr: and Mrs.' Joe'
Courtney and family where
Mr. Austin re'mairred^for the
Eater holidays weekend.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Reis Miltenburg who
'celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary" with a family
gathering and -dinner at their
home -on .the 9th -Concession of
Ashfield . Township '• an
Saturday,. April 17. Reis and
Marie were married in
London on April 14, 1951. They
have a family of .four boys
and four girls who were all
present for the cele-brations.
They are Nolda, Tony, Benny,
Donnie,. Mary. Ann, Maurice.,
Nancy •and Diane. Mr. and
Mrs. John Miltenburg and
• family, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Miltenburg and • family,. • 1
and Mrs.. Hank DeBr.uvn and
family of Sudbury,. Mr, "and
Mrs.. Arnold Marsr an and
family', of London were also
present:'. The coiip.le received. •
rna y gifts •
Students attending the
different Universities • • and
Colleges spending • the • Easter'
weekendat their homes, here
were: ' '
Misses Mary and Ber-
nadine VanRooy of London
with . their parents Mr. and.
Mrs. John VanRooy;
Marianne and ' Nancy
O'Keefe with Mr. and Mrs..
Joe O'Keefe;
Mary Ann, Len and Ben
Miltenburg, . University . of
Guelph with Mr. and Mrs.
John Miltenburg;
Ken Doherty, University of
Western Ontario, London
with Mr. and . Mrs, Frank
Doherty ;
Kathleen . Hogan,, London,
Anita and_ Leona . Hogan of
Stratford, Janette Hogan,'
Guelph and Lawrence Hogan
Centralia • College of
Agriculture and Technology
with Mr. and Mrs. John
Howard; •
Glen Tigert, University of
Western Ontario with Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Tigert;'
Ann Dalton, Wilfrid Laurier
University, Waterloo' with
Mrs. Ma"r.k:l.''Dalton and
family; - . • -
Miss ,Anne VanDiepenbeek,
• teacher • at St. Marys high
_school..' Heariette., . School of
• Nursing,. - Victoria Hospital,
London and Frank of London
with their parents ,Mr. and
Mrs. Frank VanDiepeiibeek.
• Holy; Week celebrations
were well attended during the
past week at St. Joseph's
church, Kingsbridge.
Reverend Father McAuley
and ..Brother Shekley of
London and ' Monsigirer
Phalen of St. ' Augustine
assisted Father Dentinger.;A
special welcome is given, to
the summer cottagers who,
once,again filled the church to
•capacity en Easter Sunday
Why you
should let
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worry. about• your
income taxes.
We take all the time •
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to hake sure 'Ou:r
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Only cm the complexity.
•- of your return. • `
Gel a mile ixat,•r s+,j niincl.`.
and will.be with us during the
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar
Maize and family :of Union-
ville and Miss Diane Vasiella
Scarborough' • spent ..the
Easter • holiday weekendat
the twine of theireparents Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Vasseila.
Miss. Fay -Hogan .'of .Owen
Sound visited recently at the
borne of her parents, Mr. and
1Vi:rs.'Connie :Hogan.
Miss Frances Gilmore of
London spent the weekend at
the hdme of her brother,. Mr,
and Mrs. Jim Gilmore. -
lVirs. Kathleen Ellis and son
Shawn of London and Miss
Joanne O'Neill of, Stratford
spent -the' weekend at the
home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim O'Neill. °
Mr. a'nd Mrs. Charles
Schindler and family of
Marine City, Michigan spent
the weekend with Mr,
Michael O'Neill and 'the
O'Neill families.
.. Paul O'D-onnell who is
employed in Stratford spent.
the weekend at the home of
h-is==parents, 'Mr. and 'Mr: s
Desmond O'Donnell. :
A Confirmation•'. Retreat
was.; held :. in St.. Joseph's
Parish, Halt
.at..` Clinton on
Saturday, April. 17' for all
those who will be confirmed
by Bishop. Sherlock ,.an
Tuesday evening, April ,27 at
St. 'Joseph's • . church,
Kingsbridge at 7:30. '
Mr. -and Mrs, "Alfred' yoll,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voll, all
from St. Clement's and Mrs:
Ed Liendardt of Waterloo
•visited with. Brother Carl Voll
;Peter Fiayne has. corn-
pteted Sfudles at LaSalle
University, 'Quebec and
arrived home here on Good
Friday, .April to'
summer vacatio16n at the homspendthe e
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lr nal'dFarayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos.epll
Copperauill ' and. daughter
Elizabeth of netroit,
Michigan,: spent the Easter
holiday weekend at the horse
of Mr: and Mrs. Walter Clare
Miss MaryargLoaret:Frayne""who:
is employed. in London spent
ale • weekend at" the home of
her parents, . Mr, and. Mrs.,
•.l3onna and Lucille Frayne,,
daughters of Mr. and Pfrs,.
Donald Fcayne and Marianne
Frayne, daiightex of Mr,:and
Mrs. Eugene F•fay'ne, vocal
pupils of Mrs: Marjorie
Dunlop will be taking 'part.in
the singing and pia:norecital
being held in St. George's
Parish Hall, Goderich on
Friday, April 23 at 8' p.rn
Pianostudents are pupils of -
M;r. Joseph Herdtnan.
There's no admission charge
and everyoneis welcome' to
come out .'to hear these
talented young people. The Pariah Hall at_
Kingsbridge' has" • • been -
redecorated.' Members of the
Catholic Women's League
held'& cleaning bee at the Hall. •.
:on Tuesday, April20. ° ' ,-.
Plates are; being: made for a
Bridal' shower to be held at,
the Lucknow Anglican'Parish
Hall in " Lucknow oxi Thur;.
sday, April 22 at 8 p.m. for
Miss Joan Chester. Her_''
marriage to Michael :Coup
tney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Courtney of Goderich will •%
take place -iia Kingsbridge on
Saturday, May 8 at
Most 'areas of the province were treatedto record, high It is unlikely that there will be much activity on the beaches
tennperatures last week which made the Easter weekend '.for a while but itis a good sign to_see 'at feast one lady
more enjoyable. Local 'residents alSo'took advantage of the sunning herselfon thebeach. (staff photo).
sunshine get a start on a tali or simply enjoy the outdoors
:1 DAT O LTA -i
9130 e.M, to 5p.m.
43 West Go • erlch
N1E40 ITEM. i
1 -Farfisa 2488 Organ, •••
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1 Galanti X300 Organ Re $1095 00 S° E
21Wurlit er ElectrQnle 'Piapos . Reg; $959.00 each
(A Real Piano Action) SALE - each
1 Model 724 Orcana Chord OrganSALReg: $199.00E $ 1 S9.09.
1 Model 712P Orcana Chord Organ
1 48 Bass Accordion
Reg. $149.00
SALE s 1 29.00
Reg. $19!.95 SALE
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1 Mann 5 String Banjo . Reg. $179:95 " SALE $ 1 39:95
1 Garnet Rebel 11 Piano, Guitar 8. Reg. 5325.00
Bass Amp. SALE $ 2 1 9.00
1 Jazz Master Copy With Case Reg. 5159,00
SALE -$89.
1 Telecaster Copy With Case
2 Kawai _ Folk Guitars
1 Kawai Classic Guitar
.1 Farfisa`Organ
Reg. 5189.00
SALE $1 29.°°
Reg. 5110.00 each
Reg. 5199.00
SALE. $1 49.°O
t Gibson G40 Amp:
1 72 Bass Accordion
P.ulsi:f•:er .Musico = Goderich
43 West St.
• 524-6291
Match or Mix
Your Sportswear
• Pants
* Skirts
• Shirt Jackets
• Blazers
• Shirts
• Shells
Basic Grliup Cobalt Blue,
Spring. green, Navy
Pin Stripe Group — Brown,
Linen Loak Group Yellow,
Soft Btue , .
Navy, Blue, Mint
Charmante Group Bluebell,
'Raspberry', Spring Gree„
Lintran Group..... Turquoise
Green, Blue
Linen Look r-- Pink, Powder.
Green Tweed; Blue Plaid,
Beige Border Print, 1Stue, ,
Champagne :Gaberdine
C4, , • 11R.�