HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-15, Page 30AUCTION. SALE 11 A.M. EASTER SATURDAY, APRI1:17th. 1236„TRAFALGAR STREET, LONDON, ONTARIO • Beats: 14' Starcraft fiberglas runabout c -w 40 h.p. Johnson= • skis, lite jackets, tarp, traileretc., 14' Munro Fiberglas c -w 40 h.p. Evinrude, trailer, 19' Wilker 100. h.p. Mercury, cabin cruiser c -w head, sink etc., 16' Marktwain fiberglas 115 h.p., trailer. etc. (beautiful), 22'Delcraft I-O.B. cruiser 155 h.p,, V6, head etc., Tandem trailer, 14' Lyman 35 h.p. Johnson, Tee Nee trailer, 16' -Bellboy fiberglas 75 h.p. Johnson, trailer,. 17' Lapstake 65 hnp., Gale trailer. • - Motor homes: new Champion,20' 1974 self contained Dodge 440, new 1975 Champion 18' Ford motor home shell, • ' -Travel trailers: t7' Banner ('loaded)'17' Shasta, 18' Shasta, 17' Layton, 15' Cree fully equipped, new 1974 Cobra Tandem sleeps 6, 1974 Shamr••ock sleeps 6, mint condition, 1971 Sprite- ' 18' sleeps 5.- ' • Campers: 1973 11' Swinger truck camper 1971, 11' truck camper Saturn, 1975 11' Marborough GMC camper bus all fullyequiiipped;'stove, frig., toilet etc. Motors: Gray marine,efgine completely overhauled, 9,9 h.p. Evinrude, 6 h.p. Johnson, and others, Vehicles: •1967 T Bird Laundau, •1966 Chrysler, 1970 Meteor Hardtop,. 1956 Dodge pick-up, 1970 Mustang, 1973 Monte Carlo hardtop: Miscellaneous: 5th wheel Tandem axle trailer frames 23' to 33', 3 office trailers; bicycles • 10 speed, trikes etc., super 8 movie camera, hockey equipment, skis, chain saw, patio sets; 12 G,• shot guri, air rifles, two wheel box trailers, new boat anchors. "e . Machinery: Two, industrial abrasive cut-off sain7s c -w air filtration system, electric pallet, •truck with new batteries,' shoe stitcher etc. Building materials: 47 pcs. 4'.x 8' barn board panels, 144 pcs. 4 x 4. x 3/4” chip board, inside doors,,new bathtubs, kitchen, cupboards, counter tops, paint, trim and moulding shutters, bifold doors:' , Trailer parts: Two propane furnaces 4600 B.T.U., hot water heaters; doors, windows, pumps, roofing, siding etc, Terms - Cash or Certified cheque 25 percent deposit wilthold. Still time t0 enter your itettis•in this sale preview • Storey Auctions (519) 455.5415 • Ir ri 9RI H.'SIQNAL S'.rA,R.THURSDAY>.AP'R4L 15,1197 •s; , 8,: HELP WANTED DEPENDABLE PERSON WHO CAN . WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION., Earn $.14,000,per ;yea.r..Contact customers. &rennd Goderich.'We train. Writei F.• E. Dick; Pres.., Southwestern Petroleum, Brani.pton,Ont: LST 276. . WAITER or - WAITRESS and SHORT ORDER COOK • Apply_ in person Bavarian Tavern -565-2843- Bayfield JANITOR WANTED FULL OR PART-TIME APPLY IN PERSON TO THE CAND•ELIGHT RESTAURANT' BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH SALES we have an opening in the Sales' Field for an ambitious .Person , Willing . to work evenings. Good Remuneration. Contact: , ONTARIO -� M T4R II -AGUE : HURON DIVISION ' CLINTON .48.2-9300' • or write to Ontario Motor League 57 Rattenbury St. Box TO60 CLINTON, ONTARIO ' 11. TENDERS. Orltar,io INVITATION TO TENDER 'for ROAD RESURFACING PINERY PROVINCIAL PARK. The Ministry of Natural Resources, will receive sealed bulk tenders until. 12:00 noon local timeat the office of the undersigned on a• April 30, ,1976. The project is for 4.57. miles of resurfacing of various roads in Pinery Park.with H.L. 2 hot laid asphalt mix. The estimated quantity is 2,900 tons. Plans and.specifica.tions may be obtained at the office of the Undersigned. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Regional .Engineer Southwestern Region Ministry of • Natural Resources 1106 Dearness Drive ' London, Ontario. N6E 1N9 • DUE TO EXPANSION we require two"'Real Estate. Salespeople in Goderich. We are opening another Branch: Office, and two of our Goderich Salespeople are , being moved. We prefer ex- perienced people, but' it is not necessary. Must want . full time wqrk„ and a desire to earn a higher than average income. Hoist- provides: • Sales Aides •...Hundreds of Listings • Leads _ • -Across Canada Referral ,system ' !. Local Referrals'. • Insurance Benefits • Commission' plus Bonus Plan • • Unlimited Ontario Ad- vertising ..'• _Manager Assistance • Modern Office Facilities • •Secretary Service • For an appointment for a Confidential interview to talk it over Ca1I Mr. Tobey, Goderich . Office 524-8951 •or 'Mr.. Cutts, Executive. ..Vice President, Hanover 364-3110. 9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household eflectsnr small lets wanted. Call C- and E Furniture, 524•4231,=tf WANTED •,— 28" girl's bicycle and a baby carrier for a h'icycle. Phone 529-71,28,—l6tfnc ,en TEACHER requires a ride to Clinton daily Monday through Friday, Arrival tithe • 8:30 a.m., departure time 4 p.m. Call 524- 2085. Will help with "expenses. -16 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MAN with 1/2 ton and/ or stat.ionwagon seeking mail delivery - courier, chauffeur or light delivery work, ^Cannot do any .lifting of heavy parcels, ett;: Willing ' to relocate. 20 years safe driving„ with good references, Write Drawer 416,c/ o Box 220, S grial-Star,•-1Stf FM OUT oy CHIS WORLD Matt t ti's ,, MS 1 • Ontario • ROOFING CO:NAC_T_O-RS_-__ Re -Coating of the entire roof of Wing "A" including Pen- thouse and.,. Wing "B", Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, Goderich; Ontario. Ministry of • Community & Social Services. G.O.2 • -.and Re -Coating of Ward "F", Gymnasium and-..K.itchen:. and the Re -Roofing of the• Service Area, Dr.' MacKinnon :Phillips Hospital, Owen Sound; . On- tario. Ministry of Health G.O. 3 SEALED .TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m.," LOCAL TIME ON MAY 11, 1976 • ' Tender Documents mar be obta•ined -fro m. the Ministry .of" Government Services, Regional Office, 400 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. Ni E 2Y1, Telephone No. (519) 822- 1150. NOTE:. For further in- formation regarding this tender please contact Mr. L. Vetter, at the •above address. Telephone No. (519) 822-1(150. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY .OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 'HALF -TON TRUCK td do odd • jobs. Phone 524-8553.-13-18ar FOR . INSTRU.CTION on ac- cordion, piano, organ or,guitar, %.0h6ne 524-2711. • (Instruments •supplied.?-26tf ' LAYING and finishing concrete floors for basements, garages, patios. Call George Barraclough 524-8158.--43tf LEA -LYNN POOLS sales and - service, maintenance of quality • • Tafko pools, 524-9169.-16tf • CUSTOM. BUILT ornamental' iron railings, inside and out, Gerald Lewis, 175 St. David • Street, Goderich, phone 524- 2427.=16-21 MO1tTG'AG•ES • — First and ,wt•nnd mortgages, residential, commercial confidentiaiservi.ce. Nn hidden charges or bonus. Debt consolidation and refinancing a pcciaity. HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICE INC, CaIl'Collec't 1.579= 0100 ;=l 2tf • DAILY,CAR RENTAL Reasonable 'Rates • McG EL' S Goderich ' Phorie 524-8391 19tf': VACUUM CLEANERS • SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES 'BOB• PECK vomi 252-55748 . gctfn 107. .N. I p, ,. �'... y v...F. e,�,ei.,• •y... • �n11Hk f 12, AUCTION SALE ` AUCTIONEER1NG ANY KIND OF, •SALE" LET HAROLD DO IT f, GRADUATE "REISCH COLLEGE OF AUCTIONEERING PHONE 52'4.-9657 SERVICE CLUBS - CHURCH SALES NO CHARGE Auction Sale Sat., April 17- 10:30 T10:30 A.M. Sky Harbour Airport, 2 miles north of Goderich, just off Hwy:•' No. 21. Watch for sign: Electric fixtures, bathroom fixtures, fuses (boxes of 50), numerous, overhead light fiures, forced air wall insert heaters, fluorescent light fixtures, -largeand small• conduit junctions,circuit' breakers, numerous amounts of duct work (different types), 4" outlet covers, electric, conduit couplings, large and small • utility boxes, elements for• baseboard heaters, `prefabricated door sills with hinges',' door knob sets, toilet Raper holders (3 types), exhaust fans for ranges, numerous air verits for washrooms, rollsand rolls of vinyl wallpaper (different colours), boxes of, pro stick weather ,stripping, copper tubing; aluminum • door hat)'dtes-Et,'it3iKr ; e , soap trays' (different , types); numerousboxes of locked -mail boxes, ceramictile, automatic floor sweepers (gas). Other ..;articles too numerous to mention. Lunch Booth -Auctionf er -"Harrold• La mb AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSIB.LE FOR AC- CIDENTS .DURING, SALE: 12. AUCTION' SALE • 12. AUCTION. SALE 3ird; ANNUAL, RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT • CONSIGNMENT .AUCTION SALE 11 a.m. Easter Saturday - April 17, 1976.. 1236 TRAFALGAR STREET, LONDON, ONTARIO (WEST OV HIGHBURY AVE., REAR OF POP SHDPPE Boats, inboards, outboards .froth 12' aluminum to ..22' cruisers, outboard motors, truck campers, camper bus, toppers; gun, bicycles, flat trailers, traveltrailers, tri axle. 5th wheel float, tri axle (24,000 Ib.) Beavertail float; tandem farm #loat, 1967 T -Bird Landau dexcellent), hockey equip- ment, garden furniture etc. • YOUR CONSIGNMENTS - WELCOME - A great place to• buy -sell or exchange via .the. auction,method. MACHINERY Two large abrasive cut off saws c -w exhaust units,_75 h.p. diesel engines, table saws, etc. etc, etc. STOREY AUCTIONS 455.5415' - • 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE' MID -WESTERN PAVING Driveways, • Parking 'Iots,Repairs .LACK'S TEXACO & CAR WASH Huron Rd. 524-7744 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton '482-3320'and Seaforth 527-0284. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE. - GARDEN tilling •dune;. Phone,. Noi; r#1,•Leddy,.524-697.3.-15-20 a BLUE 'WATER Home. Renovations NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL "COTTAGES—ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES CALL 228-6763 COMPLETE CAR INTERIORS PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED Have the Winter Grime removed from your car or truck seats and carpets by experts at 257 Warren St. Goderich.. Call •524-8892 GENERAL CONTRACTING' ROOFING, PAINTING BLOCKWORK, ETC. (FREE ESTIMATES ) CALL GODERICH 5 24-7:604 • Before 12:00*or• After •6: 0 Daily • B UCHANAN . & HALL= 'LTD. STRATFORD • r•^ �,LME-R•C-ISL- RE- FR;IC €R;4T•I.Ot•*1-••-•�--�_ & AIR CONDITIONING APPLIANCES Inglis--Moftat--Beatty Sales -Service Repairs 10 all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph'. 524-7871 —1711 CANADIAN LEGION BR., 109 AUCTION SALE. May 8, 1976 :15 p.m: Anyone wishing 'to donate or consign items contact `524.-8607 524-9661 all donations are for THE BUILDING FUND RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS - 'CLINT.O.N - 482-3.120 I 13,SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVI'CES AVAILABLE LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION. SAND GRAVEL — AGGREGATES ' BACKHOE EXCAVATING, S-creen.ed' Top -Soil 'Phone 482-764-4 Tree Trimming . and Removal • CEMENT WORK 524-7237 ' • or 524-9169 Wm. R. Nelson CARPENTER - Area -Representative • for - TRALEE KITCHEN• CABINETS arid vanities 528-2949` FREE -ESTIMATES • Service 7 ;Days:a Week GODERICHAREA DONALD.• C. JOHNSTON 134 Wilson Street. Phone 524-7758 SANDBLASTING Homes, Steelwork, Boats, Air Hamrrfier, Backhoe ' Call ARNOLD STOTHERS 529-74Q3 Distributor for Acorn Pools PAINTING & ROOFING p HOME RENOVATIONS GENERAL REPAIR 524-2062 After 5:00 for free estimate FOR YOUR Carpet and Jlphol"steryr Cleaning Needs Superior: Maintenance Now Offers STEAM orDRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524.8892• 257 Marren' St., Goderich MATHERS. . . LANDSCAPING. & LAWN- MAINTENANCE Specializing in landscaping and your complete lawn' •needs. Rhone : • 524-2401 524-7044 Huron Pines Electric RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL FARM' VVIRING SPECIALIST Phone 482-7901 collect Huron Pines Construction Ltd. • SEPTIC SYSTEM SPECIALIST • CLASS 1 & 6.SYSTEMS • LICENSED CONTRACTOR AGENT FOR AQUAROBIC SYSTEMS Phone 482-7901 collect CARPET -DIRTY 0 Do it_. yourself. and save Rerit, the pro R carpet cleaner • pA N r* to Good'Nousekeepingo nomsn Have the experts do it r • Steam gets the dirt other methods non t reach: • 'Removes old shampoo. • Carpet -dries quickly. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street 5. Goderich; 524-2440' - -Herman Stryker SIDING • INSTALLATIONS Kaiser`Atuminum , ' Westroc Vinyl . Siding,. Soffit and Fascia; Eavestro.ughl;n.g, ; Shutters, Quality ..workmanship, reasonable prices: 20 year guarantee. Throw away that paint brush! Call us., • 482-7428 . Roofing. Painting Carpentry. PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158 FREE ESTIMATES BACKHOE. SER VICE BASEMENT EXCAVATION_ S' DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING •, SEWERS ' Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES SI-Bruinsma. , Goderich 524-8668 ALL PURPOSE CaII Rick Boel 529-7222 BACKHOEING Septic -tanks trenches - basements Carpentry Work Home. Renovating Furniture Repairs &`Refinishing- (30.rears Experience) (No rob -I' cTO- all) 524-2591 or 524-9386' • .,Bety,een 12 & 1 p.m:; or after 6 p.m, 1 HOFF.MEYER Plumbing t1'feating Ltd. ..: APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST, ELECTRIC ', • Inglis washeri„ ' dryer*, refrigerators, dishwa.shars, ' ranges • GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges DAYMOND VINYL SIDING & ALUMINUM SIDING SOFFITS & FASCIA • Aluminum storm doors and windows, weather stripping; small 'plumbing repairs. DO IT YGUi2SELF OR WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU! FOR FREE .ESTIMATE,S CALL D.G.M. HOME MAINTENANCE.`A-K F=OR DON. • • '526-4744 •14.• HOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N -THE ESTATE OF FRAISER • SWAN All persons 0aving claims ' against the Estate of Frailer Swan, late -•of -the Town of Goderich, in the Countly df.Huron,' Taxi Proprietor, • deceased; who died on the 20th day. of August, 1975, are hereby notified to send - in full particulars of, their claims • to the undersigned on or. before • the 15th•day of April, 1976, after .,, whicli: date • the assets will be distributed having regard only to -claims then received, Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this • 23rd day of March, 1976, • McConnell; Stewart & Deyereaux, TIP-TOP ROOFING + All types of hiding + Hot and 'Asphalt Roofing -I-. Commercial and •Residential + Complete Home Renovations ,PHONE CLINTON 482-7043 Barristers,&c„ Seaforth, Ontario, —14,15,16 All persons having claims against the estate of PEARL ' MacADAM, late of the Town of -Goderich, in the County of Huron, Widow; who died on or about the 6th day of March, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 7th day of May) 1976, as after that date" the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at the 'Town' of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 7th day of April, 1976: ' PREST..& EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderieh, Ontario. Solicitors fir the•E•state, 16,17,18