HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-15, Page 25••••••,••••,'•.7.;•• 54, • .1",tp • 4.. 1 kill10MIONHOOIN01- - • On Monday, April 5, Mrs. Grharn McNee and Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge attended •the Huron West Womeres Instiinte District Executive meeting at Belgrave. •On Thursday April. 8; four Dungann'en 'W,I. members attended the -75th. Anniver- SarY .benaluet of: Goderiche Miss Irene Hasty R.N. of • Regina flew home ItursdaY.' to spend a few days with her father and brpthet, Mr. Lorne Hasty and BrOck. Mr. and .Mrs'. Alden Hasty alio Mr, and Mrs. Jim ThOmPtOn, Wendy, Heather, Andrew and Stephen, from. Vineland visited with them on Sunda.m Leonard Chisholm is off 'work • and hospitalized in Wingharn due to a disc injury. Mrs. Mary Bere is in Victoria Hospital, London, where she was taken by ambulancebn Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Whitney from Kitchener were home with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson during the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith returned home in Wednesday having spent several winter months in Florida.. On their return they visited members of their family in the Windsor - Chatham area. • You are invited to 'worship next Sunday, Easter.SUprigY, in DungannOnUnited,Church, • There will be specir,1 Music by the . choir. Envelopes en- .. titled M1racles bap- pen" were given fora special . offering forWorld g° Developinent and Relief. Let us share some of the bounty that dodlia.s. showered on us with those who have met disaster • The Explorer Mother - : Daughter banquet will be held et 12:30 -on April 19; and the 1,1...C.W, on April 20. W. I. The annual meeting of the?Dungannon „Branch of Wprnen's Institute -wee held April 7 at the home of Mrs. McNee with 18 metnbers and three visitors in attendance. Mrs. McNee, president, extended a hearty welcome to the District President, Mrs. Ivan Wightman o,f Belgrave, and to all • who came. Following singing of the W.I. grace a stnorgasbord pot -luck dinner was very much en- joyed. Many verities of foods were sampled. In answer to the roll call "What the Institute has done for me", many finethoughts were expressed. Fees were paid fpr 1976-1977. The •minutes and correspondence were read. and discussed. Four mem• - bers had attended the Ford Forum at Clinton April 6. Several others plan to be present • at the 75th • Anniversary of the Goderich 'Braneb banquet April 8. An invitation to attend a dessert card party and, bake sale at Tiger Dunlop Branch April 22 at 1:30 p.m.. was BRUCE MACDONALD ELECTRIC DomestCommercial-Industrial •• 133 Britannia Rd. •• • PhOni. toning's.- 524-8. read. The %lilt recently made 4as displayed and is very lovely. • The •°treasurer's report showed a. decided increase in - • funds. •• Mrs. • -McNee introduced Mrs. Wightman who brought , greetings from Huron West District and emphasized the. 'importance ofWL work." The annual reports of the Conveners were given, .and copyof each forwarded to" the . district cOnveners. Other items el buginess followed: to pay fees olcurator; to pay 50 c. to Huronview Auxiliary andtry to have two Members attend each month (3rd Monday) at Clinton; sick and shut-in friends in the --com- inanity are to be remembered at Easter time -the committee for this includes Mrs. Clifford Piirdon, Mrs. -Robert Irvin, Mrs. Lorne:Iver, and Mrs. George Errington. The report of • the nominating committee the election of officers. Collection and pennies for friendship were -received. The Standing Committee conveners met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Black on Wed- nesday evening April 14 to plan the program for 1976- 1977. Officers for 1976-1977 • President, Mrs, Elmer Black; 1st vice president, Mrs. Jack Clements; 2nd vice president, Mrs. George Errington; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Harry- Gir- vin; district-directbr, Mrs. • Graham McNee;, Alternate, Mrs. Robert Irvin. Branch. Directors, •Mrs. Alvin Kerr, 'Mrs. - Hugh • McWhinney, Mrs.. Fred Young.; Public Relations • Officer, Mrs, Cecil. Blake; Curator and Committee, Mrs. • Warren Zinn, Miss Beth 'McConnell, and Miss Iva. • Carr. • Pianist, Mrs. Gordon Finnigan; assistant pianist, , Mrs. Wilbur Brown; resolutions'; Miss:.. Iva Carr, auditors, Mrs. Warren Zinn, ' ,,, Buchanan & Hall Ltd. STRATFORD Commercial Refrigeration , • and Air Conditioning • NOW WE HAVE A • SERVICE CENTRE IN GODERICH a..• For sales and service of bulk milk coolers and transfer '4 systems. • •• • SERVICE 7' DAYS A WEEK Ask for DOnOI0 C. Johnston 5247,7758 134 WILSON GODERICH A A &twit:0, OWNED & OPERATED BY FLETCHER TILE LTD• . 'Manufacturer's of ••• --CO,NCRETE PLASTICdnd CLAY RAINAGE TILE • • Size from 4"throygh to 14" • Immediate delivery to job site. -Tile delivered on pallets SgAFORTH TILE P.O. Box 820 • A Phone 527,0511- i Mrs. Robert Irwin. 'Standing Committees: Agricultural - and Canadian Industries, Mrs. RobertJxvin, Mrs.' Wilmer Rutledge; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs. Gbrdon• Finnigan, and Mrs., Russel Afton; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Clifford Purdon, and Mrs. George Errington; Citizenship and • World Affairs, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney, and • Mrs. Graham McNee: • Soil samples increasing - in Haim' By Mike Miller Associate Agr. • Representative Soil samples submitted by Huron County farmers the past twoyears are increasing in number, • as -producers endeavour to, monitor- their soil fertility or establish the levels on a farm they have just purchased. However, a small but growing percentage appear to be poorly done. I see in- dications •of 6-10 quick • samples being taken to •represent a 50 to 100 acre field. Such a soil test is of no value in either mbnitoring soil fertility • or making recommendations, for with so few samples representing as • large and varied an area as what was an entire farm only a few years agb, there are bound to be vast differences in soil nutrient levels. To use such reports to - monitor changes in Soil fertility is stupid for the next. set oT quick samples grabbed in 2-3 years may be of a dif- ferent area - The grower will then be wrongly convinced that his past fertility program was the -cause of the sudden enrichment or depletion of his soil. • As well, to base, the fertilizer requirements on the, , results of such tests may lead to gross under fertilization with subseguent lost yield or gross over fertilization and loss of money, depending on where these few samples were grabbed. Growers should attempt to follow the rule of one sample or more per acre -- 'on uniform level fields. On fields of -rolling land or various soil types, each of the different 'areas should be sampled and •Submitted -separately. ••.•" . • 9,1V4..•• ••• .. • . . •• • • .•.. • -.• •- P.*. . 5 . • - An unidentified defender and her team captain Kim Buchanan (No. 1) watch helplessly as the ball -drops through for the winning basket by ,the opposition in the St. Mary's lretiseleague girl's championship game Friday. The .T-shirts,led by Ginette Richard, won • an overtime contest over the shirts 16.14 (staff photo); • „Canted° • Liberal Leader Stuart.Smith told the Clinton hospital board last Friday • that he would re -open the: • Olinton.Public Hospital as an, active treatment hospital should his party form the next • - • -provinci„argovernment. Dr.: Smith made the: Staternent before, the hospital board was' told Mendey that ° :they must close Clinton as an activethospital. • • ' • Mt. Smith said he had to ' apologize to thapeople in the • Clintpn area for not bringing • the government down last :Week on: the hospital closing •issue, but he said only those peopleinthe ridings affected b'y the' clesings were upset with the Progressive Con- servative government. •Most of tha other 4 million voters, Mr. Smith said, in • ridings not affected see the. • closings as a "sign of • government restiaint." By forcing an election only six months after the last one, most people in Ontario would be angry with the opposition • and would elect a majority Conservative government Mr, Smith said. „ "And if you think the Tories • are heartless , now in •a minority position, think whate they, would be likathen (with a majority)," he said. • Mr: Smith' said .he was disgusted that Clinton and the other hospitals•in small towns had been picked to be closed • "lifa is difficult enough in small: towns," "If you look at the data, Error • corrected The Signal -Star erred last week In giving Les Pitblado recognition for the . bowling prowess of Joe Schlesinger. Schlesinger had the year's high single., 365, in the Men's Monday night league and was wrongly identified in a pic- ture of the league champs. (staff photo) Mto r close, Onuth s :el do:fhtehea. most• efficient," Mr. Srnihsaid. - • then plinten would be the Wit a. ins 7 •• • ed Jack Rddel1, Liberal MPP••• for liurorp•MiAdlOsex,. not to: vote against the partylaSt'.. week for the sake of unty, bt- rather abstainis a way ot.. noting his.; protest• on cl°1-LingS:id that :the.hospitaig. baeneantansekePdenfPeirtst.sbleifuoirae hb dv se • were ordered closed. "I don't like the wey_the, went ehorit it,' they • didn't --- even do an (economic) im- •pact study,'1-1VIr. Smith said . Mies .:Barbara • Cooper, director of nursing at Clinton, - told Mr. Smith .that it was costingthe government more to run the former Goderich, Psychiatric hospital nay as a mental retardation centre than before. She said the 20 -bed psychiatric unit retained at the hospital would cost the government $750,000 per' year, not including the cost of housing the other patients. at Owen Sound and London, plus •• the cost of running the r retardation centre. She said.it cost $2 million a year to run the former 100 beds; "so where is the saving. lr" Roll up your sleeve to save, a life ... BE A BLOOD DONOR 4„.,t <v. atisdatiod 4, AUTO GLASS LIMITED THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO - For vinyl lops • convertible tops • cilia upholstery • I ndshielde body protective mouidings pinstriping 365 EA YFIELD RD. GODERICH. CALL 524-2136 • . • lbdulge-your-fantasy; FRI. - APRIL 23, 1976 "MY BEST FRIEND 'IS 12' TALL" • _Combining music, drama and dance , - at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL • Produced -by Huron- Country Playhouse Family Price vChildren 51.00 55.00 Adults 51.50 • !!::• Tickets available' at Ca'mpbell's, The Square or at door , FINCHEA S with: 1,./.4'7 • • 5.4 A Largest . GAL Selection Of Paperbacks 'In The Area FOR YOIJR • READING PLEASURf NO MATTER WHAT YOUR INTERESTS .ARE- MAGAZINE OR PAPERBACK'Wilhia • N "4''' (op '.4`."1 • mit „i„ • ' I41' rAp•Vo , .1 11 .4°1 ° -,/,,,,,4,";her of. •:.h.r, a ab'' qh„,,, 1 R Norf. nrq'rkte " 44•0/4 erkieV• JUG .1k0NkM4(1°1"tittIlIS 4 b1:10°`.13..)1a5walt: 96 ' )11.01. dna o„, , ;.:\:, n, • bestselling paperbacks 1. THE FURIES (Pyramid, 51 75) 2. HELTER SKELTER bi•,;::,:ii'.‘9cE:s":1;1c.h..••:. ,Thi...filjn;t4.t;::::, v,en GIr 1.1(...trP akt ‘ Jc"9"idded roze4 441 11) I" „) I:7dr: d'ji n. " ih ' I::: ii" It hf er67:;;;:. rr" • • \;';:\a:::‘,'a,),:.,Ss''' :1,..:',..,•.,ri.f).r -"' :','b,"„„...01:,:dilih',.i,!'s . . . .,,, c\ , ,,V.Fr'. • . r.s. ,e‘d ' -• 4.‘,..1 • ut in • • d 14 ,• .'s5t.,,':utc.'t.a' f".. ••• .''',,,,,,„. •. Id.chriliqg el 10 d- ngt'.nc It.:..... • .. 7icel.systct:atb\:•,:invd..:;ic‘s jcw2‘ti:::‘,7',...,‘I a s WT , A 1 P • tad ` • -Me .• • . ' act 4 ,... • to •ttt . • pereeP ,„, Ike d.,wt c „s,%ro• . .. „,:fae.:•:teanct.:.‘t,”ct . 14,.,.., eot.40,co‘f. : ,.%,:, ...‘tr ,‘.:. . cAh\u:;:k g A a the "'A ata :1..ndike • ,,,,,d-ote, coda,eo. oos ‘,1:c :::...av .1 , II i rschield ,::;:,0 lakes - the • • . (Bantarn, 51.951 Bughosi with (*inn, .3. CENTENNIAL (FSaNNTI. 92.75) • Michener • 11ailey.. 4, THE MONEYCHANGERS (Bantam, SI 95) • 5. •A Mown. OriStniuwict • (Fawcett, 8) 95) .• • 6. ASPEN (Bantam, SI 99) .7. TOTAL FITNESS IN 30 MINUTES A WEEK (Porket Bnoks, SI 95) Gross and - Morehouse • SHARDIK SI 95) , Ada • 9. TM • . . (Dell. S.) 95) Jlloonifle)d Cap,.iafie, Kory - 10. ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST. , (NAL. •Signci. 5) 50) • , ketev THE UNDERSTUDY. • (Warner Bookt, SI 95), Kazan 12: THE TOTAL WOMAN (Pocket Rook% SI ,9)) Morgan 13. THE SetrrrNEL 51.75) Knnvitz 14. LAW/ (FIIWeelt.11) 95) ' • Tryon 15. HERE AT THE NEW YORKER. • (Berkley, SI 95). 01) THE•SINISS CONSPIRA,CY • by MiCliael Stanley . as tilottey,btly secrets and the ultimate • ,itl, blaekittal That7t what'', haptaining to ' Michael Stnille0 The Swisc Consnicei 5. and it'is All eattled clq with t (termite , flatt. A littie to Ittiy' in an overall , per tta..etive, but oclitvci InitivniutO ,,c• outotet etyittlyt The Matta:Mon and It. ())ate the 16 The Square th she • he veaY • .0 !Ale•• ca1to VP' ' nmoli,tpt:\ • .06 .33 ool .theno • n • tor •th, BLACK SUNDAY that • irr.Thonias 'Harris Al •ccc • antattil 4.1.95 rte. for .det.;11. and .in el."It'''d1' ocrtp•0?",'•'now a...le BM. Niindat a 1' matil .thel.tte.t 1.rne hfl e be.tselline nos mne trot" t":" el; .enecnde r in eem . Ina ‘,.• trettras•-`;'.. ".;‘,..ose :he 'Author hs ineenni'ml‘ 1101195 r;;A•1"...\‘ turned a olio 5.1on krA;agt (...13-"•L 113.13 reat 15, 10 iv • '10'cleed t4 uomc 110 helorc •, 'tc.ider ese, lr retalmtion lor 1; S int iccrl.r..t. plot Is' kill the Proident of 00 and S0,0(111 six., lator, at a Suet:r eameFootball.0 - 111te iviotss Ntitt* 5., ncset,hy h ••• • • • 01 1k14'01115%1st, 'D so IRA 140/0" • /00' °' • Bottom by Thomas Gifford THE WIND CHILI FACTOR O:enrage of IN etritemenr neral,d hv The 8,w Chill A'orlr•r• a PaleLOR Alt ard. ing '0'c)Othiir.,••nrrd• • • Lain* r itklirde il Cil,i or t 11.1r.rt Pei. ' we eon) ;thout. , c Mtrovate......md et . feetive•-ploici g and ilto ,iuthor\ got.% . • :Ohne Nit: 1,tti•....C.4,Tor,ithas.iptli tot dc • .... $q":01-to)1 and thitres dn dottrmgh eii, .tietnie. pzt higblt. iiitieulnte,i.ibulit% • • : lieriVhe irrreri.:, beginning. a tntddlc :Ind • . ill,/ a/Confirm fitrailphii . ,.•cin end, ttirit eilough stilutitnee to . . sonVi •.,. 13.0e5Let (5 teernITII• 'altt a9 a‘tcci909• , .• . . . , DERICH 52469O1 FINCHER'S 138 0060, St KINCARaINE. * 44