HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-15, Page 15NEARLY new sale, . Satur- day, ''May 1st at 1 •p.m., St. George' __ • Parish Hall.=16xi7;18 set • • „,a 'COME and meet your friends •; et the Dessert Card Patty: • , (Euchre and ''500)1 and Bake Sale, "Colborne .'Township Hall, Carlow, Thursday, April. ' .22nd, 1:30 p.r'n. Sponsored by Tiger Dunlop Women's. Institute. -16 BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth. Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $150.04 Jackpot in. 60 calls, Big cash prizes.---38tfAR• BLUEWATERKENNEL CLUB obedience classes' Open • to, all dogs' over 6 months of age. Classes begin Ap•til 20th, • 8 p.m.PEE ,$20.00 fQr 10 -Wks. No dogs: first night. For further .information. call Bayfield 56521.139.-14,15,16 DESSERT Card Party (euchre and 500) and Bake Sale, Colborne • Township Hall, Carlow, Thursday', April. 22nd, 1:30, p.m." 'Admission' $1.06..Auspices Tiger Dunlop; Women's. Institute. Everyone welcome. -14;15,16 ..) EUCHRE AND SHOOT Party at Dungannon ' Agricultural Hall on Wednesday; April 21'st. Draw will be made for a' 50-50 draw at .this, time. Sponsorea by Dungannon Youth. Group. Lunch provided' and silver collection. -1.5;16 THE EXPLORER girls are planning . a card party«-onr April 15th, -at '8 p.m, with,. crokinole:for the- children. at Carlow Hall. Admission 75c ,with lunch provided.-r•15;16nc • PLAN to•attend the GDCI Formal, Friday, April 30, 1976, dancing` •9,1,' tiros 'OP- . tional, `music by Chris Black. Students $6.00 .per , couple, $dolts $8,00per couple.,-l6ar GODERICH ' Garden Club meeting, Wednesday, April 21st, 8, p.m., Assessment Building'•, 'Gloucester. .Terrace. Guest speaker Mr. George Finnigan, - Arborist 'for the'Dept. of Highways, Stratford. -16 PLEASE come to an "EVENING OF MUSIC'•', April 23rd, 8 p.m., St. George's • Parish Hall, pupils' of Marjorie Hays . Dunlop, Joseph Herdman. You will -love it, no charge. -16,17 VICTORIA, Street United Church Rummage Sale, —BINGO - at . the Vanastra Saturday, April 24th, 10 a.m., Centre - Monday, April 19th, . church basement. -16,17 1976, fifteen regular $10.00 games, three share -the- W'OMEN'S Hospital wealth, jackpot. $290..00 in 58 Auxiliary '.meeting ., in calls. If not won. consolation Auxiliary room April 19th at 2 "`$25-007"Do-Or-prizesand-ohber—=p:m-C-aneer 4nanth;_Guest_.,, specials. Admission, speaker,' Mrs: B. Brown, restricted to sixteen ` years„ R.N.-16 . and over. —tf FUND iMSING DANCE : Support "the Dungannon. A'gr eUltural Society" by attending' their' dance at Sal'tford on Friday, May 7th, 9 p:m•.. , 1 a.m. Music "Shannon". Lunch provided. Wickets $8.•0,0 per . couple, available' fr'om 'any• director or call 5219-7905 or 524- .8009.-16,17- 24-:8009-16,17,- • Promote anc S. t.. r jeers ****************..k**P'**7k *.. . THE' *: The-S7q6.uare ' * 524-8181 * * • BURGERS a ,. SANDWICHES CASSEROLES SUBS • "IT'S GOOD FOOD -ASK YOUR NEIGHBOUR': * *'* 0 ...dant* to': - music of L,ONpON, O111T; �•DiS� . KE.1 ' ALL occASloN BANQUETS •WB.RDINGS & PARTIES Joe Braun Phone 14endon 439.8703 for... complete.detalls of our service •. Opt V to RICH tO. THURSDAY, 4P1311,,1:$ • 976*PAGE M eeend .: Entertainment THURS.; APR. 15th and SAT. APR. 17 THE PARISIENNES in Bayfield ; , a 41 r T 4, ,fireggi,44 • is. serving a. ,tsaditiona EASTER' D1NNE .Sunday,- Atrii. 1 8 el 5;30 p.m.. 0nd 7:1.5 Fol Sunday 'Brunch 11 to 1 Reservations 1.565-2611 Appearing This Week; TUES. APRIL 13 to SA -r: APRIL. -17 CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY - TRINKET TURKEY SUPPER, Victoria Street United' ' Church, Wednesday; April 28th, at 6'30 p.m.. Adults $3:50,: children 12 .and.'under $1.50•. For` tickets phone 524- '7696. —16ar 24'7696.'-16ar NEW BINGO,, Clinton .Legion Hall, 8:30 pc.m. _ Thursday, Apri115,:1976, Admrssion41.00•- fifteen-regulargameS4l0:U0 - 'each. Three share -the -wealth games One jackpot for $220 in 56 calls, consolation. One call and $10.00 added weekly if not won.-39tfn SWIM POOL' OWNERS.' Please be ' our..: guest ,.at a swimming pool clinic and ask the experts all about your ' pool problems. The clinic will. be conducted by two . representatives of 'Lawr.ason Chemical Co. of London and 'is being ' held April 10th, • 8 p.m., Knox Church basement. Free' coffee and donuts. H. 0. Jerry Fuel and Hardware Ltd., 84 Kingston. S.t., Goderich,. ' Ont., 524-' 9671 —115,16ar BETA THETA CHAPTER • BETA SIGMA PHI " .SPRIN•G TEA ''-SATURDA'Y'; MAY= MacKay Hall 2-4p.m. Admission 75c BAKING -CRAFTS= PLANTS Softball '& Baseball '.Umpires .Clinic Saturday, April 24 at to a.m. No Registration, Fee Seaferth High School Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EV -ERY, SUNDAY, 7130 P,M. SHARP 15 Regular games - 512,00 per game "Share the Wealth" with a chance at Jackpot on each game $1 40.0° in 59' sails ADMISSION 51.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 • ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK. Frank 8 Gus Carr PIZZA ALSO Treat yourself and -your friends ... for' your convenience our Hot Buffet is served THURS., & FRI. 12 noon • 2 p.in, ' Casual Dress Dine by Candlelitiht' SUNDAY 'SMORGASBORD 5 p.m. to8pl„m. AT THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON .SPECIALS EVERY .DAY S.P.A.GH E'TTI-LASAGNA-RA.VI OLI 50 WEST STREET, GODERICH (Near The 'Laundromat) 5 24'_'2689 ' -•: 5 24-2.6.8 CLOSED EVERY MONDAY Tuesday Thursday'4 p..m. -.2 'a.m. Ftiiday. & Satu'rday 4 p.m:. - 3:30 a.m. - Sunday except Holidays 4 p.m. -. 12 p.m. OPEN Visit the KEG R'OCt'M +' Colour TV , ' 1- Rel.axing•,atmosphere` COMING NEXT WEEK WED. APRIL 21 to SAT. APRIL 24_ SUGAR MOUNTAIN PLANNING` DINNER OUT TRY OUR DELICIO,USSMORGASBORD TI•IF4 17 -'1:30 P.M. WED. 6 • 7:30 P.M... SUN. 5 7 P.M. Licensed Under L.G. B.O. BAYF.IELR RD:. GODERICH.: Bedford Hotel The Square _.Goderich 524-7.337 i• .Every Fri. and Sat. from 9 to 1 a.m. POPULAR DISCO MUSIC and DANCING Business as usual Goad Friday SAT. APR.. 1 7 ONLY MARE GARRET on the organ **1*** *******'******* EASTER DINNER. • will be served Sunday from 12 to 7:30; p.m. For Better Service please phone ahead • for dieting reservations HWY. 21 BAYEIELD 5ift5.2441i3 • We ;n'o •have 1$"PARTY SITE PIZZA.:• Grand Opening'-Thi_s Weekend! °GUBA�.SNMUI'Ai JUST p'ROP ME OFF WHERE .I CAN TR'Y ONE .OE. THOSE FAMOUS LOW-'' COGT OWNERS .AT • THE BURGER. BAR "7u t MY BOYS AND HAVE A aN :Unlonel Santee° Rec.pe ntuc 9 w r1. led kickn. A CANADIAN COMPANY • Our Regular BIO $2.15 Diluter r .l III TUESDAY.ONLY WINS G'ol soixier'Reuipe etuck,y gtt. /.r ANA, 1A'1 l IMI`r1tJ. Colonel Sanders and his lit ySrl, pts' finger lickrn' good" w at the 5 Paints - (70DERi% 94 ELGIN-411Eii • 0. • PARK 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 GODERICH AIR CONDITIONED NOW •FEATURE LAF'FS Recommended as Adult Entertainment THURS..8 P.M.. FRI. and SAT. 7:30 and 9:30 KM. The greatest swordsman of . them all! BRITT EKLAND and MALCOM McDOWELL in PLUS. he wouldnt.know who -done -it even if he'done it himself, *****.**************;* STARTING,SUN. APR. 18 TILL TUES. 20TH 8•P.M. 04'ILY • TWO HOT HITS • . ADMITTANCE ESTRICTEO TO PERSONS and 11 rias OE AGE OR OVER ' Teenage Love Schoolgirls Growing Up ********'*********.-_ A FINE MOVIE STARTS WED. APR: 21 to SAT. APR. 248 P.M. "THE OTHER .SIDE 'OF THE MOUNTAIN 'SAT. APR.. 24 1:30 ONLY •.KIDS`MATINEE'• • "Alice in. New Wonderland". *****************. • . u OPENING SOON • DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 5'4.9981 .' ,1, w Beech Sreeet-- --Next To-Gormrtunitry Pa .. 'CLINTON ONTARIO ' CHILDREN'.W'4D1R. 12 .IN. ;CAR S,ADMITTED FREE'. .BOX'OFFICE OPErrS AT 8:00 P.M. FIRST SHOW 7`T 8~.30. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY April IS, 16,'1 7 HIS LIFELINE- held ; by the assassihe hunted. From Ihe' A I,n.rrlLEforo1 .� Bost .,,{a,pyl . x ; P._ CUNT EAOD .THE EIGBG.SANCTION, GEORGE KENNEDY ADULT,, ENTERTAINIYIENT In A GEORGE ROY HILL ALM .1111E DION IP DEAD ADULT :'ONE Of THE BEST CRIME SYNOICATEi 'FILMS SINCE 4 SHOWS — DUSK TO DAWN SUNDAY, APRIL 18 DUEL TO DEATH " , Naked warriors with naked blades WORM NIGHT MARK DAMON. .SARA say : THERE ARE SEVEN BASIC FEMALE RESPONSESt. • •