HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-15, Page 10PAG; AL-OTAR, THURSI AY, APRIL 15,1,976' " .. Report quiet winter s'eason r vow I.;S.c.b�o! PSA at Cihtton. The annualmeeting .of- the .Parent Teacher's_ Association of the Clinton and DiStrtet Christian School was held on April 5 with a good; number Of parents and teachers present. The chairlady lna.de Haan. opened the meeting, ° with scripture readings from Proverbs 16; 1-11, and• Holtnesville operetta The witch ttied to lure Gtetel int!) her oven but was beaten at her own'game aad vire§ ' Pushed into her own oven...The Witch Was played by Susan Bell. (staff photo) Huron County Library has a number of books `dealing° rvith.consumer awareness: • Books concerning :money money matters include: "The ' beat inflation 'strategy by Roger Klein, • "The buyer's. handbook; ,a guide ' to': defensive shopping" • by Raymond. Chambers alid "Canadian book of money; the co:Mp1ete guide to saving, borrowing, investment, home purchase and all . family matters." Books discussing food problems include: "Eat your heart out, food profiteering in. America" by Jim H''_htower, "Bard to swa ow; w y oo. prices keep rising -and .what can be done about it" by Walter Stewart and "The .politics;. of food"; by Don 'Mitchell. • Three -books outline the legal aspects ' of consumer awareness: The.y are:' "Canadian consumer law". by Allan Parker,. ".Consumer ' and the' law in Canada" by: William H. Neilson • and "Debtor's •. handbook ,(Canadian legal .guide to handling cr.editors and avoiding debts). The library. has recently issued a booklist Mater a4—eo•- :er- ri° •- "..riiitrition and special diets. Copies available at Goderich. bran . . This Tuesday evening, April 20, 8;00 p.m;. ::Mrs. psychology; Meeting at Goderich Branch, 52 Mon- treal St,;: bring along a friend foran informative evening. , This: month's. Children's Film showing Will be held this • Saturday, . April 17 at the Goderich Branch 52. Montreal St. at 10:30 a.m..All welcome. Drop into the brafrch and look at the display of books and " poster celebrating Goder'ich's Arbor Day, April 29. This day remembers Julius Sterling Morton, a famous Nebraska naturalist,_ who originated the idea .of a special day for tree planting. prayers. She then wgQcomed (wc•ryone present. The secretary, } Janny •Postma, then reads" the minute's of the last meeting ‘held. November 10,.19.75: Lena Haverkarnp gave `a .fi'nancial report. • The banquet committee reported a "quiet winter season, but have two banquets to prepare in the near future. Amendments to the con- stitution, proposed by the PTA board,, were unanimously accepted,. It was .alsodecided to spend $200 for new books inthe library. After coffee and cake were served,. Charles: Exel, grade one teacher at the school, spoke, on the joys .and. frustrations ..his grade one pupils meet as they learn to read.. This presentation was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and he was thanked by Ina de Haan. Lawrence Uyl closed the meeting with prayer.; GARBAGE .COLLECTION 1 Garbage collection: ,on,Friday, April 16th. 1976, will be picked up on Thursday, April: 15th. Thursday collection will be picked,•up as usual. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES- psychology; ERTIFICATES- TO 101 /4% Etruce Erskine 86 North St. Phone 524-9555 es4-Wawa T w p „ton ci ets contract to -Grand Bend West Wawanosh..Township COuncil rnet .for the regular ' April meeting on Tuesday; April 6 in thaTownship Public , Works Qarage, All members Were "in attendance with Reeve Bob Lyons presiding: The minutes of the; Mardi .. meeting were read and adopted on motion *of Coun- cillors Hickey and Stothers. regarding a proposal to have. the township.. take over a, private lane. Thematter was held in_abeyance Until more information•can be obtained. Neil Stapleton and Marinus Bakker appeared before Council to requeSt Council to have . Federation -Of Agriculn.iral, fees placed on the collector's ,roll for the At approximately 8:30 p.m. a motion. by Councillors Stothers Old Foran opened a Court of Revision on the assessments under The appointed couricirinenibers to be members of_the Court: At the close of the Court of Revision F.F. Thompson of West Wavvanosn Mutual Fire. Instirance Company, representing Frank Cowan municipality's 'insurance coverage. No change was authorized:Other than to haVe the new road grader incluted o'n the policy; The clerk opened the, four tenderS' for , crushing .and hauling, gravel, 6.-nd read each to council. It was agree -accept the tender of Jennison Constraction Limited, Grand Bend, for crushing and hauling approximately .14,600 yd: for stockpiling . ap- • proximately 500 cubic yardS, sUbject to approval by the 'Ministry of Transportation ?RICES EFFECTIVE:FILL APRIL 17, 1976 THIS.GIVES YOU Shart Rib Roasts Blade Steaks round Beef LB.7 and CoMmunications. By -Law No7-67-1976, was given third reading and finally passed. This by:law declares the Bethel Cemetery on the Senth concession abandoned, and authoryes the township tp assume ow nkship. The clerk was' direCted to contact Maitland Engirreerin,g Services, - dams which are obstructing a municipal drain. West Wawanosh Township Council authorized the road superintendent to advertise for applications for township , :employee and grader operator in three local papers for one week, at a starting salary of $4;00 per bour. s upermqr e 104 The Square Goderich RAND LOIN, LOW PRICE, WE HAVE AVAILABLE FOR EASTER If Fresh Turkeys GRADE NO. 1 UTILITY 8-10 LB. AVG. Ducks 6 LB. AVG. TRY OUR OWN GLACED PINEAPPLE CANAr)A PACKERS Bacon 79( Ifs Time Ta - Wish You a EXTRA L LAN Ground Beef 3 LB. PK.G.: FROZEN 1 •99 "Performance Prdven" SEED CORN Still available in. early maturing varieties for shelling or combining. Also, later varieties for silage. W .DURST Ph. 482-7309 • PALANDA Pmeapile TIDBIT, SLICED, CRUSHED 19 OZ. TIN 47c KELLOtGS orn Flakes 89c BON AMI Window Cleaner 20 OZ AEROSOL 79c MAXWELL HOUSE. GROUND Coffee 1 LB BAG '1.29 Frozen Foods Lakeshore TV & Stereo Your , Admiral - Sates and Seryi,ce MATT SMITH .Proprietor BAY. FI.ELD, ONTARIO STEREO • *AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS &. DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS • IN` SINK FOOD-1NASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People at:' - LEO D'OR Onion Rings Phong 565-2852 TRADE INS ACCEkED 308 HURON RD. 6 OZ. PKG. Weekly Specials TREESWEET Juke Vegetables LE OkANGE, GRAPEFRUIT fl3LEfiDED 48 -OZ. TIN 111.1) C HONEY: POD PEAS GREEN BEANS " 3/$1 WAX BE-AN'S 14 OZ. PEAS & CARROTS , 49c BLUEBERRY REGULAR BACON Waffles 11 02 PKG 69c ST. wiLuAms MAPLE LEAF Crea.m.ery Butter , LB. SCHNEIDER'S Cheese Slices CHRISTIE'S CHOCOLATE CHIP CHRISTI E'S Crackers 9 OZ. JAR 2/$1,00 ONT. NO. 1 Carrots 2 LB PKG 2/ 49C 2 door, power steering. power brakes, radio, rear defrost_whitewall tireS, -wheel 'discs, side moulding. Finished in light green with dark green roof, green cloth interior 31,000 miles, Locally °mined. OHH154 • "Sale's Representatives bon PUrier,..Ehittiersoil 5.rb, ',van Bean KELLOGG'S Chevrolet fil 4 .2 DELUXE 23 OZ. $2 5 PKG. $ 09 • USA NO. 1 le 9z. i35o. 16 OZ. PKG. $ '19 39c- Potatoes 9 NIBLET Kernel Corn Coke 12 OZ. TIN PLUS DEPOSIT 26 OZ. BOTTLES 3 QT. BAG $1.49 69c 39c 4/99c Fresh Milk Homo 2% 4 read and Pastry WHITE, CRACKED WHEAT, WHOLE WHEAT BroAd 2/79c WESTON'S Dinner Rolls 1/$1.00 Not Cross Bun