HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-9-2, Page 8PHONE io New Goods Ari'iving Every Day Pure Wool Serge Our stock of wool serge isnow complete. We have all the good. colors, Navy Blue, Brown, Greens, Greys and Black in dif- ferent widths, suitable for dresses, suits or coatsand are priced at $3.00 to $5.00. Ladies' Dresses Now is the time to buy new Fall Dresses. We have a full range in all the new styles, in a real fine, pure wool serge in Brown, Navy and Black in Misses and Ladies' sizes, 16 to 13 years and 36 to 42. Priced at $22.00 to $30,00. Ladies' Wool Scarfs We have just received another shipment of Ladies' fine wool scarfs in swell new colors. Why spend a Iot of weary hours knit- ting when you can buy one anycolor you desire. Men' Clothing . Blue and Black serge suits in all sizes also a wouedrful show- ing in fancy tweeds and fine worsted suits in suitable models for the young man and in more conservative styles for the older man. No luxury tax. Fall Coats We have a swell lot of men's tweed coats for Fall wear in nice Greys and Browns in new styles. Some are rubber -lined and make a rain coat as well as a dress coat. Prices range from $16.00 to $27.00. Highest prices paid for poultry and all Produce. I. A: Stewart ARE YOU A '� r Agan ��-man Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in the coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company, EXETER TIMES OFFICE Box AB. 'NAME ADDRESS Date Born, day of ........ in the year Western .,_ niversi London, Ontario e/Its and Sciences, 3Viedicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE IC P. R. NEVILLE, Regristrar 2 11) I DATES OF Ji'A-LL FAIRS. Following is a list of the fall fairs in this district issued by the Agricultural Society Branch of the Ontario Department of Agricultural: Ailsa Craig Sept. 22-23. Blyth Sept. 20-21 Brussels Sept 14-.15 Exeter Sept. 20-21 Forest ....r ....... ............ October 5-6, Goderich Kirkton ........ Sept. 30 -Oct. 1, Listowel Sept. 15-16 London (Western Fair) Sept. 11-18 Milverton Sept. 24-25 Mitchell ,.,..... Sept. 28-28 Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept.10-20 Parkhill Sept. 28-29 St. Marys Sept. 23-24 Stratford . :Sept. 20-22 Seaforth Sept. 23-24 Strathroy ........ ...... . Sept. 20.22 Wingham Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Zurich ........... Sept. 22-23 400 1 THL EXETeR TiMEs Market Report -The following Is the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $2.45. New oats 75e. Barely $1.25, Family flour $7.55. Lard 350. Bran $3.00 per 100 pounds. Shorts $3.60 per. 100 pounds. Feed dour 4.25. New laid eggs 50e. Dairy butter 500 to 53e. Creamery butter 64c. Roosters 17e. Hens 22c to 28c. Chicks 30c. Young ducks 26c. Old ducks 18c. Hogs $19,50. Potatoes 2c per lb. YOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Mail & Empire $4.00 Toronto Daily Globe . $5,00 Toronto Daily World $4.06 Toronto Daily Star $3.00 London Daily Free Press .. $5.00 London Daily Advertiser $5.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star $1.50 Farmers' Advocate $1.60 Canadian Countryman $1.00 Sept. 8-10 iliontreal Weekly •Witness .... $1.65 World -Wide $2.00 Toronto Saturday Night $4.00 MacLean's Magazine . ............ $3.00 Rural Canada $1.00 The Youth's Companion $2.50 The Farmers' Sun $1.6x0 Farmers' Magazine $2.60 Christian Guardian $2.60 Miss Vera- Moseley -Williams, of London, visited with Miss J. Man- son over the week eul:. The Main Street in Exeter North has been opened for traffic, Exeter now has a cement pavement from the south boundary to the Lake and Thames Road. The Exeter Times has a clubbing rate with most daily and'weeklr pa- pers. To find the clubbing rate add the price of the paper's you wish to subscribe for and subtract 250 from a daily paper and 1Oc from a week- ly paper. Over $75,000 is being spent in tett) new amusetnetdevices n aloneat the Ca,nadiati National Exhibition. Every Governer -General since Dufferin has opened the Canadian National Exhibition, • • LOCAL • • (Additional locals on page four) Exeter Fair, September 20th and 21st. , Mr. M. Carom has taken a posi- tion at W. S. Cole's drug store. Miss Pearl Godwin, of London, is the guest of Miss B. Howey, in town. Mr. P. H. Browning, of Toronto, has been holidaying with his parents Dr. and Mrs. Browning, Miss Ruby Creech and Master Frank Creech have been holidaying with relatives in Stratford. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers visited. with Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson at Clinton during the week. -Miss Isabell Turnbull returned fron'i Dundas last Saturday where she was visiting Mrs. Reg. Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Avery and son, of St. Thomas, were visiting relatives in this community over the week -end. Mr., and Mrs. D. Hodgson, and family, of Stephen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Rowcliffe, on Sunday. Miss Sadie Walker has returned to Toronto after holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker, of town. Misses Bertha and Alina Mack returned to Montreal last week af- ter holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mack. - Miss Laura Hooper, of Toronto, has been holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper, Lake Road. Mr. Harold Menzies ant Charlie Lucas, of London, li isited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. (leo. Manson, for a few days last week. Rev. M. J. Wilson occupied his own pulpit in James Street Metho- dist church\last Sabbath after being on holidays 'for four Sundays. a W. 3. McCallum, the Shorthorn buyer of Brampton, Ont., intends vis- iting the Exeter district in a few adys. See his advt. in another column Mr. and Mrs. Brimacombe, and little daughter of Hamilton, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Welsh and other relatives in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Paisley and son, [[ James, of New York, are the guests .of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, of town. Mrs. Paisley is a sister of Mr. Stewart. Mrs. E. L. Liddicott, of Loudon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood. Miss Crocker who visited for a week With Mr. and Mrs. Wood left Mon. - day for her home in London. Messrs. Thos. Coates,. Frank Coates, Harry Coates, Verne Pin- combe and Wellington Brock left to -day (Wednesday) to spend a few days at the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Ruby Parsons left for Lon- don on Monday to take a business course at the London Business Col- lege. Mr. Reg. Parsons, accompanied her and spent a couple of days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. S. Madge and son, Murray, motored to Guelph on Mon- day accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Spackman and family, who have been holidaying here. Mrs. Madge and, son will visit in Guelph for a few days. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late George Hockey of town were: Mr. Garfield Sheere, of Brantford; Mr. Aquilla Sheere, of Detroit; Mr. T. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Saul and fam- ily and .Mr. Marshall, of London. The many friends :of. Rev. J. D. ICestle, of town, will regret to know that he suffered a slight paralytic stroke, on Sunday and is confined to his home. Mr. L. J. Nestle, of Tor- onto, came up on Sunday owing to his father's illness. Over $40,000 was paid out at Delhi for strawberries by the Domin- ion Canners. These were not all pre- served at Delhi as on rush days some of the berries had to be shipped else- where. One young man, a returned soldier, had a cheque for nearly $2,900 from six acres. Mr. McCoy, of London, who has been doing the plumbing in Mr. 13. W. F. Beaver's new house, returned to 'London last Thursday, with his employer, Mr. Partridge., Masters George and Reg. ]Beavers also went to Port Stanley with Mr. partridge to visit Jimmie 'Partridge for a few days. The Hay township Voters' Lists have been printed and sent out for posting up by the Clerk. There are 864 persons entitled to vote at both Municipal elections and' Oleo - ltions to the Legislature, while there are 101 persons entiled to vote at1 rvittnicipal Met:Liens chi;,., there are r "nw'!`" ,+, :u---- TIURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1020. With the Churches (DAWN PRESBYTERIAN OIIURCH Rev. dames Foote, B. A., Minister 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 a,in.--"The Force of Ideals." 7.00 p.m. -Evening service will. be withdrawn owing to. the Trivitt Memorial church anniversary. Prayer service Thursday evening 7.45. .4ABFA Good Music at all Services .TAMES STREET METHODIST CIIURCH Rey. M. 3. Wilson. B.A., castor. 11.00 a.m.-",A Man Who Had A Secret From Heaven." 3p.m.-Sabbath School. 7.00 p,m.-"Lessons From an Agri- cultural College." The Church extends a warm wel- come, Seats' all free. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 a.m.-"The Value of the Soul" 7.00 p.m. -"Transfiguration of Our Lord." Bethany -2.30 p.m. -"The Five Lamps," HORSES FOR SALE -Dark Per- cheron colt, three years old, broken to harness, also mare and foal. Ap- ply to Clyde Heywood. DR.JOHN WARD,CHIROPRACTOR, corner of William and Sanders Streets. Hours 10 to 12 a.m.; 2 to 4 p.m. and by appointment. LOST -A silver Maple Leaf pin engraved with 161st Huron Batt. Pin is prized as a keepsake. Finder kindly return to Times Office. KITCHEN GIRL WANTED. - Wages $35.00 a month. Hicks House, Mitchell. FOR SALE -One used 11 -hoe Massey -Harris grain drill. In Al repair. -Wm. WARD. CHICKENS FOR -SALE -18 white Wyandottes, thoroughbreds, three months old. Apply to S. Powell, Exeter. WANTED A number of Registered Short- horns, horthorns, Heifers, young cows and Bulls. Must be good individuals. I intend visiting the Exeter District very shortly. Anyone with .stock for sale write' me by return mail to the address below. ' W. 3. "McCALIATala Stock Importer I3RAMPTON, ONT. NOTICE A car -load cf White Rose gasoline in drums at Exeter for present de- livery at old prices. Get your supply while it lasts. Also a quantity of binder twine. Apply to 3. N. Rat- cliffe, atcliffe, Secretary, Exeter. The Exeter Cider Mill will be Open on Thursday and Saturday of each week until further notice for the making of apple butter and cider. -S. V. J. Cann. (Additional Iocals on page four) Mrs. Proule, of London, is visit- ing isiting her aunt, Mrs. R. Skinner. Mrs. Forbes, of Ailsa Ceraig, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hodgson, for a few days. Mrs. H. Straiagways, of Beaton, are visiting for a couple of w;cks with her father, Mr. G. Hyndman. Cols. Bishop and Barker will again have charge of the 1920 aeroplane flights at the Canadian National Ex- hibition. Mr. and Mrs. A. Northwood, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. (and Mrs. .Tohn Hawkshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell. Mrs. Norman Teale of Medicine Hat, Alberta, is visiting her grand- mother and aunt, Mrs. J. C, Tom and Mrs. W. D. Yeo. The price paid for the Blatchford farm in Usborne, by Mr. E. Nestle, the sale of which was mentioned in The Times last week was $7,100. Mrs. Hodgson was in London on Wednesday of last week attending the wedding of her granddaughter, Miss Laura Steele to Mr. Wallace Herbert. Mr. T. 13, Shillington, wife and daughters, of Blenheim., Ont., twbo were on a motor trip, were guests of Rev. W. G. H. and Mrs, McAllister at the parsonage. 1VIr. and Mrs. W. Aitken and son, of Toronto, have returned to their home after visiting, Mrs. Aitken's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith, Lon- don Road south. They also visited with relatives in Parkhill. Mrs. Wes, Webber accompanied the)xt home. Miss Pearl Love, after taking an agricultural course at the Guelph Agricultural College and also visit- ing in Buffalo and other points, is spending a few days at home, prior to' leaving for Hawkstone, Ont rr. , in t .l.si c r'5 tion as school IiII11III11IlI1lllllllll{I99111i1101111111111111 HIII ii11I99i119l 111111111111111111IIIIIrM111l1111111111111 MIII111111111111111111IL1 . RHONE 134 Eit SOVTI1COTT BROS. AMON MOWN MINEN MINS MINIM isomm NINON UMW IMMO MEM MOM .1111.1 1110 111100.11 MOONS 11, memo Our Fall and enter Line of Coats & Dresses Features the Latest Styles, Weaves and Patterns. We want your early inspec= tion of our splendid offerings. MEN'S CLOTHING Nothing goes further towards making a man believe in himself than the wearing of good clothes. You will appreciate the new styles we are showing. NEW WORSTEDS AT $35.00. BLUE SERGES AT $50,00. NEW SERGES Splendid values in all -wool serges in Navy, Green, Brown, black and Garnet, 3,S inches wide, per yard - $2,75. NEW SILKS All we ask is an opportunity to show you some of the beautiful shades we have to offer. Sh*es! Shoes! A bigger and better range than ever before. Our School Shoes for ::Boys and Girls should interest you. 50 pairs of Men's Heavy Shoes. Special Price $5.00. SEE OUR NEW WALL PAPERS FOR FALL. S UTIIC TT BR S. 11.101111 1111.11111 W01.1.11111INIBIONOAMMON MONA MEOW MOW NIMMW MMONI1 _ arOnt .011 Ra▪ mat :rwmIONsamemornumme t111111111111111111111111111111IIIII911IISIMill1 iI II IIIII lI1I111111911111111111111911911111111I1IIII IM111I1111111111111111911111111I1111111111111 Furniture & Undertaking We wish to announce to the public that we can now supply a hearse in connection. with our undertaking business. M. E. Gar OPERA HODSE BLOCK iner motor 'PHONES 74W and 743. FARMS. FOR SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersinith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. For terms and particulars apply 'to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, 1?. O., auction - AUTO FOR SALE -Chevrolet 490 in good condition. Apply at Times Office. Choice Clover Honey in Five and and Ten pound pails. -WILSON & SIMS. Dr. Sweet wishes to announce that he will still continue to practice at his own office. All calls promptly attended to. Phone No. 120. R. N. ROWS THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. We have added a motorhearse to our undertaking business. Phone 20. NOTICE CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56. Wilson & Sims. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need d new suit if you will let T. li. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, Loudon, Ont. ('IT IFOit'E! IN BUYING MEAT REI(I . Comfort in the seats provided for..; customers, more comfort in the eon -e, fldence that you are getting the very; choicest moats at the very lowest! prices. Come and enjoy selecting a: roast, a steak or some chops. You'll appreciate the lowness of price acrd above all you'll enjoy as never be-- fore the meats served on, your. table. re: BE,,. liift.Ai. "INS T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP MENEM NINNY simmmal am▪ mo toomsame r. Remember we can save you 25a on your daily paper. • daws gummed, wood turning, wood pumps repaired and accessor- ies on hand. -S. J. V. Cann, Exeter, Phone 115. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 500 each insertion for one mouth of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, 'Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc.10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. oth Hy Smart and classy are the summer suits in- cluded in our present offering. They are not to be compared with ordin- ary ready-to-wear apparel. They are in a class by themselves. Yon'll have to see there to realize how superior they are in every way and how great is their value at the prices we quote. Flannel Pants Duck Pants Palm Beach Pants and Motor Dusters W. NV. PIIONE A Al A N •. I a