HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-08, Page 260YAC',i;v.;12A:GO; ERICH'SI•GNAL:STAiR', THURSDAY, APRIL.8;.1,97( • ROM. THE •M.INISTER'S S TUDY. BY THE REV, R. •NICUO:LI S' FREE METB2DIST CHURCH "Many , infallible 'pfoofs." . Acts 1:3. There is an, ageold&rnaxim• that says; "Seeirig • is -believing" but;:though'it does hold .true in the natural, it '.'must be reversed,to apply .to - the spiritual, It is"at this:point that the world' .:is thoroughly • confounded: •Where. ever, Jesus went, there ff1.loWed at his healsa murmuring throng crying, show , u's' a , sign, perform .a miracle, let us see thisthrough our natural 'senses. While expiring on thecross sine of . the last human voices hurled .this mixed:challenge in• his tortured face; "Come 'down from the cross, and we will believe": One who tries to 'explain Spiritual truths to a natural man will encounter similar difficulties tothose trying "to explain colors to a bline man. : "It's better feltthan telt", expresses better. un - d -standing than grammar, but it harmonizes with prir%ciples explained by the Master Teacher- Himself in Matt. 16:1.7" ,...'flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto you, but my. Father: Which is in heaven." ' There, it is: Spiritual things must be' revealed by the Holy. Spirit to' our spirit; or they just'don't take. This fact is • borne .out so' clearly, :by the twelve Aadisciples, • before Pentec1 when the Holy Spit. t • was given to. the Christian church,. the disciples .though taught by the Master teacher himself; rung this anguished 'interrogation from His lips,"...Are ye also yet without understanding. Though this was the case, for the.p.resent; nevertheless the, seeds had: been sown in. their heart. Like seeds. sown.' 'In ,tlye- o rid, responds. with life, .growth with the ' api;ac-h' of. the .•s -un .-so-_a- ' parallel prificiple is pointed out • in John 14:26 "But: the Comforter :which• is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in._My name, he shall teaeh you all things, and . bring all . :things to your remernbrance whatsoever" I have said unto you.". mut C}tE world -ins-fisting--e its .own "seeing is believing", W 'terms, has cut itself off from Divine help.' •John14:17. "Even••:the• Spirit of Truth; whom- the World •ca'nnbt • receive, (because it seeth hirn according to Pefer 4:4 "They not.)" )' (the world) thitik it strange j'HESffAREWEII -Yea, though .I, wolh ibrough the valley ,I the xhaduw ul de<rth_ 1 $boll fear no ev,l. fur Thuu. art will, me -21rd Psalmcharged in Sowerby. Flowerbearers CHARLES McILWAIN were all grandsons of the Just. as ,"Many infallible ,'that Ye run not with them to , Charles •McIlwain of 15567 proofs'' were afforded to the the sable access of 'riot, Thrift Ave.,— White Rock, ' early''fol'lowers'of. Christ, such. s e'aking evil of you.' British Cambia, died March • as the •Christ, such as .the Ai -c' "ou - among those '20 in..., ancouver, y Angelsat the wall with Mary. • waiting, lot t g y • John. 20:12; also • his own to turire up a earar a to the woman, , answers all those. evasive .. .Mr. I't!Iclfwain ..is survived ' AP John 20'`.16; Perhaps,,, the questions,. Whet:.e'did I come hy. his wife, .1V1ary; one son; strongest proof comes, from from ? Why •am I. here„? 1111( of`' `Lan•gley, B.C.; the testimony of his .enemies,• • Where am I'goi,ng.`? three daughters Mrs. Ruby k'iel.d, Newton, B•. C.; Mrs. Matt. 28:11 -'who reported to well • let .me remind you ° the chief Priests all ,thins Eileen .' Sh'Jling,law, P g they have been searching for Aldergrove, }Kt:, and Audrey , that were done.” ;n,ar enerations with Even though thieir unbelief y g' Fields, Newton; ten grand-. denied them the privilege of philpsophcrs on on€ side, and;: children and one great . scientists at their elbow�s.011 i•nn child; and several. seeing .th)? risen Christ, the g • d- empiy tomb substantiated the other, and to date nothing., niece`s and nephews... - what the Christians reported; worthy Of note has . been. The. WO era) 'service was then again:he was seen of his turned up whereby you might held at the Chapel Hill disciples in Gallilee, Matt. . • "see and:believe' . But if 'yeti Funeral Parlor, White Rock, 28:9 even so are the followers , will permit.. the: order to be on March .24. Interment was revers`ed.1ilte Martha -had to- :in Victor 'Memorial Park, of Christ afforded today, John 11:40 ".Jesus saith .unto y y proofs sufficient to warrant a_ Surra B.C. complete alteration of goals;' her, Said I' not unto thee that and objectives, and to so '• if thou"wouldst believe, thou T.E. LRWIN .change their pace, and life shouldest see • the .glory .of style in harmony, • and •Stud? ---you too =will be af- obedience to the will of God forded "Many infallible rocnr Ierl ir:,- 1V',•,.a •,t,:, proofs." ' : the Archaeolo ist He was :.born ..Ma , 5, L890 in deceaseof d Steven Little . Sc Little, Randy Little Robert Little and Paul Sowerby. • JOHN J. KELLY some thing that _ Goderich TQ.wnship. • - • ty t 2fi ':60f� Thomas Edmund win died at Huronview A . He was 85. . - He was born :Marc 1891 in East Wawanosh Township to Rich.ard William a lice (Walsh) Irwin. He fa d in East Wawanosh • •un 1927 when he moved' to G ich•. He Was a member St. : George's. Anglican Ch . He was predeceasedhis wife, the forme,r_M Ella • Ir April 2 h 20; own and A rme til oder of titch by a ry \R?a ler... whom hpLmarried.. In his little. book,. Make. into the.future until they September 19; 1917 in,,East Your' Life Worthwhile, become weary and worn and Wawanosh. Mr's, Irwin died Emmet Fox says.; "Don'tbea thereby are ,unable'to enjoy.;. December 12, 1968. grave- robber, Let corpses the beauty of joy of life. Surviving. are one son, Ivan alone. In due 'time Nature Discard :the .old; go for -Abe the Irwin of Toronto.;. two disposes of. Such remains, if new.• daughte'tr's, Mrs. Burns they are left undisturbed.'' One. of the wisest things (Ruth) Ross, Goderich and He goes' on to say that every ever said is found' ..in Mrs. Kenneth (Joan): Baker,, time you dig up an old Philippians, chapter III,". London' 14 grandchildren; grievance or. an old mistake. forgetting those things which end one brother, H'erson by rehearsing it in your mind, are behind, and reaching Irwin, Belgr.ave: • • - Well know•rt:':: in the' 'ty . •Ki'ngs"`�ridge community, hving visited here, John Joseph Kelly passed away,in California on•March.l;-:1.976, fPllowing a lengthy -illness. He is survived by his wife, the ` former Lauretta Dougherty, of Salina, Kansas, to whom he was married at Immaculate Conception R.C. Church, Chicago in 1943. They dived iri that city,. -later Moving to • Califo,rnia, residing in the •San Ber- nardino area, and presently residing at 22628 _ Miriam Way, Colton, California.. 92324. • ' le • was born on June.27, 1910 in Taylor township; Allamakee County, Iowa, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly,' later of Harper's Ferry, Ia. His mother was the former Bridget ' Hogan of Kingsbridge and his father. was .born on the 9th 'Con- cession of Ashfield township: fie was predeceased :by his parents. • Besides his_wife; he is also survived ''.:by 'numerous' cousins, amongst theri:i being the Rev.. Father Lawrence D. Kelly, S.J. of ,. Marquette, University, Milwaukee and Sister. Paschal -Kelly, . of•. Visitation Convent;. Dubuque, Iowa; both of whom have. visited here:' . The Rev: 1~'ather Daniel O'Callaghan officiated at the funeral . Mass. On :• Friday March 5. Interment.took Juvenile break-ifl' The I Goderich • Police Department have charged a juvenile with breaking and entering, under the. Juvenile', Delinquent.` Act following ;a break=in at •St,'Mary's •School last week : . • School' offici'als., reported that 'a class rooni,-'the .'staff room and a washroom. were • ransacked' but that nothing' was stolen.''Desk and chairs were overturned, and books and • papers were strewn about the rooms and there was some writing on,7-the blackboards. ' ; . The school custodian came :upon the vandalism' early Thursday morning and police were called in. " Principal Larry Cook said that one class missed school on .Thursday' ii1e 'teachers and custodians cleaned the room. A.. complete. inventory, of the books and papers had to be -taken before classes could be resumed. ' Mr. Cook said a window had been broken and aside from the. overturned desks and the mess of'books and. papers. nothing had been _taken ."from any of the rooms, Mrs. Bacrsrna ac companied at the piano. for the' Sunday evening'song service sponsored, by .the Clinton . Christian Reformed Chul:ch: and led by Mn. Dick Roorda Mrs,— 1i'ull .celebrated 'her".. birthday: on Monday -and her relatives and friends were .our guests: for the old tinge' music program: Mrs.' Ei'sie• Henderson, 'Me. and' Mrs. Lawrence Edgar provided the music • for the` afternoon with step dance numbers by Mrs. 'Hull's granddaughter Shelli Edgar, • The family • night en tertainment was •shared by two musical groups: a men's chorus "The Harboraires" - and "The Pathfinders" U ERIC MEMORII or; still worse, by telling' forth. unto those -things which He was predeceased by two place -at Montecito, . I somclone else about it you are are before, I.press on .... daugh5ers' •Mrs. • Robert California; g{ r' I k tki b th 'st of • • rL Bob. McCALLUM' Representative 11 Cambria Rd.; 'Goderich 524-7345 s singers y o el from the Bl th Christian Reformed Church. John Greidanus. was .emcee .for the program which in- cluded three groups of songs •by ,the Haxbora;ires and several numbersby.the seven girls.; Joanne Bakelaar,, Emmy Monks, Jo An' Passehier;, ' Jenny Reinink, Darlene Wesselink, Anita and Gina Daten'a... Miss Grace Robertson • thanked' .the err. tertainers; on behalf of. the residents: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Prouty of Exeter have•returned from a Florida holiday and, led the weekly:Bible'study with. Mrs. Lila Finkbeiner playing the organ. fftandavd �--- AUTO GLASS LiMITED i161 4411. • :®�. "THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO" For vinyl lops • conv•rilbla tops to car upholstery ® • windshields m body protective mouldings. pinstriping .365 BAYFIELD RD. GODERKH CALL 524-2136 ip BETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL 'BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH '''Sunday School 9:50 a.m. Classes for all ages ' - Worship Service 11:00 a.m. ` Prayer 6:30.7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Blessed are the pure inheart for they shall see God '0' Matthew 5:8 Huron St. & Walnut St. ,..• Kennison W. Lawton, Pastor 524-2785 im 1 T`i in o e a'. rave t n .. e •sic P Y PP gt P g (A'lice) CI"ark; Weston and. _�",• •.. _ • and you knowwhat.yov inay. Christianity is, ` I any man •- M.r.s�: _R,a_y-txrbn.d—-�)ra�-1 ran )� . (..� . .�.:.�. _,. �•,.� expeet-to-find_.._ _T ---be- err Christ'—he i ' --new We must learn tolive'inthe creature, old _things..are present, prepare intelligently. passedfollows, then;Cor 5:17, for the future, and leave the Ss, get- ri then the Old ' past buried. Do you•know why defeatsoand weaknesses.: they call the past' the.p'ast)'? What a . wonderful health It's-because•it is:past�:._: gone._ _ .. and done with. But the trouble giving thing it would'•be. for. is many people don't let.the mind and spirit if we were to pest go; they want to__.car.ry it bury all.those old• fears,. old n forward .with. them, Tugging pad wages having buried,ld all the errors, .all the dumb them,: leave And to rest in and silly things'they've done, , peace, undisturbed. all the bad experiences --• they've had. They carry them • Life is too short and too PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth, Ontario :Save Hundreds on Pianos &IOrgans at Pulsifer Music Seaforth — 527-0053 Goderich — 524-6291 For free Home Demonstration of small Wurlitzer Piano — ideal for apartment, trailer, home, etc. — approved by piano teachers and players.Our price 5799. • Store open Friday and Saturday or by appointment. THE BAHA'I FAITH TEACHES: Man is in the •highest degree of materiality, and at the be,giinning of spirituality; that is to say, he is at the end of im,perfection.and at the beginning of perfection. .. Write P.O. Box 212, Goderich; Phone 524-61 • 79, precious for digging up 'old graves. With God's help .we" can -bury forever the grievances,. hlunde"rs and d.sappointments of the past. Because the .present is s.o thrillingly interesting and the -.future is. just as glorious as we want to make it, we are. foolish to waste our *thoughts ;on what should. be dead and buried. -- - • •So, ' be ,.glad 'you're alive today. "Forgetting •those 'things which are behind" reach out" to that which is before. Life Will. be ever so' much , better if you do. Had you trodden a different path, • Life °sweeter might have been; And riches might have cor'ne you r way, With every_dayserene. Dream ndt'of yesteryears, I say, But make the utmost of today. (From the Friendship Book) This Sunday at the Huron- -Men' s Chapel • edrdrY(t •Trusts tile' • anthfl +e unday" HIM .AIRES• return"Il>ril'Jrom Nashville .E'W COVENANT PLAYERS ER • fromroup dramCaali,ornia'.1.1 pI orn. • Auburn everyone weICOnll o a Westfield, N..J': • - r" � Jackson EREA-BY—HE—W ATE'R SUNQA Y Canon G.G. Russell of- f iciated for the funeral'. ser- vice Monday, April 5 at Stiles Funeral Home. - Interment"was in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were the s'ix oldest grandsons, Douglas PrWi ,- Robert Glover, . Reed Jackson; Jerrold. Jackson, David Ross and James Clark. . 0. MRS. CHARLOTTE C. SOWERBY Mrs. Charlotte C. Sowerby, Goderich, died at Alexandra LUTHRAN.CHU-RCH Meeting at Robertson Memorial School (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) - - : SUNDAY, APRIir11,-1976 Sunday School for all ages. at 9710 a.m. WORSHIP 11:00 A.M.` SERMON:• "FOLLOW YOUR KING!" SERVICES • 1 Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 1 10 36• Marine and General Hospital, Friday,, April 2 following a lengthy illness. She was 77.., The former: Charlotte C. Doughterty she was born ' March 10, = 1899 at ••Shep- pardton ',to • Thomas and Catherine„ (Bennett) • Dougherty. She was,married May 18, 1927 to Edward S. Sbwerby, and lived in Goderich Township from her marriage until moving to Goderich. in 1950. She was a • member'. of .St. George;'s. -AnglicanChurdh... Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Harry (Doris). Little, Goderich; one son', Kenneth, Goderich Town- ship; nine grandchildren and three great., grandchildren;. one sister, Mrs.,Elsie' McKenzie; Huronvie,w; and one -brother; George • Dougherty, Sheppardton. She was predeceased b`y one brother,. Edgar. Another brother, Whitely, died Saturday, April 3, 1976. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. .Pallbearers were Elmer Black Bert . Dougherty,' • Gordon. Dougherty. Donald McKenzie, Bruce. 'Sowerby and. Gerald. Fisher; . all • nephews , Of the late Mrs. -Help .your .. leart... Help,9our. HN rtFulnd KNOW YOUR, NATUitt WHY De u1@ CALL A' COMMON rOLPIN6 POC/GEr WN,FE a "Pa v-wvrPo"? •446- wOkegperS Pact vF'iaaa LATIN Fop. KEq'al$Ik QUILL PaNg Hiro 90 96 - veva, bFi$N AND A5/MALL . PtIo<trr KN,fe WAS C71itR`reD tog 'YY1,S P RPOSE'. The family that prays together.... Stays together .. "' " """" North Street United Church The Rev. Ralph E. King, B.A., B D., Minister Miss Clare McGowan; Visiting Assistant. Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Music • ' Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle i' i Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada t CORNER. OF ELGIN AND' WATERLOO STS Pastor: C. Fred Day L) BUS TRANSPORTATION i, Phone 524-6543 for a ride i SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10 A IVI.`• t tel DON'T MISS HEARING REV. ROBERT .CLA.:RK E. i:.,�. S 1T:00'•A.,M, and 7:00 P.M. 1 }} Tues. 8:08. Bible Study : t 1 Thurs. 7:00 Boy 'Crusaders ' / . tn • Fri. 8:00.Youth •Meeting A WARM WELCOME ,..;• f' • 1 ' : AWAITS YOU CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH OAtlFIELD ROAD AT eLAkE STREET EVANGELISTIC-- FUNDAMENTAL { 11.•. tis i REV. R..BRUBACHER Pastor • 10:00 A.M. BIBLE 'SCHOOL FOR.ALL AGES. FOR FREE TRANSPORTATION PLEASE PHONE 524-9497 1A.M. "THE TRiAL OF THE AGES" 6i15 Y.P,'s WORD OF LTE CLUB 7-:30 P.M."CHRIST .DIED FORUS" WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER .&—BIBLE STUDY l WELCOME TC.)THEFRIENDLY CHURCH 1 ( The �.. ,..�..�..�..�.. _..� I Par..k St. - Sunday School. Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from Worship at l l :00 a.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 1976 11 a.m. Worship Service SERMON: • "ARE YOU THE BODY OF CHRIST" RECEPTION'OF NEW MEMBERS, AND THE HOLY COMMUNION^ Nursery Facilities • Come and Worship with us. . i ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH • PALM•SUNDAY APRIL 11, 1976 8:30 A'.M. HOLY COMMUNION • 11:00 LITURGY OF THE PALMS SERMON: "BEHOLD THE MAN" . 11:00 A.M. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM & NURSERY • MAUNDY THURSDAY APRIL 15• 7:30-a.m. Holy Communion -•t t J..p.m. Holy 'Communion & Stripping of Altar 'Good Friday April 16 11 a.m. - one hour Devotional Service Rector Canon'G.G. Russell B.A., B:D. Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B, Herdman j• FIRST` BAPTIST CHURCH "(Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTR EAL STREET (near. The Square) PALM SUNDAY • Organist; Mr: Frank Bissett 1 C . • Free Methodist Church at Victoria ' Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls • 9:45- SUNDAY SCHOOL "THE GREAT• E" 7:00 Evening WorshipDIVID& Praise • _ j ' All Warmly Invited 1 D 7;00 P.M.,PREACHER: MR. FRANK S. GRUNDY THE SAL VATION ARMY .9:45 a.m.—Sunday School i 11 t' 18 WATERLOO .ST. S. 524-9341 ' ' ^, PRESIDENT 'OF BAPTIST CONVENTION _l OF ONTARIO AND, QUEBEC Come You will be made welcome ( t Knox Presbyterialn. Chu rc.h. THE REV. G. LO.CKHART ROYAL, B.A..Minister . THE REV. RONALD C., McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM 'NI CAMERON, Director of Praise i PALM SUNDAY, APRI'L'•11 1 (• 11100 a.m. Morning Worship 1 i' Serrnon: "WHE,RE DOES Morning,. ROAD LEAD?" t t (Nursery Facilities) i (Consolidated• sainday School retires from the.Service) 1- SUNDAY SCHOOL— 9:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP -11:00 A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7:00 P.M: Horne League (Ladies) Wed. 8:00 P.M. • WEEKDAY Prayer& Bible Studies Thurs.. 7:30 P.M. I 71 OFFICeR'S CAPTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN "M. MacKENZIE All Are Cordially Invited to Attend Victoria. Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP • REV, LEONARD WARR ri 10 a.m. Bible .School for all GradeS • 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service t • • 1 ! R•ECl;P1'ION OF NEW MEMBERS S1=RMON: ' • .. L CHANCEL CHOIR "i FIN FOUNTAIN HEAD •OF 'REDEMPTION" l Th . , Gond Friday,April16 .. 11:00 arm, Worship Servicts . - 1N -E L•' -O M -E (S' !tit!' to Worship �' Depart to Serve t 1 April 16th -.GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE AT 11 A.M. ,.y.r,!tit#.16 .wwrr•Wu:+r•orship .r••.�..r..rr\. r�,. .r• ..r+•r.r•. ,rw•r"w.awir�,•o,_• w•rbd•o , .4 -yrs+.. rr•i.rr..•r�.•.w.•r....^�.•+•.W.•r'•err.►.•.r..rw.rr-:f:.•rwr+r+,.... a:.r.— -' .a•W,.•r., ,,:cr",• Cantata `THE LAST SIIPP R"... • by Eric iman