HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-08, Page 15r
Foresfers elect officers
Thi? annual meeting of the
"Huron: District_' Council.
Canadian Foreate'rs Was held
at Benmiller,
Forty persons sat down to a
ham supper served by the
United Church Women of
Bentniller United Church;
Sis. Phyllis Fisher,
president of Court
Fascination extended a warm
welcome ': to all present.
Council President Bro. Don
Education cation Wee
Buchanan presided white the
_election of officers was taken
care of by D.D. Bro. John
Connolly. -
The following�tNere
duly installed by D.D. Sis
Phyllis Harrison assisted by
Bro. Leonard Fisher. .
President ,, Bro. Dkln
Buchanan; .vice president•Sis
Phyllis. Cox; treasurer Bro.. .
John Connolly; secretary Sis
Jessie Tebbutt. •
'share.,s:,ume cu .
Geography -= geo plus
graphos. Seo means the
earth. Graphos means pic-
turing.. The picturing of the
earth that the ancient Greeks,
had in mind was considerably.
different' from the con-
temporary satellite views of
our planet. Yet .the ancient
Greeks and modern man
shared a basiccuriosityabout
the planet earth and its
• inhabitants. • .
Northern ',Ontario be a
separate province?" can -also
be (effectively studied using
the aerial differentiation
A •popular ° CBC radio
program i.s. entitled "As It
Happens". • 'his• . title , well
describes 'the knowledge,
information, and events
explosion of the 1970's. People
•learn of the world's events as
they occur. The geographic
concept of "global viewpoint"
`helps prepare students to live
in the "As It Happens" 'world.
Many .decisions. made by
individual countries affect
e w o e gl be. With a global
geography.and in many .perspective of where 'cotin-,
respects until- very recently, tries are, of how people live,
, the study of geography was and of why'certain problems
largely - descrip:tLve_-:..a-nd—roccur, '- students cam .better
sought to answer the.. understand today,S events
questiona..wha-t- and where: Regionalism, aerial dif-
Today, however, �rnodern.. ferentiation, and global -
geography goes beyond What viewpoint are three of the
and where and weeks to an- basic concepts which are part.
swerthe .questions why, how., of the geography program at
and how much by using both G.D.0:I:
analytical and synthetic , The geographic -approach
methods. The -comments also provides a variety of.
which 'follow are an attempt study methods. Students
• . to • explain • the current employ, texts, . , photos,
geography program,. as statistics,, maps, charts-,
-•-presen•ted ;at' -the -Goderich' diagrams, problem -solving
Districtt'Collegiate-Institute- techniques, -- r-odels, .fteeld' =x
At G D C.L,< h pp' trips :and sa . le- studies. as" -
D CH,sa<Q L
WAY, APRIL 8, I97$ -,-.PAG > ,g'
Jack ,Grahamrpresents the Forester trophy to'Olive Gilbert
of ;the top second half team, the Spoilers..Opoiler team
ineinbers include Eric and Betty
June and Harry Montgomery. Miller, Jack -Gilbert and
g mery. [staff photo] .. .
• . .t 'is a roachp
is:•sumanarized as W3H2 ie: -. they investigate' the region, or Several Forester bowlers were honored for their individual
what, where, why; how and concepts described above: efforts. during the season;.and the winners included Flo
how much. By -applying theseRobinson, Marlene Black,• Bev•Orr and Maggie Kerr... The
A' new geography textbook
questions to various parts .of on Canada is entitled -
the world, the students gain "Canada: The. Land and Its
an insight of the earth, man's People" and • includes as
home. Modern `geographic chapter :.titles: "Where We
studies go even beyond this' Live: A Land of Physical -
basic ..:analyti.cal-app-roaeh.,D.iversrty"T-..°`Storehouse of
.Studies of concepts such' as Energy"; "The Good Ear-
- .regionalism,. aerial dif- th"•. "The ,ELnds of Tran-
ferentiation, • spatial . in-• sportation'•r);'•. `:`Canadian'.
teraction, ,the -support of life, Frontiers"; and'"A Land of
constant change and the Change". • •
global viewpoint are a part of As the planet Earth con -
contemporary geography. • times :to change physically
Elaboration onsome of these and culturally, as populations
concepts will clarify. continue to, grow, as events
A Region is: an area of the become,. almost • in, -
world - characterized by stantaneously, public..
similarities of physical and knowledge, geography
cultural phenomena which continues • to play an.
make that region. different' portant role in the education'
- from its ' neighbouring process. The geographer'
regions, The regional ap- ` must continue to "picture"
proach may be used to study the earth. •
an area for its own sake or The Rightt Honourable
may be used to seek an an- Vincent. Massey said -of'
swer to a •question such :as' geography, "Geogr"aphy is a
} "Why is British Columbia a , science as well as art. The
recipient of a large per- more crowded the house, the
{` centage of intra -Canadian more careful must .be the
migration?". Regionalism, planning' and organization of
,;..then is one basic geographic space. The more crowded the-
concept, . - . world, the great,er the need
All places on the earth's for precise knowledge • of "
surface are unique .Yet every part and "every aspect,
without some attempt to seek • of every part ... Itis his (the
patterns, the earth. would .geographer's) task 'to•
appear as a "chaotic mass of assemble all the facts and see
facts". Aerial differentiation the total human environment,
studies seek or organize the to exhibit man's home to him
globe into'pa-tterns in order to clearly; precisely,,objectively
see • similarities and dif- from the point of view of the
ferences among regions. A man who lives there."
c)uestion such as "Should •
Easter Mystique
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We specialize in
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• For mood rings,.. pendants,
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'rite Squcire ,
winners atlnoiig the men's group were Herman Fisher, Len
Lamb, Jack Thonrand Ted Johnston. [staff•photo].
oresters to send bowlers to competitions
The -Saltford Valley a
was : the scene of -the annual
Foresters': Couples- Bawling
League.: banquet Saturday
night April 3. At this function,
team and individual, awards.
are presented to;the winners
of various categories from
the past season..
• . the man
who Makes all such bowling
parties possible, Harry Little
of the Little Bowl was unable
to attend More than just a
businessman, Harry always.
goes a step further than is
Evidence of. this .thought-
-fulnessand, personal in-
volvement was the donation
of a corsage for every woman
at the bangifet.
•• • In Harry's: absence,,
,.President Eric. Miller found
he was quite able to pin
flowers on all the ladies en-,
tering the" hall, the only
resistance coming from 'pins
and fabric and not the ladies
at all. •
The Foresters' .:.league' in
the Goderich area is planning
' to send its..five' top. bowlers' to
a regional•'•ompetition later
in the•year.• •
-In •the' ast, Goderich's
efforts hay 'had little -suet
cess; .but, perhaps this year;,
with representatives • :Pike:
Glenn ".Lam 13(269.1 : George
Rob"inson(209), ''Doug
Fuller(.206), Marlene
Black•(206), and Vi
Fuller(186), things may
The evening's .business
concluded .with, an electio.n of '
officers for next
Richard Petty:
Nancy Willis becomes the
financial 'secretary fornext
year, with Lyall Mabon' as
recording secretary. Vi
-.Fuller accepted the position
of vice-president with present
vice-president Bill Chisholm
elected to the president's
eats who a
-After considerable
discussion, the Huron Board
of Education agreed Monday
to 'pay the expenses of Huron
Secondary school : teams,
groups, clubs; bands, etc. who
win ,Huron -Perth honours 'and
advance to WOSSA and
provincial competitions.
,The. °'matter . was: first
discussed when.•superiri- .
tendent Jim. Coulter • asked
that 'principals be, permitted
to submit accourits'"for- ex-
penses so incurred, as
overagesto the individual
school's budget: -
Budget'. chairman :John';
t.11}oft ways the first to object
saying - he - felt the budget'"
committee should be involved
for extra spending. He eon-
tinued,. "I'm not against their
participation but feel. it's„a
• `matter of principle the budget
committee should know how
much is, beingspent.”
Vice-chairman Charles
Thomas suggested $300 could.
be .spent for each trip before
3; approval would be needed
from the budget committee..
Chairman Herb Turk -hail -0
interjected, "the time
•element is important here as
V/OSSA•'meets are held,
usually within a week .of
Huron -Perth naming
champions."; •
' He was'supported by South
Huron. Principal J.L.. Wooden
who Was in -a:ttendanee.-
-•-W-ood•en. .commented,-:
"Sometimes there is no •tirrie
lag at all. Entries must, be.
made to WOSSA the same day
youWin Huron -Perth."
Last year's board . chair-
man, Wilfred Shortreed;
supported ..,paying any ex -1
• pens.es' incurred. He added,
".`Take the Goderich drama.
club for instance. They put .in
a.lot of work. it' -s only fair •.
that we support thein to the
• IL we. c_titian _e_very_thing
.our, youth are interested ,in,
then we are in trouble."
Superintendent Jim Coulter
said expenses in most cases
are .kept to a minirpum. He
said it cost only $109 to sexed
the - • Gpderich junior"
baslcetbali teaht to Sarnia t
two days, ' '
• Chairman Turkhejfn said
Shortreed echoed . ;the serf
timents''of alltrustees and
CharlesThom- as moved that
upport.. be .:given • *1th ,,the
clin4p stratton berm ,
authorized to ; approve ext.
come Style• COO in
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