HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-08, Page 10. . ; . •?'"•"",":.".e?;,:‘,•?••••;."- "'••••••'-'"'• PAG!'24491')EliJCI-1 SIGNAL-STK:R., /71.SDAY-, APRIL 8,1976 • 10e:00110. :see: slides BytigititlE HARIOSON ' The sixth meeting of. The• • Fancy -Fixers was held at the , • horne.of Sherry Duff. • • Nine • members answered . the roll call., `,'An idea for your club • Achievement Day • presentation, Members discussed :• the • uses for • the 'satin stitch and • ',the sheofflhiiiig stitCh. They . ' selected stitches for their free • Choice article which are , required to show a minimum : of three h Stitches at achievement day, ' The leader Mrs. Betties demonstrated the French Knot and hovv to applique. Miss Pengilley, was thanked • for corning•to the meeting and showing the slides she had . ., . • • .. Camp • Menesetung, 'a - '.. project of Huron -Perth of the i . United Church of Canada, - ; announces the appointment of - : Rev. Mtke, Boulger •• qf •• i, ,Monkton as ,Camp Director -• for the 1976 Cam,ping Sea , Son. . r,r . - Mr: Boulger will be assisted •by his. Wife, Li -1, in the.sum- • a. -trier camping'program..Both ..-,./ are experienced camp.ers, • :uco nsellors -- and youth . ' ' • •:•• leaders. The Boulgers have '', two boys .of elementary • , •" sehool age.•• • • At the April ineeting. Of the - _ Lil. and Mike Boulger Will •Goderich Branch ,of the have, able assistants at all • • Wornen's Institutekplans were •- camps as well as trained ,finaliZed for the banquet to he • . coliii-Pli-orS. A Itill and varied'. held at St. George's Anglican . ', 'program will be provided for Junior . ,Church on April 8E. The oc- • ,-cas-roiris-the-775 -1 a pin ve . . •'Girls,' Junior' Boys, Pre Teen f h B h AUBURN AND DISTRICT NEWS 1 Unit One • of the United Church Wpmen of Kox United Church is planning 1 quilt display on Saturday April 10. in the Sunday .School room of the church :at 2 p.m.. There, will also be a display of crafts and; a bake ,sale.. Tea and dessert will be served'. Mr.- and. Mrs. Kenneth Haggitt and fam•ily of Br-atrial:ea spent the weekend with his parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Allan , McDougall of Sud- bury visited on Saturday with his parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Euchre party prize -winners Were: novelty, Mr's. Frances Clark: high lady, Mrs. Elva Straughan; low lady, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson; high man (playing aS a man) Mrs. Ross Robinson; and low man, Bob if rip _ Armstrong, . 1111• Mr. and Mrs. William S. -Crkig Of Clintbn visited last enes:etung _tuenudAarienwith his aunt, .Mrs. names new directig Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock Visited last Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs.'Harold 'Nicholson and attended the Cholier concert from Woodstock in First Presbyterian Church. - Guests last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger were Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rodger, Kathy and Richard of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs'. Peter .de Groot, R.A.. 3, Goderich: • • • Mr' and Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Lore spent • the weekend in London with Mr. and Mrs. George Reuger, Danny, Terry and Wendy. David and Derrick 'Cart- wright attended the Boys Scout camp at Camp Solvan near Parkhill Tor the weekend. • Mr. ••• and Mrs. Barry • Medauley of Stratford visited recently with his brother, Mr. DOnald ' McCauley,: Mrs., McCauley and Melody. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh of London were Weekend' guests with Mrs. Frances Clark • . • ' Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Bast of Strathroy visited last Sunday • with. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCauley and Melody. - • ACW • , The March Meeting of the Anglican 'Church Women 'of St: :Mark's Anglican Church was held last • week -at the horde of Mrs, Elmer Tronr- 'rner with Mrs. Trommer presiding. Mrs.. Ian Clark react' the scripture • lesson. Mrs. Bob Slater read. the story on the life of 'Philip. President, Mrs. Bob Slater took charge of the meeting and the meditation, and Litany were read in unison. Mrs. Thanes Lawlor led in prayer. The minutes of the previciiis meeting were read by Mrs.. •- Andrew Kirkcpnnell. A thank- • you letter from. Mrs. John Deer as well as one from Mrs. •Mrs Is Bradsack 526-1595 Fordyce Clark, Goderich 'on reports from the Saugeen Diocese. An invitation to attend the Women's Presbyteriiin Missionary . Society Thankoffering meeting on April 14 at was •ae7 eepted. Thisis tdbe held in St. • 'Mark's Anglican Church. Lunch was served by Mrs.' • 'rutin -liner and Miss Connie Trommer. •. Social News Mr: and 'Mrs... J.H. Towe, Glenn and Vickie of London spent . last Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, James Towe, R.R. 1, Auburn, Ontario. • Mrs. Myrtle. Munro visited recently with her son, Mr. • Donald YoUngblut, . Mrs'. Youngblut,Lorie, Barry and Bradleylii London.. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson visited on the, weekend with their son, Mr, Keith Robinson Mrs. ililies tititeit president • - • • • her successor. and executive. Mrs. D. Riehl took over the meeting declaring:all offices vacant, Mit. Riehl asked for the nominating rePort, which? - wks as folloWs: • Past president: Mrs. P, rsarY1-,--77p71 el-ide-rif,-I'Vlfg. -A- Holmes; first :vice president, • 'Mrs.. A. Schram; second viCe president, . Mrs. G., Young; secretary treasurer., Mrs. D. Riehl.'; assistant secretary • treaSuter, Mrs. FL TaIrnay, . •Public relations, Mrs. • F. Barker.; auditors, Mrs. D.O. Sitter, Mrs. • F. Barker; district director, 'Mrs. P. Blundell; alternate district director, Mrs. C. Crozier. Pianists, Mrs. F. Hawkins, IVIrs. 'G. Taylor ;: flower fund,. Mrs. N. 'Clairmont; branch directors, Mrs. H. Fuller,. Mrs. R. Beach, • Mrs. C. •,McPhee, -Mrs. I. Oke; special committee, Mrs. 11:.• Ander- son, Mrs. J. Blake; Mrs.. E. Johnston, Mrs. C. Straughan, Mrs. J. Ryan, • Standing committees, Agricuittire ! and Canadian Industries:- Mrs. A.B. -Straughan; 'Citizenship and World Affairs; Mrs. J. Ryan; Education and Cultural Affairs, Mrs. G. Young; Family and Consumer, Affairs, Mrs. B. Crawford; resolutionS, Mrs. N, Clair- mont; Curator Tweedsmuir •History, Mrs. IL Talmay.. Girls, and Parents without MrS. D.O. Sitter read the Partners: • -,-.. -minutes of March meeting. • A special teenage Co-ed Her 'a,nrial financial report : , .•Camp -is planned for:the-M-a-y.-- -Showed a stibStantial.b-araTice 24 . weekend and- the . first for theyear. weekend in August a family • ,A , donation • to Mental ••• _Camp_ls planned. ' Health programs waS 'decided 'Registration forms or for all •on.• . „ • .. • summer camps are, available • A successful dessert ,card •at United Churches inHuron- party was held. in March. A.- Perth Presbytery. . draw for, the lucky ticket; on • GODERICH FIGURE SKATING CLUB WILD, WILD, WEST LUCKY PROGRAM DRAW NUMBER... • 9.9, WINNER PLEA• SE CALL Joan Diefolf 524-9419 an afghan,(made by Mrs. A. Schram, on Which tickets had been sold) was made at the party, the winner being Mrs. F,13atker. •A planning meeting • fpr • executives tvill be, held •in • Belgrave on April 5 at, 1:30 • rri• • The roll call ,Was' payment •of due. - The Standing com- mittees gave their yearly reports at this time, and all reports, were very en- couraging. • • . •Birthday greetings were ung for Mrs. A.B. Straughan • and Mrs. B. -Crawford. Mrs. . P. ' Blundell, retiring president, 'thanked -7all niernbers for their support • in the past year and asked:for their continued Support for • Fontes" . CANDIES - Pure Milk Chocolate Chickens. Pure Milk Chocolate Rabbits In Two Sizes. - One Dozen Eggs In A Miniature Carton, - Delicious Laura Secord Marshmallow Eggs: , -:Originat Buttercream Eggs In S;;; and 1 16:: Etees12 for Easter, Laura Secord Buttercream Easter Egg's' with the yellow yolk cen:tres. Velicious. 611 Ytid Delight your childre-n with the famous - BUTTER CREAM EGGS Finest Quality & 0 wonderful treat "YOU ARE ALWAYS ASSURED OF THE FINEST WHEN YOU BUY LAURA SECORD CANDIES." COUTTS HALLMARK • EASTER CARDS When you care enough t� give the very beat - 'Drop In Today And See- Our Large' Display P1 ELL'S 000011CH 5i4.7532 •1; .• • • 'If ' ; , ••-•. Robinson, Kira and Kari at Newmarket. • ••1, Bridal Shenker Pink and. white Wedding bells and streamers ''decorated the porinybrook United ChurchSunday School fast Friday 'evening when •.' „Miss .-Barbara- Ch.arnney was 'h.o.no re d with a bridal shower., Misses Ellen and Julie , ThemPsori Wei -Corned the • guests and swere in charge of the gpest book. • Mrs: Sam The'rnpson• :was mistress of ceremonies and started the prd'gram with p - sing -song fed by Mrs. -Murray Mrs. Gordon Haggitt gave a contest pars of the body and thes,aiinner was Mrs. Arnold Cook. • •• Miss. Jane Thompson gave a reading Ad Mr. contest ,on comniercials. _ The • bride-eleet, , Miss Barbara Chamney, her , mother, ' Mrs. . Stewart Chamney and- the ' groom - elect's mother, Mrs. Sam Pletch were presented ,with corsages, and escorted to the platform. Mrs. John, Thompson read the • address of • congratulations and- sifts were presented. . Barbara thanked her -many friends for the lovely gifts and a delicious lunch was Served. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raith- by and Mr. John Raithby are on a.• three week trip. to California. •• . ' :Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston of ybi•ori-tip spent 'the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Alfre.d'i Rollinson and brother, Murray -Rollinson 'and visited her father ' Mr. Alfred Rellinson, a patient in: Clinton Public Hospital. • Mr.-- and Mrs. Robert Youngblut, Susan , Bruce and. Kristen ofToronto visited last week with. his mother, 'Mrs., Myrtle Munro. • Mr.. and Mrs; 'George .Hebeft' and daughters returned last, weekend.frorn a trip to 7 Virginnia Beach,' U.S.A. •• • - - ' • . 1 . . AIZE ,OUTSIDE,, SAW? . • .WOOPYA SAY WE $P,LIT yil$ JOINT ANP GRAS OFF A-Col..1PLE OF4,,, FISH 'N CHIP PINSERS AT 11 - 117-1141 THE l,...„. ,----------f-\-- \ 1 • •v‘IHATIZ_. THE 4.1°5 NOVVADAY C..,DiCkiN :TO ? • 524-6152 • • , ,mWM,,Arn •• • • 5kylork Holchbock Coupe • • . -• The 1976 Pickup. Even its price is comfortable. 3," Pr • •• • Oe of the best: known tonics is a , brand new car ind certainly the best place around for prie, value, selection and serVice is . at • McGee's. • How"' • ab-oitt a new' • • • • FIREBIRDHFQI'MULA?:. We have both automatic and 4 speeciy1 stock. , • .EC ONOMY MINDED? • We have Acadians, Astres, Venturas and Skylarks in stock. to- look after this. - •• • . • NEED ROOM? - :.We have a large stock of full size Pontiacs and tbicks right from 9 - passenger stationwagons the luxurious Buick -Electra Limited — many with air conditioning. • . - Every -model of the fast selling "LeMant -and Buick Century n- • , termediate size as well -as the sporty Wand Prix. C." PICKUPS?: • 1/11‘. have plain, 1/2 fans, fancy 1/2 tons, plain .3/4 inns, tancy 3/4ions,' 4 - wheel drive, camper specials and traikking specials in stock ready •for immediate delivery. , • • "' • • Do:1417: Fe�I better today. COME IN AND TALK A DEAL • PONTIAC- BUICK - CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS • Hamiltcin Street - DOWNTOWNGODERICH 524-8391 Adthorized Pontiac -Buick -Cadillac Dealer for GoDERICH, CLINTON; LUCKNOW and surrounding aroa. .1 • a