HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-08, Page 81 1 1 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 1,0 ..w Ai; i „8 ODER ICH,SIGNAL-STAR. THU RSDA`, APR1Ltil 1976 The suggestion from; this corner last week that a briet explanation -"of' Marketing beard) to .help. the unfamiliar understand their functions, has met with approt�al..: • , Whose..appreval?, . Well, 'two readers - telephoned do sttg• - .,gest the idea had merit and brie woman from. the Walker - .'ton area even tookthe.trouble to write a letter. 11 has been .,suggested before by this writer that few farmers know- how • •tp-write and that mai' be true because so few'of ;them do it. • Marketing•boards have been criticized, by some consumers who claire they operate for the benefit of the producers at the expense of the consumer,. Same producers; too..have complained that marketing boards do a .heck of a lot more to sustain the:ineffitient tamer^and keep him in business than they do for the efficient farmer. ' Iitt' ar%wer. the first' charge. market ing• boards actually.- pro'vide benefits to fhb consumer. in one ways such as the elimination'lof' costly duplications of marketing and ' supply services.. Thee also develop co-ordinated'supply systems for the half-dozen or more major retail chains and. to food processors.. ' ' • certainly'. a number of. processing. firms. are in trouble ,these days - Esse Packers. for instance = simply' be- cause a regular source. of supply, has not been available. •It costs great piles of money. t� keep s production' line go- .ing..at half speed or 60 per cent capacity. Meat packing companies complain constantly about not.'being able to get enough supplies to keep their lines moving.. Marketing .boards. to some extent. have helped packers in this prob . • lea. e ,• A feeling exists that most boards could and should do - more in:c•o:Operation with the packers. . _ • A few weeks back; this corner mentioned than tvhiit con-. sume'rs want is. a qualit}` produc•t•at a reasonable price. no matter what the consumer is .buying. And what farm- ers Want is to• be able ,ta produce a. quality. product and •'get a. fair and reasonable -return on..=his labor an.c in e Letters ate et preciated01 Bob Totter Eldale. Rd . Eimna. (int N38 267 markets tor. their pro>:ltdcts Examples abound but two et nie to mind.: the tobacco, board and the sales to Great •Brf"tatn•' and the pork prc)diicerti board in'sales. to Japan Perhaps' .t;he titgge't' saving grace tor these boards_ ts• thea. ability. to establish uniform priee•,lev.ets at the farms gate' so thar producers are not pressured into selling at unrealistically Io�i�om sure:no ,one wants to go baCk to the day µTien 'to.bacc o, for instance, was. sold with the help .of every underhanded device known to man. can remember sturies of tobaceb far.rners signing their lives away - andl the lives of their families, too - just to • sell their crop. Another major 'reason for the success of marketing boards is that some• have•been able to assure producers of -a rea- sonable price for their,,product which, in turn, has allowed the prbduc•,er• to make long-term, 'realistic ,pians for the: future. 1 heard a sincere:,articulate dairy farmer" recently say thatsh:is fact alone would he of inestimable value to .him: and his family: 'We want to beabhe to sit doH.n with our family and plan for -the future," he said.' "We want to be -able to telt our sons and our'daughters that. yeas, they can go to university -if they want to. We want some stability in our .way..of life: Is that asking too much? 1 don't think so. • This corner. has been harping on the concentration of big business these,. days. Not long ago, both Lobiaws and the George Weston empire were outlined along Stith Do, minion Stores. These huge chains plus a handful of others • completely control the food basket from. the tithe it leaves the farni(gate. The -possibilities for manipulation are. infinite: This is part of otir way of life and the only way farmers can pos- sibly compete. in the dog-eat-dog days of big business is -to st- have some' organization -that can tight these possibilities for mnipulation. • • Up to now, the best method is the formation of marketing boards," Until -something better comes along; farmers mist • fight for the preservation and strengthening of their mar- keting boards. It:s the. best: tool they have .and, they must ' ,keep it sharp. • In nil : hrtmble�}neon:' n.1,0,.t marketing board:- help to attain those two, goals. •.lost ThOaids are r the :f irefT nt' '. in 0;ocid'ing leadc*rship in producing quality prodycfs.and 'enforcement of quality standards. • • }cost. marketing boards are. eagerlyseeking'additional Atitentson Armers A- FOR SALE A-. FOR SALE —QUAN1ItY of Red-,-Clover--.- FOR ed ::CloverFOR SALE., Quantity of seed.also a small C.C.M. eheee baie:d-.hay Phone 529- hn_yls_Lhicyele, apply Lorne.. 7462.-11tf . Porter 5248002, ,15. • JOHN DEERE # 45 with cab and• .power steering; 10 ft, grain head 'and 2 row corn head; Tom. Brown, RR 1, Chatham, Ont. Phone 352- 3947.—15n•c, . 1000 BALES of straw. Phone °. • 529-7463. —14,15 2 GRADE Holstein heifers due: imrnediately. 1 grade Holstein heifer, 1: registered Holsteinheifer fresh, R,B.R. vaccinated and blood, tested. Contact .Douglas McNei1 524= 6365.-15 F - FOR RENT. . QUANT'ITY.of'c'hai.ce first cut : 100 ACRES of pasture or cash hay and second cut hay.' Crop for rent; Phone 482.3520, Phone 524-7060.•- 15tf • after 5 p. m. -15 TT -T T T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 STRATFORD Buchanan & Hall Ltd. Commercial Re rigeration and fir -Condit of ng NOW WE HAVE A SERVICE CENTRE IN GODERICH. milk coolers and transfer 1 ► For sales and: service of bulk ► systems. SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK Ask for Donald C. Johnston 524-7758 . 134 WILSON ST., GODERiCH, 41111.1646114101610111111.1011 Say farm .land roteCli The National. Farmers Union. in 'Huron County presented . a brief to the Development, Committee of the Huron County Council on March 19 . in the ` Council Cliarnbers in.Goderich. The" brief• conitnended the county planners on their efforts to retain `Huron • County as a predominantly agricultu'r'e county. The same cannot be said for all citizens, ' or for all elected officials, NFU officials felt. ;_ The NFU stressed 'im- portant points that' should be. used. in anyfarxn land policy: Thatall agriculture. land be zoned and classified; that only those who . make . their living ; from farming be allowed to control- agricultural ontrolagricultural land; that,each farm unit must have a viable acreage, either owned or on a long term -lease, to 'facilitate production and handle manure from the entire _operation; that where land is zoned for livestock- and poultry, farmers who follow _an,.accep_ted code of practice and` .h-u-sbandry have. . assurances that the zones will. not be changed:, and that art upper limit be placed on the. amount of, land one family farrri•operator can control.' The National . Fartners °Union believes that retaining the land resource that they now have - land' is capable of, producing food - is a ` top' priority. Members feel that it should be a .responsibility of society : not just a farmers' ,problem if society is to avoid -.lin ups and ration cards as it approaches the year 2000.. . Land. planning to be, e£- :4ective must be national In scope with provincial —and John; FIazlfft'[riight] a Benmill,er farther who is a member of the -Ontario, Bean Producers Marketing Board, took part in a recent seminar with topics including takes and beans. Here Mr, Hazlitt looks over the program with Ed Balaisis, general •manager of Cook's Division of Gerbo .Corp -oration. and Phil Bowman of Price Waterhouse and Company. Ally :three men were •speakers' at the day -long seminar for bean growers: [photo by the Independent News] -. Hill sa s CEMA a ainst egg quota -. , .,..__.. Gordon Hill of Varna, ' •plained that -if there is a 'president of. the Ontario surplus of table eggs caused hed'eration of Agriculture has; by • the increased'; imports, strongly criticized the. federal �.'CEMA buys the eggs at the government for its recent 'top ` table price and resells doubling of the egg import them to: industrial buyer's ata . looking vat a seemingly unjust . quota from the United States,much reduced price_ • tariff situation in agricultural ' "This was done against the If .they would 'bring in a mpoi-t-s--•a-ncl _exports..'_, sai-tl__.:., reco•i3'im•eaidatton of the "re,SponsibJeeciuantrty; I don't Mt -Dim }} •. catiadian gg_ arketing_ ' think anyone woulc�-oblect;' _ Agency. charged M. Hill: satdhlt7fr—. gni---'irre-sponsrl5l°e . wn . „The heaves • Drastic weather chanes at this lime of year cause' 'pavement. to heave and, • break, .particu.larly in nor- thern areas. This creates an added problem ' for the motorist, states the . Ontario Safety League. The highway dep'artm.e"nt. :erects.;"bump" signs, but frequently, yo -find • the. humps .before either the signs go, up or work crews can' repair the road damage. "When you see the Signs, s.lo.w down and keep both hands on ' •• • the •wheel, -Your safety belt ',will help keep' you behind th:e wheel': in the driver's 'stat - should . you be the first to. discover anew hump:, provincial government: = .Sat' down ' and `- di'scussed agricultural imports in ` a sensible way. . ••' We pnr•ticularly should be" municipal governments . Mr Hill said the logical importing will drive)' the' ' Planning accordingly'. To date there is :little, if any en- couragement._ or_ legislation 'from either the federal or provincial governments'. ' . Governments should take • immediate action to preserve good farm land by placing •a: freeze . on' deyelopment, . around large, urban centres..' Development should be ' directed towards areas of • poorer soil; N.F.U: feels. , In the. interests, of Huron County retaining a rural p'redom-finance;. NFU believes any future plans to build a hydrogenerating station ' must be blocked: Huron . County, . having an official plan, is in a positionto incorporate hospital management on' a ." County- --t,:widV"basis that could result in • efficient health care. The NFU .believes that Huron County should establish . a District Health Council, made u1, ofa member of 'each ^ of the existing hospital boards and a nurse from eachhospital to co 6r-critrate the "services ol--all -- hospifaTs Th`e existing -hospitals should ' be main tained in the view of the NFU. Lorne Luther, District - Diirector of NFU read. the brief on behalf of .the two Locals .. in Huron County. Other members who attended from, Local 335 were ' Jean Lalonde and Charles Wilkins and Lloyd Willert froin'Local 317. '.Coated bridges• . • way` to import r eggs into farmers to insist that ahl egg A sunny day .11nd a clear Canada from the "' United :'imports be done through ri)ad cari•luit the motorist into States .-was -through 'the .CEMA and then. the 1 tlscl sense-, of security at agency... By allowing i:m= 'porters will.' be screaming this trrnc:bf vt. rr;"Bridgesarc • 'porters to bring the•'eggs in; .rape often tooted ta. rth ret in the 11�Ir _Hill said the 'consumer w' Speaking briefly : on ,the luornings, when- the street' ould not benefit •and TE •recent egg mpor.t quat ria Llai -i; rYs-ms's drY..1Y:atoh producer • would suffer being doubled, Jack Riddell; . for, Shade spots on 'the high: greatly. The Varna ' farmer "Performance Proven" SEED CORN Still available in early maturing varieties for shelling or combining Also. later`varietiesfor silage DURST P;,.. 48"2-7309 CLINTON 'CLAY - • ilo Unloaders •'Feeders , , - Cleaners - Stabling - Log. Elevators ` - Liquid Manure:Equi•pment Hog Equipment , • FARMATIC.•- = Mills Augers, etc. ACORN. - Clea'ners • Heated Waterers, ZERO Bulk Tanks Pipeline .& Parlour Equipment WEST FEL-. ROSC-O-Gra-nr-ies--- ..t $r_t.;• Hog .Panelling Bulk Tank & Pipeline cleaning Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. .Bovadine Dyne - Losan Udder -sae-;, Foan;lcheck Kleeneasy-. +RoII up your sleeve to save a. life-. BE A. BLOOD DONOR MULTI - With easy-to1nstall accessbries,.the toughand,powerful Snapper tiller can also be used as a garden tractor. It can plow, furrow -and cultivate.your soil. fn a few seconds, thechain=driven'tiller becomes a ga'rcien tractor that can handle even the toughest garden folds with ease. Snapper Tillers are well balanced and easy to handle. They're heavy,cluty, all -steel construction'with 3 and 5 horsepower engines, and havefingerti,p contho.ls located .„� ' conveniently on the handles. See us for a free'dernOnstration. You' buy a Snapper Tiller for quality, and ye t get *Much more i=ucauA McDonough' bower +, ''_ •!t Fuqua 1ndustr? ,5675..2110. cfutprnent, Inc, McDonough, Caoorgta 30.5$ E CtU'E 0CR EQUMp'0ll'EN1 a ItAYEIELD ,r Huron -Middlesex MPP saidit : way ..,,Where ice "m -ay stay ex- was time the federal and longer after the sun hadtiricd the rest of thc rond,•warns the Ontario Safety League.. CUSTOM FARM WORK • Shannon an4 Hunter Ltd® RR .3, Goderich. HIGH CAPACITY EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR Flowing and Chisel Plowing' * * ''Cultivating * * Planting * cALL BOB - 529 7681 TIM 529-7561 9-6p,m. Look •neighbouir ... you can BELT IT OUT FAST .LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS R'R 1,Kincardin.e, Ontario. Phone 395-5286 A CUT ® ABOVE THE -REST!' • No more stooping, kneeling or crawling • Distributes seeds evenly. �. • -Plants vegetable seeds faster * SAVES Time --= Mohey -. Seed — Lebo' Takes The Backache -Out of {` Gardening. NOON' -'with the purchasE., of any Ariens Power Tiller —you will receive ,a Plant -Rite Row Seeder — FFEE.. 1 i i Butler, VoIurne-Belt:,.cattle feeder—the Quiet One—belts feed out 'fast without feed separation for in -barn or outdoor feeding, But don't take our Word for ask .a neig•hbourwho owns Butler. Lyfnin Lowry' Farrl,Eigupment Ltd. RR 1 KinCardine,.Ontario Phone 519 • 395.52(16 111110111111k VillikiiI1101111111,1111104.11%. Ariens has Power Tillers from 31/2 HP 16 7 HP. Visit your participating Ariens dealer today and ask' • about this 1. limited time offer.