HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-08, Page 41'. 4A- GOD}.11 11 SIG NAl:ti'1:Al2.1'NURSl)�1Y.APRIi,B,1976 on. generators .can be dangerous would make proper systems mandatory on i on grmer _ —.._ ., f f The owner g t ..r t he ��as.asked to -again rn the morning,. the Walter Palmer,. manage' of''be sent out to inspect systems transfer s' witch to isolate the "i insist theybeinstalled. farm near Drayton is -worried I�•nd his ,generator 'daring >. t c Mr. Schieck says that it ns "By ,, damage done to a large herd. Ontario Flydro,• Clinton area, for persons who have them. generator unit from the hydro 'enough , concerted effort is myself, I'm not going to • because few farmers realize: • recent po„e r blackouts: ' • of cows, could- run in the confirmed a +lumber of Mr,. It is understood, however; lines. '. g B • t if they could kill somebody by Farmers •get desperate 'thousands of dollars. Schieck's findings, Mr. t"at if Hydro brought ta bear+, the system. ac enough fish much. a we incorrectly hooking. up ' a • during paµ s r failure, he said.: ousRecently, he` br." ht the .Palmer-, o finds •anyone Ina storm where power is maybe ehan,ged. get enough people concerned, eg h aimer • had* expressed : his using a generator without the off, an : unfailing , guarantee_ "The breakers should he we. may be able to change generator to' power farm -'" l:l'O$ is especially 'true in a Situation to the attention of concern ,over improperlyt•0 er 'electrical equipment during a hydro high intense farming area r - P P . c al <ciskedrmust 'from. the' that the thei^e and • farmers should things'' blackout: • Ii�ki� this one." '. g.. farmers attending a meeting ii s p ee: t,ed g e n e ra t o.r s the owner .will be asked to' 'power: 'frorn: the' •stand -b b a 5 ne." . of the Ontario Hog Producers,, ' following the ice' .storm • in • bring , it within.. safety start generator will not . feed in S,onteday -• somebody •rs 'Many farmers 'are, ab- iviarketing. Board',.I-1.e urged ":Manch which caused such dards -of retnove.it: Ontario : rverse through going to get. fried,'• Douglas solute- de endent on'h. dro i s rough the hydro g gg g S' P Y. delegates 'in "attendanrce to, -extensive. •darrlagE." itt ,the •Hydro :says .the.'proper .in- � transformer, t:kliereby.� Step - stated. • a father of .nines. tp.operate their rnilki`n!b g inform farcy orgahizations� of " parts' of Huron County to the • stalIatiun Of ` stand-by pini up that power to a, high stated. marhi.nes; to heat thei"r' the situation andaob'by in ,Pit. south of:Goderich and Olin- •equipment :•is: critical `•to voltage Mr. Schiee .said the use of broiler 'barns.'and to run the " Nr s: could harm or aftenipt to niakethe two -pole, ton. ,. _ -.ensure a safe and adequate , kill w.or.#ters: .� ., a generator on the farm is automatic •feeding' systems, two -breaker system. man-' 'Source of emergency' power - Mr.' Schieck; who has a . perfectly .safe if there is a When : the' power' goes 'off', datory on all farms Mr Palmer •`agreed• ,with on the farm. generator on his farm•,"says , • double -pole, double -throw set farmers start to worry." '• • • Mr.: Schieck that a Only .a qualified electrical ' he is reluctant to to of breakers which prevents Without. power, dairy He says he also. pians o p•ro:fesslona l•ly installed, contractor should ever install 'neighboring the voltage from the generator farmers cannot milk their alert slays worke1 of the hydro inspected'double_pole; l at°stand-by unit. For safety of farmers during. From•reaching hydro Iran- .herds, the teiriperaiure in the situation and' urge sthem",to double -throw system is the ., personnel and the protection blackouts. g power . sformers, chicken barns starts to fall condemn, the practice in their . only 100 percent safe way to • of the •• farmer's expensive "I've had a lqt of requests However, he has and automatic . feeding aorecment,e bargaining operate a generator, equipment, . the installation " for" en'erator -d -discovered- - an-i•nereasrng--equi•pment-•grinds to a ha{t. 6., •,� .•--.._°_'.M,an_y_--elec�tr•-ical.._Syste-tris._.,should, always:.. .._my g using ,. y be -,:.inspected • z"power L. -failures," _.. -he said. ' number of farmers•are using •"Dairy- farmers are •{n a ;1 meant every word of are inuse these days, Mr. by a Hydro inspector. The But on many farms, it's just generators without having particularly tough -spot," Mr. what"" 1 said at • the Pork Palmer asserted, and the best inspector would ensure that not safe to hook up." • the proper power b'reaker's Schieck. continued. .11• Producers sheeting, ' he said, way to find out if it is being all' " electrical. hardware __is- . • He•said-a hydro lineman, installed first. - they're forced.' to rni's`" 9'ooner or later somebody is used safel t check h He became aware of the milkingat night `and hen ' Pgoing tip get e. risers"`" ,t„'I ” Y is o c ee with correct, including .the .rri.ost .,:wrnr ing on a downed, line is' g Ontario Hydro` Someone will important double -throw or taking a chance if somebod• y •• is running a generator .down the road. "If the generator is • being anyone • operatedtouchilig! gin:' cortherectly, t.o - . � o c t`o r ; line could be instantly fried., He explainsthe problem • this • way. "When electrical power comes into the home, it is cut down by transformers to 110 or 120 volts:.. 'But when a generator is started up without a•doi ble- pole double -throw switch, the process works in reverse Power. - goes - from the- ' The Ontario HealtH the : Ontario physicians less • than .7 andin voltage on '• en`eratpr -to tlie-tran **.*'******:******** i1 *-**7k* Medical isincreased' In swane THE SQUAREMEAL SQUARE DEAL TRY NOW NOW FULLY_. ` LICENSED - GODERICH RESTAURANT _STEAKHOUSE-:IL—TAVERN Ltd. LICENSED .UNDER THE, LIQUOR LICENSE ACT STREET ' 9111P payments • misleading unless full- xplanation uccom�ioni� • BU *. • - SANDWICHES The Square76 CASSEROLES 524-8181 GELS -._ - •. ... _ _e_Plan.(OHIP). does, :;Apercent (OMA') saidreceived centofthetotal- its way out. a disservice to the Medical • recentlyThis- means an •,, payments of mare than Yone * • profession in • releasing data $100,000 during fiscal 1974'=75;, "co`mrng • in contact with the It. on , payouts t�physicians "Lacking - any. in- but did not report that after hydro lines would be killed without -interpretation, •' Dr. terpretation, the news media deducting expenses, which instantly. "You'd be burned to *D,C, MacNeill, president `of Publicized the fact that 812 amount to'as much as '67 a'crisp„' 9' percent; such physicians A double -Bole, double- - - could end, up with a net in= -' throw system costs anywhere -- :Fin�-ncia-' s said -30- •ofles000"from $300to $400 tobein- SUBS " * ��*' **li'SGOOi=00DASK YOUNEtGHBOUR* *' in insea team ca s. Goderich-Industrla1 Fas-tball NEWPLAYER- ENTRY Name Address Phone Position & Last Team DEADLINE THURS. APRIL 22 Mail entry to: Doug Currie 1,26 Wilson st. -. 524-6.1 5 4 • AT- Appearing This Week WED. :APRIL •7 to SAT. APRIL 10 SUNDOWN HE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE COMING N-EXTWEEK TUES. APRIL 13 to,SAT. APRIL 17 CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY. ' TRINKET PLANNING DINNER GUT TRY OUR, DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TUES. 12. 1:30 P.M. 'V11ED. 6 --'7;30 P.M. SUN. 5 7 P.M.: Bedford Hotel . The Square Goderich 524-7337 4 4 Any GIRLS. INTERESTED In - PITCHING or CATCHING "for the Jr. Girls Softball Team; there willbe PRACTISES 'TUESDAY NIGHTS at Victoria ,Public School. Gym 7:30 p.m. Ages-i5•to •21. Pull pract"rtes to begin early in May, watch thairnet 't2 for more INFOR'MA:TION or phone 5244897. ,Everyone .Welcome. The final games of the' 1975/ 76 Gode'r-ich .Industrial Curling League were played on . March 31 When- the Fir.ancial team of skip Jon Hitchcock, vice- Caroline. Cass, second Craig Cass and - lead Donna Hitchcock defeated'the DRMCo Plant team 5-3 for the Signal Star ' Hippity Hop to the Squire Shop Squire Gifts has a wide variety of cute .Pendelfin stone compound models. The bunny family are ideal for Easter giving. You can give "Muncher, Pieface, Peeps, Dodger ,and Snuggles" separately or start, a colleetion. Get your bunny for Easter at r MacNeill He reported an analysis. of • ..-•_Lhe..:sialastips-�.by;...•tki.e..�41Vi1�., --, A>h-ich-did. ;-net-recer-ve copy of the data until after it had been made public, shows: 5'. largest group: of physicians - general prac- titioners -. received payments averaging less than $40,000, which would yield an average Group "A” trophy. -It was a :very :close garde " and . the Financial tearn bad to make the Iast shot for- the victory. The Financial team• ..had earlier eliminated - the Teacher Na. 2 'and- DRMCo Plant eliminated Victoria & Greytagetto'the playoffs, In Group "B", .the DRMCo Officetearri of skip' -Frank Young, vice ` Jim Bolan, second Gard Crabb andlead Bill Hayward defeated the tTeacher No. 1 squad by a score of 10-6', to win the Trans Canada Credit Group "B" trophy. The DRMCo boys got off to a 10-0 lead in the first five ends and then held off a charge by"the Teacherswhich started a little. too late. The Teachers eliminated the Kinsmen Club earlier -to get into the final. • The Goderich. .industrial Curling League enjoyed a, successful 1975/ 76 .season and the organizers will be: looking for new -entries from other businesses and clubs in town. . Membership_ inthe, curling 'clrib'is" not necessary as this is a Pay -as -you. -play e.ague. Good luck to .all - en - ries next season. - t net . income of Tess than ;$25,000.,•• S " While payments physicians increased only 16 percent from- .the 1.973-74 fiscal 'year to 1974-75, payments to ,optometrists (non-medical practitioners who . measure vision and prescribe eye glasses)- in- creased 42 percent during the "same period, 11 The average chiropodist (non-medical practitioner treating conditions of the foot) received $31,684, only, •$8,000 less than the average family' physician; 11 Four chiropodists and 18 chiropractors were paid more - than $70,000 during fiscal 1974-75, one of each 'receiving - more than $100,000. Dr. MacNeill said - two- thirds of ' the , province's physicians - e general prac- titioners and . specialists. combined - received gross payments of less than $60,00D, which would yield an average net income' of $36,000 after deducting .the average office overhead- expenses . .of 40 percent., - stalled. Mr..Schieck.feelsthat anything less than this should. riot be,allowed. -. - ;EIe-poinVs_ althai-o er the-- years 'farmers ha.ve.. been changing over from 35 amps • to 50 amps to 200 ampsand even in some, cases 400 amps: "Many farmers who • have recently, had their barns• rewired, feel .their electrical System is cot.pletely up -to date," said Mr. Schieck. "But• ' to -that's a big . assumption. ' Unless there's a.; central - disconnection switch, it could be dangerous." I' NOTICE T.o Ratepayers of :,Colborne Township. Colborne Township .Clerk -Treasurer -Collection office is sat. the TownshipHall Carlow (upstairs) Tues. Wed. Thurs. ' Doug McNeil Reeve - Wilmer Hardy Clerk 1' Don is wearing- just oneof ourgreat selection of long sleeve leisure • shirts. 1 Machine washable of polyester or polyester and cotton, they are available . . in S-M—L—XLin plains, patterns, large and small patterns, checks and stripes --- in a rainbow of colours. We have one that's sure tobrighten up your spring picture. Get the. Spring Falun Corner -Montreal St: and The. Square GODERICH ATTENTION FARMERS WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FLAX : ':ASACASH CHOPIN 1976 1. -Flax Futures for •1976 continue •at an . attractive" level. '2. 'Flax- Plantings in ,our area have trippled in' • the Iasi two 'years. GUNS 'SPRING SPECIALS ON REMINGTON GUNS.& AMMO 700 ADL BOLT -ACTION RIFLES IN :222 - 22.250 cal. . - $255.75 788 BOLT,ACTI.O,N RIFLES IN .222 cal. 172.50 66 MB SEMI -AUTO RIFLES IN..22 cal'. _ 106.25 222 cal. AMMO PER BOX (20rd'0 6:85 22-250 cal. AMMO•PER BOX (20•rd's),. 7.65 22 cal, L.R. AMMO PER CARTON (500 rd's) - 18,10 22 cal. L,R.H.P. AMMO'PER-CARTON (500 rd's) s ' .REG. JJK+L PRICE $199.50 1 5:Oo 4.99 5.95, 13.50 19..10 14.50 ABOVE PRICES WILL APPLY DURING APRIL•1976 OR UNTI•LIN STOCK SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED. Give us a Try Before you Buyl 3. Possibility of new higher yierds being avai 4.•.irl,put Cost for seed. than $20:00 per acre.. • • flax seed varieties with. fable for 1.976. fertilizer and, spray less , • 5..# A market is available immediately for all Ontario grown flax. '6. Quick unload as compared with other cash -crops. x P •. 7. Forward selling available (Ask Manager, for details) 6: Storage available (ask Manager for -details) 9. Contracts available (ask Manager fol- details) Squire Gifts BAYFIELD RT$: S. GODERICH S 24 72920 .y. • SPECIALIZING IN GUNS AND ACCESSORIES - . .K. and L. OUTFITTERS 860 VICTORIA ST., KINCARDINE, Ont: • • NEW—USED--• BUY SELL- TRADE - . Everything For the Shooter • GUN PARTS AND REPAIRS -. OPEN -ONLY VI(eekdays - .. 9 a,r.•9 ,1Neekendl, — 9 a.m.-6 JACK KIRKPATRICK - - Don't delay because interest in this seed is high. To avoid disappointment call today. 0. p•m. Prop, (Franchised Firearms .D4oler) •fl For seed please contact: or ANDERSON FLAX•PRODUC'TS O'P N OTC-114 ,- 'roPNQTCH" FEEDS ,L,MrttO Milverton, Ontarso phone 395.4941 Luck>illow, _Ontarion phone 528.°2026 •