HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-04-08, Page 3• • • . • ELECTRIC Damestic-Cammercial-Industrial 133 Britannia RC' Phone•Evenings.: 5. 2. 4.."8 1: 46. doosetawsow INSURANCE George Turton •, FIRE AND ALL OTHER LINES 319 HURON ROAD GODERICH - 524-7411 , —11-n (141 i 0...irk qb Ducharme Extrivating-Dashwood 236-4230 TRW...KING - BACKHOE - & DOZER SERVICE ' s _ • • 'f;LDI-EipcH,NICK DOWHANIUK 524 6240 • : , • •..• ••••-i • • . - r • ' *.i1)144. RICH 'SIGNA•14TAR-r-T-flURSDA, Teivhell ,. to honor celebilint On Satarday; April 3 tea • was held ror Mrs. Margaret Wileon un the occasion of her 80th ..birthday 'by her daughter.. G.L. Royal, Goderieh and ,Mrs. B.S. .• Bourne, Calgary, at the • f°llll.•Street,h6rri1:11 e Nia-""--e Colborne• ". •:t Mrs. C,R. Lowery and Mrs., • CH. Edward phsided at the • •• tea. tabde, .aby as.sted • by* Mrs. .9.G. MacEwan" and ' Y() .Serving thu:enguests were • Mrs, S.11. PreVett, •. Dunn, .Mrs. J.W. Royal., Mrs. " ..•!..1.! Floyd Lodge and Mrs. W.Q. 'Cunipbeil,WillowdaIe.' Local familymembers were, present and lso grandsons ,from _Ottawa; Mr. G.L.E. (Ted) Royal and Mr, Bourine. ;,• - -•• • Greetings were received from Scotland, Calgary, Fort 1VIC'Muly • (Alta), Mississauga and Welland. • .GUARANTEED 71NVESTRfiENT TO 41 Bruce Erskine 88 North St.......:Erh-c-iffir522$'45S5--.. • ' .4111M142=11•1444 • An actiye supporter of Ontario's Junior Farmers' Association has been selected to represent the province's Junior Farmers in 1977 on a trip to Australia and New Zealand. Dixie Cameron [center], RR 7, Lucknoi,v [Huron County], was named the reeipient Of the • Ontario Junior .EarmerS'.. Association Travelling Scholarship to Australia and New Zealandat the association'S. amnia' meeting in tohontO..Theltelielhrshipls-sponsored-bp., - - • the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario and United Cooperatives of Ontario. Shown at •the meeting are [left ,to right] .Bruce Saunders, president of the 'Junior Farmers! A S.soc i a tibia ; Mrs: CaMernnTand-Reg-eressmani-oKCO-laMississauga.' SWIM POOL CLINIC • Swimming,Pool Owners Please be our guests at, 'a- swIniming Poul Clinic, Tuesday April 20 at 8 p.m. Knox Presbyterian Church. basement. Twee representatives from Lawrason Chemical Co. of London will conduct the clinic and • answer any questions regarding. your pool problems. Free coffee nd domits. FUEL And -HARDWARE LTD. 84 KINGSTON ST.•• PHONE 524.9671 No increase in price for provincial parks , . iti '76 • There will beno increase in censiderablY "since • 1972, the "Free day.u'se and•campgig ' Ontario provincial Parks fees decision not to increase fees for Canadian - resident senior. 4__Reautierf>s •Was -base,c1 on' the • ontatasitkbns age 65 or' more, ,a • -Minister 1,eo Bern te-r-h-a-s—go n en tj-s - desire to _pnogram_initia.ted.iri191kwilt: 'announced.. . contribute positively to the • also 'continue unchanged,- - -711n1egOliiTrattorraryjirn es: " -nati oresranti-infla don goa Is-, L'the inister -Sentor • it is always 'a pleasure to Mr. Bernier noted. - . citizens, many 61 whom are announce , that. Something The l'976lee schedule is: • -faced restricted in; • won't ko up in price," said • Daily vehicle perrnit, $1..50; comes, have made excellent Mr. Bernier. "Vehicle entry aiunial :vehicle permit, J15.„; .use of provincial parks since and camping fee8 will remain daily bus .entry permit, $10; ;th no -charge program for the same as last year, a fee daily,campsite„perrnit, $3.50; • camping. and day use was • schedulsestablished four campsite. permit 'with' ele& introduced three years ago. yearsgo in12-:" ' • trieity, T n.rn happy that it wifl "And although 'Provincial permit, $1.50; interior sOntinue." park operation and .main- camping !permit, $2 'pr boat Ontario'S provincial parks, Ask for this • from Our'. .... . representativq, • . Norris Peever. ..who.'will.be at: . . ...T. he Bedford Hotel, GODERICH .00 the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of ' - each month, Tuesday, April 1 3th • • tenance costs have increased. per night or $20 for 16 nights. were used by .more than 11 million people, including 1.6. ' Marty Robbins. coming With th.e opening 'this year • millieri'campers„last y.ear: . • 4 of MaeGregor Point Provincial Park, a new park Marty Robbins and his •of, the "Midnight Special"•'on the ,shore of Lake Huron, g ountry Music Show will,be in .shows. • •• Ontario parks. will total 122 Clinton, June 26, at the His concerts always draw ' covering 10.5 million acres Community Centre. . •capacity crowds and he is one of the largest systems,,in • Marts rriusical range and alway,s a top attraction in Las the world. - variety know no bounds. He Vegas, Reno, and Lake •, 1 sings Polynesian, Mexican., Tahoe. ge was the first- so Western, Country and Pop. . called • Country act to ever He has also wt•i .tten over 400 play the main shorOoms in Songs such As mw .„,, ‘,,, y oman, ' Las Vegas•and still holds the •.. all dine attendance record at My Woman, My Wife"- .and • " " one of the big hotels in Oat- • the classic El Paso; and . . has a number of city. gold record's •- and •gold guitar awards to •driver.Marty is' also a. race car 'attest his composing and . Although he only has time to run in about four or ...e. singing ability,. •five of the big raceS a year, he • Marty. has also starred in is consistently among the top •' about a dozen movies and has ten' finishers. • He is greatly his own television and movie respected by all.,the. other . production company with drivers 'on ' the NASCAR distribution. thrpugh • circuit, both as a person and • Universal Pictures. His as a race driver: television credits include ' The Huron Central most of the top shows in AgribUltural Society is television. • A 'Yew examples ,sponsoring the show and are: "The Dean Martin z• tickets are aVailable through Show", ,"Kraft Music Fall", •i.:2!,,,f the directors or. at •"The Johnny Cash Show" ilnd----• ) 0 's 'appliance: ''store in, has been the_hoat on several Clinten:: . If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the • FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL , . • 4 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK or prior 1.riformati0n call 271 565O.or" 'w'rtfe 1'036 Orrtarid Stl'e, et }Stratford. • . . • • • pening new.doors to,,small business. • • Fashion Boutique Ladies & Misses NOW OPEN DAILY INCLUDING _ SUNDAYS • 10 a.m. to 5• p.m: closed Good Friday GRAND BEND 11,4 Mites South*of Traffic . • Lights on Hwy No. 21 • AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRyERS • WRINGER WASHERS • • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • 'IN SINK FOOD WA'STE DISPOSERS ' From the Dependability PeoOteat:- , HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. •• •524-7831 • GLASS . AUTO & TRUCK GLASS CAMPER WINDOWS VAN WINDOWS CONSTRUCTION • EQUIPMENT VAN ROOF VENTS .AUTO WINDSHIELDS TRIM ... • COMPLETE AUTO UPHOLSTERY • !STING, • • VINYL ROOFS OPERA WINDOWS BODY SIDE MOULDINGS CONVERTIBLE„ TOPS INSURANCE CLAIMS' CALL 524-2136 FOR FREE ES*T1MATEs ALL PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS, FREE MOBILE SERVICE ONGLASS TO HOME, OFFICE;FARM, FACTORY efr •• „ . 4frUTOA$5SS -L104.01t0D ' . :4 5 6 itAyFIELD40...., GODERICH - 5 14;....2.1 36..... .. The t'altutut tfiati;eari for a,parpase• .•:, by Scpity' Moil your probtinns to Impoce this popes All Jeffers will bo answered forti4140 stomped oddressed enyekmt. •e'Cglogd Ulm of interest will W1 published tetters sired hut wo NOT revealyow tdenties, 1~ "these Question/end Answer* hosed or, Oraprio , ore published to inform and nor to advise, No one *head try to apply or, interpret iho few wished, the aid and odyke of a troined expert. who knovo th•e facts. Once the facts of each op* may. t han9e' the application th k"'" NQ PHONE CACI.S PLEASE • • ©091ch ass MILT PLACE headquarters for ALL yewr glass heeds. • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAJ., 524-2671 50 Li• ghthouse St. • • • • d • &Stin 'T.• jr. e . Ltd, District Representative pen penornme is-HAMiL,TON GQDEFICH M6NUMENTS MARICERS• • LETTERING• - • • 514 . • Or, • 6621 to.41110-t. .. call„BILL•MELICK.bt your coLLIsioN. REPAIR CENTR,E•-.. . .., ' ' .1.•-• • -': • .LSOUTI14-END—S-0 DY. -;,..--------, ,„,4,,,,,,,w,f,,e,.., . . . " „ .,::,... 524 ..91 81 . ... BAYFALD T2C). u0DERICH • When -on earth is'this invasion 0 our privacy going to,stop? First of all it's seat belts. We've now no. choice, we MUST wear them in spite of the fact that.I feel very uncomfortable in thetn, also I had a sister who -was trapped in a car because she WAS , wearing a seat belt! • . Now the next invasion is on dur TV screen. Apparently we are now being told [more or less], What vve can or cannot watch.- . : -Channel 2 was a big favourite of mine; and now : understand •' • • that it has suddenly come to an abrupt end. Lwish now, protest this . • .outrage.very strongly., but I'm wondering just who to, triale my • !' voice heard to, with a minimum of "Red Tape:: . -' Last but by notneans least is the latest "stunt"' pulled off 'by I : • .•. • • the-clailY- paper •that I subteribela; namely; -,The -London F-ree - it- ' • Ptess. I wear glasses for reading but this new type in their ••''' . , ,' . . 4, I •-• classifieid sectioveriders them absolutely useless. . _An.extra.celtimn.of'atlyefft:Sintin each classified page for 364: i • ., ' .. • days a year; [or however many' days they publish -odds'. up, taa -1 . - '' ---- --:- great deal of EXTRA revenue and•thatis all they are interested 1 • • ,. • in..- . , • . • . • • Re, your TV complaini. Write and address.your letter to: The Cha irman, C,R.T.C. 100, Metcalf Street, OTTAWA',.Ohtario. . • • . • • . • Quality Brand Narrie . HOME FURNISHINGS' LOD€E CAMPS' OUR funirruRE SPECIAL' GRANGER'S TV SALES & SERVICE ADMIRAL, ELECTROHOME & RCA COLOR TV • RECORD AND.. TAPE BAR MAJOR APPLIANCES 92 SOUTH GODERICH PICK UP & DELIVERY 524-8925 call the lumber Numbel,,,, 524.81 7, lecoigete ..eefte' caide44: i .5910,6"edi. 0 • 63 ELGIN AVE E.GODERIsC H1 . •. •-• was born-ifl Michigan but brought back to Canada by my parents when I 'was two or three months old: I've lived all my life • • here apart from that short period. Naturally I was educated in this country and I pledged allegiance to the Canadian flag when • . 'I went on staff at a governmenthos'pitatseveral years ago..I also married a Canadian and we have feur children all born here.. • • I'm anxious to get some kind of proof that.' am.a Canadian . and also I was wondering if tny place of birth has any effect on : the nationality of our children. Any information and help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. • •• In our opinion the -feet thai. you were born lathe U.S.N. Means. that you are an AMerican'citizen, but the'people to sire for hHp with this Matter are to be found in the COURT OF CANADIAN CITI2ENSH.,IP at 457, Richmond Street in London.- Ontario..If you.wish to phone for an appoint rnent their number is 67974334.. Regarding your children, they.are NOT affected byyour place ofbirth and are_all Canadians. • ymo fi • • • SCHUTZ Your Full line CHRYSLER - 1111kYsiht • ' • • 4.14 HURON RD. GODEFICH 524-8311.— Dodg 4 115 • PLYMOUTH DODGE holiday , , • . ' . . : ,, . . . : ' . . •My brother had to leave town 10 years • ago. We.think he went ,to the States, but no one has heard from him since then, .and:no .one seems to know if he is dead or alive. He left' some property • ' and a bank account behind him, and I wonder if I can-. get my . hands on thems. ' • . • . . • • .. If a person,..has not been heard froth for- 7 years or more; a: court may makean order_ declaring his presumed death, If it does so.then his property wil-Ipass under his will. If he has nil will then it 'will.go to his wife, if any, and the next.of kin. The. ' 'share of the property you will get, -if there is no wife, and there are no children will depehd on whether your' parentt: are still alive; aricl •hOw. many brothers and sisters, you have liyinb • Unless there are.substantiel amounts inyolve'd. it is doubtful • whether the troUble and expense would be juStified. , Readers are reminded that ALL letters addressed to this coluntn will receive a personal reply, provided you en- . close iSTAMPED, ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. SERVICE 'PE P AIRS • , > j / ALTERATIONS 1,01 Pick frp. r. Delivery 524..6231 38 WEST ST. GODERICH • ' • , • ART'S LANDSCAPINV.,- NURSERY ft GARDEN CENTRE COMPLETE LANDSCAPIN6 tellyittc. ommerc lel intiosirtat ...setoniesonoiNesitkiJeS eatsoi NG & TOPSOIL .• FERTILIZER INSECY1CROE"S • ALL youa GARDENING Nrel5S Member 01Landscap0titA44i6 • GODERICH 524-9126%• l&tr BENNETT ST. tAST 1, • • . „ • .• •r • .