HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-9-2, Page 4PAY, fall() l.'. 2041, 1920 O'Brien's Business' 361 RICHMOND ST., LONDON The oldest established business college in London under present Management, with the highest qual- ified teaohers, give individual instruc- tion. Thorough cou.raes in Bookkeep log, Cost Accounting, Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, etc. Write for catalogue. Register now for fall terra, starting September,- let, W. J; O'BRIEN • Conxntereial Specialist, Principal CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 2 &Sep.11 "The Greatest Annual Event on Earth" Where the Nation shows its best finished product of the Mine, Fisheries, Forest, Factory, Studio and Laboratory for Exhibition, Comparsion, Instruction and Encouragement Pageantry on a Massive Scale. Incomparable Music. Fine Arts, Applied and Graphic Arts International Photographic Salon. Demonstrations daily by , Northwest Mounted Police Two days of sensational automobile racing. Mile -a -minute motor boats and water sports, Electric show. America's bat Live Stock Poultry, Tractor and Farm Machrnery Dispfsy Government Exhibits and Demonstration. And a score of other Special Attractions 42nd Consecutive year -1,201,000 Visitors in 1919. JOHN G. KENT, General Manager. Constipation Cher By Christian Science —o— Seventy five people out of one hundred can be cured by Obrstian Science methods, which proves the great power of the Mind over the Digestive Apparatus and the fre- chancly of Nervousness as a cause of Constipation. When. Riese methods fail Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills are recommended. They are purely vegetable and do not Gripe or Ir- ritate; many people have found them excellent for Headache;,. Dizziness, 'Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Gas on the Stomach, and many other evils that are due Ito Constipation. Where there is Extreme Nervous- ness and you are "all run down" and "Lire easily" it would he just as well to take Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy along with theJse Pills. This com- bination goes well together rarnd re- stores the good health of your younger days, The Heart action be - 'comes normal, the Nerves take on new. Life, Bawer and Vigor and the "human machine" becomzes full of "pep" and vitality. If yell are tired of sickness and have lost the Power, Ability and Nerve .Force to do your daily work and your Nerves are all Shattered just give these two Remedies a trial and we evitI pasnitively guarantee beneficial results. Go bo your denier to -day and !mak for Hackings, and 0.0 • not take any other kind for if you do you wile he fooled right at the 'start and you will not get Do r=esults '(halt we g-crarantee. Molting's Liini•t- ed, Listowel, Hacking's Remedies are sold in Exeter by W. S. Cole, Druggist. CAST° l 'or Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Ye R'S Always bears; g the Si nat•rre of r LOCALS Miss Mary Tom is visiting in Tor tante.. Master Charlie Acheson is holiday- ing in ',minim Monday next will. be Labor Day and a public holiday. 'School re -opened in Exeter on Tuesday, September 1st. Miss Verda Leavitt returned to Walkerville on Tuesday. Miss Stacker, of Blyth, has re- sumed her position as milliner with Miss McDonald. Harvest Home anniversary ser- vices will be held in Trivitt Memor- ial church next Sababth. Mr. U. Cunn%rxghaxn, of Cnmrose, Alta., renewed acquaintance with friends in Exeter on Monday. Dr, J. Stanbury, of Toronto, visit- ed over the week -end with his bro- ther, Mr. J. G. Stanbury, of town. Mrs. Skinner and two daughters Elva and May Skinner and Master Harold were in London on Tuesday. . Mr. W. H; Verity- and Mr. Her,. Pickard, of Brantford, visited with Mrs, Rd. Pickard over the week -end. Mrs. Harve3*''Parkinson•' aixd child of Granton, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Robt. Kerslake this week • Mrs. Thos. Kerniok spent the past week on the boundary visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robt, Alexan- der. Baby Beef competitions by Us - borne, Stephep and Hay town;sltips at Exeter Fair. Sweepstakes open to all $15 and $10. Mrs. P. Pollard and daughter, Helen, of 'Windsor, have been holi- daying with relatives in this cone- munity. Mr. .and Mrs. Essery, of Pairner- ston, visited with Mr, and Mrs. A. Hastings, on Sunday also with rela- tives iu Centralia. Rev. C. W. Baker, wife and fam- ily, of Thamesfortl, are visiting this week with Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. E. Follick. Miss M. Horney and friend, Miss 'Wolfe, nurses of Chicago are visit- ing for a couple of weeks with the former's mother in town. Good specials awarded for butter and cooking at the Exeter Fair. Do not be afraid to bring them as a glass case is being provided. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Muir and fam- ily of Mt. Forest, and Mr. Hodgins, of Lucan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Makins on Sunday. Mr. Ferguson, accountant in the Molsons Bank, has rented from Mr. T. Harton, the residence that is be- ing vacated by Mrs. G. Hockey. Mrs. J. Waiper and children who have been visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson KestIe, have returned to their home in Har- row. Mr. Silas Reed has returned after holidaying for two mouths with relatives at Palmyra, Wis. Mr. Reed has taken a position with Heaman's hardware. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards and Mr. Harry Statham, of Acton and Mrs. J. L. Flynn, of Wallaceburg, Colorado, visited with Mr, and firs. W. J. Statham. Mr. Will Manson. of London, will favor the congregation of the Caven Presbyterian Church next Sunday with a violin solo, "Berceuse de Jo- celyn," by Godard. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin returned home this week after visit- ing with their son Will at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and daugh- ter brought them home by auto. Dr. L. L. Follick, of St. Marys, Mrs. E. Follick, Miss Mabel Follick and Miss M. Broderick, of town have returned after a pleasant motor trip to London, Brantford, Hamilton and Niagara Falls. Messrs. S. Martin and M, Elford, spent the week -end at Port Hope visiting with friends and attending the funeral of the late Geo. Bain- sey on Monday. They also took in the Toronto Exhibition, Auc Uon Sale OF htOUST:L1;Ox,I1 .A;'t,rllhijTili.Ig The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub- lic auction on ANDREW S`TICLIdT, ,EXT TER, ON SATURDAY, SEX"TENT 111, 19,10 At one o'clock pan, the following valuable property; Three-piece upholstered parlor suite, in excellent condition; 2 good oak rocking chairs; one round par- lor' table; sideboard, dining -room table, kitchen table and chairs; two iron beds and springs; one solid oak dresser with large oval mirror and washstand as good as new; bureau and washstand, one toilet set, one velvet rug, 104x9; 1 velvet rug, 9x12; 1 tapestry rug, all in good. condition; Rayniand sewing machine one organ, hall rack, window blinds, couch, New Perfection coal oil stove, baby buggy, Happy Thought kitchen range; 1900 Gravity washing mach- ine, new this summer; tub; baby's bath tub: lawn mower; kettles and pans, axe and garden tools and other articles, TERMS. -CASH,. 0. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer MRS. GEO. HOCKEY, Proprietress tion and few educators keep abreast of their profession more than he does. Exeter will welcome hint to the community. Exeter has added six policeman or traffic "cops" to its force. This was deemed necessary with the onening of the new cement road for traffic. The policeman, however, are of the "silent" variety and direct the traffic to keep to the right. They are red posts about five feet high on a cement foundation and have been placed at different corners. Drivers of autos will do well to ob- serve the rules and regulations for motorists as the town council are determined at the outset that fast driving on the pavement shall not be permitted and that the law of the road must be observed. HURONDALE.. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The Hurondale Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Etherington on Wednesday, Aug. 25, about 35 be- ing in attendance. Arrangeine•nts ware completed for the Hurondale School Fair to be held. Sept, 17, with a con- cert the same evening. A donation of 1~50, was voted to the London Sick Children's Hospital. The musical part of the program consisted of much en- joyed instrumentals by 'Miss Helen Howe and Miss Quick; Miss Edna Fol - lick favored the meeting with two so- los which .were much appreci (ted. A Canning Demonstration was given by Mrs, Wm. Siilery and bliss Ada Case, showing the methods of canning meats, vegetables and fruit, and prov- ed very interesting. The next meeting will be held at the home. of Mrs, F. Down. MAIN ST. METH. CHURCH `•LITTLE LIGHT BEARERS." One of these all too rare occas- sions that make a life-long memory .of childhood, took place in Main St. church last F3iday afternoon, when the primary Missionary Department "The Little Light Bearers" to the number of twenty-five girls and boy tots, their mothers and the members of the W.M.S. had an anniversary afternoon. The chair was taken by Mks. Fol - lick, president of the Auxiliary, who presented a program,, the effective carrying out of which revealed how the talents of the children can be developed under competent train- ing. For this training the families of the church are indented to Mrs. W. G. Medd, superintendent of this' juv- enile missionary work, to whom this service to the community, and later doubtless, to a much wider circle,, seems to Le spontaneous and a real joy. Mrs. hledil has hail a faithful and efficient assistant in Mrs. John Hunter. The citizens of Exeter were alarm- The choruses and duets, sung with ed on Tuesday evening at ten o'clock the treble sweetness of childish by the continued blowing of the voices, and with the delightful a - steam whistle at R. Gillies' saw mi11- bandorxment of childhood, were A large number of citizens turned. greatly appreciated by all present, out while not a few rushed to the and were most gratifying to the ini- scene to find that some miscreants, mediate relatives. had tied down the whistle with a 1 Nor were the recitations given 1-y piece of lumber. - Violet GamhrilI, Ruth Balkwill, -Lois Statham and Mavis Spencer, arty less enjoyable. The Big Four were at St. Marys bowling tournament on Wednesday of last week and were' successful in winning the trophy. The prizes were four smoking stands. The rink was composed of Woods, Stewart, Taman and Seldon. W. J. Heaman and R. N. Creech won third prize at Sea - forth Scotch doubles. Mrs. Frayne's violin solos, a. du It by Mrs. Quance and Mrs. Skinner and a few words by the pastor, Mr. McAllister, added each a quota to the inspiration of the gathering. Gaines and a delightful luncheon brought the event to a happy close, The work of preparing Wellington Mrs. Medd and Mrs. Hunter are to street for the new pavement is about he congratulated on the success of coinpleted. The canvass among the I "Tire Little Light Bearers"' day. farmers for gravel was most success-' ful and met, with a hearty response close to a thousand loads of gravel being promised, We understand, al- so, that more thane one thousand dollars, caslx, has been subscribed, The gravel is now needed for the construction and the council are ad- lrertising that it be drawn at once. Mr. W. H. Johnston, of Kippen has been engaged to teach school at Sex- smith and has rented the. Braund Property occupied by 1Vir. E, A, Fol- lick, who expects to move into the house he recently purchased, about the midlde of this month. Mr. John - Ston was a former teacher at Sex- smith. He is secretary -treasurer of the West Huron Teachers' Associa USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk your *material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into old garments+ draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind—then perfect i'e- tsmilts are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. 7)rir rgist has "Diamond Dyes fn. Card"!—I0 rich colors. THE EXETER TIMES NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK. Important Events Which Have Occurred During' the Week, The Busy World's Happenings Canoe, fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and. Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -.- A Solid Hour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY, Boys Mound the body of an infant in a boar car at Hamilton.. Two boys arrested in Toronto say their parents taught them to steal:. A mass meeting of electrical work - ars accepted wage increases awarded them. Lloyd Roberts, nephew of Lloyd Geor inCage,nada. is studying labor conditions Searchers have given up any hope of finding wreck victims in Lake Superior, Ponzi, the financial wizard, wants the question of his solvency to be de- termined by a jury. "Chris" Newton, Schneider and Prudhomme, Canadian boxers, were victorious at Antwerp on Monday. The U. S. track and field team fin- ished far in the lead in the events which closed at Antwerp Monday. The • Toronto baseball team beat Reading twice in Toronto on Mon- day and gained in the pennant race. Sir Auckland Geddes will visit Canada after he has addressed the Lou Americanis, Bar Association at St. Edward Parnell of Winnipeg was elected president of the Board of Teade in succession to H. M. Agnew, resigned. Ouija, representing the L.S.S.A., won the Emerson Cup, emblematic of the international 12 -foot dinghy championship. , The German Food Controller has arrived in ,London to consult with the British Controller on methods of feeding German miners. The radical Joergensen, who repre- sented Denmark in the Third Inter- nationale at Moscow, has been ex- cluded from. his country, Hon. Dr. Reid, Minister of Rail- ways and Cabals, promised construc- tion of a new pipe line from Lake Erie to supply the waterworks of 'Welland towns. WEDNESDAY. The Albanians are reported to have invaded Serbia. Lady Melvin -Jones passed away at her home in Toronto. Bush fires wiped out two trading posts in Northern Manitoba, Sterling exchange is quoted in New York as low as $3.533,. Dr. William H. Ellis, Toronto, is dead, due to a stroke following swim. Railwaymen have launched a cam- paign against the O.B.U. at London. William Butters of Collingwood was killed by an auto in Kitchener. Six toreadors were killed by an in- furiated bull at Barcelona Tuesday. Jack Dempsey has arranged to meet Carpentier in a bout at New York. The Government Commission has fixed the basic wage in Australia at $30 per week. The affairs of the Spanish River Lumber Co. occupied the timber probe on Tuesday. The Metropolitan Church parson- age. Toronto, was robbed while the pastor was abroad. A Mennonite bishop in Saskatche- wan was sent to jail for failure to observe school laws. Many municipal councils have de- cided to fight the application for in- creased telephone rates. Turkish women have asked Kemal Pasba for permission to form a wo- men's death army to fight the Greeks. The Toronto baseball team defeat - el Reading on Tuesday by 7 to 6, while B'iffalo were taking a 4 to 2 gam', from Baltimore. Frank Wright of Buffalo beat all United States and Canadian competi- tars in the singles championship of the International Trapshooting Asso- ciation. The London (Eng.) Daily Mail says teat Brighton's first woman magistrate has t tr l her first case of draxnkr-nness, d .:r_harging the male pr Boner, The Montreal Gazette has announc- ed the raise of its subscription rate to $1.2 per year and single copies at five cents. on account of the increas- ed cost of publication. TUESDAY. 4hriners held a celebration at Stratford. Great Britain won the boxing tro- phy at the Olympic games. I'wt-niy thonsand bottles of liquor were seized at Pr ins» Rupert. George Vernet, the Cannadian swimmer, was beaten_ at Antwerp, Duel Administrator Harrington predicts an improved coal supply. Tht. Orangeville lacrosse intermedi- ate team beat St. Mary's 12 to I0. Sir George Foster and Hon. S. F. Toirnie are to speak inn East Elgin. Milk prodecers demand $3.25 per eight -gallon can for tixe corning winter, Cardiff, Wales, is in the throes of a municipal strike. Cemetery. workers arcs affected. The attendance at the Ontario Agrieultural College this year will establish a record. •- The Toronto baseball team -and the Orioles broke even in their Inter- national. League games. Five armed burglars tied up the occupants of a Sarnia house and took all the valuables. Premier Lloyd- George refused to accord ex -King Constantine of Greece an interview at Lucerne. wenty-five thousand 2ra.tors will Mart September 17 on the Presiden- tial campaign in the United States, Victoria Cross holder' are arriving in 'Toronto for the Canadian National Exhibition and week's entertainment. Valera, "President of the Irish Re- public," has cabled his sympathies to the wife of Lord Mayor MacSweney. Owing to the continued rise in the price of foodstuffs the King has put the royal establishment at Balmoral on rations. The Saskatchxwan Government's erellininary Cl"OD estinxir,te provides for an average wheat vi''ic! or 1- bushels per acre, Sir Alfred Smithers, t hail l:i 'n r, the board of directors of the Grain Trunk llailway, is a patit'iit in a hos pital at New York. A sttil.oe MIS Kicked up by saving crew of Sable Iul,u.l, off 1it; coaait of Nova Scotia. He •had beet adrift in a dory for four days.. YR' DAY, J. 13. Hughes of Waterioo i dead. Wholesale grocers in Toronto think there will been cut in sugar prices. Sir Auckland Geddes lists arx ie -e( in Toronto to open the Exhi hx t h;'.x, Sit' `homes Lipton WV..13 i •x t1 C'tnitdti :ilrotild try fur Auv_ri:• ':i (':oats prices ntay :thorny so'',•sng stn ilicrease in 11. S. f r .,,i rates. A. l.. Donovan, ex-M.P.P, i i t;• Ie a candidate. in Leeds for the Fedora) House, The .; merieen Railway I3r•othhosels ,rill help to- fight Boa,bI r telt in Ontario. R:pxeseni.tUwe* of Wcster•n On- i"i'ir) Inlrnir•i;xallirtei meet to eons—Net. the gas situation. Goderich got its first cheque of merest •on the sale of the Ont, t•if- Vi st. Shore Electric Railway equip- ment. 1)ir•eetum J. paced the fastest utile of the year at Poughkeepsie. Re did a half in one minute and the mile in 2.0114. The'National Dental Association of the Lr. S, has defeated a proposal fo da? brandy and whisky to the pha.r- macopeia. Ayton of Regina, professional, lest the 36 holes of medal play in the open golf champibnship at Ottawa with a score of 147. The Belgium Government, owing to .the present situation, will author- ize the transport of munitions through Belgium to Poland. A. A. Powers, president of the U.F.O. Co-operative Society, criticized the Drur,e. Government for not fight- ing freight rates increase application. By beating Jersey City 11 to 9 in Toronto, while Akron was defeat- ing -Baltimore 11 to 3, the Leafs crew almost on even terms with the league leaders. Gordon Woodbury, formerly 'mem- ber of the New Hampshire Legisla- ture, has been appointed Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Navy, to suc- ceed Franklin D. Roosevelt. SATURDAY. Toronto grocers will drop the price of sugar to 23c per pound. Over thirty holders of the Victo}•ia Cross paraded in Toronto to -day. An interin'j report on Ontario's peat resources was optimistic in its tone. The wholesale grocers of Toronto propose a general tax at the point of production. The Sinn Fein in many towns in Ireland have seized control of local gavornments. Sir Auckland Geddes stated that Canada has great opportunity to help mankind. The United States steamer Wars- zawa has left Antwerp with muni- tions for Poland. Cincinnati were ousted from first place when New York heat them in seventeen innings, , Western Ontario has the biggest flax crop in its history.. The population of Hamilton; ac- cording to the assessment depart- ment, is nearly 117,700. A hundred and fifty Christians have been killed by a Bedouin band 50 miles from Jerusalem. .Price Waiu Jose, daughter of King Albert, will accompany him and the queen on his trip to Brazil. Toronto beat Jersey City and lost -to Syracuse. Baltimore and Akron did not play because of rain. A deputation to the Dominion Government asked that wheat and dour freight rates be levelled. The Government ship Voyager was unable to find any bodies from the foundered ship Superior City after a I eco -day search. Sweden finished first, second and third in the Pentathlon at Antwerp. George Vernot of Montreal qualified in the 400 -metre swim. T. D. Armour (Scotland), C. R. Murray (Montreal) and D. Edgar (Atlanta) qualified for the final of :he national open golf championship at. Ottawa. MONDAY. Bush fires in Manitoba said to he sit bsiding. The Liberal leader addressed a big meeting at Brockville. A Toronto wheat buyer expects the price of flour l-e.decline. The Island of Malta was visited by sin earthquake early Saturday. Hamilton turned out en masse on Sunday to honor dead soldiers. Another drop in the price of sugar is predicted by wholesale grocers, Lack of funds brought an escaped. p i,sonor from Burwash to surrender. The Old-time Telegraphers open their convention in Toronto this week. A11 -Toronto cricketers beat All- r'hiacleiph.ia by an innings and 160 runs. The Federal Government plans to .all it, session of Parliament in Jan- uary. Galt won the W.R.A. senior ciiam- pionsirip, beating Sarnia in the final 3 to .0. A proposal to bring Jewish orphans here from Russia is being discussed in Toronto. The Swiss four, which beat Argo- nauts on Saturday, won the Olympic cltalnpionship. Tile case against a man who sold Patent medicine to Indians was dis- uti•ised at London, Ont. Ernest Barry regained the world's mo. smiling title by beating Alfred Felton, holder, in Australia. Gen, Weygand has been promoted the French Government to' Grand .)'ricer of the Legion of Honor. The German Reichstag has been ut,txrioned to meet on September 1 a cr:rslder the political situation. The Toronto baseball team beat Y accuse in three straight games, ,Itd now lead the Internationcft aee.Patrisco Villa has said farewell o his followers; The former bandit :l hi i nxxn to avoid polities, Ho A..rale to fwt'zu. Cbildr in Cry for Retch is Fletcher's Castoria in strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are: specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made far it that its use for over 30 years has not proven; h t C6y STOMA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. , it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use (for the relief of Constipations, ' 1titiilehc, , Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the aesimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GSE'' LI CAST A rALWAY Bears the Signature of a Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY ..4:YY. ^ MP..C'G'?1:�.SS6\ +^6•'"�IS , s+. �:Ni,yA_.=:'.�•4s:i��:t3iy]L.:'i,Y �. '. .. %',' : HARVEST RVEST EXPENSES Harvest time brings expenses which must be met with ready money. Should you need au advance to help you over this busy seasoia, interview this Bank. We are pre- pared to help all responsible farmers, i 9"A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager, INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. DOCUMENTS OF IMPORTANCE ARE ABSOLUTELY SAFE- GUARDED IF PLACED IN ONE OF OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA. BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. THE USBORNE AND HERBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR.• ANC.E COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROpT. NORRIS, JAMES MCKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan, W. A. TURNBt7LL, e Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN die STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St, Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone S. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, iaL.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Sity.', DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbury's office, Main Street, Exeter. Advertise in the TI es, It pays. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private' funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of ins terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main 'St. Exeter, Ontario' I. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publicii. Commissioner, Solicitor for M Molsons Bank, etc.. Money to loan at lowest rates of. Interest. OFFICE --MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed AueA • tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left- at Times Office will be promptly at- tended ttended to. Phone 116, Kirkton,.- Address Kirkton P. O. DR. Ci. 1'- ROULSTON, L.D.S„ D.D.S.),, DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Lave" office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon.. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children n Use For ver 3O Yearrs • Always bears the Signature of eener