HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-8-19, Page 5s. • .* 4 URSDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1020. Tiro Examen The Western Fair LONDON' September lith to 18th THE GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION OP WES'mfeleT ONTARIO $35,000 in Prizes and Attractions oftniNNY A, JONES EXPOSITION ON THE MIDWAY. FULL PROGRAM ME TWICE DAILY AUTO POLO, MUSIC, FIREWORKS. TWO SPECIA1.4 EVENTS DAILY, EXHIBITS OP ALL KINDS. • ee SOMETHING DOING EVERY MIN UTE. General Admission 50e. Children 15c, Auto and Driver $1.00. All iriformation ,from the SedretarY. ' M.Gartshqre, kreaident. • A. M. Hunt, Secretary Plate -Col. W. Come in. and fins flits fascinafing'' experiment Mr. Ede' RealismTest It shows you what to ex- pect of a New Raison in vour home—whether it 11E -CREATES music with such perfect realism that you feel the presence of the living artist. J. WILLIS POWELL, EXETER, ONT. Russeldale Mrs. Kate Wilson, of Owen Sound; is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. John Cole. .A little son arrived to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelland, last week. Mr. Howard Fuller, of Logan, was a guest at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. George Grant last week.. Mrs. Hooper and daughter, Ruth of London, visited lyIr. and Mrs. 3. Elston, over Sunday. a Miss Jessie Graliain spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Myr- tle Henry, of Sebringville. Mr.s Drake, and family, of Hama ota, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gleason Gill on Saturday. Mrs. Mabel Balfour and daughters Muriel and Gladys are visting at Mr. .3. C. Balfour's and Mr. Henry Bal - four's. Mr: Charles Page intends leaving on Wednesday for Theodore, Sask., 'where he will spend a couple of months. The funeral of the late Mrs. Peter Melville, of Exeter, took place here to Roy's cemetery for 'interment on Monday. airs. George Melville ef this place is a sister of the deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawrence .and the Misses Annie and Pearl Law- rence of Seaforth, and Mrs. Garner, of London, were the guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgert. Mr. Foster Bray, of Toronto, was also a guest at the same home dur- ing the week -end. (Intended for last week.) A number from here participated in the Ford picnic at Grand Bend on. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Grant enjoy- ed a days outing at Springbank on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Verne 1Viartyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martyn spent Saturday at Port Stanley. Miss Jary MaPhail and Miss Bes- sie Stewart, spent the week -end with the latter's sister, airs. A. Grant at Avonbank Mese Ethel Colquhoun returned home on Tuesday last after spending a Week with friends in Woodstocl, end Hiciteon, Mr. Jack Elliott and neice, Miss Dorothy motored up. from Hamilton and are visiting friends at "Royston lootet!' for a week. • The ,lack Canuck Club will hold their monthly meeting at the home Of Mies Myrtle Henry, of Sebring - villa, on Friday evening. Mr, Wilbur Cole of Port Arthur, and Met Will Cole, and daughter Olive of Totorito; are guests at is supplying for three weeks at Roys church d'ilring the absence of Rev. Ritchie, who is spending his vaca- tion at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert and family, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hodger't of Kippen, vis- ited on Sunday at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgert. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason Gill accom- panied by their guest, Mrs. Gleason of Mitchell, attended the Brown, Urea., Vining, Gleason re -union, at Lakeside on Wednesday. Farquhar Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, of Exeter visited Sunday at Mr. John Bray's. Master Harvey Pollen is visiting with Master Alymer Tuffin at Staffa. Miss Edith 'Puffin, of Staffa is vis- iting this week with her aunt, Mrs. Wm, Pollen. Miss Mae Hodgert of Exeter, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. J. R. Duncan. Mr. Foster Bray' of Toronto, is hol- idaying at the home of his brother Mr. John Bray. Mr. and Mrs, William Pollen, and daughter Mrs. Miller, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with friend, in Staffa. Centralia Rev, Sinclair and family are away on their holidays. Mr. Wes. Hodgins left for a trip thru the Western provinces Wednes- day. Mrs. Pym, of Usborne, is visiting her neice, Mrs. John Essery, this week. R. Quance and Mrs. S. Skin- ner, of Exeter, visited Mr Cecil Skin- ner over the week -end and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster and friends of London, visited Mr. A. Mitchell on Sunday and all attended church on Sunday morning. Mr. Bruce Mitchell has rented his farm to Mr. A. F. Taylor. Mr. Mit- chell has takenfa position with the flaxmill people as engineer and will move his family toCentralia. Threshing is going on in this vic- inity and fall wheat is 'yielding very well. Mr. W. R. -Elliott threshed over eight hundred bushels from 22 acres and Mr. Byron Hicks will have over one thousand bushels from 29 acres. Clandeboye Mr. Kilmer has not yet located his ear stolen at Port Stanley, Aug- ust 12, nor recovered the hats and coats taken with it. The matter is in the hands of the poilce. William Gillmore started this week for Saskatchewan,, where he is engaged to take charge of the engine of a theshing outfit. His employer reports splendid crops in his sectioh. Mrs. L. Cobleigh and Mrs. E. Col- lins have recovered from the shock and injuries received at Grand Bend the day of the Ford picnic. They were both thrown from almost the top step of the collapsed stairway and had a remarkable escape frdin more serious injuries. Mrs. Wilson, of the village, who died on .Auguet 12, belong'ed to one of the pioneer families that Settled in McGillivray. She leaves one daughter, Ethel, who has been her mother's -num: during her lengthy Mrs. George Herbert of the second concession, Diddulph, had an ex- tremely sad experiendo during the recent severe electrical storm. She. was alone with a, sick beby of three months, which suddeply took con- vulsions atd died before even a peignor could be called. Mr, Her- bert was working in London at the time as an extra with . the railway sectionmen. Hay township is awartling three a.nnuaLscholarships to the three pu- pils in the township obtaining high- est totals at the H, 5, Entrance EX- amitations in each year, 'Those who won the scholarships for 1920 were Stewart. MnrclOch, S, S. No. 14, Hay, "Orchard Grove" the 11°Ina tYf Mr' Grace Chapman, S. S. No. 10, Hay and alrs, John. Cole. and Otace TurlibtIl of S. S. No. 15, Rev., Mr. buncanison, of London, HaY. 3..(cAtaitgettga Dashwood Mr, W. Ehlers of Detroit, is Visit- ing his parenta. Miss Grace Kellerman visited in Sarnia last Week. Dir. 5. Kraft has been 111 with attack of bronchitis, Miss Pearl Tiernan visited In Strat- ford and Tavistock last week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Held, of Buff- alo are visiting with relatives In town. Mr. and Mee. Lawrence Ireland, of Stratford spent the week -end in town. Miss Dora Kraft of London, spent a few days of last week with her parents. e Mrs. White and children of De- troit, are visiting with Mrs. Wit- zel at present. • Miss Euloeen Guenther has re- turned from Muskoka where she spenteher 'vacation. Misses Rose and Antoinette Zim- mer returned to Detroit on Monday after spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Otterbein and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Goetz spent the week -end in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Voelker and Mrs. Voelker, Misses. Herva and Almaat the home of H. F. Eilber. Miss Vallett, of Flint, Mich., spent Sun- 'Esther Eilber returned with them. day at the home of Mr. H. Hoffman. , On Saturday evening the family of Mrs. Matthew Wein met at her home :FIELD CROP WINNERS. fo celebrate her 73rd birthday. She The result of the judging of oats was completely taken by surprise. of the Standing Feld Crop Competi- A most pleasant evening was spent. tion held under the auspices of the Mr, Hy. Eilber has purchased sev- Zurich Agricultural Society is as eral lots of land at Grand Bend in follows. the neighborhood of his persent cot- lat, John A. Manson. tage and he intends erecting three 2nd, Elmer Krueger. up-to-date summer cottages. 3rd, Oscar Klopp. There was a good game of ball on 4th, Samuel Schoch. the local diamond on Friday night 5th, Alex. Ranine. between Clinton and Crediton. The 6th, E. F. Klopp. score was 1--0 in favor of Crediton. 7th, Herman Walters. There was a large crowd of specta-. Mr. L. Cascadden, Aylmer, acted tors. The Crediton team goes to God - as judge. erich Thursday evening. Crediton Wesley Finkbeiner and son of Pittebtirg, are visiting his Mother. Mr. and Mrs.,Girvin, of Saskatoon, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. IL K. Eilber last Week, wee Queenie Hodgins" has resuell- ed her position in the bank after two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder and family, of Detroit, motored here on Monday to visit With relatives. - • Mr, and MrS. Garnet Sweitzer have returned home after a pleasant holiday in Buffalo with friends, ,Mr, and Mrs, Adam Galeer, who have been visiting friends here' have returned to their home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Telfer, of London, and Mr.'and Mrs. Redfern, of Toron- to, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Ewald. Miss Edna Either, or Ubly, Mich., and Miss Ella Link, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of Mr. Harry' Eilber. •• Mr. 3d. Beaver has purchased 3 lots oe'lind from Mr. Brenner at Grand Bend and he intends to erect three summer cottages. Mrs. (Rev.) Otto Brown and fam- ily have returned to their home in Indiana, after visiting for some time •••••••••••••••••r...... FIELD CROP WINNERS HAY COUNCIL IN 'PERTH TOWNSHIPS. MITCHELL, August 11.—Results Met for. its regular session on of the field crop competition of Ful- Saturday, August 7th. All members larton, Hibbert, and Lean town - were present. Minutes of the last ships, under the auspices of the Agri- • meeting were read and adopted., cultural Society of these townships The following rates were struck and will be levied and collected for are announced. The first prize, $20, was won by Amos Doupe, of Fuller- the year 1920. ton, whose crop tested S8 points; County rate 3 8-10 mills; town - second, $16, won by Roert Norris, ship rate 2 mills; highway rate 2 b of Hibbert, 87 points; third prize, • mills; statute labor rate 2 3-10 mills ' $ general school rate 3 9-10 mills; 12, was won by Enos Docking, of Hibbert, 85 points; fourth prize, Zurich Police village 8 mills; Dash - $10, by Robert Michell, Hibbert, wood Police village 5 mills. 84 points; fifth prize, Henry Green- Special School rates—S. S. No. 2, 2 5-10 millsa;No.-10, 2 1-10; No. 14, wood, of Fullerton, $8, 79 -points; Sixth prize, $6, Michael Hagerty, Lo- 2 mills; No. 3, 1 8-10; No. 6, 1 ; gang 78 points; seventh prize $4, G. 6-10No. 7, 5 6-10; No. 8, 3 5-10; Leonhardt, 77 points. No. 4, 2 4-10; No. 12, 4; No. 11, 3 3-10; No. 13, 2 5-10; No. 9, 2 6- 10; No. 16, 3 1-10; No. 1, 3; No. Hensall „hirs. Yair, of Toronto, is spending a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mr. H. H. Little, was called to Philadelphia last week owingao the death of his mother in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mann and family, of Cleveland, visited Mrs. Mann's grandmother, Mrs. Hunt. Miss Bessie Urquhart of Schenec- tady, New Ycirk, is spending the month pf August with her parents. Miss Winnifred Cudmore, of Tor- onto, 1.6' spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. R. Cud - more. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett and two children of Windsor, are visit- ing with Mrs. Barnett's mother, Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow and two - children of Toronto, visited Mrs. 3. Glenn and other friends for a few days last week. Mr, Roy Todd and _his aunt, Miss MacGregor, left on Wednesday for Grand Bend where tney will spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. J. A. Bell, and Mrs. Ale. Buchanan have returned after a pleasant' visit of some six weeks spent in the northwest. Miss Agnes Logan who has spent the past ten or twelve years with friends near, Chiselhurst, • returned to her home in Glascow, Scotland, on Monday last. Mr. Lorne Scott,of Toronto, came up on Saturday to join Mrs. Scott and children who have been' visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty and other relatives in town. After a long and painful illness, there passed away at the home of lier dattgleter, Mrs. Will Henry, on Friday last, Janet MeDiarmid; relict of the lateJohn C. Cameron, at the age of 74 years. Mrs Cameron was born on the 3rd concession Stan: - ley and was one of the neat children born. on that condession. She was married in 1860, afterwards living at on the. 4th concession of 'Stanley.IY Her •husband predeceased her some ire."1'lls,,se's five years ago; when she went to "x,e'er Druoefield, mag her home with Forest Gederich her daughter, prs.. Aikenhead, com- ing to Hensel' to visit her daughter, t.irkton Mrs. Henry, a few months ago. The funeral was held at Brueefield .on Sunday last. Interment being made in Bards Cemetery. The children who survive are Mrs, Forest, Alber- ni, B.C.; Mrs. Aikenhead, true Mis. W. Henry, Hermit; John of Victoria, Hugh of Brtieefield and Peter of Kindersley, Seek, all cf. whom were present at the funeral 'except the son front Vieteria. 15, 4 7-10. A number of orders were passed. The council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, Sept. 4th, at 1 o'clock p.m. A. F. Hess, Clerk. Zurich Mr. Abe Bender of Winnipeg, ar- rived here last Thursday. Mr. Geo. Volland, of Detroit, is visiting relatives and friends here. Miss Lucy Kaercher of Kitchener, is visiting at her home on the Bron- son Line. Mrs. Dennison, of Galt, is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. G. Holtzmann, Misses Purl Wurtz and Dorothy Fritz are visiting at Sarnia and some points in Michigan. Mrs. C. Fritz left on Tuesday mor- ning for Kitchener, where her son Ward is undergoing an operation. Mrs. Emma. Sanders, of Muskegon, Mich., is visitirig at the home of Mrs. J. H. Schnell and other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tlaberer re- turned last week from an extended trip thru the Western States, and report a fine trip. . Rev. Morris Ehnes and daughter Elizabeth, of Leonia, N.J., is visit- ing at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. G. Emes, of the village. Miss Inez Linvingood and friend Miss Pollard, of ' Kitchener, spent the past two weeks with relatives and friends in this locality. Rev and Mrs. H. Rembe are spen- ding a few weeks vacation at Ham- ilton, as a consequence there are no services In the Lutheran church DATES OF FALL 1.0.A.I115. Following is a list of the fall fairs in this district issued by the Agri- cultural Society tiraneli of the On- tario Department of Agriculture: Ailsa Craig Sept. 22-23. Sept. 20-21 Sept. 14-15. Sept. 20-2,1 October 5-6 Sept. 8-10. Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Listowel Sept. 15-16 London (Western Fair) Sept 11-18 Milverton Sept. 24-25 Mitchell Sept. 28-29 Ottawa ( Central Canada) Sept. 10-20 Parkhill . ......... Sept, 28-29 St. Marys ....... . . Sept 23-24 Stratford ........ . ..... Sept. 20-22 1 Seaforth ..„.... .... Sept, 23-24 Strathroy ..... .. .. . .. Sept 20-22 Wingliam . . Sept 30 -Oct. 1 COnntY Rarmers" Inatitete and Hirb NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK e Beach. OeuntY mr..) Grange at Creetal Ethel Until, eight year old, Important Events Which Have daughter otWin. Louth, Norial t Occurred During the WeekWas drowned in the Credit, and tile " M104•••••••••••••••••• four-year-old son of Mattirevr letwr The Bus/ Happentngs Care* CwlaiesitCleniram".d in the sal" tully ConePfled and Put Ent° IFIODAY. Handy and Attraetive Shape for Coal merelraats forsee no shortage the Readers of Our Paper, -- A of anthracite this winter. Solid Hour's Enjoyment. A giant American plane left for Cleveland with eight persons. TUESDAY. Paris Is in a panie over the crinae Many former friends attended the, wave prevailing in that city. funeral of the late Rabbi Jacobs.' Preparations were made for the The Ontario Rifle Association open- deep waterways campaign in Toronto. ed its annual meet at Long Braneh., Two records were established at ligguac:rk.atchewan. Police posing as the Fort Brie race course Thursday. cowboys seised $75,000 worth of Juliette Tindel, 'aged 23, of Que. bee, was drowned at Cap Rouge A three -billion -bushel corn crop is Beach. predicted this year in the United Great Britain is resuming money States, order service with Germany on the Laurence Ginnell, former British l'6th inst, M.P., is in the United States to assist Cincinnati beat Boston Thursday Valera. and went into the lead in the National Forty million dollars are to 'be ex- League race. • pended on highways in Ontario and Quebec Province has a surplus for Quebec. the year ending with June of • Canada's wheat crop this Year is 951,9 Z 0,5 , was estimated at 226 to 250 inillion Alex. Taylcir, an Indian fatal- bushels. ly injured in a sawmill accident at The murderer of eight-year-old 04PeY's Bay , Phillip Goldberg, of Toronto, is still. Two frien'a ti child'were injured at large Aninjured officer was brought from Camp Borden to Toronto in an airplane. Hon. Duncan Marshall arrived in Toronto after a trip to the Old Country. John Hubert Falbant o! Montreal was accidentally and fatally shot by a nine-year-old boy. The Canadian relay cycling team was beaten by the South Africans at Antwerp on Monday. Nick Eyslik was shot and killed in mistake for the bandit Bassett by a constable in Alberta man -hunt. The British House of Lords has given second reading to the Irish Crimes Bill and it has received royal assent. The Leafs defeated Reading on Monday, while Baltimore and Buf- falo were breaking even; Toronto is again in second position. The growers of the Niagara dis- trict have decided to form a joint kook company, with a capitalization of $50,000, to handle all kinds of fruit and faxen produce. Vardon shot a 75 and Ray a 72 in praetice over the Inverness course at Toledo Monday. The United States open championship begins there to- day. Douglas Edgar of Atlanta, Canadian open champion, is an en- trant. There will be 281 starters. WEDNESDAY. The treaty with Turkey was signed at Paris on Tuesday. Three members of the Mothers' Pensions Board were named. The movement of this year's crop through Winnipeg has commenced. News has arrived that a "Toronto Club" has been formed in Tokio. • Hon_ Manning Doherty predicts a 'big influx of Britishers next year. Russian cavalary have captured Chorzle, on the East Russian border. junior matriculation results are announced by the Education Depart- ment The Italian Chamber has voted for the ratification of the treaty with Austria.J.D orval was instantly killed while digging a well at Robertson- ville, Que. James H. Grant of Newrington, Ont., was fatally hurt in a runaway while mowing. French railwaymen will order a strike if they are expected to carry troops to Poland. Forest fires are doing much dam- age in the Yukon and in the Stone- wall district of Manitoba. ' The Quebec Government, it is stat- ed, will soon take over the control of the trade in 'liquors.. Felix Willette of -Sarnia, subject to fainting spells, fell headlong down his cellar stairs and was killed. A harmless foreigner, mistaken for the murderer of a boy in Toronto, was hotly pursued by the police. Leo Diegel of Chicago led the golf- ers at the United States open tour- ney at Toledo with a card of 71. The degree of LL.D. was conferred. on four of the Imperial Press dele- gates by the University of Toronto. Rain interfered with the -Toronto - Reading gaine at Reading on Tues- day. Two Barnes will be played on Wednesday. THURSDAY. Office workers in Winnipeg are or- ganizing a guild. Six hundred deaths have resulted from cholera in Kcrea. The Toronto police force held its first field day since 1915. The Toronto baseball team broke even at Reading on Wednesday. Bolshevist Commissars are form- ing Soviets in captured Polish towns. Sir Marten ',von the Dominiou Handicap at Port Erie on Wednesday. Delegates to the Imperial Press Conference inspected Toronto's har- bor work. Following an accident in Toronto a motor truck driver was charged with negligence. Baldwins,' lenplate rolling mills in Toronto will commence'production in three weeks. Lieut. A. Humphreys won the Bankere' match at the Long Branch rifle ranges. The former kaiserine has had a bad heart seizure and her sons are at her bedside. Ponzi, of Boston, leeseadmitted that he served prison scrTtiTees in Mont- real and Atlanta., The Ontario Veterinary A8SOCitt- tion opened Its 43v. annual conven- tion in Toronto. - Soldieis under command of D'An- nunzio have attacked the Norwegian Consulate at Fiume. Most of the niece Rupert are bri- gade has been dismissed and reorgan- ization fs progtteseing. The IT. S. motor boat Miss Anterica won the Harinswofth Trophy by win- ning Wednesday's race, • M. J. Shearin's 'Buffalo rink won the Lalor Trophy in the international bowling tournament Wednesday. A4ctaoi outteniottphouiseannioo d persons wersonendsaant- tened oe high jump. purse of $399 is being awarded for trials of speed at the Exeter Fair. ' Dancing and Music ite anima side Of the mitaege it of people =not be satielled bY Free Libraries, Gynniaahuns, Play - grenade, etc. The love of Ineefeing the healthy ,body to the Ythen of musk' in some form of dewing is en IR - born peculiarity ot the average Mira and woman; with liquor and Judea- -mit Musk; however, duces may 40 more harm than bacteria. It *path- etic to see in our large kraus and cities young men and women nob to some dance ball to satisfy $ desire for amusement. People who have treedup their Strength in Danleing, Late HOW*, atoll Foods or have, perhaae looked tap long upon the Wine when it wen Red and !have let Old John Barley- corn sap their vitality win bed a boon in the use of in automobile accidents in Toronto Hacking's Heart,and Nerve Rentdy. on Wednesday. The Chicago White Sox are one Itt Wig dlePel that tired feeling.! game behind Cleveland, leaders in the American League. A road map of the sky for all Can- ada is to be issued by the Air Board within a day or two. The Lord Mayor of Cork and ten of his associates were arrested on Thursday while attending a Sinn Fein court. The Toronto baseball team defeat- ed Jersey City in two games Thurs- day, the scores being 5 to 0 and 2 to 1, The steamship Niagara, from Bor- deaux was held up at quarantine at New York Thursday on suspicion of having typhus aboard. "Jock" Hutcbinson equalled his re- cord round of 69, made Wednesday, at the U. S. National open golf cham- pionship Thursday morning. SATURDAY, London has been made the public health centre for western Ontario. Peter Donovan of Toronto Satur- day Night has been offered a London position. "Ted" Ray. of England. -won the open golf championship of the Unit- ed States, Eddie Rickenbacher -won the Buf- falo Cowrir handicap at Fort Erie on Friday. A thousand harvesters left St. John, N.B: for the West by special C.P.R. train. The Leafs defeated Jersey City by 4 to 2 while Akron was beating Bal- timore 10 to 1. The Railway Commission finished hearing argument for joint tariffs and will give its decision soon. A drop in mices of foodstuffs is officially predicted in the United States as a result of big harvest. The Sinn Fein have secured copies of the British seer& cable code and of the King's own private code. John A. Musgrove of Boissevain, Man., was fatally injured when the horses attached to his binder ran away. Wm. Lacey of Niagara Falls was crushed to death when caught by a cable at construction work at Twin Falls. Huron County Temperance Asso- ciation will seek the suspension of the Canada if emperance Act in the county. District No. 9 of the Ontario Medi- cal Association held a meeting on board the Northern Belle, steaming on Lake Nipissing. An elevator man in Toronto is charged with manslaughter. A young woman stepped on the moving eleva- tor and was killed. The International Seamen's Feder- ation will enforce demand for a 48- hour maximum week at sea and a 44 - hour week in port duty. Cardinal Mercier will open the Olympic Stadium by celebrating mass In memory of the soldier -athletes who died in the great war. MONDAY. A boy was killed by a fall in his father's barn near Agincourt. A British manufacturer stated. that woollen prices will fall no farther. The Lord Mayor o! Cork, under ar- rest, has gone on a hunger strike. Two men were arrested in Toronto Sunday following a motor accident. Four hundred persons were drown- ed in the recent floods in Saghalien Island. The Daily Warder and the Weekly Post of Lindsay are to cease p'ablica- tion September 1. Four persons were injured in an nauto colission on the La.ke Shore road near Toronto. Alexis Daoust of St. Polycarpe, Que., died at St. Henri, at the age of 101 years 8 months. The Polish-lanssian battle line ex- tends from Roumanian frontier to the Prussian border. Writs for by-elections in East El- gin and Yale, B.C., will, it is expeet-' ed, be issued early this week. The Railway Conemission granted the applieation for an increase In through rates, except on coal and coke. W. H. Coates, son of Rev. H. H. Coates, D.C. of Japan, has been chosen Rhodes Scholar for British Columbia. Two prisoners, named Briggs and Hilton, escaped from Kingston Peni- tentiary in Warden Ponsford's auto- mobile. Paul Benneft won the National singles tennis title and Mrs. Bickle the ladies champotship at Winnipeg on Saturday, Brampton put Maitlands out of the running for the O.A.L,A. senior championship when they beat them Toronto on Saturday by,8 to 3. At the Olytnpio games Sunday- Pon- tOn ot Toronto was seeond lit his heat of the 100 metres, Coaffee of Win - Moog third in his heat, Phillips, of Toronto, unplaoed in the 800 ntetres, and Thompsert. Saskatchewan, and Kennedy, MeGill tniVersitY, unplae, take arvitay that feelbg of depression and nervousness 'that comes from Powered vitality and brings back the freattlry rich, red coder to the cheeks. It will 'make your beauty sleep mwe satagAng so that you win awake in the mornings full of life and hope and more able to early on with the day's work. ie "haibits the,t hurt" can more easily be overcome if you will use Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy to Strengthen the Nerves, to add power to the Heart and to re- vive and stimallate the circulation of the Blood • Buy theni from your dealer. 5(k a box, 6 for $2.50. 8 Hacking's Remedies wed by W. S. COLE, Druggist, Exeter. Ont. Farmers Attentiort Lumber has not advanced in price at Granton, as I am still selling No 1 Dry Hemlock, either inch or two inch, all sizes at $63.00 per thousand feet. Also white pine boards 10 inches and.12 inches wide, all lengths and bone dry at $63.00 per M. Try our Asphalt Slate Surface Shingles at $8.50 per square. Plenty of B. C. Red Cedar Shine gles on hand, also cement in stock. PHONE NO. 12. - A. J. CLATWORtHY GRANTON GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM The Double Track Route BETWEEN Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains ami parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. . N. 3. DORE, Agent, Exeter. Phone 46w. CENTRAL. cifilfikifaFt1131:53. ONT., FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 31st, The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. We have competent, exper- ienced instructors. We give thorough courses in Coin - menial, Shorthand and Tel- egraphy departments and we assist graduates to pos- ition' 'Write now for our free catalogue. D. A. •ISIcLACHLAN, Principal ASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the signature of