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The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-26, Page 42
lea GCIDE t.ItCH, StGNA[•S I°Alt THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3ti, 19',6 SAKE _r i r Specialty purchased items on sale 'to extent of stock, Canadian Tire protnises.to make every effort to.continue Supply -of advertised products, lint-reserees--the prig ,t, to-inni':t-sal oantiftie-s-: . (Ah11iDi TIRE Save •$4.0.0 GROUP •22F: 1969:75 Gremlin, Hornet, Matador, Pacer 6-cyl. and V-8 290, 304 engines; 1962'-70. Chevy•116-cyl. and V-8 28.3. and 307.eng,; 1964,69 Mustang 6- cyl. and V-8 260, 28.9, 302 eng., Save $4.36 GROUP .24 .& 24F: • 1967-75 Valiant 6-cyl. 'and V-:8 273, to 340 eng; '62-70 full-size Chev• (top terminals) V-8., 327. to 400 eng;. '65-75 full-size Ford V-8, 351 to 400 eng. Save $500 GROUP 27 &.27F: 1964-70 'full size Buick .(top terminals) V-8 401 to. 455 eng; 1967-75 Chrysler V-8 426, 440 eng; 1967-75 full size Mercury V-8 400 to 460-eng. Reg; $30.95 59 Reg. $33.95 295 Reg. $3.7.95 • Our best seller offers excellent power delivery. Tough thinwall polypropyien.:e'case isstrengthened by a unified one-piece cover. Armour -sealed terminals -guard against separation •and contami- nation byoil, acids dirt.'Replace yourr old. battery. tioW. • Non -Smear ......_..,.i \ 1d Washer Anti -Freeze Good`oo--40 Regular $1.79 Gallon ,eii"":'' • Mo.tomaster guaran,tee.s to keep' smears away! Contains detergent.for rdal c.lean• - ing power.-'Ready•mixed. Save•now! MOTOMMASTER vit" • Ft3t ES„-�, IBhrdahl,Tp 011. Lubricates upper cvIindei°and valve areas. Impro%es gas mileage, starts. Acid.to gas in tank: • BardahM.1 World famous for .reducing engine friction and. •wear.• Frees rings, valves;. hfterS. -Controls sludge. 15-f1. ozs.. Barda,hl72 (?il 'stabilizer redtr'ces- excess oil-burbing up to 100%. In- crease.s •compression an•d power. 15-tI. ozs:.'Save n Plastic Reg. $5.99: Weatherproof 16.6 Imp. • gallon can. 'Swaged' type with reinforced ribs. Snug -fitting lid. Avt,cado .with black lid: • S.hop• now. Save$2.02!' . • to $3.59 EACH 1 r• . REGULAR $2.85 TO $4.15 Trico Wiper Blade i %}LJJV� Needs no adapters,; tits most windshields and ..wiper arms. ,Example:•Dart and Valiant 15" blade 1972 75, reg. $3.29,.:• $2.79.: X.q }akY,n0fs!h's kr k•k'Offt k4,k4isQle 41f 'irx.kk•4li Hillbilly-,__.. Deodoriz•er... Makes. 'good scents' in home..or y car. Reg: 77 t 89ft. Save! Trouble Lamp Brighten under -hood problems 20 -ft. cord. .333 Reg. $4.19' Special! 3/8" Square Drive S•CKETS Standard. or Metric Sizes -,. 'Your.choice of popular. sizes: "/8" to' 3/4" and 6 • point sockets 9 mill, to IS mm. Shop early!: Wrench Special ae ; .pecia Your Choice 944 Each, Set -5=PIECE-OPEWENi1-WR-Ellet tE� Sturdy drop forged steel.. I)urahly plated to resist ruti•t Sizes 1/4' to "/i«;'.'.j Super price! a: 5 -PIECE COM01NATI:ON WRENCH SET:. Chrome -plated drop-toi'ge-d"Steel in ''/fi", •7/ru ylid', 5/H" 12 -pt.• hox-end~.. Shop early'!. $4:00 off C.G.E. Fan Heater Regular,599 $29:99 Keeps you cozy.and warm in the draftiest places. . • IS00=watt 'ele-- ment. 'Safety cut-off switch. At- • tra.ctive tear drop style. TIRE GODERICH TAYLOR LIMITED 54-2'121 Utility Knife Special Yellow plastic handle with. retractable multi -position blade, Handy around. the home, cottage, workshop, Extra Savings! dash Bonus COUPONS or use your Canadian: -.Tile CARD A r • • 1 4,