HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-26, Page 40RAtaE:10 �-- Z4 >ERl • ABM NAL.STAR, THURSDAY,1M13RW\ RY 26 i9.76 ROMTHE MINISTER'S STUDY BY REV.. 1.FON'ARD CA.i 1TAI4. R'UNISHMVIENT. Dr, E zzat F4tali, one of the country's top 'criminologists,* thinks that "'those who want the -death penalty (for murder) •restored.are getting' p this seeminglyunpretentious —.#. tech nrchaei -ar- ut iter -wo • es, seems 'her house. has an of en door. for any who wish to •come, . whethcr'they be' a', widowed neighbor needing ..friendship d th little child ' "Murderer.beitig put to death • tence against murder - This is 1 h title M ictl Is 'lube love t . e alcolrn 'special meals to prepare. Not before the Flood to the days of . a t tlstf,.tial and also, t MtI , Te.Iid egave h'book• exactly what most of us would Noah in '•the"7"1iilile or on the character 'sof Jesus'gg is exactly blessing most s anywhere else.. In those earl • . Christ. Any person. of average ;i It u u t:Mother y 'intellience who " will .take •I' h c c e s'a`, • • "Som Something But to,suggst, that Many.. days,uof •human history' glicautiful forGod might find' such work sheer munda:rkrs.++•t*ri:••leift to'suffer ' •time to c:aiefull y read. and Surely .the most i•tnportant drudgery astounds my friend. 'stied M. t,the.w 5:•..l will nes er o . carried .a -way by their ft'{tni •the, terror .o,f a guilty' y ? thlnl• that any of us could Hew t ouid. they. she ex emotions" cot cien4e; and a shurte>ned •tltct!sc. Jesus. Of;ch ing ng the ilii to achiewe'wau cl;aims.."Thes,e' dear..ladies •o s . He is far from the, , law of est tial unishment for 1 ld be to 0 truth on this thought. .. life 15tilm 55:�;l.). Two of tht .• I p. S01110, mg beautiful in ,God's. .:Ocie sp wonderful; and '.teach. 1 for one Cannotail:ow. my great• evils of man specially, • •murder.; In fact; there i's,'not eyes, Not a ways •are fihe: big- nie, such ' a. .lot.. They at+e' emotions to guide m 'in :such -• mentioned of that. ci>.�ilization. ' one shred 'of.Seripture in the things the.moa b' 1I iful ig• ..centinually, educating, me g e" were curi`ii tiuna'nit violence.. hIc'rti' lesttiment which would g fconi their store. :of a serious subject:, If'I.'wece.ta p the flamboyant•' and exciting Flnadly:" this tailed, forth lead to the .support' of knowled e." be guided by them it is quite the.- • .nios.t exquisite, g likely I would.make the divine • ttrdgn�ent which ctbulltion of the death penalty Sornetinnes the 'perfume She went on to explain that wrong decision.�I choose to be resulted in that `+'holt'; .r,r sentence for: ttrurder•'.- Ilam a'�.tiny Violet • is much. ane lady is, well educated and • guided by an a,utbority.highe'r cis i1iliitiit, ex,cept•Noah.and. : \nyune or any ni tion not shtat lovelier than that coming ,travelell ed d f>~o.d her ,than my emotions and that of his famil'y, being removed claims •that' it does sup-. loveli cr larger. more vasa widely tr vel experience -her port the Divine sentence for g. • ori r even public n, sim l front e. earth by the gl eat ' 1 flower. And so; what wedo for shares her insights and un- p Deluge. murder Is' in error no matter becaun eopinion, s in e g , God need not be of ,great derstanding."Why" says .my because. we•' are ,all finite, I ++•ould point out the fact Who it may. be. •,• • ma nitude to be lasting and • telephone friend,. "She; tells: faulty and fickle. that, 'immed'iately after the Dr. Pattah claims,4t is not Ueagutiful. me things I would have never, Most criminologists do not j•udgntent of the Flood: thE: tr ue that "the rate of,i�crease' It seems, too; -that. our at- ..kn.own if 1 hadn'twould met her. I appear to have studied the second law God given to the- it homicides from 1962 (when titude to what we do plays'''a' • thank God'for bringing her to oj.dest Book in the world on newcivilization: was the law the last hangings for murder large pat in how beautiful it • me to open up a whole, new . this' subject; or maybe they of capital punishment" for took place in C tnada) to 1911 is. This came through eg •fo me about thugs I 'always' tijust conveniently. • and Itturde.i°a as given in the 'text. has doubled as police officers loudly and rnight worldouht beyond my. carefully avoid any reference ' ++'holo sheddeth . man's affirm '.• Then he juggles his lifter ba clearlyalast . night ' grasp. and werecomeyond sion.• to what God. has decreed on blood,'by' man shall his blood figures somewhat by saying, \°ersation with a warnan who From both of the ladies I get' the subject of murder and be shed". "if population. far more than ever give. increases are I capital punishment. If a;..man ; It is the responsibility of the: to be taken into account the ahem. They talk about 'the is an infidel 'he is without .a state through the .courts of rate of increase •is only 35:3 past; the 'present and the' criterion. For his guide he has 1a+4 to execute. this divine pe:rcenC", paste and pass unto me some, - only a few figures: his Opinion sentence. I would also draw This.is rather' misleading. to of their strength; serenity and and that of others. But' a • attention to the fact that this say. the least. In' th first person who truly accepts the • law• was never rescinded or callc.d .to speak.: to me primarily about an "article; in the newspaper. In the course ofour con- versation she' began to talk about what she did .with her eas n e' Irs wisdom.'' place the police are only days. What enthusiasm, I a and this is just what they it! She told me how privileged have done. Also if should be she was to be'•doing the work' remembered that the she'h.astodo, how niuchshe.is thousands: iof infants born learning, how she believed since 1'96 have not:Yet the Lord had just opened up ccmn"itted any such' crime. It . this avenue. to bless her: is unfair to. include. them in And what kind,of wonderful t W die d Bible iii be the unerring Word modified and that it was allowed to lest actual killings h ive h trdly heard the like of Ith a p found out' that not only does. conscience . vote against Wises. It was not in any way. capital ' punishment . for changed by Jesus in• 'His murder. . Sermon- .on the Mount LMat- W' little probing, I of .God cannot with, a good,- incorporated in the Law of The doctrine of capital thew 5, 6 and 7.). In fact'Jesus, punishment was originally • in His teaching, confirmed it. given -by God ..as "whoso, In that sermon; • Matthew sheddeth •man'•s• blood;• • by 5.:21-26; ,`. Jesus .refers only_ his st ttistics e may pen s y k cnattmshall his blood be shed::. once. to capital punishment. upon police figures as ac - Well, it's looking after two for•in•the image of God made' .But -He made absolutely no curate showing that the 'ac- aged ladies, 'one•bed ridden, He man".' He' who commits • changes in the original divine•.tu�il increase of killings has.. the .oth'er. blind and hard of the act of premeditated sentence for murder in the moire than doub.l.d since 1962. hearing. Caring 'far them ,is. first degree: I question the integrity hard • work: Th• ere`s ,heavy. • I have known some 'who .those who . claim; -the .death lifting; . commodes to. be have claimed .: that Jesus penalty :is nota deterrent.for : elf much washa:ng -and• cancelled' the original sen- . rnurder. Such •a concept is emptied; contrary to facts and the law: of 'God. This, too, is :'the"' purpose of civil law: In` the l oukof Deuteronomy w.efind • -this : expression following •'th '•' giving of the various .civil. aws so shaft thQu'.ptit evil - out of the land". When the., Apostle' Paul was giving instructions to a young pastor he wrote, ``... the•la'w isnot made for' a righteous, man, but for the,lawless'and. dcsobedient, for the ungodly (continued on page 11A) •` Murder forfeits his own life. •In this text . then w , have capital punishment divinely, instituted!. We do not read of a. Friday March 5, 1976 will be the •loca•I•Warid Day 'of , FFaye ervi sponsor.ea byyilrie vv imeri"s• E"curlitiriittt°i "�':�'"" Ihterchurch Council :Of Canada. Nine denominations• will be participating in this service being held in the Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle at 2:30 p.m. ' • Mrs. Ruth. Day of. Fergus, Ontario will be the guest speaker• -and soloist You are invited to attend -� a.. YOU'RE WHISTl ING IN THE IF YOU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE ' HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY), ERI() mmonnAlps Bob'McCALLUM Representative 11 Cambria 'Rd., Goderich 524-7345. 1n sympa or a c . • In search of a eo015.ie• and.a :Even :animals are made welcome. Two birds and two cats have .found a new home when their former, owners could no longer, keep them. Does she talk about the "bother of cleaning out. Messy cages and _Jitter boxes. Of 'course not. "They're lovely," she says, "such a' joy, to have." 'Drudgery? Or Something Beautiful for God? You be the judge.' YOIJ'ARf INVITED O ATTEND THE.. T �. . • .A - Knx Presbyterian • Church GODERICH 7:30 P.M. Sunday, February 29th y y. REV. GI. ROYAL.- Moderator SPECIAL : MUSIC THE HARBO'URAIREs. under the direction of George. Bucks an : MARJOR-IE".DUNLOP Soloist The service is held, to pay tribute to those 254 sailors who lost Iheirlives during thegreatest disaster ever recorded in the history of the Great Lakes, which occurred on November9th; 1913. SPECIAL MARINE DECORATIONS • • 1 'VNDAY SERlas:. :':ujt •. ., . T.he ® ether.... i _.._..rBE_RE—A=BY+THE-WATER:• Stays together P LUTHERAN—CHURCH: /I, ', ' ,. ? •,;',(6-) f`5 -QR - _--l. Meeting at Robertson Memorial School j,(BIa•ke and Eldon Streets, ,Goderich) ' 1� 4 -DAY-, ., F EaRUA R Y. 29,1976_:.. { • Sunday School for all ages at 9:30. a.m. WORSHIP 11.00 A.M.. " SERMON: "BLESSED HUNGER" "Being losiie tfd'by faith we have peace with God through ' . , • Marvin L. Barz, Pastor •524-223513 , ! I io Jr Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5, 1 • i" Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated' with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS • • Pastor: C. Fred -Day BUS ROUTE To all of Goderich. Phone.524-6543 for Transit CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. HOUR 10 A.M. Classes for all age groups ' Conte,st starts today WORSHIP: SERVICE.- 1.1 A.M. 7:00 P.M. - • "THE GOSPEL ROAD" World Wide Pictures Presentation ".,..EVERYONE WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH RAVFIELD ROAD AT BLAkE STREET EVANGELISTIC— FUNDAMENTAL_ ''', REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M. BIBLE'SCHOO(FOR ALL AGES• 11:00 A:M. MORNING WORSHIP, SERVICE SERMON; '"SO NEAR AND `i'ET$O FAR" • 6•:15 P.M. WORD OF. LIFE CLUB • 7:30 P.M. EVENING SEtRVICE SPECIAL MUSIC: • MURTA & ROBERT SCHULTZ WED. 8 P.M.•PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO 'THE FRIENDLY CHURCH will. soon be swallowed up by JACKC an JUNE LA F0NTAINE Jack was fortrierdrug usher etc. and -became a Christian inpenitentiary 9 p. . f •.r June, sings.count:ry-afitl'`western gospel music and, many say, she sings like Tammy Wyriette, . � , '' C•HAPEL Auburn ,8 rm.: 'an a HURON MIN n North Street United Church 'The Rev. Ralph. E. King, B.A., B D., Minister Miss Clare McGow,an,. Visiting Assistant { Mr., Lorne H. Dotterel, Director of Music . Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:.45 a.m. Sunday,SchooI for ages 3to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m. . SUNDAY,. FEBRUARY 29, 1976. 11 a.m. Worship Service SERMON: "BE PERFECT" Nursery Facilities I ! Goderich Teen Tone Will sing at today's service. Come and Worship with us., •_ • ST.GEORGE3 CHURtil . QUINQUGESIMA . j ( SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1976 78:30-A:M. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 LITANY AND SERMON •.'80:00 & 11:00 A.M. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM& NURSERY Rector Canon G.G. Russell B.A., B.D. • Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B.•Herdman {@ The. Free Methodist .Church• ' Park St. at Victoria , Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls Sunday School at 9:45 11:00. "Where Art Thou' 7:00 Evening Worship & Praise Youth in Charge All Warmly Invited • r FIRST BAPTIST -CHURCH •1 Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET (near The Square) REV. W.H. McWHINNIE'F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.- Sunday School . ti 11 A.M. WORSHIIPSERVICE THE PASTOR PREACHING Come' Y ill be made welcome l • THE SALVATION ARMY SUNIDAY SCHOOL- 9:45 A.M. You w )• .FAMILY WORSHIP -11:00 A.M. •EVANGELISTIC' SERVICE — 7:00 P.M. . ar+n:ra+a.r..•.�.•:a. r...�.•.� ..r.. �,•�.•—. , .�•. �_ :•�:• t'I Ir 4 li. . • Home League (Ladies)' Wed. 8:00 P.M. DA>I t R Presbyterian Church • Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7.30 P.M, Knox . •• '• RS CAPTAIN G,HEfRBER CAPTAIN M..MacKEN•ZIE THE�REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Minister THE REV. RONALD C. McCAL:LUM, Assistant` WILLIAM M. CAMERON; Director of Praise .. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1976 • Public Worship is at 11:00 a,m. • Sermon: l "THE .RACE OF ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY" (Nursery Facilities) (Consolidated•Sunday,School refires from Service)'• 1 7:30. p.n. • Annual Mariners' Service Music: The'Harbouraires, Marjorie Dunlop Broadtost-.over CKNX.Radio. Enter •to Worship .,il•Irai•'K/a+,i.ra••W/i•.�Y�Y'V'•W:.'�"�►�,•°Vw/t• v.IY WuY"�iwYY�I�Y,�'}Lar'�'r' aW'WiW�.L.Y"K/YW./I-K,LYlV•lay...•-V.W/i'wW.•tiWY.Y1•Vi.aY•,Y•.Yi"W.fi'VI4YY"i4/Y�Yi"iwi"i�••�W.YY►..JJ•4.iW'�i,N"•'•Y.ar'.•".I'•►rK,.YY'.L./��1.( DePartto Serve • OFFICE ( All Are Cordially Invited to Attend " - oria et United Church f .. HOUSE OF PRIEND5HI'P ' REV., LEONARD WARR l . 10 a.m•. Bible School for all •Grades 11:00 a.m. Worship Service SERMON: "THE LAST' JUDGMENT'" • - W.E•L.-C-O-M.E - Mrs: J. Snider, Orga'hist & Choir Director • ,.r