HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-26, Page 39TAt can
eo nutted frgtn a rr
edecision to getout," ,she said.
Deb's belief ;that • he. should
Abe easily' reachable to the
taxpayers payers has been annoying -
at times when the phone
I rarely stops ringing but.Barb
supports that. belief. She said
the mar•' has no. right „to
constantly. avoid taxpayers.
liut added • that,. at times he
needs:to get away and those
needs are usually satisfied by
going out of town for a_ day Or
a:weekend. •
Barb is uncertain about her
husband's future. 'She 'said
shedoesnot yet' know.
;whether hQ ' Want's , to seek
�another term' as .Mayor and
thought he will probably .not
},,make up his mind for sure
until. the.fa11. She added that
prior to his political life she.
H had,' little interest in.
t municipal 'affairs but now
'¶that' he •has' eight* years of
involvement, she is as: in-
terested as he is but not in-
, clined to be directly involved.
•t` . The efforts and time. the
mayor devotes to his job as
head of'town council are not
completely without reward.
Barb said that quite a few
people may not .be aware of
the demands of the job but
occasionally' someone calls
and wants to thahk the mayor
for his efforts acknowledging
that a lot. of work' ha's gone
into a decision of council.
a • so—approach to the
.matter and backing. off
.slightly from -his' initial stand
on the matter.. •'
-"He didn't change his
mind;•'-' she explained
quickly. "Just took a'softer
Frances has becorrie• in-
volved in ' her husband's
political life in other areas
than husband -:wife
.thei.e,. .. . c • -
anger at C0u1'lCTrorStan
out On me."
- Frances said that' irate
taxpayers_ have called the
-reeve' and wherlt. they were
unable to reach him they.
criticized her rather than
council .or Stan, S� a said that,
'some of the problemshave
been reasonable but a . few
:persons have not felt strong''.
enough about the`m-tb identify
•thernselves, -, They, jus.t
coniptain,, .
She said if,the Jerson won't
identify himself, she hangs.up'
and passes on the nature of.
the call to Stan . when he.
comes home.
The time Stora has to:devote.
to council activities has
.become' matter of fact for •
Frances, She 1said' she has
' been angry" at Slimes •when,her
husband has had to go
somewhere every night of the•
week but . between. ,, reading,
knitting and filling her family
"role. she puts, up with it. She
added, .however, that' con-
sidering the time taken to do
the counciljob the members. -
could be paid: more but; she
admitted Stan has to do the
wdrk and he''*seems happy
with the remuneration.
Frances said that although•
she wouldn't do the :job..
herself she•would never try to
talk • Stan into giving up
politics unless he wanted to.
She said that if Stan wanted -to
quiz because he was angry or
frustrated she would try to
get hiin`.to delay the decision
until he has time to recon-
sicker it in a.different frame of
mind; •
"It's the •sane as any job
you get fed up with it 'and..
want to pack it in," she said.
Frances has no :idea of
Stan's . political future. She
said' :that, that subject will
probably be given •'more •
consideration 'later ,in . the
"The decision.'is•up to him..
He has to do the work,': she
discussions: —Slre -Satid that
reiterated - ,
many taxpayers phone Stan
-•a't- home -to discuss--matteer-s
with him and sometimes
when the reeve is not hiornei,
she_has been used `as :a 'sub-
"i •don't mind .when. people
phone or stop Stan and,`ine on
the..street,", she said. "But 1
do object to people :, taking
• has a stamp collection he is
very interested in, but hasn't
had time forin Months.
"I would like to see Dave
• haye more time tohimself but
it's his choice," reasoned Sue.
"He knew.'what—had : to be•
done and °b knew--thitt•sptrte
things would have to go if he
was on-c*igieil.''
The effortsof, the council
members . are seldom Out-
utwardly appreciated by' -The
taxpayers, according to Ste
who feels that if more people
were, award of the tune and
effort most. - councillors
`.dedica.„tig to the,. town the•
politicians at would "be Yap,
predated more
She says that . her.
husband receives quite'a-few':-
Calls ..about''' town business
when he is home. Most of
them are -reasonable .and few
are unpleasant
She adds.. that the` pay the
councillors get ' is probably
=not• huch when it: is .compared
to the hours, but feels that it
Dave's public life is not for
his wife who feels that sheis
too sensitive to be a coun
cillor; She says that
politicians have to be thick'
skinned and have the ability
to. stick -to their guns if they
feel they are right about
something and few' other
people agree with•them.'_
Dave's future in town
politics is questionable : now
but his wife is fairly certain
he would like to sit in the
mayor's chair. She says, he
will probably take a "shot at
the mayor's job in the future.
but will not try to go beyond
that to provincial or federal
make sure the ,questions are
answered. Headded that he
Very ' much ..doubts if the
average person is aware of _..
the time and effort some
people put into council work.
Beth would not ; consider
running' for council and has
•his • own opinion oh the.
prerequisites for the job. He
maintains th-at a goad
councillor must be willing to
apply all. their talents and
..efforts.' to doing the job
properly despite possible
criticism they will encounter.
He feels that theperson must
remain an individual even at
the risk of disagreeing with
other council members to
maintain a balance of t-houht
and ..op iiliuu al -the - caUtreii'
Elsats;-political . future .: is
simply a• continuation, Of her
present duties, Beth said she
was not interested in county:',
politics and she feels that the
mayorand the •rest. of the
epulte l rnembets ail"have once
vete" on any isstee making_
thorn all equal at the council
Be added that the dif-
ferefice in pay between the
counciit positions is no major.
a. t- traction for Elsa Potnttn
cait"tb t -O `l a ' 31f? gtr
'd:ieation'of' the servjce to the
taxpayer. '
In 'my opinion, for -some.
Council members the pay is
more than adequate and . for
others it is . not enough," he
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