HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-26, Page 38ii • ° A.Q4.8A,GODERIcH SIGNAL;STAR,.T URSPAY.FEBRHAR.Y 26', 1976 E 0111111 ' Thirty-two students from Night" .The Bluebell singers ' the ' H,ullett Central School r are Elizabeth' Gibson, Bar= visited the Home on Friday••b.gra and Judy ''Carter and afternoon and presented a -they providetheir own guitar" program . arranged by' the accompaniment. The girls • grade, six teacher Mrs. and Albert shared : the ._ I.ngarato and the music program time,'• and joined teacher Mrs, Bosman . Th:e together fork. S,1ng-a-long; program consisted Of skits,: • Mrs. Brack thanked the en gymnastics, .songs and two tertainers. changes ot:.•square dancing. ;; The ,Clinton.. W'oni'en.s,: 'Theresidents were presented ` 'Institute were hosts 'for.the. With a valentine which had' February Birthday Party and been made by the students as presented -gifts to . the 21 one .Af• their projects. Mr. celebrants.. Mrs,. . Connie Nelson Lear " thanked the Colclough was emcee for.the students and teachers on prbgram which included -•-• behalf ofth'e.residents. mouth --organ solos and trio, Four new residents were numbers by Art. Groves., Wat welcomed' to the Home at Webster. and Tom, Deeves., Monday's. program; '-Mrs. Whistling ;solos. by,. Dora Darroch, Mrs Bell, Mrs. Heard; vocal solos• by George Black,' Mrs: Lawson. The . Turner, :: ' ' - piano ac Goderfch Township Women's com.paniment by Mrs,' Institute volunteers assisted ' Radford and a sing -,,song. - 4livith activitie's•with music for Lunch was served to 150:. the afternoon provided by residents and guests and Mrs. Molly Cox, Mrs. Driver and Vanderburgh thanked all NormanSpeir. those responsible for .the The Bluevells from the party.. Clinton area and Mr. Albert The residents enjoyed the Craig_of Bayfield provided an treat of apples on • Valentine's ' hour of : musical en- Day donated by the Huron- tertainrnent for "Family viewAuxiliary. d�wrr,, .4,, m v rif it r''Y Y P' 1• yy• lrm�ll�l�9twtw t „ .. AO, iirrIP*0; :::10 • l'Itgy;rifiriti I 711; ; " "ItYv IrrN yvvv - The junior division of the Kinsmen Club Heritage Day poster contest was won by Michael . . Madden,left, a Grade 6student at St. Mary's.The .first -prize of $15 was presented to Michael while-Alan.Hough, centre, Robertson Grade five won the $10 second prize and • Karl Krohmer, St. Mary's grade six, won the $5 third prize, (staff -photo) Young Plgyers pian :spring school James Murphy, Huron Country Playhouse Artistic Director, has uncovered -plans for the second A.nn_ual tour throughout Southwestern• magic, mime, dance, music, engagements. . Ontario as far as Windsor and and student audience par- Highlights of the tour will „Tob.ermbry. Schools i.n „ticipation. - include special performances Middlesex, Bruce, Grey, , Mr. Murphy is presently in Sarnia for the Children's School Tour. • Wellington, Lambton� E s auditioin. actors for .:the .' Ward Auxiliary of___Sarnia The toUr ' 'lake- trio" t Huron 'ems compo any. He is searching for.- General . Hospital, :with an professional actors whohave expected attendance -of 1500 experience in children's people,- and '' two per- theatre,and the versatility for, formances for the :Theatre circus feats.. • The actors will 'Ontario. Festival; May 29 in be in residence at .the London. ' Playhouse in , Grand Bend, The ''Playhouse: Young ▪ Council Playwright's. Grant, . .and, Will comi7iute to .daily Players tour begins April1.. Playho4 'e Young •Players • Waterloo, and •'.Oxford' will receive.the .company of five actors,. under th.e' direction of • W. J. ®en®mme Mr:M•urphy• Torontos Jim- Saar, . recipient of the Ontario Arts wrote bothplays. 1 Fantasy, for grades kin, 'dergarten through four, is a tale based on -the -delightful t a a am t zatr nos. of Lewis arof Carroll; • . adventures . in Wonderland, '. o l 'and through the --Looking 4 Glass. -Circus!. for the senior ( elementay grades ▪ '.depicts the "excitement ,and . glamour of circus life,. and attempts- to trace the history. Agent for. 24 -hr. ofthe circus in Canada, ' ALM: DEVEL0P11,iG , Both 'productions .will in corporate a great deal • of FLOWER 524-8132•. •[ DAY ..� ' OR �. MIGHT' P.. LV1.N'S TV YOUR HEAD QUARTERS FOR •. •ROGER.S 'MAJESTIC TV 1 �•E XPERT TV SERVICE. • ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION, 162 MARY ST. GODERICH 5 2 4 9:089. • AUTOMATIC. WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE. WASHERS DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People: at::. HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 WATER W-ELt DRILL.INi 41, Latest modern equipment Domestic - industrial : Municipal Free Estimates You and your family deserve the bestot water so don't hesitate ,to call M-LANC HONE . 4-.641 Q NORTH ON HIGHWAY 21, qyODE.RICH • PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth, Ontario Szwe Hundreds on Pianos Organs at Pulsifer Music Seaforth — 527-0053 Goderich — 524-6291 For free Home Demonstration of small Wurlitzer Piano — ideal for apartment, trailer, home, etc.—approved by piano teachers and players. Our price $799. . Store open Friday and Saturday or by appointment. KINDERGAiTEN REGISTRATION Brookside Public School i. RR 7 LUCKNOW Thursday, March 4 9A.M.-12 NOON PRINCIPAL G. JEWITT — PHONE 529-7900. Colborne Central School RR 5 GODERICH Tuesday, 1 March-' 2 9 A.M.-12 NOON .PRINCIPAL J.P. KANE - PHONE 524-6252 QUICK SOAK METHOD FOR -PREPARING ' WILD RICE • ,Wash required amount of wild rice in .cold water. q,tir rice into 3 times theamount. of boiling water- (1 . 'cup requires 3 cups water) Parboil for 5 minutes only. Re4lsev frarnr--heat.. Let.. soak • in the same water (Gov,ered) for 1hour. - Drain. Wash. Cook as directed in.recipe. Homesville School Library HOLMESVILLE Tues. March 2 A -L MORNING—M-Z AFTERNOON " 930 A.M.-3:30 P.M: PRINCIPAL R. REABURN — PHONE 482-7751 Robertson Memorial School 125 BLAKE"ST. W, Wednesday, March 10 9-10:30 A.M. — A- E 10:30 A.M. — F -L 1: 30.3: 30 — M -Z PRINCIPAL"G. HAj2LAND — PHONE 524-8972 Victoria Public School.. 135 GIBBONS ST. Monday, March 1 1:30 P.M. • 4:00 P.M.—A-L Tuesday, March 2 1:30 P. M. — 4:00'P. M4..— M -Z. PRINCIPAL D.L.• O`BRIEN PHONE 524-8306 Excessive 'waiting would be avoided .at all schools if the surname -schedules are followed, , Parents should bring birth certificates'. and immunization cards and '014IP;f )umbers to registration.' amtssimarissmomormigasmilffswailiktifirilifit ies auxiliary plafl anwuaiteo Alexandra . Marine ° and„., lluestions to ask Dr. Flowerpr General Hospital.Auxiliary Mrs. Knisley thanked him for' mctt-;t-tom'' p,na'. on February,-bein-g an-interes.ting .and kith in the Auziliar•y room. -informative guest. . The guest speaker for fhe In business part of the afternoon v, -41S" Dr. R.W. , Viol/Vers.' As February is heart month, his topics were Hear •attacks and Strokes. • 1)r. o'wers explained:that, a :heart attack • is the narrowing ot. blood ..vessels causing damage -to the lioart or bt ain... He said he felt that heart •transplants, ,were not the'answer due to the - rejection proble in, as the.- , Srgery to do the transplant.is not that 'difficult. -He said in' Californi,a they 'were doing •soiree research with a mechanism ,Called a balloon pump with "n degree of.-suc • cess . •Hyper -tension, smoking, alcohol, and • diet are all contributing factors to Cardiac .arrest. People • usually have warning' signs', Months previous to the initial heart attack,. with chest pain's , an shortness of breath but feel it is indigestion, and do nothing about it. "In the post he said when a patient -suffered cardiac arrest ' and was taken to hospital there was valuable time wasted waiting for a doctor. to get to the hospital to start the defibrillator (a machine to regulate the heart. beat.) Now a well qualified' nurse can do it:" The Indies ' had malty • 0 • . • •'• • R Meeting it was decidedthe annual Tea and Penny Fair would be held at St ereor-gf:.s* -Anglican Church hall on May 27 • • Your Blood ss : ' • Always Needed BEA • BLOOD DONOR o Anne's Beauty .Centre PERM SPECIALS includes set, cut, styling ' THE NATURAL LOOK $18.°°. NOW . $15:" $20.00 NOW $18,0° $25.°° NOW X20.°0 ffA•ht Anne -.Charlene- Rose 524-9632 48 .WEST,ST. GODERICH. • Crisp, Clean. Great! look fashionable this •seas'an in one of our" .new coat styles: They'll complement all your new :Spring looks: Select, a .jacket, too. • a ; LADIES WEAR LIMITED 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE .' v/44_,44. ,kriLar/ipaaad GODERICH