HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-8-19, Page 2FJ f tH G CYCLONE
Navigator in Plane Describes
Thrilling Descent to Cahn
• and Sunshine.
Ott) observer in an airplane tleecrib•
Ing an experience in a storm thous -
tants of feet above the earth writes:
"Tho elty was strewnwitl, the rens-
matte of tt Morning cirrus, az; the climb
was mode carefully but swiftly on the
livings of a warm wind. Eight thous•
and feet were reached with the merest
effort. The salient features of the
c untryside could. be picked out with -
eat glasses. The air had a milky
tinge, but it eras such as the eye could
'emit' through, and it gave no Inipres-
snen of the moisture with which it
mast have beets an heavy. It sec'on'd
wean and br.'clrattt, and as the Ina
,tire tltrabbeel ite way tllrLtug h it. tw
warns see streams bowed bard; cvcr
telt wind screen.
"Seine time Illus, have eikt,Ia�ed be
fare the part. in tCCistiug the seri
round to ; tow dire.•tion, caeglat tt
;isnti,ee� o1,e livor purple -gray bank o
iloud. which hard erten up from the
south. It had came quite unheralde
by thunder. but rltheugh the sight was
not rttr'w.tive there seemed neither
> ,;
c•;ittst for alarm tI•t?r nt.�tl for I+rt>rIt a
Lure de seat Even the greowlin
mirth e e r thunder at ' great di ante',
which came .t hest, failed to die e"n-
eert, and the'airplane %', rc>.1 On rt, et
beater "free singing ing a ail the engine
in ,:cel'e full to gated rear.
Storm Burst Suddenly.
"The.. witl,o,it further warning. the
ettrm brake in full fury, A mighty
cratsh of thunder. C�hitlt seemed te>
of t� � ,.,
tech —Boy `nit t i.n . e.: , ou ker
trousers). Price, 23 cents I sizes-.
ti tit 14 years. Size g reeuires '2rR
t `?Tt3•• 3t; ins. wide, Or 17s , d..; i ins.
widen lining for roar. 11.E yds. ;au
f . wide: waistband and inside Itraker, 12
yd. 3t1 ins. wide.
92.3.2 — Pov`s Suit t;kniekerbocker
6!•�'W�"! 1!MMMraaV'M�J��aRy.yttf,I'M�lN1VW V4'k!4,ylNR,q{,,,.
t ! q` t ' i t : •� 1r f C to upset the duties of Nye to. their
�I lQ ll T i 1iICU L I ntothers,x' cried the inti wont:t11 wrath-
fully, thin Oho anvil i?y away witi the
r•rlxetlulcs i"
A lnttri%xur of syu1p thwtle 1)1?lattse
l;r'etetl the wl h.
"`int Crlafe1t," t"•oilftas os tllo taavellor,.
"I felt c.Ii unholy desire to111:iii. Soiite-
times I de get tired or schedules t"
Sure Sign That the Mood s
Watery Lind Ii: pn !.
l�ecple. watt thin L1,iod are touch
mere subject to headtiches than full•
blooded per,tneo volt two forint of
tauactni:t that afflicts growing girls is
talmeet tlway: set ntiattttt'd by hestd-
achee , together with disturbance or.
the lige etive tri g,ilils,
Whenever yen have constant or re -
curing he ad:naive anti pallor of the
face, they Atm that the blood is their
and your e,'forte should be directed to-
ward lataltling up your blood, A. fair
treotiue'ut with 11. Williams' Pink
Pills will do this t aootively, and the.
rich red bleti+.l made by these pills will
remove the ]teatlat he.
Moro ti.ttitatbanees to the health aro
caused by their blood than most. people
have any idea of. When your blood
is itllpoverished, the nerves sutler
from lack of ntturlsiuuent, and you!
i11 be troubled with insomnia, neuri-
tis, neuralgia or sciatica, 1luscles
subject to strain are undernourished
and you may have muscular rheuma-
Q5€ ► p; q8. tistta or lumbago. If your blood is
deafen and deaden and alrncs t shake
tite seeable out of the Skies. was ac.-
eomruled by a wild burst of hall t na
rain which lashed the machine merci-
lessly and ntat?e it t.,: s from one side
to the ether like a cork on the surface
of the sea. In a steaming cloak of
rain and +dust it was impassible for the
eye to see the ground.
'.Peas after pe.11 cf t1t:rttier fI. laws
ed in swift suceessic t between vivid
flashes of furieus summer lightning.
The heavens had opened to pour forth
the ateuniuiated passion of centuries.
At nearly 5.000 feet up it would be
suicidal to descend into the unknown
and unseen. \\'such was safer—air or
laud? To the pilot, anxious alinest be-
yond enduranee, erme the thought.
common to every Eying man, of fire in
the air; and as if to confirm this hor-
ror a flash in a moment illuminated
the whole machine as though it were
relight in the probing beam of a
searchlight at night, The sky was
rent from vanit to horizon by a vivid
streak of electric lire, The indicating
fingers on the navigation instruments
osc,i::ated wfidiy.
Quivers Like a Wounded Bird.
it seemed the larli moment; but it
passed. and still the machine was air-
r -worthy. The hall still tore fiercely at
the fabric of the pla: es: the machine'
was becenrleg bare and more un-
stet:e; tat it still hummed on. Down'
belev,- a cloud of raper trade it threes-
mees-s ble to lee the e.:r:h or to sight a
stetzh of areerel whereon to land.
,:lie , clef broke with unabated fury
at regular intervals, and at each on-!
slaught the ratachine cuiveredl l l;e it i
"auntie:: bird.
"11 the phut continued to fly on it
could cn :y be a matter of moments
before :.il ecn.trt.i of the craft scold
Le. wreathed froi:a his hands. It was
-ec, y istzer e ., to: plunge down in-
to al=e see t'f. mist .n tc'tal ignorance of
t Li. tic: et ths :...,d beneath. But to the
latter curse erdy ceuid a shred of
hepe cling. The engine therefore was
eut:clenly shat off an,> the nose cf the
1~y the altimeter. watche.l fever=
i,'.:y, the descent of a few thousand
fee:.eeesed to take many minutes. In
the t b •cl=- of a C 1rlir.g m ;.t a sudden
and vle'ent contact with the earth was
facie:.tardy expected. But down—
down; until at what seemed the. criti- I
cai second there came a sudden in-
rush cf steady grateful air from a re-
gion of smiling content and peaceful-
ness, with the earth a thousand feet
below, There wes no sunshine, but
there was also no storm. It had been
a cyclons of the neper regions onlye'
What Sze Do You Take?
Few people understand the mean-
ings of the numbers and sizes on ar-
ticles of clothing.
In hats and caps the size is one-half
the sum total of the long and short
diameters of the head. in other words,
if your head measures 1394i1n., your.
size in hats is 6%.
The size in gloves indicates the num-
ber of inches round the knuckles when
the hand is closed.
The. Iength in inches of year foot Is
the "number" you take in socks. In
women's hose the length of the leg Is
tisuarly three titres the length of the
If a woman's foot measures bin., her
(size In shoes is 2, Every quarter of an
140 above S% increases the size by
A: mat with a foot Ilia. long should
Weer size 7 boots. The Size increases
by one in every %in, in men's foot-
hire dropped.
Raderewskl could play the Ia
tt§ben 'three years old,
vousetsl. Price, 23 cents. in4f
ti to 14 year. ties S reign re. 71. yds.
Sd urs. w:.'.e. er 1 . yti.. t+1 to wide,
lining far coat, Its yd.. 3u ins. wide;
inn u : 'lett' ereusere, ' yd. 3$ ins. wide.
These patterns May be obtained
from your 'local 14: Call dealer, or from
the McCall Ce.. 70 Bond street. To-
rento, Dept. W.
thin and you begin to chow symptoms
of any of these disorders, try building
up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pitts, and as the blood is restored to
its normal condition every symptom
of the trouble will disappear. There
are there, people who owe their pre-
sent state of good health to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills than to any other
uealeine. and most of them do not
hesitate to say so,
any dialer in medicine or by
mall at 5O cents a box or six boxes .
for $2.30 from the Dr. Williams Medi- r
eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
You can get Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills
- DOor..S.utepa.
A door -step
Should be tirade
To face the Weet
So that
When a ratan
Is through
He can sit
And watch, the sun go clown
And say:
Go along
With yen!
My job's done!
Randt1'tn Remarks.
To be a Christian is 110 thug's gable,
—Rev. H. R. L. Shephard.
Most of us are humbugs, not from
wicked motives, but from lack of
character.' --fir. A. O. Gardiner.
A man will tell his wife everything
in the world exoept how much ,Honey
he is getting.—Lady Astor, M,P.
People are not saving half as much
as they should. Everyone should save,
from the office-hoy to the millionaire,
—Sir Robert Kindersley. '
I have no patience 'with model
young men. Model young mon delight
their mothers' hearts and rule their
wives' tempers.—ler. Edgar Saltus.
Difficulties exist only to be over-
come; anything that presents difficul-
ties is generally worth the effort +pent
in their solution. ---Rt. Hen. A. J. Bal-
No one will ever persuade me that a
Old Oce'an's Bed. Irish Punctuality. I girl who cannot do housework and
Te an enormous extent the bed 6
the ocean is covered wits, lava and
Still pumice tie sten< . ti 1 r4 -•> remarkable
is it to find the &ler of the ocean
icy The following story is the expert- cook well is anything but a tool, and
cote e n many parts with the dus
of meteorites.
These 1,ejd es whirl about in th
heavens like miniature, comets. an
are for the mest part broken into i
numerable fragments.
\\e are all famft er with these hea
visitants as sheeting stars; bit
it has been only lately die -catered tha
this cosmic. dust farms layers at th
bottom et the deepest seas.
Between Henolulu and Tahiti, at
depth of 2.350 fathoms—over to
miles and a half—a vast layer of thi
material exist;.
Falling upon land this impalpabl
dust is indistinguishable, but, aecumu
]ating for tenteries in the sea depths
it fcrms a wandreus story taf the can
tinuous bombardment of this planet.
by cemetery bodies.
ecce of a woman who travelled a goo
deal it F '
t I eta td before cfare h
t world tedCa'ar.
Although she was naturally Pune
I.! just a devil's trap for meu folk.—Rev.
Walter Mitchell.
\ C
t tual, she had grown a trifle careless SV fMEIt COMPLAINTS
tl,rc tI>;lt familiarity
CC t the ea.. so-
e Ing manner in which time tables seem -
d e22 to be treated. One day she arrived
n- at a small country station just too late,
At the first sign of illness durin
the hot weather give the little one
Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hour
- he may be beyond aid. These Tab-
lets will prevent summer complaints
if given occasionally to the well child
. and will promptly relieve these
- troubles if they come on suddenly.
Baby's Own Tablets shoftid always be
- kept in every home where there ante
young children. There is no other
medicine as good and the mother ha
the guarantee of a government analys
that they are absolutely safe, Th
Tablets are sold by medicine dealer
or by mail at 25 cents a box from Th
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville
A Small ,?rice.
but she was so nearly on time that she
a- could not at first believe her misfor
t . tune. She dashed frantically down
t the platform, waving her bag and um
e brelia; but the train glided away just
ahead of her, gathering a speed that
a left her at last hopeless, breathless
o and a good deal abashed as she real
s ized the spectacular quality of her vain
sprint. She turned, panting, to en
e counter the station master, who was
- holding out a magazine that she had
, dropped.
"Sure, thin," he told her sympatheti-
cally, "'tis no wonder ye hurried,
ma'am—and a grand race ye made of
it --with yerself near enough at the
first of it to set yer little fat on the
step, savin' only the width of a pig's
ear. They'd not be having the hearts
of men in ,him not to stop for ye. But
that's how it is, ma'am, once folks do
get bewitched with the word 'punctual•'
Puuctuality be hanged, says I, whin it
interferes with politeness and the res-
pect due a lady! Mesesf would have
held the train for ye a mint, and no-
body the worse, the days whin I ran
me rugine; but these new lads, they
stick to the time -table, worse luck,
and a fine nuisance they make of thim-
selves. And thim well knowing there's
not another train to Bantry the day!
I'd not blame ye, ma'am; if ye writ a
complaint to the management. 'Tis
seandalous 1"
Ask for Minaret's and take no other.
} Meteor's Trains.
When a "shooting star' passes
athwart the sky it leaves behind it a
shining streamer. We do not notice
the fact, but astronomers say that the
streamer sometimes remains visible
for fftee:l minutes or more.
At first the streamer is a vivid green
or scarlet streak. Presently it as-
sumes a saairy forma, becoming more
serpentine and irregular until it
Belief is entertained that the meteor
leaves tehll:d it a tube -shaped layer of
highly heated air, which expands and
is finally dies:rateed. The atmosphere
along its tt ,t . Is electritled b y the
transit of the celestial projeetlle, and
rS thereby rendered brightly phos-
phorescent. Air currents blow the
Vibe about, prcalizeing the snaky ef-
Ovsc C atrens trade simultaneously
feern st:.t.ot.s far apart have proved
that the everage :meteor when first
Been about eighty miles abore the
surface cf the earth, and disappears
rrcr,i vie.; at thirty miles. in other
words, it travels fifty miles before the
etntcepheric friction burns it tip. This
friction, it is reckoned, raises it to a
temperature of something like 3,000,
ae0 degrees. so that, unless of large
:ize, it leas no chance to reach our
}ler Soldier.
Dear and young, here's the prayer I
pray for you:
Heaven be full of new life and play
for you:
Swift as an. arrow, ]fight as a swallow!
So may we and you, boy, when we fol-
Although the traveller did not com-
plain, she admits that she found his
xoint of view consoling. Much to her
amusement. it was her fortune short-
ly afterwards to hear it em •h itically
echoed by an old Irishwoman who,
loaded with needles and baskets and
carrying a live thick, missed a train
much as she had done, except that the
old r, entans run was a waddle, and
what a bystander picked up for her
was not a magazine but a squawking
and flapping duck. The oid woman,
tarried upon those who had gathered
about her an eye of incredulous indig-
"And the b'y that drives the ingine
me own son!" she proclaimed. "Black
shame on him for desa:rtin' and aban-
denin' his mother, and him knowin'
well the thrain I was to take and the
state of the ro'd and the lameness of
ould Maggie's forefutl Myer wud I
have believed that ray b'y. Thaddy
could play his mother such a thrick:"
"Whist, woman, he couldn't help
himself!" soote one suggested. "He
had to run her on schedule."
"And if schedules are to be allowed
—sleepless nights, constant
S'neczing, streaming eyes,
wheezy ]breathing :---
brings relief, rut tip in cap
stiles, easily swallowed, Sold by
reliably , druggists or a dollar.
Ask our sgonts.',Qr send card for•
,free sample to Tenmpletott's. 1.42
Zing St. We, Toronto. "" "
Plant Pick -Me -Ups. . .
A fano. and garden machine of great
ingenuity Is now being tested in the
South of England. •
Its. function Is to bestow a pick-me-
up oi? the cheapest and most stimula-
tingµ.sort to every seed put into tate
gr ogud.
As it. is drawn along it punctures a
litwlp'hole, drops in a single seed from
one 'cylinder,. and simultaneously a
pinch of artificial manure from an-
other. The hole is immediately filled
in, . aid from a third cylinder falls a
pinch of powdered lime, which en-
catiiages' the benefiefent bacteria that
awslst growth,
If hopes are justified, the machine
would save a fourth et the usual
amount of seed and an immense deal
of artificial manure.
Montreal, May 29th, '09.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Yarmouth, N.S.
Gentlemen,—I beg to let 'you know
that I have used MINARD'S LINI-
MENT for some time, and I find it the
best I have ever used for the joints
and Muscles.
Yours very truly,
The Champion Clog and Pedestal
Dancer of Canada.
If you want to make life a harmony,
hit the note "Do!"
In some districts in Siam a girl who
reaches a certain age without finding
a husband is required to wear a label,
and thenceforth is a more or less privi-
leged person., under the special care
of the king, who is bound by ancient
custom to find a husband for her. The
royal matrimonial bureau has less dif-
ficulty in arranging thatches than
might be expected, for it works on a
s ! very simple system. A prisoner in any
t jail in the kingdom may gain freedom
e j and pardon by marrying one of the
' king's charges, and as many eagerly
e take advantage of the right -'as there
At last little Freckly was allowed to
visit grandpa all alone. They were
great friends, and had long waited for
the great day.
Freddy had the time of his life.
Grandpa saw that he wanted for noth-
ing. The small boy ate more cream
.buns in those three days than he
would otherwise have done in three
years, while his pockets bulged all the
time with sweets.
But there comes an end to every
thing. and Freddy went home again,
pale yellow of complexion, and Ian-
; guid and feverish: Mother promptly
sent for the doctor, who ordered hint
to bed, and sent him some very un-
pieas;:nt. but doubtless healing, medi-
Grandpa came next d'ay and was per-
mitted to creep upstairs to see haw
the sufferer was faring. He fan si
' the small boy lying wan and pale on
his pillow, but received a watery mills
as a welcome.
"Oh, grandpa," said the Weak IittIe
voice, "I've been awfully bad—but it
was worth it!"
L—eT t� 0. u,6.•:5.�:9.�.•w.d -.Ld. , u.niiwG
,$uu' br,azi fro G ' •.
Cut Down the Sugar V III
by eating a cereal that contains its
own sugar self -developed from
grain in makLng--
As a brealdast or luncheon cereal with cream
or milk; or sprinkled over fresh fruit or b; es,
Grape -Nuts adds to the meal's ply misuse----anc1
is economical.
Buy from your grocer.
i)�1Na,h1MIIL.�Sn�!El„fl."aa,� t� �.,t7l,diLla�i�i I:„fk}1.�_.rftlpdi.tiFlC;it�Cr..�"!r„lixuit.��r..u...,. i.�,:...,,. .r,xw.,,..u.�.,i�,.r�.•ri;f
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
What Kiss Microbes Do.
"You claim there are _,ricrobes. in
kisses?” she asked the young doctor.
"There are." he said.
"What disease do they bring?" she
"Palpitation of the heart."
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Careful Hubby.
They hadn't been married very.long
and, strange to relate, both their birth-
days fell on the same date. But al-
ready he had learnt a, thing or two
about the shopping propensities of the
fair sex. So he tackled the subject of
presents manfully.
"Darling," he said lovingly, "we
mustn't have any secrets front each
other, now, must we?"
"No, sweetheart!" She cooed. gladly.
"Well, duckiest," he went on "If you'
will. tell me exactly how much you in-
tend to spend on a present for me, I
shall be able to work out how much
I shall have. 'eft to buy one for you,"'
Father (endeavoring to blend in-
struction and amusement) : "Yes, ail, -
then, Mr. Lloyd Georgy saves' his
country, just as Joan of Arc saved
France" Bright Child: "And when
are they going' to burn. . Mr. Lloyd
George, daddy?"
A good life is nothing more than
a Iot of days lived well.
ISSUE No, 88--'20.
are available freedom -bringing maids,
Whether or not the man is already
roar+ od is of no congegtienOe, as one
wife is not the legal limit,
For a few cents you can save
your hair and double
its beauty
ITo� 1
rs'.r�� stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,.
get a small bottle of delightful "Dan-
derine" at any drug 01' toilet counter
for a few cents, pour a little in your
hand and rub it into the scalp. After
several applications the hair usually
stops corning out and you can't find
any dandruff. Help your hair grow
strong, thick and long and becomes
soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and
" [it
�l,i 4f
The Irish of R.
laary--"Sure, 14ilte, ye're a boy af-
ter me .ov1i, hoitxt,"
Mike--•-"Darlitit l"
IViary---"ltut yoz won't get it."
How 1 -le Felt
"Did my husband appear to ill IC n?9
daring the month I was away, Mary?"
asked a matron.
"Well. ma'am, at first 11e was in very
high spirits, but about a weak ago he
became less cheerful, and yesterday,
Ma'am, he was just miserable,"
Poor Cow.
The seventeen -year-old daughter of
a city man was visiting a farm for the
Ili•*t time.
She immediately became. interested
in the prize cattle, and asked many
One evening, just at dusk, as the
girl was standing at the open, door of
the faxinhouse talking to the manager,
Mere carie the low, mournful note of
aa' COW,
"Just listen to that poor cow," said
the girl, "mewing for her colt."
off orns!
Doesn't bort a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a tittle
"Freezone" on an aching corn,instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right off with fingers,
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufacient
to remove every hard corn, soft .corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without soreness cr Irritation.
1 .d.marLoaat 8loneer Dox r eane (ies
Book ori
and ions to Seed
Ittaiied Free to. tiny Ad-
Areas by the Author. •
S. may Glover Co., Sao.
133 West 31st Street
_ New York, D.S. ., ,
classified ,Advertisemen
Reed AIt�i
lJ Foxes. eet Bros., i3othwell, egg
1 1 dollars, at, sixty -flue :colas. flee.,
man Lippert, Kitchener
L1 ()it b*tLZ1--•• ir'C)X llirtD P1;J]f'S;
Banters wlsltis)F; to get sontetbin .
good, write \V, J, Martyn, etowmariviiie,
Ont. -
"ISThree per'sons out of every four in
New York City were ern, under alien
Loan oft loses both itself and friend..
"California Syrup of '.Figs":.
Child's'"Best Laxative,
Accept "California" Syrup of ergs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are Sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stom-
ach, liver end bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full directions on
each bottle. You must say "Calf.
���E�Si�iti'�. HEALS
Very FL toy Bina
Troubled Six Week
"'Our daughter's face came out in
a rash that we were told was edema.
Her cheeks got sora
and she rubbed caus-
ingioas of sleep. The
itchy and bur led so
than had _otie glev
e on her kande to ke
her from scratching.
"This trouble lasted a::out six
wcoks before I used Cutimrra. I used
one largo box of 'Cuticura Ointment
with two c kes of Cuticura Soap
when she v ao boated." (Signed)ties.
ti St; rec, Blenheim ltd., Gait,
Curie Soap, Oletraent and TO.
cum are ideal for daily toilet uses.
Some 25c, Ointment 23 and Soc. Se1Ct
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
Lwee, Limited, St. Peel S;., Montreal.
8I >S Cuticura Soap shaves Without mita.
Not 'Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross's
Per Colds, Pain, Rheumatism, MI- package which contains complete di-
ing Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- realms. Then you aro getting real
+itis, and for Headache, Neuralgia, Aspirin -the genuine Aspirin re -
Toothache, Earache, take Aspirin scribed by physicians for over nine -
:narked with the name "Bayer" or teen years. Now made in Canada:.
you are not taking Aspirin at ail. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab -
Accept only "Bayer " abiets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
There is csiiy one Aspirin—."Bayer". Yon must say "Bayer"
Aspirin is Cho trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer manufacture o4 Mono-
acetlesciciester of Saltey:icacid. Whoa it is 'wen known that Asptrtn meant Bayer
manufacture, to assist: the public azainet imitations, the Tablets of Layer Company
trill bo stamped with their Scaerai trade mark, the "Layer Cross."
zo ..
r 25 0
Best selected leaf-
Skillfully manufactured -Delicious flavor—
Ever fresh and lasting
a d,„�, -„