HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-26, Page 240.
4-- OD"ERICH-SIGNAL•-'STAR; 7,'HURS 'A.Y;.FES&VARY 2(i.• 147b
Paul Van Esbrock of South,Uuron District S.S. and Diane
Mitcheimore of •.-Goderieh D.C.I., shake hands and
hreathe'a• sigh'of relate£, affer•placing first and second in
the.. Huron .District Oddfellows •.United Nations
Pilgrimage for Youth Public speaking contest,,;.(n Clinton
last ,1 riday night... Paul 'will be on his -way- to the United
�N'Wiens in New York; Jtily.21 (Ne,ws-Record photo ) '
oderich girl soc
public speaking
Paul . Van Esbrock of t.e speak to the group about
Exeter won 'the public what he has learned and'ho,.w
-speaking .contestsponsored he feels about the U.N, •
by' the Independent Order of A winner will be chosen, one
Huron district Oddfel:lows from. the girls and one from
last 'Friday night. at Central the boys, after all the.
Huron ;Secan'ciary''sc;hool= spe.eches_..._"have.; been
-Clinton. - presented in the U.N.. Every
P3uI's prepared speech., a ‘Al eek -throughout :.the .sum -
satire on the Union`of Canada,,.; mer, students from different
with.: the. United.S•ta.tes, made areas in. North America' will
him the zone "champion arida be present at the:N `.'
won him a trip to_the•United For the-past'seer'en years,,',
Natio -ein New York winner • or runner-up in the
• The contest is sponsored by speeches has been from
the Oddfellows and Rebekahs• Ontario: •
:of• ;North.. America and is''' Runner-up. ,last Friday in
called the • Pilgrimage of •the zone contest was Diane
Youth for thc•UnitedNations ""1vhtchelmore-from• Goderieh.
So far 54 •-studexit.s .from,,'speec.h wasn• , o , the
"Ona,lohavewon the"trrp-�-7"-wia 44-4 her f:14,n.ily - her
Once in New'' York, the .sister and the family dog.
students, aged either 16 or 17 . Paul .and Diane competed
• from all over North America,, against seven .other students
are taken an a tour of'theU-N• from., Clinton, Wingham,
and dre met by ambassadors ..Exeter, Goderjcli and.
from different countries.. The.... Seaforthhigh schools: • •
.ambassadors ipreSent • the ' Judges . were Mrs. /dyc.&.
pro's and cons .of. the '.U.N;, Monteith, Exeter; Mr. Bruce
and each studentis' expected Delbridge, Exeter and 'R•ey...
"From R.E., receive R.oyai Assent was Bill - insy_ance: There, is .little
-.LI -clfinley, M.P. -. C-23; an att. which prcauides• dqubt that further reform; of
To -begin with, .•I should fo'n' the payment of •
the;U,I.A. wjll be needed and,
explain't'hat I had planned to :superannu:atioin. benefits to desired once the full extent; -of''
' leliv'er' .`•this : .report as .: a the Lieutenant -Governors of the . Act is 'brought to the.
,general summary ofwhat :h"as: the ten provinces.. ^ptiblic's.attentiOri '
been • accomplished during But -by far; the most i'm- After spending a" pleasant
-this ses'sipn of Parliament -portant piece of_legislat►oti,tq;.. Christmas at.ho'me with oris.
-F1owever, since thatntime, we come before the.House this family, Audrey and I.had the...
havelearned, that the"current' session .was- Bill C-73. - the • pleasure o,f joining the
session will be extended and government's ' anti-inflation •' Speaker of :' the House i:$
' 'ivil1- now run until' Jute or program otherwise kndwn a • Common, ,the other party
possibly July,,. Therefore, my . 'Attack on Inflation'.'..The whips aril their wiles on an
sessional report'will, actually opposition 'debated. various":•' Inter -,Parliamentary• t;