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The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-26, Page 13
i The Goderich Minor` Hockey Association Sup- , porters Club is looking Or of all things, support, -The- club . executive is looking for hockey fans and parentsof minor hockey players to donate their time and effort for the .benefit of minor. hockey in Goderich, "We're, looking -forbodies and i.dea,s," said club vice p'residen't uth ,Erb. ;'`We have 'a few, people en the '' suppo;rtters`'list w$ cats count, an regu.l rly;: but .dWe; need More volu•nteer••s to handle all' • the club projects.'' . The revamped,supporters. club is devoted to keeping -the registration costs of minor hockey reasonable. The cost per player now is $20 per season' .and the .executive estimate that. without the financial aid of the supporters those costs ,would spiral to $40 • aper•• -season 'to'.•keep • m;inor:` hockey operating i'n: the black. The club went by the wayside several years ago apd the financial sheet for GMHA suffered, . The • association went into the red and was faced . within- creasing their registration •costs to get them'selves out of the hold. The supporters ,club'• reformedand two years later had GMHA back- on its feet looking into' a bright future. The, supporters pick . up several of the Minor hockey debts basing their ,income •on . gate recepits, , bake sales; stick drives, donations, dances and a variety of raffles heldduring they' hockey season: They handle the gate at minor hockey all star game's" and , receive .all the revenue 'from. 'the fans using that money to pay for the ice time; the timekeepers and. -the referees for the. `,game. As well .asgame by game costs. the:. supporters... club • purchases '. ho.ekey equipment to be used • by minor, hockey . teams and; according: to ' thst executive they sometirhes`aak'e ose . purchases •'-twice.. •• The members claim .that some of the equipment has been • .J u turns.. ',up again. 'They "add however' ; that a different system of Storing ,the equipment and. 'i change of - locks haS'reduced the amount of missing equipment.,,,•. • The executive are- gtlrck to -- point out that hoc1cey parents and• fans already beh.inethe supporters. are,not stingy With money or: goods for sales•and raffles. The >.c.l.ub enjoys sup,ort from people • who bake goods for sales.sueh .as the upc.oniing,••March • O bakesale at Suncoast Mall 'and :have -no trouble filling the: 'arina for supporters:datzces:.• "If each parent or fan gave us ..two hours • i% prte week every week of: the season we _would !have no problem's,''' said one of the executive. summing up the club's:: • 9 problem.,. "We seem to he lacking in a communication systeM," . • , The -executive 'Clain, that a :kmcill number .of the sup portP rs get tagged with. •F-worlting tle gate at all star gamer and handling the refreshTpent booth•durin.g the game. They „explain.' that when people" are needed -the members have to'xrake about IOO, calls for :help and usuaily end'.. up begging. people to come clow•n•,to .the arena and .heip.,out-.or 'going. down 'themselves. ° The lack of bodily support alsoshows'up with the 'minor hockey travelling teams. The club• elalrri's:.' there .are all 'kinds 'of Volunteers to. drive the_playerS out of town when someone suggests renting a bus. but when theteam is ' i eaciy to leave there is always u shortage of cars. The ,4 (iiiints'fe)t'the bus is`,too_ expensive'and offer to drive but rarely :'show up to make their offer good.. • . The club executive pointed out that a bus would cost each .; family five•doll.ars..nomatter how many fans : from that- f`arriily. went 'and would guarantee.' transportation to and from. the game '••anti. • probably ensute • support 'from fans;.in the other team's rink; .. -• The' club is sending out. a'' general' invitation . to any • hockey fans in Goderich to .aftend the nextmeeting of the `Sup,porters and ••get" behind minor hockey in Goderich. • • misplaced in the usually' :1 The Goderich Figure Skating Club honored these three young ladies for their efforts in the locked equipment room at the junior free style. Kim Langlois took top honors: in the event while Tanya Scr•uton. and Goderich. arena .arid •never Tanva•Jeffrey were second and third respectively. (staff photo)' 41 410 Come in and see our outstanding selection of the.season. Finest in suits; leisure suits and :accessories..We have just the style, colour; pattern and shade for you to look 'your „flattering des -Frei bright and cheery spring Colours.. S HIR TSi six new spring colours' LEISURE WEAR: ' Six styles and ten colours. Three styles are fully washable. For -the man on the go...: • SLACKS: All the latest patterns and. 10 `plain shades. Fully. washable:. NEW -,BLAZER SUITS:, In chocolate,, beige; green. navy. Add another pair of slacks in a contrasting colour •or pattern to create. a second casual suit. TIES: Plains, stripes; pa4terns by •Forsyth, „ Pierre Cardin, Currie•. in. •colburs • to' com' plement. any outfit. SUITS: 'Plains. and stripeh and very subtle;check's�and patterns in" cheery, spring: colours. Also the fashionable vested look For suits that fit, wear and feel as good cis they look - EARL Corner Montreal Street And The Square; Goderich SHOP FOR MEN �.y Ai S't"A:R, �HURSD�#Y, I 41. ' Yo t { THS BENEFITS OF BUYING 20"m4t0C; The' Brookdale CHISHOLM'S NEW LOW PRICE $599.95 CHISHOLM'S NEW LOW PRICE 25" Model G4541. The Caribbean • $ 799 95 26" Model .61748. The Seville CHISHOLM'S •NEW LOW PRICE '999.95 • CHROMACOU R Ewrir�!r : 1.24 — - FAMOUS CHROMACOLOR AD-' V•ANED 11 FIX ',TUBE- FOR 'THE BRIGHTEST, SHARPEST PICTURE EVER! .2.CH'R©'11711 T -71-C- 'ONE •BUTTON TUNING. PUSH •ON_E •BUTTON TO S•ET AMOUNT OF , COLOR," F LE.SH TONE'S,,. BRIGHTNESS AND•CONTRAS°T. OPERATING YOUR ZENITH COLOR SET' IS AS;SI'MP.LE AS ABC.. 3.• trilt PATENTED POWER SENTRY VOLTAGE REGULATOR PROTECTS •YOUR SET FROM-POWER•SURGES FROM..70 TO 140 VOLTS, THIS „ ELIMINATES PICTURE SHRINKAGE AND FADING WHEN VOLTAGE • DIPS. THE • POWER SENTRY PREVENTS- ' " DAMAGE •TO YOUR SET 'WHEN POWER SURGES.. AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING. THE FLICK•OF••A FINGER KEEPS YOUR SET FINE TUNED AS. YOU TURN FROM'. CHAN- NE4;TOCHANNEL. 5: -100 PERCENT SOLID STATE CHASSIS 'VERSUS THE TUBE OPERATED CHASSIS. THIS MEANS THAT YOU, THE CQ SUMER SAVE MONEY IN TWO WAYS. FIRST• • IT.T+KES `LESS-ENERGY–THAN NEEDED TO LIGHT "JUST .TWO 75. WATT • .LIGHT BULBS. CHANCES ARE A COLOR TV SET OVER' THREE YEARS OLT) IS USING ',ENOUGH ENERGY TO LIGHT. FIVE, LIGHT BULBS. SECONDLY• SOLID STATE MEANS LOWER MAINTENANCE. NO TUBE . BUR- NOUTS, NO. HEAT TO' DESTROY COSTLY COMPONENTS. 6. FM®pM SHARPNESS CONT'ROL PER= { MITS ADJUSTMENT -OF PICTURE DETAIL TO'DESI RED SHARPNESS. 7. :SERVICE.. ,F��'r�e' T V QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS. ALL SERVICE ON YOUR. LS DONE BY -.OUR OWN fy�V/fIi► T A I N E D THE QUALITY GOES IN BEFORE THE NAME GOES'ON... CU$HQLM1V 29 KINGSTON ST. GODERICH • PH, 524.9576 Aufharized";tenith dealer for Goderich,.Ciinfdf, Lucknow and surrounding areas. • •