HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-19, Page 26•,', • ftTi ;PAGE8O+--•GUDERI;CH SI 1'VAL-STAR, T LIODAY, F19...157t1 30. jack's Juttays Bq lark Riddell Heree-Middlesex MPP - This 'is the time of -year resident of another Province: when we all start thinking Individuals who left Ontario about Income Tax Returns, and Canada during the 'and already I have received a taxation year must consider number of enquiries' about the the last day of their: taxation Provincial Tax Credit year as the day on which they .System,' which. -is, of course, ceased to live.. in Ontario, and designed to improve: -• the t" ir-eligibility for tax.credit fairness of the tax' system, by. , purposes .i§ ,deterininedas .of that•date. PROPERTY'' TAX, CREDIT This' shot�lld' be claimed by •the 'spouse having the ,higher taxable inconie, is in respect • • of the principal residence only, and is the lesser.,of, $1:80 or occupancy cost' (plus 10 percent).. For . homeowners, occupancy cost 'is property tax paid in 1975, and for those who rent acco nmodation it is 20 percent of the .total rent: paid in -1975'. ' College, university and ...nursing' students living in come, which means that the ``pre'sc'ribed" _student amount- 'available to any residents may claim' oc - . taxpayer ,depends upon cupancy cost of $25.00: people family circumstances, age, under the age of.16 at the end income and the property tax of the year, or under 2I,1i.ving or• rent which is paid, subject at . ,Nine and claimed •as .to an overall 'maximum of dependents, are ineligible for $500: , this credit. The Tax. Credit System of ,`' : SALES Ontario is administered as ' TAX CREDIT part of the-Federal;'Gover-. This credit .is 1 percent .of nmen•t's personari income tax Personal Exemptions for •system, and the only method .Income Tax purposes, and of obtaining the various may be claimed by most credits is to complete the '.Ontario residents, withthe special pale purple coloured exception`' of those under 16, , Credit form which is included . or anyone claimed as a WittE„the. ' income tax dependent for an Income Tax schedules. Even if.therenis no- Returfl. taxable income, this form must be filed with the Federal Government. In.the eVentthata taxpayer. • has . any outstanding liability 65"years•of age and resident in ' for Income' 'Tax, Canada ' Ontario ' on. December • 31st, Pensiotl^• Plan or . Unem-• 1975;,- but in the. caseof. a ployment :- Insurance 'con married couple; both over.65 tributions,,the .T -ax :'-Credits' -at-the -rend of the taxation ` :will be aplied to reduce this year, and -living in the same ' ',liability. ; Othery✓ise, the principal; residence, only the .'Federal: Department of spouse .with the higher . National Revenue will . send taxable income is eligible, out a refund cheque which, ONTARIO POLITICAL will include the Tax Credits CONTRIBUTION paid by. the .Province as well • . TAX CREDIT as any.F ederal Refund w ' hien ''I'o obtain this Tax Credit;- ' maybe payable _ yeti list :your .Total •Ontario To be eligible for the Tax ;Political Contributions for Qredits,• you' Must be over 16 taxationyear 1975 and officials and a resident tart on Ontario ' n recP ei is must be attached. the last day of . the taxation The Vital . allowable :credit year. If someone is .tem--- maximunf is $500 remember. porarily out. of the Province You may claim 75 percent on December, 31st, he or she of the'.first .$100 of total con-. m•aystill be considered, .a tributions, 50. percent of the. resident, .:providing a tax ne'xt $450 of total con return., is ' not . filed" as. a tributions and' 33 1-3 .percent. HPSSB relating tile.. credits to the individual's ability ,to pay .taxes,•,There is an additional credit this year.- The Political Contribt1tlon Tax Credit - and •residents of Ontario who are more than 65 years of age • may well be eligible for all four credits. - I,n an effort to make safe that the benefits of the Tax Credit System are most helpful to: those in the greatest need of assistance, the total . Tax Credit en- titlement is; .reduced by. -2 percent' of the taxable PENSIONER TAX CREDIT This $110 Tax Credit -may'. be claimed by everyone over Stratford Schaal gets _ property for growth By Wilma Oke' The school site, ,; of Immaculate Conception School in Stratford`•will* be extended by ,the purchase Monday night. Of a house and lot' by the' _ Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic separate school board. The property located at 233 Queen Street, Stratford, cost. the board $20,000. , Salary : negotiations with the teachers Will be started on- • Wednesday, February 11 for the 1976-77, term. The present contract expires at the end of August. All policies. per general. insurance for the board 'will be renewed. with the Huron=: Perth insurance• agents' ' association through Leeson - K iller, Insurance Lithited, Stratford, for one year to. February 26, 1977. The annual premium will be $25,012-,58, including accident insurance for .the -superintendent of program. . oThe: limits of legal, liability under the policies non -owned automobile, • owned ..aufomobil•e 'and school liability will ' be increased from $2 million to $3• million with qh increased premium of $208.15. . The board' i 1 I continue to have the financial' statement printout produced by Mon- teith and Monteith & Corn-- pany 'of Stratford for the periods• January to May, June to Auguttnand each month thereafter for the year, 1976: , The. public speaking semi- finals- sponsored by . the " Ontario English Catholic • Teachers' Association .will get underway on February 25 with Zone 2 held at, St: - Patrick's School, Dublin, at 10:30 a.m; and at St. Joseph's, _.. School, Kingsbridge at - -TA-0 Named to the ad hoc committee for Focus on Faith was -Anthony Chater, newly hired co-ordinator for • the family life ,,program, board. chairrnan,`'Arthur Haid,. and hoard vice-chairman, Ted ' Geoffrey. ,„ To'date, 25 teachers have taken. the family life 'cours,- at. Kitchener as a sumo -,‘r course and this year • the board will again pay tuition, fees for eight to 10 teachers (about each $250). to take the course. Of the 19 schools in the Huron -Perth system, nine schools have not had, a staff member take the course and . these teachers will be invited to attend. It i`s hoped to have a - trained teacher in each school to teach the family life program. • Trustee J. Vere Vere of Stratford was • named to represent the' board on the, Stratford Leisure Advisory. Council. The next meeting of the council is Wednesday, February 18. Concerned about the loss of assessment in . the two counties .the board -ad- -ministration is to investigate the possibility- of getting information pinpointing changes in assessment in Huron and Perth Counties.. I ISI --SIJA N( George Turton LIFE,. AUI , ' FIRE AND' - ALL OTHER, 11.NES 319 HURON ROAD •t GQ13ERICH 5244411'. • tl M..:1.a'•.' :,wTt•,.prep,. • ae of total contributions inex- cess of $550. There he.. is one rrther point. should I . per®Fiaps remind You about in connection with your Income Tax •Returns, and that i's, the fact thiit the •i. Province nGe of Ontrt n levies a gift taxa If in 1970you made a gift. or .gifts, other than, to your spouse, totalling more th;an.$5.r.Q00 in value•, a'gift tax " return must he filed. Inquiries.and returns in this - connection should. be directed - to: Succession Duty Branch,, Ministry Of :' .Revenue, Parliament • Buildings, Toronte,-Ontario, M7A 1Y2, I hope this inforrnation4111 be ' helpful to you all in -completing your. Income TaX Returns, and if you baye any= specific enquiries about the Tax Credit System, please let • -me know. See:younext week. - •). Vow youcan create a bold new .lockin any .. jrOOmifl-YOU!horne -..and stay within. your budget! e ii • " Per Sq Yd. on fission by Bigelow • Here's a carpet that more than meets CMHC - standar'ds; it's 4.' oz. heavier -than. CMHC requirement . and because it's made of. '100% nylon,.it's extremely' durable. You can'• use it . in any room • in your, home including ' * CHINOOK DUST * OKANAGAN GO * • - * JASPER MIST • * COMOX YELLOW * TERRACE FFR * WESTERN ORANGE * • VICTORIA BLUE • FOLIAGE GREEN * BARK WOOD BROWN *-' CARMEL'BEIGE high traffic areas. Has jute. backing,:+ciyed to match thecarpet color. Available in a choice of "1 1 .gorgeous colors. "Mission Valley". - • • 'stunningly beautiful, stain resistant and non•. • allergenic. A wonderful value! - "'A SHORT . PILE SHAG Saxony. Twist • " - •.Y KAMLOOPSREDLD IN 100% LONG -WEARING' NYLON ArGREAT CARPET. by- : • . ••atemai • Gaal : awl alai am at . aina aa! WITH THIS COUPON 1r FEB'. T9.thr:u FE6 25 sAvE.50.0 ON ANEW -FAM LY ROOM I• .1 When you Buy All' The Materials You Need'' ''At Dave's Valued at, 400.00 or Mare That's Right! Buy all the materials you need 1 .- and we'll knock 50.00 off the total price on any orders valued at 400.00 or more... -11 Individual Home Owners Only! . Sorry No Con a o tr ctors mar am - - a� we am ear . NM 1 ♦ Still A Few -Left! FIREWOOD BOXES (OR TOY BOXES) l,• Choice of Red, Pecan or Charcoal: Finished in beautiful oak and birch 'veneers- Over all dimensions:24" • • wide, 23" high x _ Comes assembled. - ta1� 1 Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 59:95' 1LEC �0 1 ONE WEEK ONLY! SAVE -?0- /o . ON FLECTO PRODUCTS Flecto VARATHANE . In High Gloss 090) or rich •Satin (#91) •: GALLONS ,` Our usualc.B.C. ' 96:, ou,s,.. ,Ll4 ualwy= Price 19.95 . S; �a 2- HALF P1NT5: our usual�„ CAC: price 2.49 on Sale for 1.99; PINTS: our. usual. C.&C. price 4:25. now on sale for 3.40 . , VARATHANE-COLORS IN. PLASTIC HALF-PINTS: our usual CIBC. 2,45. now 1.96; • PINTA: oUr l.5 usual CAC:4.15 now 3.32: QUARTS: O ,: now 5.24 ysual C.&C. 6.55 no5.24 -- X-3[AWOOD. STAIN • -•_._. I HALF PINTS: ourusual C.&9 2:19 now 1.75: QUARTS: our usual C.BC. 5.49 now 4.39;'GALLONS: our usual C &C 14.15'now 11.32' ' , - •. COMBINATION =_ ` SQUARE Now 4.55 • .UTILITY KNIFE Now 1..51 •' •STANLEY LEVEL Now 7.18 &L°�pare1' Shop Qv°iity ' _the isCo'nt All lumber at Discount Dave's. except;Economy Studs. is graded by the National Lumber• Graders' Association .: ON . LUMBER& PLYWOOD SPRUCE DIMENSION (N,L.G.A:►. Our direct purchases average 75% No. 1 allowing 25% No. 2. That . means you receive lumber that is either No,. 1 or No. 2. . L,So before you buy, .Strop and • Compare our quality. Our • spectal bulk prices a, based •an minimum orders o. 4.000 .board feet of lumber, 4000 square feet of plywood or 4000 square feet of both. Prices subject to change,at any time due to market conditions:,r All our spruce sheathing is C.M,H.C. approved. We DO NOT sell shop grade plywood at Discourtt- Dave 's. a 2x 4's now. 20.9.00Thousand 2.x 6's now212eOOThousand 2x 8's now Z38:O0Tlrous'ansf " 2x10's now244.00Thousand 4'x8' PLYWOOD 3/8': Sptuce Sheathing X44 5/8" Spruce Sheathing 12.44' 2x4 ECONOMY STUDS - Any antity NOc SORTING *F1. ea. o • . Tecumseh Rd hwr2 WINI SOR EAST . WINDSOR WEST ' Tedumsehr Bypass highway 2. 500 Front Road lh LaSalle. Phone PhBriO 727-6001. Daffy 8.5:30 rncl. 7344221. D'al(y; 8 - 5:30 trio. satur- Saturday. F;riday'9 ptill nr • dary Friday till 9 pat., . • DISCOUNT . DAVE S . Gr0y J ternvp Mpll. } E„ qF ur21 Qw n Sla, il/' ov h mprOn ] M 3n>r4ia,, ii' tern* 2.! . OWEN SOUND . On Highway 21 at SprngmountCor- her: 'Phone 376-318Oben e a m..- 5:30 p,nt, dilly: Sati. o' e urday till 4 p,If • Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 9.85 But You Now Save 20%' - - • - 111111=111 111131111111 1111 uatl�ul Mal (,)(ammii ff111 ABA WNW NPR "moll t,�198f OM: BUILD A$OOKCASE, COFFEE TABLE. A ROOM DIVIDER.. EVEN. A HOME 'ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE With Economical MODULE SYSTEMS-• .._,- There are 3'spindle styles t� choose from; the ' SPANISH.. . on the far. left; the MEDITERRANEAN in .the centre and the COLONIAL.And they're easy toconnect with color matched shelves and.. the distinc- tive caps shown bel w Y w •e ardo it in minutes, and you can design and build fur- niture pieces 'you'll really be proud of: The spindles are durable plastic, the shelves are wood veneer. Together they -give a truly professional look., And they:re on sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY -at Qisoount-D"eve's. So take advantage of this. INTRODUCTORY OFFER!' • "REG" Is-Oue Usual Cash & Carry, Price ' UNFINISHED FINISHED Reg. Sale: Reg, Sale 12" MEDITERRANEAN' 1..32 1.12 2.39 2.03 15" MEDITERRANEAN -1,.39 1.18 2.49 2.12 12" SPANISH . 115 ,•:98 2,09 1.78 15'•' SPANISH ' - 1.32 '1.1.2 2.39 2.03 12" COLONIAL ' . 1.:15 .98 2.09 `1:78 15" COLONIAL' 1,32 1.12. 2.39 2.03 'SQUARE CAP -:.B ' 72' ''.61 1.08 .92 OCTAGONAL CAP - E 72'. .61' 1.08 .92 - ROUND • CAP - A :72 :61 1:08 .92 MUSHROOM CAP - a. 33 .28 58 ':49 THREADED INSERT - D. .18 .15 - - SPACER RING - F: 33 .28 58 .49 WOOD VENEER SHELVES UNFINISHED 'Fa,/ISHED. Reg. Sale Reg. Sale �..1_, I r; SQUAREDNE STEP TWO STEP PANEL l.6 SHELF SHELF 6:25 5.31 9:98' ,8.48. All Shelves Are '14''"x30".Color Matthhed To The Spindles ,Please Note: We still have some Furnace Air Filters left SALE PRICED at. 3 for 1.88 Sizes: 16"x20", 16"x25", 20"x20" and 20"x25". Our usual C.&C. price 976. each. Discountt Dave's r1i►i1'1li1lW. 1 Fairwtiy Road Q• KITCHENER 589 Pal way Ad.•South. Phone 744.6371, Da fly a a.m.-6;59 p.m. 'lhcttlding Ssfurday %'Allay tin 9 p.m. A DIVISION OF 1;nday. - LLNA®ER CO LTD. • 15 BRANCHES: AMHERSTBURG 736 2151 - EXETER 235 1422 GO.DERICH 524 8321 •GRAND BEND 238.374 IfARRQW 738 2221 • KINCARDINE 396 3403. KINGSVILLE 733 2341 KITCHENER , 744 6371 OWEN SOUND,' RIDGETOWN• SOUTHAMPTON. THEDFORD WEST LORNE WINDSOR EAST. WINDSOR WEST. 376"3181 674 5465 79 3245 296 4991 768 1520 • 727 6001 • 734 1221 Reg hours. Mon. • Fri Sant to 5 30 pm Sat till 4p m • KITCF{ENER• A - WINDSOR EAST AND :WINDSOR WEST: FRIDAY ,� .,... 'Y till 9 P.M:-