HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-19, Page 22i PA .GF 14 eOpERICH S•iGIIAL•S'TA ,l GPH. 1.. continued.trompage 1• assurance$ . that. • the final instrwctionand procedure that would be utilized to allow the hospital transition Would fie received_early this week. 4, The formal announcement has not yet been redeivedk,.. • p•p • Alexandra M•a"rtne and Generah, Hospital -ninistrator Jim Banks '?said x-- -t•h•is'week that een • ?.d•vised ,-.hat he: will be • ass°utning, the administration of. a 20 bed Unit at ,GFH'to be used fpr psychiatric services. Mr. Banks 'said :he Was made aware.:.•of the' possible inheritance from the ministry a week before the fire 'i decision was. made but to date hat •• received no formal,•in structi.on. . ' The AM&G administrator said the management of. the 20 -bed unit is possible despite the • seven mile separation adding that he knows there will be inherent growing' pains. 'le said he has .been involved with '.a similar situation prior to taking over. the -Goderich . hospital -poin- ting out that the unit can be effective. Mr, Banks said .he was not pre ,ared to oommenf on whefher;the 20 -bed unit would meet the needs of the com- munity with regard to psychiatric care but• merely 'that he would work to make the best of what , was ayailable. He said that •a .'move to establish the 20 bed •uhit. • in,' Alexandra was 'im- pra•ctical.. because ' the physical °structure• of. the liospital and its ancillary units do not 'lend themselves to psychiatric care. • ' The administrator sai.d.that *he did not yet know what Staff he..would require in tfle,20 bed• unit nor did he know where they were to 'corn froria. He 'said :hiss understanding. was that the unit Would be started- _; from sdratch adding that'he assumed tFFe staff of GPH would be given' first .priority" when the staff were hired for the unit. , -• —OPPOSITION ;d_ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY19, l the government., The report that the Goderich general hsopital would, administer a 20 -led, unit et GPT was ' terned ' "tokenism that • • added ',insa1t to injury The" CCC feels that. the 20 -bed ,knit, oan'in no way serve the needs • of the 00,000 eitite'ns in the GPH catch&ent area. • The-'cominittee said in )a release last week' that 'they could ' not find" words strong enough to condemn ,the .•• minister of health :for his decision. The announcement thati..:the hospi't'al :was remaining. open . Was termed" ;. "false and misleading" by the commItt.ee that added that the statement only served to "confuse the public in an unscrupulous attempt to distort the issue" The committee announced :•. that they had proof of in-: formation in ministry reports that revealed that there is a ;deficit of psychiatricbeds in ' Ontario and:that the ministry action to cut back those beds 'is a direct contravention of those records. , They announced plans'.to' further intensify their sup- port gathering mission co- ordinating their efforts with other groups in communities that have had their hospitals_ closed by :Mr. Miller. • The .CCC' claims to have secured 10,000 names ofpeople op- posed to the ministry decision and plans . to continue, to canvas the two counties. for more support:. . The finality of the ministry announcement did not seem to affect the efforts of the Goderich:. Committee of Concerned Citizens who this ;� creek bolstered their defense of GPH. The CCC p'u.rchased space in an, advertising circular that boasts coverage.' •'of homes -in -Huron and Bruce counties appealing ' to • • res idents of the area to fill out an attached form and send it to Queen's Park. • The . CCC called an • emergency .meeting ,after the. Ministry announcement that the hospital would be closed to arrange its oppositions to Tow6- • WON'T PARTICIPATE A letter- to: the. CCC from the Goderich' and . District Association for the Mentally Retarded . stated that they concurred with,,.the` Ontario. Association in saying they do:. not want or :do ,,not need -a -= resource centre located near • Goderich. The letter noted that at .a. recent meeting of the London Area Regional Council, the group went on record -as being- • strongly opposed to the closing of GPH adding that it Would be a gross error on the part of the ministry of health. -The • letter . said •..that the• Goderich. association -was' • formed • and incorporated to tend to the wants and needs of deinstitutionalized and . handicapped. persons 'in the area and that if GPH is turned into a resourcecentre for •'the retat•.ded. . the association will "in ho way be involved or associated with such a venture". • The full letter from the. Goderich Association to CCC • is.. printed in ' this weeks"'' Letters to the Editor column. • continued f l = rom page . 'i'nclude. jurisdiction ever the deliberations,. and proceedings -of the Executive Council -or a sub• committee and in effect the decisions or deliberations of the Cabinet are not open to investigation by the Ombudsman. Therefore the decision of the cabinet is beyond the • jurisdiction of the Ombud- • sman.' Mr. Maloney suggested • that council consider ex- ploring all the avenues that might be ., open. and make concerted representations to 'the government or the Ministry of Health by working through the local MPP, Jack Ridtl'ell'. : . SPEED QUEEN. A McGraw -Edison Product R'17ST-PROOF, CHIP -PROOF, SMOOTH STAINLESS • STEEL DRUM with a Lifetime Warranty Sanitary, easy to keep clean and ideal fqr durable press• and washable knit fabrics, . • Multi -cycle timer including Durabl( Pres$' and Knit cycles. • . , • Five drying temperatures for all-fakrie drying. • Easy to clean, In -A -Door lint screen. • Signal selector for end -of -cycle notification: • Foot -operated: door and interior drum light., TWO-YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS 30 ViC ORIA SERVICE 10111061 NANO viar NORTH 'GODEHICH S2'44 5581 • 76 •1L. a' •zap:&:;.,<-. Little Tyler Brady gets a hand-£r-om mom, Fran, As he makes his Laps in the Skate-a-thoh,,' _ Saturday Tyler is less tha year old. but managed to contribute $16 dollars to the fund For his efforts.(sta"ff photo)- G': Arena summer. ,coal Lions offer Olt conditioning unit o the recreation board with tender. The board will aet; on he aiithbatatRifi to.spend up the proposal at their meeting o $1500" ta complete the next,,Thursday. The Go.derich Lions Clubt has agreed to purchase an air" t conditioning • unit- for , the t Goderich Memorial Arena at a cost of approximately $13,000: The Lions: Club passed a `notion at their February 1 ) meeting to accept a tender Fa €rein• Weislier' Plumbing and Heating Co. Ltd., Listowel, to inStal1 the, air'condition fTg: unit at . $1"2,976. The reions Club 1, stipulated' that then necessary ' heating ,.::rerl•Qvatio.ns become the :- • r;esponsibility of the town. The necessary work to the heating element will involve a cost ef:.$i,35Q.. Councillor•Jjm' Peters explained that the' recreation board had .already - approved in principal to the air conditioning' unit but had heard- nothing. -a-bout• the heating,unit before. At -a suggestion to refer the matter to the recreation board, Deputy -reeve Clifford pointed' out that the recreatio.ri board did'not have the authority to spend $1,300 before their budget is ap- "prove•d. He anticipated that :budget approval may come sometime in A.pril'. Council referred the matter :Council hikes... continued from page 1 - 27,000 .volt line in the south end of town: In July the company quoted a price of $46,000 to relocate. the line but' have now coun- tered with a quote of $33,000. that would involve three wee"k`s of construction. The matter was referred to the. parks and finance':.com- , mittees. 2ND:: ROINL.'(LN H.A -PEAYD'OWMS• . GDRICH MIDGETS... M..._. .sT9R BROOK.:: eFriday, February 2Oth 7.;30'PM. Clinton Kinsmen. SNOWMOBIL°E-RACES MQSRA SANCTIONED - "See the Pros in Action" SUNDAY, FEB. 22 Starting at 1:00 p.m.:at:the `Clinton Community Park 4 TICKET, 2.00 EACH TICKETS PURCHASED FOR FEB. 8 WILL. BE HONOURED COUNTRY srY•LEOR-LINK SAUSAGE LE.89c PRIDE OF CANADA WIENERS La 79t SCHN:EIDERS BEEF PIES LB $• 1.3 OZ. BOX 6 .PER BOX ''- MAPLE- LEAF WAX BOLOGNA �B 79c MAPLE LEAF COOKED MEATS• 12 OZ. PKG. 'LB: 89( NEW ZEALAND LAM ROAST SHOULDER LB. 9c GRADE B 6-10 LB. AVG. TURKEYLB. RED ROSE- ECONOMY TEA 1005 campfire • C BACON c ,1.49 PASTRY FLOUR KLEENEX TISSUE TISSUE• 2 PLY 200S 59 FROZEN c _MIRACLE. wHIP DRESSING MITCHELLS • APPLE SAUCE 16 FL..pZ. ..c 19 .F L. OZ. LIBBYS j� DEE'P.. :BEANS'' BROWN 19 FL. OZ: 2i8fc. N �00 'MAXWELL HOUSE' INSTANT 7LB.BAG OZ. JAR $2.79 DAVRIN FROZEN. DINNERS �? HIGHLINER FILLETS' -'°' BOSTON MND. WRAPPED 'BLUE FISH . 14 OZ, PKG. .WELCH S 12 FL. OZ. •- GR-APEAUICE 99c KRAFT SOFT I LB. TIJB MAXI TUB PARKA.Y 69 MARGARINE ..HEINZ LIQUID • KETSUP 25 FL. OZ. 99c' DAVE c • 64 F .. 69c ROYALE JUMBO ROLL PILLSBURY PAPER TOWELS 69t BISCUITS 8. 07. ROLL. 4i89c TANG ORANGE' FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 2:7 OZ. ,PKGS 99c CULVERHOUSE 19 FL. OZ.' DESSERT. 'PEARS 2i99c CHOICE TOP DOG DOG FOOD g5 25 LB. BAG 15 ROBIN HOOD ASSORTED 9 OZ. �• PUDDING CAKE MI XES :2R ) 1100 CULVERHOUSE CHOICE 19•.F. L. OZ. •PEACHES HALVES AYLMER 19 FL.'OZ.• • 'TOMATOES 59c CULVERHOUSE 19 FL. OZ. TIN WHIITE POTATOES _CULVERHOUSE CHOICE; PRITTED CHERRI• ES AYLMER FANCY TOMATO 14 'F L. OZ,.' 48 FL. OZ: MAXWELL HOUSE ROASTED COFFEE AYLMER CHOICE '-WAX GREEN BEANS 1 LB, BAG ,\ 1.49 CANADA DRY • GINGER ALE _CASETS OF $3.99 RED& WHITE FOOD STORES; 14 FL. oz. AYLMER C}IOICE PEAS' 3c.) • FOODMATER P91 VICTORIA STREET GODERICI.. RICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING 10 P.M. SAT\, FEB. 21st or WHILE -QUANTITIES LAST: WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QWANT•ITIES OPEN NITELY • TILL 10 P.M. 14 FL. OZ. CULVERHOUSE CHOICE (REAM 19 FL. 02.• F CORN vox LYSOL TUB N4' TILE CLEANER 15 OZ. AYLMER IO FL. OZ. TIN' TOMATO SOUP 5gsi ' VEGETABLE R• PRODUCE OF USA, CAN.'•NOT. ,I GRADE TOMATOES 3 1.00 PROD1U'CE OP USA EACH SUNKIST' NO, 1 GRADE. LARGE SIZE CELERY STALKS 49,c . ORANGES 89c PRODUCE OF 'ONTARIO - SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS 8 OZ. PKG. 49c PRODUCE OF USA14O. I. GRADE HEAD.- LETTUCE 3 ,HEA s $1;