HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-19, Page 181 • PA 'it -41 f--Caf1tIl RIEITSIGNAL,S1 1,E ."IIfi RSt)AY,,°k:.1 KLARY•l9:19 6 • -•1.A:RTICUES FOR -SALE MUSIC UNLIMITED -. your; coiTipleta music centre, rentals and sates. 79 Hamilton St. Phone. 5242911.-•-26t f •C1.IECK, our ,prices• on chester- fields,: mattresses•, throttle suites, Coffee tables. C & E New . • and 'Used Furniture, 524-7231•,, 1/2 mile'south of Goderich.-tf • • AUTOMATIC • Toilet ,' Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in a the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plum • - bing ' and' Heating. . Kingston Street; Godot jch.--1•4tf SINGER - For:Authorized Sales & Service, sewing; machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes. Prates Sewing,- Centre, 73• Hamilton St., •524-8431. Goderich:-28,29tf. • • SEWING MACHINES. Large selection of , good lysed sewing. machines Singer, White, •and others. Repairs to all Makes, SII machines. and repairs guaran- teed. ,29 East St.,..524-6012.' La ' Boutique--38tfAR • FRESH i:ider,• ,MacIntosh, .• Delicious, Northern Spies and Cortland apples. Call. Bellyiew" ' .' Fruit Earth, 524-801.1. We deliver.-4ltf GOLF CLUBS -•- Brand new set, • never used. Includes -3-57-9 iron, driver and three , wood .plus ;putter. Reason for selling, won them and already have' a set, • Price- $125.00. 524-9106 after-' 6 p.m.44tfnc ' ' • APPLES : Red.. and _tsoid.en' Delicious„Kings, Cortland, SpyI ;' apple _ cider, potatoes..:.. onions. ..Gerald Bel;l:Ftit Farrn,•.524-8008.-• Deliveryaround town.-50tf STAMPS for. collectors. Stamps. - at one 'cent; in packets, sets. • worldwide approvals available: I specialize in. Canada. mint 'and used, If you collect, I have something for you. 1'00 free. stamps for inquirifag. Phone 524- 9106 after 5 p:m,-48tf TOWER KING pressed Stave Silos with: cement •plaster lining; Area representati1e Francis.. Boyle, RR 3, Ripley. Ont. Phone 395-5088.-1tfn. STAMP - album. • • Canada' specialized, Lighthouse Secura • Hingeless in excellent conditiirn,.. • sortie• supplements needed. Worth over $60, Will sell for $25 or best offer. Call 524-9106 after 5 .• APPLES McIntosh, Spys, Cortland, .red and yellow Delicious; $2:50 ahushel and up. Fresh cider, , onions and: honey. Potatoes - 75 lb. bag .at Art .Bell's Fruit Farm. D'eli.very around. , town. Phone 524.80377.-2tfar. :COMPLETE non-me..ta.liicr handing system with banding: :material. Can be seer) at Signal -7 :Star. 524-8331,--nctf • SWIMMING POOL SACRiFICE:1 Leading Marl'ufacturer and distributor has. above , ground aluminum pools Left' over from 19733 season, 11 price, guaranteed installation .and'' terms, • Call Credit • Manager ' collect, . Mississauga 116425:8819 days or evenings,.-6tf' • DEADLINE FOR TAKrNV I:ED AD 1 2 OCL C (SHARP 'TUESDAY ADS' CANNOT BE AC.CEP:TE,D AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT •WEEK'S -PAPER CLASSIFIEDS 10c per word, minimum -n.00. 1.AR;TICLES FOR SALE thashorammohnimp 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR .SALE ONE Kenwood Quad'roph,i,nic. p1973 PO.NTIAC Parisienne, road stereo complete 'with amplifier tested," excellent condition,.. •and dual turn table and two $2,900.00. Phone 482-7635.�8ar , speakers. Excellent condition,,. Phone 524'8843.-8. 1965 CHEV, 6 cylinder automatic, 3A. PET. STOCK T.i AICA):. 'fish., '; cana-ries, •Comet e hi. pet SupPs. Pats Pet • Shop ' 3.50 ;Main Street, hxeter, 'Ontario, Open a0 am,to'6 p.m. , .. daily and Friday' :'ening'.•--40(t ;. 8. HELP WANTED AVON can help, you .start saving • again. ;Se11 quality . products; • excellentearnings. Call Mrs. M: ; Miilson; 17 Hawkesbury Ave London. Phone 4M-850,778,9. , • . a- •. ., .p0Q.DEtS•, silver miniatures-, 8 " INT'ERNAT4ONAL': COATINGS •weeks, registered Glenreid FIRM ;offers high • commission Kennels, Kippen, 262-5053.-8 potential, fringe benefits ,and good motor and transmit>sion, FREEZER BEEF from to low mileage. As is. Phone 524- seven hundred pound -Angus, 8528.-8x Heiferor steer. 5c,. less than. , market price. phone- 524- 8002.-5,8x 18" SUNSET trailer. 1975, ex- cellent. condition, fridge, stove.': furnace and toilet. 'Will accept tent trailer or smaller t -railer as trade. Phone 5.29-7203. after 6 p. m.-Stfnc 1970 FRIGI:DAIRE dryer;. .1970 Hoover washer -spin dryer. Both in very good condition. Phone 524- 86S8. -S . •. CRIB with firm mattress (27" x good, cdndition, $40:00. Phone 482-9696.-8 YARNS CRAFT SUPPLIES MILL CLEARANCE YARNS FIBERS'. 52 West Street, Goderich 1975 CHEV '/Z TON, autematie, 8 HELP WANTED_...._.. ---�-1'2: AU'CTI.O:N'--S�A'lE-'_•�:. exciting contests . for mature `0! individval;in Goderich area:..Air A. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT Mail name and address to President C.D.. Deutz,,: Con- solidated Protective Coatings Ltd., 2300 Schenker- St.,: Ville LaSalle, Quebec,' HBN 1A2. • ROOMS .,;for rent. • Kitchen Privileges. Phone 524,=8$2.1:.-49tf TWO. ,BEDROOM apartment," private' entrance and parking.' Available immediately. Phone 524-239.6 after 5 p.m 8. SPACIOUS three-bedroom town house, parking and recr.eatir,nal facilities available., utilities in - eluded, $167.40•• per•• month. In vanastra, information at D Bldg. Unit. 8, apply -after. 6 .prm. Rhone 482-9698.-5ltfar. power steering, power brakes, 2 ACCOMMODATION for tone paint,. 7,500 miles, extra •:residents. . Phone snow tires. Reasonable., Phone 2492:-6.,7,8,9 ' 368-7,1.40 till 6 p,m„ after 368- 7172.-8 - • 1968 INTERNATIONAL .I/2 TON; V-8 stick shift, new' 16 tires, paint, runs well, will certify, $1,350.00 or best offer. Phone482- `9939.-8,9• , • COUGAR, 1968, dark green, original paint, 390 GT, power • steering ,and, brakes, automatic.. In excellent condition. 524-6379, J. :Prest:-8x . 1972 TOYOTA Corolla 1200 4 speed, excellent condition; good. tires,' will certify, $1,450,00. • • • se n 101'. `196 - FURNISHED room with kitchen privileges, central location. Phone 524-7793 after6.p. n.-8 TWO BEDROOM apartment with living •room; eat -in kitchen, 4'.pc. bathroom. $160.00 monthly. Available March •1`st.1-larold W. Shore;•55' Newgate Street; phone. 524-7272. 8.,9ar . TWO BEDROOM ,house; $135:00 per . month. Available im- mediately, Apply Harold W. Shore, 55., .New,gate • St., 524= 7272-8,9ar Phone 482=7176.-8 30 POLICE CARS AND TRUCKS - 11 - 4.9.74 Dodges;. 4 ,- 1974 Chevrolets; 5 -. 1974 P ymouths;' 1 -•'!9715 Chevrolet;.2-1N3'Fords; 1 - 1973 Chevrolet Stationwagon;:).- 1972 Plymouth; 3 •1972 Inter- national I/2 tons; 2 - 1972 Dodge 1/2 tons. As .low' as $995.00. Licence No. • DRJ-358. • Mighton's Car Sales, 6 in Res* east ofHanover-on No. 4 Highway. Phone •Durham • 369-31;36•-8 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 1955 JEEP. Phone 482-3298.-8tf -.FORMAL RENTALS •for �•.all•` ,4571 TOYOTA, excellent con PCcasions. Free style bprchure, t{ition,• has had complete 'body ' Ratcs-ons Shop for .:Men, job. Phone Joe's Auto Body, 524- G•oderich,=20ff 8941, 8 a.m, to 5 p,m,; evenings 524-6149.-8 , STORAGE -FOR RENT OR LEASE -.'.4000 square feet, in-' clus cloy en 10- x 8 bay doors, excellent ; for small business. .Phone . after 6 •p.m.• (51.9) 8&427• 5107.-24tfnAR d-e' 'We can suit you for every occasion. •with FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL and JEFF'S FORMAL WEAR Exclusively at 'CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS FOR,RE„ALLY CLEAN CARPETS. Do • it: yourself with: Deep Steam Extraction.'B-luewater Cleaners. 524-6231. 2A. ARTICLES WANTED • •SKID00..,340, 28 b.p., for sale or WANTED - Floor Loom. Phone would trade on small tractor, collect . 1 4l6-632-7943 or . write Phone 524-7238. • Verncin Glenn: • N1rs. P.uhlmann, 5478A Lakesli'ore Auburn., Ont: -7,8 m Rd., Purlington,-6,7,$ OIL F.IJRNACE, with -•-two hun- dred :gallon tank, hot viatcr heater' Cascade- 40: Phone 529- 7427:.7,8,9x TYPEWRITER, Olympia; Manual portable. e;'cc'ellent conditiiln:, $50.00. Phone 482= 71.76.-8 FIVE 'PAIR downhill skis,'poles and seven pairborits ages 8 years to adult: Phone 524-8733.-8,9 DOUBLE WIDE •mobile home, 24' x 44': on r;Z acre in•the country, •Phnne 529-7128.-8,9,10nc 'USED snowplow, 8 ft. blade, with 'pump, hoses., control, and - hydraulic cylinder, from International, Scout: Must sell. . 8550.00 final. Phane•524-81145.-8 MOBIhE HOME, 60' x 12', two bedrooms,. front• kitchen •,with • utility room, large living room, stove, fridge and carpeted. Nice • condition. $6,600.00. delivered. C ill 689-4823, Merlin., Ont_--8,9 • 1962 • HARLEY', I)A'ViDSON Dresser-, completely new engine. .new hags, seats, fenders, dslield, dual exhaust... green hiei'tit. flake pol-yurcthane paint. 524-9198.-8 FURNITURE. •,gl r -ti's. china, rinrkc, hells, brie's, copper. WFII: lcy tnr ea til or se 11 by auction. .1ike•Cunimings, Auctioneer, 524: '1064.-221.1 y5 ONE used English style Hardc.ap.• •prcfcrahly • white, suitable for Shift .boss D. M. Cooper. phone 724-8456.-8 ONE; PAIR downhill skis, poles and hoots if possible. Phone 524- '9134.-8 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1966 CFL V HALF TON, 6 cylinder standard. Phone 524- 6371.1--7,8 2A. ARTICLES WANTED 1973 VEGA, Notchback' coupe, automatic transmission, radio, rear. view .defroster, body 'side mouldings, snow tires, new paint ;job, new brakes,`tiine-up, safety checked, $1,995.00. Phone 524= 2766.-8 .. 1973 'OLDSMOBILE. Cutlass Supreme, power steeringand brakes, stereo radio, with mag wheels and Michelin tires. Phone 524-6285 after 6 p:m,-7,8 • 1974 RED ASTRE Hatchback', 4 cylinder,. 4 speed, •17,500 lady driven 'miles:. •Best : offer, Phone after 5 p.m..524-7170.-8,9 ONE BEDROOM apartment:all utilities included. .Available immediately-. 26 Bennett Street, Goderich. Phone 565=2843.-8ar 7:WANTED TO RENT RETAIL outlet of about 1,000 sq. ft. to'rent or lease on or near the Square. Please reply Drawer 71, Box 220, Signal-Star:-7,8ar 8. HELP WANTED. WANTED -, Piano, , organ, guitar, banjo and .accordion teachers. Phone 524-2711.-43tfar HOUSEKEEPER part time or, full. time, (can live in). Will cbnside:r person who has, child of her .own. Pet'son' to be r'espon- sible for two iehool age children (10, 14): • New ho'rne. all con- veniences. Apply drawer 68i c -o Box 220; Signal Star.-5tfar SALES CONSUL -ANT for modular homes. Local ad- 'vertising provided. Proven sales • record required. Send complete resume. Canadians Modular Homes Ltd,; 20 Main St.' N.,: Waterdown; Ontario, ,(416) 689- 6687.-6,7,8;9 CLASS "A" mechanic required in. Goderich area. Good working conditions. " Must . have ex= perience 'working on trucks. ::::oma•:::::•»»-:•»lililg<•.• A Apply Drawer 73, Signal -Star } . CATCH : Publishing Limited, Box 220; ' THE:DATSIJ:N 'SPIRIT Goderich, Ontario--7,8ar >Gerald's Datsun Ltd SALES SERVICE LEASING , OPEN 8 A.M. - 9 P.IVI. Ph. 527-1'010 SEAFORTH 3A. PET STOCK PART TIME. HELP WANTED Mature Person to assist . in Income Tax Preparation for Goderich ' a.rea. Some. knowledge of 'Income Tax forms 'an -asset 'but .will train.. Pleasant. personality, and. ability to easily communicate a must. Good remuneration. For infgrmatien, please reply. to Sieffert . Bookkeeping. Services, Box 824, Port Elgin 832-5906. REQUIRED MARCH 1, 1-976 '.. Regular part time clerk -typist. for Consumer Credit. Department. . Apply to Mr. H,burt, Bank of Nova Scala, Goderich, Ontario or telephone 5241-8359. AVON BABYING . • Y O'U R BUDGET? . Earn money selling cosmetics, fragrances, daily needs in your • own Territory: I'll show you how. Call: .-D_EPE1ID.ABLE,.,PER SON .W,HO' _. 'CAN WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Contact customers around Goderich. Limited auto travel. We. train: Write E: M. Dick, Pres., South- western Petroleum, Ft. Worth, Tx: 76101. „ 1 PUREBRED Norwegian Elk• Hounds, 2 months old, friendly.. look like a Huskies Phone 529- 7524. -Sar 2A. ARTICLES. WANTED • FRIDGE and stove": Ariex liquid embroidery paint'. Brobr•nie uniform. Phone 524.9809.---8 • ' a, • SELLING, YOUR 'BUSH? For •gent •Price3. • Phone Craig's Sawmill Auburn Ask for Bill or Al BILLS261.-7220 .. '. AL 526-4512, QRS. M. MILLSON, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., • Landon; Ont., N5U 219 Tel. 451.0541 • FIREMAN WANTED The Goderich Fire Depart- ment requires one vdiunfeer fireman, 18 years of ,age or order; resident of the town and able to leave work when required. Applicants apply in writing tot. • Mr. M. O'Brien • Secretary 1.93 Rich Street Goderich; Ontario , 524-9069. PART• TIME BARTENDER PART OR FULL TIME DINING ROOM PE.RS.O.NNEL Excellent wages• for the.. right person. ' (High school students will ;be considered,) APPLY -.IN PERSON: CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN BAY FIELD' RD: 'GODERICH SUMMER STAFF required by _ GODERICH RECRE:ATIONand COMMUNITYCENTRE BOARD POOL STAFF - Instructors andLifeguards • Qu•alilications _ Red Cross.Instructors,. Leader Patrol BEACH STAFF Jtaly and August Qualifications - L'eider Patrol; National Lifeguard - PL YGROUNDSµand DAYCAMP STAFF • .--to plan and organize' a program of arts, crafts, games, sports, cultural and. appropriate activities for, daycamps.. Areas senior play area, junior playgrounds, daycamps• qualifiafions and experience to: • For the above positions, apply in writing, stating age and GODERICH R°ECREATION,AND •• COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD 9 WATERLOOST. S., , ODERICH, ONTARIO - for furfiier information, call Recreation Office, 5248373 Application Detld'line Friday, March 19, 1-976 • a• • p W E•LCOME ` • WAGO'H, HOSTESS We've got a job. for .you. If you're a good neighbour, have 'the use of a car, like meeting' and helping people, and have`a flexible daily schedule, add a' second paycheque- to . your household: Consider a career.. with Welcome Wagon. To arrange for an interview' • please call 5.24=2724; Bavarian Tavern and Restaurant REQUIRES Waifresses Waiters Kitchen • Help' Cook Caretaker FULLand PART TIME POSITIONS• apply in person Bavarian Restaurant tfwy 21 Bayfield .: 565-2843 • 1 ,9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE•householci effect's or. small.lots Wan'te8: Call.0 and E Fu,-niture,`524-7231.--tf ' 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL BABYSIT, in • my. home anytime. Phone . Auburn 526- 7701.-8 YOUNG MAN anxious to work, Preferably full time, ,_if not available part time or odd jobs. - Phone 524-9369.-8 11. TENDERS TENDERS WANTED To paint and trim the -au.ditoriurn'also to: install new drapes, on the stage at the Legion. 'Hall • Branch 104, Clinton:. Tenders to close February 28th, 1976. 'Apply' to the-chairmanbuilding, com- mittee for particular's • 482-7351, Canada Postes ® Post Canada .S TEN D~E�t FOR MAIL CONTRACT Thr•` Canada Post. Office in- vites tenders for a five-year contract 'dor the 'delivery of parcel prist. special• delivery items and the vklaranee:of• mail receptacles at Goderich. Ontario, One .0) closed, van - type chid"a painted :in • the red and white colours of the Canada Post Office cor poratc cc•rlour. scheme, , with a minimum cargo capacity of one hundred and forty (140) cubic feet, capable of carrying., u 10111 df .one: and one-half (11 2) tons is required. Tenders wi11151 received at the of flee of !he i)irector, Southwestern I)i'st.rict;, •Ontari•o Postal Region, London, Ontario, -until 3:0(1 Pj1!1. Wedrit'sda,y, 10th • March, 1976. Fol tender specification's and farther inforrftation, contact the. Postmaster( Go-derich, On- taa'iu, oi; the Director. Sout.h.., western -District, •Ontario Postal Region second float•,' .955High bury Avenue, London, Ontario, N5Y 1,.3. telephone (519)-679.5050, extension 267. The loW; st or any tender not ilece:sin,ily ac•cepte•d. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PIANO' fining and repairs. Phone lr'ulsifer- Music 524-6291, uf, er 6 p.m. call 482.9618;--36tf LA1'I:N(, .uid, finishing concrete floors for basements', garages, ' p524-815ati.as. 8C. -all43tf George Barraclough .,�i�2: �A�U�CTFO'N�SAL�E�'•� • ATB-11WELL'S • t• AUCT Is1. ti�-9l;A7CW.1111111111 AUCTIONEERS & APP'RAISER'e • BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO .LIQUIDATIONS- OF • ALL TYPES • BANKRUPTCY • ESTATES • ANTIQUES' • . FARM • REAL ESTATE TE.LE.PHoNE.- ,. (5;9) 482233'20; (CLINTON)• ONTARIO WIDE INVENTORY & '•• SALES PREPARATION: SERVICES'OFFERED .aLice(tsed and Bonded Rathwell's offer mobile office facilities;. sound . 'equipment, headagraph mobile signs, 'complete sales preparation and promotion, guaranteed clerking;: guaranteed cheque service. For:the highest' returns from pygur auctions - Phone Rathwell's • 482-3120. • March Auction -C. a ,Lendar M&RCN-13' - Two.partial estates to be auctioned at 77 Main St. Seaforth -. furniture,,'antiques, misc. items. MARCH 20 : Business Liquidation- for McGregorElectric,- Brucefield property,tools, equipment and electrical stock.. MARCH 23. FJrm'auctien for Wilmer Hardy, Colborne Twp. market cattle, tractors and equipment. , • MARCH 31 - Farni Auction for Merelea Farms, Stari(e'y Twp.. • market cattle, modern outstanding large tractors, combine; trucks and equipment. - APRIL_ 10 + ' Par.m Auction for Wasson .Farms., :Walton, charoiais and hereford cows and calves, farm machinery. Book your auction. for 'desired sale 'date, ONTARIO'S LARGEST CONSIGNMENT' AUCTION SALE'. Our Tractor,,Farm Machinery, Snowmobile &.Mise, Items • Auction will be'held at the Norwich Sales Yard, Highway 59 . • I: south of Norwich; Friday; March 5, 1976, and one the first'. • Friday of•each month up to and includiing.May'7, 1974. Sale, starts 10 a,m..' ar • If you have good useful equipment, or an extra,tractor you would like to turn into cash, consign if to -this Machinery. and ..: Tractor Auction: •.. .• Tractors will be sold in order of number as consigned, so consign early, We are equipped to load a?dl unload all equipment. Small items Sale starts at;10 a.m.' sharp. Discs • and plows start at 11 a.m. All equipment will be•sold before o'clock. Tractors start at 2 p.m: - • Terms. cash. All buyers rnust'be registered at .office before sale. Livestock sale every Wednesday - Standard time sale starts 1 p.m. Daylight time sale starts 7:30 p.m. - • Lunch available. For• information contact: • Not responsible'for accidents: • Harry•Jansen -.Sales Manager & Auctioneer' `. Phone 519-863-6820 • • • MajorThree � •S essIon: ESTATE AUCTION • GARDNER BUILDING- 186 YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE -CN ;TOWER''IN DOWNTOWN. LONDON . Public Exhibitions' Tomorrow (Sunday) .& Mondays Only From Noon Until Nine When Catalogues Will Be Available & Absentee Bids Accepted For. Execution Without Charge,..boors Open ,At Six. Days Of Sale TUESDAY, FEB.` 24TH AT 7:00 P.M. - 244 LOTS OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE comprising in part 12 antique & • decorator dining suites, six French & traditional bedroom •stiites, French chairs & tables, down -filled seat furniture, pier & gold leaf mirrors, French & other desks, display .cabinets, fine 'chairs & sofas, chests,'chaise lounges, court cupboard, Steinway spinet piano, Louis XV screen..,,sone of the Iargest:collections.of superior furniture ever offered in Ontario. WE'DN'ESDAY, FEB. 25TH AT 7:00 P.M. 35.2--LOTS-OF SILVER, LAMPS, JEWELLERY, PERSIAN 'RUGS & CARPETS; PORCELAINS, CRYSTAL, ART WORKS & B•RJC-A••BRAC featuring a major collection of XVIII century English silver,,,1866 Canadian ridded tankard,'silver;flatware & tea services, silver bowls & servers,gold-plated flatware, ,30•decorator table lamps, 12 diatliellclr.ipgs, diamond & precious stone bracelets rings, 18 karat gold" bracelets,. eight carat 'platint}m earrings, 27 rugs & carpets including collector pieces and roopl size Palace Kirminshahs, museum quality KPM Dresden palace cfotk, porcelains, candelabra, fine modern art an interesting and valuable collection. THURSDAY', FEB. 26TH AT 7;60 P.M. • 150 SUPERIOR 'PAINTINGS & WORtKS OF ART AND 176• LOTS OF . QUALITY JEWELLERY With' works by or attributed. to Chagall, Dali, Hoven, Fraser, Bradshaw, Gibbons, .Dom• merson, Steenhouwer, Jan Victors & other equally famous artists;'charms, bracelets, necklaces,. rings & pins of gold and silver sef with" diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, - amethysts, citrines, pearls & cameos including some fine' Victorian• pieces,• •• R Quality Furnishings Now Bei'hg Accepted•``Ftior. '1?707, -ci t • Catalogue Auction ' G'ARDNER AUCTIONS INCORPORATED, (519)439•oi94 •