HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-19, Page 17•
The February rneettng of
the. Auburn Presbyterian
Women's Missionary Society
was held last .Wednesday
evening of the home of: •Mrs.
Eleanor Br .dnnock. President—
Mrs. fred S ander.-son . was
in charge and gave the Call to.
• Worship.: •. ' • •
Mrs;• Frank' Raithby was in
charge. of ,the. ° •devotional''
17eriod:';l e .sript.ure verses
vir'ere" r,.ead alternately. The
meditation was based on
Mary,•Martha and Lazarus -
those'whom;Jesus loved. oe`
Rolt .call was answered by a
Bible verse containing the
word "Love".
The minutes of the previous
meeting were, accepted as
read by the secretary, Miss
MinnieWagrier. Business was.
discussed and plans were.
Pictures, of Christian
Literature dis.tributed. around.
the world • throe h
Missionaries and: the Bible
Society were shown by -Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnoekand.; she
gage-, the . comthenitary. on
held' for the next' meeting. t6
be held at' -the home of Mrs.
Frank Raithby.. when' the .
devotignal period will be in
the charge of Mrs._ F-rances
Clark end the study prepared
by Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson.
A reading, Shut-In,'was
given byMrs.. Frances Clark. .
After, the closing liym the
president MrS, Sanderson
closed with prayer
Lunch was served "by Mrs:
Bradnock assisted • by, Mrs,
Congratulations to Mr; and
Mr.,s.•'" Clare :Rodger of
Goderich on. the birth of their
son in Victoria Hospital,
Mrs. Stanley Strasser of
California is visiting with her
aunt, ` Mrs. Maitland ,Ailen
and her father, Mr. William
J. Craig.
We are sorry to' report that
little Kathy Rodger was taken
to :St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, last Sunday.'She was
staying. with her •.grand-
parents,' Mr. : and';;Mrs.:
Emrnerson Rodger, RR` •2,
Guests over the weekend
for Spring......
:and right through summer
Lt's timefor a fresh; new Iook.,0urspring selection isin now.
Come in and choose. a new suit or leisure suit from 'our
collection. Light spring fabrics 'in the latest shades of
muted browns, blues, green, beige, grey or navy or chocolate
brown. Spring shirts and ties to complete your wardrobe.
Seethe spring collection at, -
Corner Montreal Street and The Square, Goderich
Mrs. VYes;Bradlock '526-7595
• A.
(i()1 liRICI°.SIGNA•
'AJC, �U.RSD�,•Y, F
976 :.,PAGE 9 ...,
weekend on • a •�siurvival -in
'inter project on the •foriner
Ray Leddy farm now o":wned
Thothas Potter in West
W-ewanos.h near St
Augustine. Most of the 19 to25
with Mr. and Mrs. Donald inc•itt.d iu attend the euch4e a Qfds Spent
Cartwright, David, Derrick ' party to beheld on F',ebruary Y.. ap two ni hts in
and-Lorie were Mr, . and Mrs.
Qeoi4ge. Rueger,,Danny,
7Terry;andrWendy of London;' -
Mr. . William Rueger and
Carol of .. RR•• 2, Clinton and
'Mr. .arid Mrs' . •Dor,.
Hildebrand and Michael of
RR2, Clinton. `•
Mr. and Mrs: James Towe
attended the-•meet'ing of the
Ontario Gat .Society-�o.f
O.ntario at Guelph last
Mrs. Cook Is:,visiting ;this
(,veek with her. daughter; Mrs.
Ross Robinson and Mr.
Prize winners of the euchre
,were high lady, Mrs. Donald
Haines; low• lady, Mrs.; Don
Cartwright;"" high • man,
'Murray. Rollinson; • tow man,
Donald: Haines;: novelty, Mrs.
Elva Straughan.
18 "at the Forester's' hall,. tents at the baclk of t e 100
Bcnmiller, - acre farm. During the day. on.
Saturday they made rescue
It • was announced that the
Club membershipof 32 signals. m the 'Snow 'for an
, E.M.O. "_ aircraft from their
"members` 'was' paid' to '
Unit2 of the:United Church
Women of. Knox United
Church, • Auburn held. • he
monthlymeeting in he
Sunday school 'room on
Wectnesdayr February 11.
This was a quilting meeting
which began at I.0 a.m.: At
noon all enjoyed a lunch.
' Following thelunch a short
Program and business
meeting •was'• held. .,Mrs.
Donald Haines was in charge
with .. Mrs. Kenneth`.
McDougall as pianist.'
The program opened with a•
sing -song of. some familiar.
hymns. The ,scripture lesson.
was, read by . Mrs: Haines
followed by the meditation, a
poem and prayer. The . of-
4,grfing was.. received and
' : The .::Minutra s of the . last
-.meeting were re:ad_ by the
secretary Mrs. Beth'Lansing
and, approved as read. Roll
call was answered •by. a Dible•
,, ie.rse—coritaining the -word
'Heart. • - .
Thank -you 1-etters were
read, Pians were made'. for.
family night . to be held;
February 27 at . 7 .p.m. This
wilt be a • potluck 'supper
followed by a program.
" I,t. was anno):ineed that the
World Day of Prayer service
will be held March 5 at 2 P.m. •
in Knox United Church. The
ladies continued quilting for
the afternoon.
Snowmobile Club . • .
• 'The Auburn Snowmobile
Club'held its sixth meeting on
-February 11 at the home of
Mr. and - Mrs. Willi'a.rn
Robertson, President William:
• Robertson wasin charge. of
'.the meeting. •
Minutes were accepted as
read by the secretary Charles
Kerr. Treasurer Gordon Daer
gave the financial. statement
reporting 7$250 in'.' the . club
• treasury. '
The •.Members :.present
talked about club insurance,
"and decided to go' the,rest of•
the year Without club liability.
The Club decided to have .a
brunchcook-out at the
clubhouse on February 22
from •10 • a.m. to 12,• o'clock.
Pancakes., maple'. syrup,
sausages', eggs and bacon will
—rnakeup-the-.441e-nu. Everyone
is welcome to attend.
It was announced that all.
snowmobillers who • -
par•'ticipated. in the Benmiller
Forester's. 50. 'mile'
snowmobile. Marathon were
• mows hgme base near Hamilton.
Coffee. and•;sandwiches' ROBER°TCHAMNEl'
Were ;` served; • by.. M'r's. • Funeral s.erviices-were held
Robertson, Brian andBob.... on February ..14 .for Robert:
• '. Chanlney'whio passed away in..
Funeral services;,were held'
on February .14 for Maitland
Allen who passed eway in his
89th year in Clinton Public
Hospital on February '12th
after• a short illriess.
Born May 4, 1887 he was the
Son 'of LJoshua and, E lizabeth
Allan .and was.•born • in• .
Colborne ' Township.. He at;
tended sChooI near Ben
miller. On December 25, 1912
. he was married to. Bell
Stalker • of Auburn, at the
hoq-ie of her' parents where
they have :resided.•for, many
years. .. �.
Following. their .marriage
they resided at the Auburn
station in a cottage
built of. 'two: boxcars on
Canadian Pacific Railway
property. They later moved
to the• Stalker home on
E:grnond Street.
He was employed for 95,
.years' an the. C.P.R.; first"as•.
section • man 'and then
,foreman and' has been 22
:years•" retired: As 'a boy he
attended • " the `Bethel
Methodist ChurchinColborne
To sh pwn i., then K o
Presbyterian • Church,,
Auburn,. 'and then Knox..
United Church.
He was Past Master of
Morning Star .Dodge A:F. &
A.M. No. 309( -.Was .a'life '
merriber" andheld• his 60 -Year:
past master's Jewel. He was
also a member ' of . Huron
Clia.pter -Royal. Arch' Masons
and a member' of the
Canadian Order of Foresters..
• Besides his.
•wife,:-•he is
survived-; by one brother,
Norman Allen of Colborne
Township and,:several, nieces
andnephews. 'On'. Friday
evening a : 'Masonic
Rernembrance;; service was.
held at his home by Morning
Star Lodge at.9:30 P.M. with
Wor. Hugh -:Hill conducting
the service assisted by Wor,
Bro. William Stiles, Master of
• the Lodge. •
The private funeral service.
washeld at the,kho•me'• on•
Egmond Stre.et=conducteid by
Pastor Alfred Fry of
Goderich and . .the Rev.
Stanley Mc.D.onald of Lon-
- desbpto witlt interment in
Ball's Ce'metery:
Pallbearers were Torrance
Tabb, T d Mills, John Doerr,
' Tom' 'Johnston, Elmer
Tr.omm•er and Oliver
Anderson. Flowerbearers
were ;Robert Allen, Bruce
Craig,. 'Jeffrey Craig. and
Bruce A.11en•. '
Attending the funeral from
• oirt'of town were Mr. George
_ Timm, Miss Erna Bethke and
Mr. '.Henry Latiner, 'all %f
Gorrie; Mr. and Mrs.. Ray
McI lmurray of. Flint;
Michigan; Mrs. Stanley
Strasser of California; also
Goderich, Lucan, •Ilderlton
-and C -1 -in -ton, relative
Twenty members o•f a
Hamilton based. Ernergency
Measures Organization
(EMO) spent an• exciting
in the market dor a car ?
Four ,door V8, automatic, power steering,
Radialpower brakes, radio, lir conditioning. .
tires, rear defrost. Finished in Green with
green cloth interior. Sharp and clean. Local
owned. JA E 103.
Sales ,Representatives •---
d p
Don- puller; Emmerson Erb, Ivan Bean
Clinton " Public Hospital •on
'February'12'in his 90th year.,
He -was theson of John
?Chamney and Sarah Brooks
Bowlers tied
despite heavy
-odds against
-Augies Dogies ' and• Roy's
Boys b.?at out astronomitat
• odds Monday night whenthey
tied one of the games in their
three game set. The--Dogies
took two games off Roy's 'and.
picked up six 'points for the
evening one point ofwhich
they grabbed on :the tie:
Bowling in :the' tenth frame
after11 bowlers had finished
•1•0 :frames each John Miller:
shit back to .back strikes and
on 'his final .ball he needed
only Six points. to give Augies
a clean: sweep for'the night.
Miller punched;:tthe'Ifead pin
• le'avirg the scor es'tie•d and a
rule changeyear. that.
doesaway with a bowl off. in
the case of a tie gave each
squad a'single-marker to add
to their seAson total.
• The Men's' Monday Night
...league .: is.".heading into' its
stretch drive for the season of
winnings with only three full:
games' separating, first..and
ninth place in the tight league
Standings. French Dry
Cleaners are •in first place
with a slim lead on 91 season
points -while at•.the 'other..ev d
-of .the standings. Goderich
Manufacturing .has `69 .points
"for a ninth' place: standing
„while A. -& 1? hopeles.sly
wallriw:in the cellar with 29
season points. •
French'• went scoreless
Monday night losing '''seven
points in three games, to the
second place Tail Ends.
Carson: Milley roiled a 292
:single and a 779 triple for the
Cleaners but Lynn Hodgins.
hit a 2.82"single acrd turned it
into a •721 triple' to .lead the
Tail Ends to the' rout and
Move them within six points
of the leaders with 85 lioints:
The Rcokieskept their neck
and neck race with
Wreckers alive gi=abhing five
pocnts for.'. the night to stay
two points up ori the-Wrec'kers
• who also; picked up' five
points. The Rookies rallied.
behind Jima. McWhi.nn•ey's- 302'
single and 758• triple to run
their season total to 82 points,
two more than the Wreckers
who got a.325 single and 713
triple from Jerry Rivett. •
The Signal Stars were not to
be outdone by -the Wreckers
either on . the scoreboard or
inks. The ----Start,
grabbedfive points for the
:night staying tied With the
Wreckers in fourth spot with
80 points. .' Torii Flynn rolled.a
290 single . while teammate
George Vandcrburgh ca ght
an812 single to keep the tars
streak alive.
R'oys Boys slumped . to
!ixth 'spot in- the standings
from a mid season league
lead. The" Boys have 76_
season points adding only one
mark t6 that total in•M,rmdav
night's action: Roy Kingsley
hit a 242'single'for,Roys while
Gene Bakerhelped out, with a
.',ii,, ,triple hilt the scores
enuidn't match the howling of
logic's Dogies. The bogies
picked up six points for the
night ' hehind Augic Stegen-.
'tad's 340 single and 812 three
game total thiis.t boosted the
Dogies to 72 season points and
seventh spot in the standings.
• Austin Hart man rolled a 278
single. an'd Lee 12yan nailed a
6.11 triple to lead the Hopefuls
on 0 •tw<) paint night that left
them in -eighth spot_ with 71
setisl)n points. .The Hopefuls
ire., two. ul) ' on. b)odet•ich
;C1,1nuf.ie>taring v,vllo grabbed
I points be„hind ('ha'rlr:s
Williams' 231 single and'621
triple. :Art Burts threw a.295
tinglo and a 721 triple to help -
A&P secure two points on the
night giving Iheir sea sc 0 total
a lift to '9 points and a solid
h,tsc`nl(`rlt he'rth. ,
and wak born in the Don-
nybr'ook, district. In ,1910 he
married Clara Jane.' Craig
-and took up residence ori the
family farm at Donnybrgok.
In 1959 they • retired to
Auburn. He wasa member. of
the Knox United Church,
Auburn, and a„member of the
Morning Star 'Lodge: A.P.
'A.M.109. He -held his 50: year
jewel which he received
several` Years agti. Ttae ' Qdge_
held a •memor%al, seryjce at
• the Stiles 'Funeral :Home
Goderich. which . was ,
'ducted by,NWor. Br'o. William .
Stiles, master of the Lodge.
Predeceased by his wife•in
196, he is survived by one
daughter; Mrs. Verna Doerr
of Niagara Falls, acid five
sons,.': Eiwyn„ Wingham;
Herman, Windsor; Graham,,
RR 3,:Gaderich; Stuart, RR 2,
Auburn; Gordon (Bud), RR 1,
Auburn, 28'grandch ldren,,37
gt•eat grandchildrenand-t�vv9
,great grea'graridchridren.
The ' R.e .. SJ an.ley
McDonald 'of : Loudesbbro
conducted the._service. at the.
Smiles' Pluneral' Home with
'' burial in Colborne Cemetery..
.Pal ecarerswere •• Bill
•Charnny -:Win s , Doug1a4
Chamn'ey 'Aullurri;-, Donald
•Jardin, Kitchener;. Warren,
Bridge," P..alitersttzd; o i.ak i
Doerr, Niagara i~' nlls,Geral"ci-
Flowerbearers were -Brian,
Doerr, Niagara Falls; Harold :
Docrf^, Sjt,;,. Cathharine.s:. Paul`
•'—Chananeyd .Auburn; 1 idon •
Chatxtney, ° �?uburn; • Daniel
Cha.Kn ne ,, Wincfs:or ; Steven
Chani.ney;:RR 2, Auburn.'
Rel:ativel; we're •present
fromNi'aRara ,Fails, St:
Catharines „Toronto, ,
:W'indsor,: KiteheT.zieenc-,
;Waterloo, • Wi:nglaairn,
Goderich', ;;'London,••
Palt`ner:s.to.n; Mae•h'iga+l,;.:.
. Bru,cefield. . and; the':
on Broken Lines of
Men's Ladies' and Children's' Shoes
Sale stcirts Thursday, February 1 9
"Fashionable footwear' for tile' entire family”
28 Aib.ert Street —:Clinton 482.-9692.
N(r, •tlong.i;ndoorni•holding
up the fr.t. Sin'c ;th'i boss is atcuv.
,lnhn t' r;.lv.o-r•ing sono of nsr over•
Coachman Oak
Req. 57.95 4.•x 8
Monterrey Oak
REG. 57.75-4x 3
stuck IEnes of` parirrrg:.:: °' before
they ca, in on him
$6 15 • Columbus Pecan
REG. 57.55 4 x 8
$630 Srnolcey Mountain Elm• REG: $7.25 a x 8
PHONE 482-3441
OPEN:. M nday to Thursday, 8 a,m. to 6 p.m.;
Friday Sam to 9 p.m. ;. Saturday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p. m,
- ( ti. `)\(GI'1X ,.
Stang w,in CHAIiGEx
'nrkrw,5, w;av giores