HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-19, Page 15i i er .'sponsorship returns should be Vicky, Beattie, Wayne collected and deposited .at Jackson, Heather 'Tamar, • Tge Royal Bank by Saturday Wayne • Wilson, : Dave, Ford; February 2S, 1976. . Brenda Love', Fran Moyne. A 'total of. 43 prizes were -Leslie Rean , Connie de Haag, •F1;,nateL by parnts.aust jEl�yKPnl�be11 veer .terested :„friends of thea :Brady, Steiia, Rossa, Dar ene skaters, e . and each break thMoore Pam Merriam;,B.axbs children rot only had' lots to Bechard,':Eirzabeth•. McGee, eat:and dri•nk but had many'' Cat'hy_Galfow, Shelly Fisher, chances to•earn•prizes, ¢: Rhonda '. MCI ntosh,• L• arry Those who- were '`lucky Jeffrey' , Paul Good, Debbie were: Eric Shifter', .Stacey 'Jeffrey; Cindy Smith Debbie R.ean, E:, Vandenbreck, Lisa: Cooper; Michelle- Campbell, .Morgan, ' Sharon Sowerby, Nico_•11•. 'S:cutton,Timmy Kathy Kerr, ;Brian Fuller Marlin and Cheryl Merriam. Harry Wassell, Christine .,'hanks to the skating W irtzfeld, Elsa Christianson, rr4bthers and friends who' Tim Goddard, Mike .Bedard,' helped. with the 'food, Anne' Debbie • ' �H•orton,' 'Diana • Cooper, , VI de Haas,. Alma' Gliders, Lisa McIntosh,.” Craven Carol Rene aid Muriel Williamson. In charge of paper work were Charley Boddy, Ellen ic six -acti Jeffrey; Betty Harris,. • Cathy, Boddy, Eunice Dechei t- and Sh ronJ`effrey. '_• "`,"'"''• eli' The :Goderich Police • Department reported a busy week, investigating 'six' ac- cidents, , four of which resultedmajor'. damage estimates. John :Schneiker, left, presented from left, Rob Youngbfut, Kinspiel .held Saturday at the Maitland Curling Club. The Nellie Ross, Kevin. Bundy and.'Dave 'Smith. Jr, with first ,'high school competition sponsored by the: Goderich Kin • • ^place. trophiesafter the'curling team won the second annual • ' 'men Club is the second"of what is to be an annual event A two -car collision on Feb,• . -tion of'E 1'l at the intersec Igen Avenue and South Street resulted in a total damage estimate of. $400 to vehicles driven by JoanRiley 125 South. ' Street and John Rapson,' 152 South St• There were noinjuries. • a A two -car collision on Feb.' 13 on Montreal Street resulted in $80 damage to a vehicle driven by Milt Place, 50 Lighthouse St. and $300 to a vehicle driven by Beatrice- Aberhart,:..144 Warren :St. • There were no' inj uries. Damage totalled $650 when • vehicles driven by Gregory Smith RR 4, Goderich and • Evelyn Henderson, Lucknow Gollided.. 'at the corner of Victoria and Hamilton. Streets: Damage -to the Smith - ' vehicle was estimated at $1$0' and $500to the Henderson vehicle. There were no in- juries. ' There was $800 damage to a vehicle driven' by Connie Osborn RR 2, Goderich after it. collided with . '' a parked vehicle owned .by . Thomas •Call -well, London. Damage to - the Callwel.l vehicle 'was estirliated'at $690. __During, the..pas-t wee_k:.the 'Goderich Police'Departrnent • also Laid nine charges under the ,Criminal Code, 15 under .:the Highway Traffic -Act; -four 'under the Liquor Licerice Act and one under the Narcotics ControlAct. Help your Heart Fund • WEST T sTRE•E3T Just Off The Square GODE.RICH Personalized Decorating Service Qu:aliiy Service 1 ec$lon oL-a8-your .Name Furrnisbirrgs at• e FiOME'Of' n" Fine FURNISHINGS; To arrange ford Evening A intments �gr PRa Phone 524-7141 P�I sif �:r Music 43 West St., Goderich 524-6291 • Is Halving a 1 -Day Only Saturday, . Feb. 28 9430AM.5:30 PM Featuring; * NEW & USED ORGANS * AMPLIFIERS BASS *. GUITARS * 1 HOME ORGAN $495• WITH TWO MANUALS & BASS 'PEDALS ' NOW. * ELECTRIC GUITARS g39e LIMITED NUMBER! AS LOW AS .. One Dciy or ly,' Sat. Feb. 28 --".at,Pulsifer. Music 4. PAC;F::8.-•-•600ER1CHS_L'C1 L-S'1.'A1t,THURSDA'Y, I^I13RUARY'19;.1976' • Harry Worse!! back again f. Nearly 100 skaters earn mone Go jerich Memorial Arena was' a'verybusy place last. Saturday • during a Skate -A= Thon• which lasted from 1,1 a.rxk:'to5 p:i•rr•::This•event was •s.onsore.• by `th.e •Gside'rich figure Skating Club. .Th. erevl%ere 93 slaters•who took part and only a very few didn't skate the six hours. The youngest—skater was Tyler Brady, son .ofBruce and Fran Brady, the. Pros. At ,11 months of age; Tyler made five laps around and collected the sum '.' ' Harry, Worsell skated. again this. year and raised the sum of $166.00.-- The Skate-A-Thon was quite . successful and all E.fxet;, fired d[ d Pruni uC: . Ding i1 ' again.. Irce George wi,RE PROUD. OF WHR,T VIE SELL.'" .THAT'S WHY •'WE STAND • BEHIND.. i? EVERYTHING' ON THE LOT/") ®:.�,. together once more! eiltomiou.►b•...... � E .ARE .�YILL DOING. IT�. � .PRICE & PRICE & GEORG , Tr _ T TRUCKS ji,s' SLASI-1ED-li I PRICE!' (;I{EI':\-R I'li-E)r1' %iii: 1)' i\(;'1'1' :V;'I\. .I \_'III\(, THEIR I'II(l1 I Lti il'O t •Nii:ni 1(I(1 ... O\THESE 12 01 IST 0111M; 'HOWLS. NOV. 1'I•I VI'S I'I{I(:I•: & PRIDE IN TIIE k1 "I'ONIOBILE • ui SI\h,Sti 11' CHEF. & i'klii•:\rl` 1976 THUNDERBIRD ° .5-----W--„____ IHI)\"I I)( IT. .4, \014)1)1 \\()I 1,1)1. Ati,, y_.aftr ' ;'.`,',CE_ l� ,+�_ . , E GOOD TUR ESE.RVES ANOTHER .• Nn .YRa pi .on "91,47-5:817 '.l 51 FRI['F NOW $9,393.86::.. 1976 METEOR RIDEAU 500 1.0001 7 5 NR•PIII '�+ f 151 R ([. �.�r •�`� NOW 1976 GRAND, MARQUIS, on.•hnd.n .. f Ili nn„ m,h NAV, in*, Om tor +t No lanlo ,y no/torts .. rtI 5r III 0 In a SRBncy� - 1976 COMET D(WR 5EDRN 1 1.10....1 n Onl inrials. bean ,n,. ,til. 10. on, Voildic 0 ,n. .d. Ann ."aM r d•n .10(1 "4'<' ° '4,011.90 NOW • $3,568.12 1976 BOBCAT D0DR- NON n u writ niNal riot ria. II'tli ,.• Nods colt r'x .1... Nd, nn- I.'I,,O,,,,'ndr,t dairotller gad.. t.l, ren, Rrbno Srrrn No .11,1'90Pnd'' 16 Fl10 SUPERCAB 1 , rdI..501.10 n,15 • n n a d nand M R n DEng n. n : ,o r I•r. Now$4968.08 1976 F100 Icol ' t Wirt Grid 1 solid „ngine ni4nda•dnot rn.. tl A tl • t Aim 4" ho , 1 .. 17. rr [101.11 M1... Ivy cfoly WOG f."0 D 71j4iiiricnC 151 I Rn F. Now s3 828.x8 $8,427.14 1976• FOND CUSTOM DDDR ,n,a rn„nr.tr s ..tup,n�l•, nrvnra n rid w, a ICI v IIR'RY,t'nd, ,lt. all rna r Civil,. none., /add, Nati <a,rr5 drill hen., deo , rr+.on Soto, No 11101i,l'd.. SUGGES, C•ID {� [Syi. NW( NOW' $4,778• 1° DUE TO THE OVEWHELMING RESPONSE 'OF LAST WEEKS AD... WE NOW%V.HAVE THESE GREAT 1IK0-NEW; USED CAR BUYS. Priced to Se!! with Pi-ide! • 1975 BUICK LE SABRE 4 .door sedan. Only' 6,000 miles,,. like brand new condidion., PRICED TO SELL WITH 'PRIDE!.. 1975 F100 PICKUP V=8 standard shift in . like new condition. •. •A P13ICEDTOSELL•WITH PRIDE! 1971 MAVERICK • 2 door economrcal 6 cyl. ,engine, •automatic•,• transmission. An ideal secondncar. Good condition! PRICED TO SELL WITH: impignessammammw PRICES STILL IN EFFECT!' THAT'S RIGHT! YOU HAVEN'T MISSED OUT "YET". PRICES LISTED IN -LAST WEEKS AD ARE STILL: IN EFFECT, BUT ONLY ON THOSE CARS. WITH ONLY' A FEW NOT 'SPO N FOR OR SOLD, YOU HAD BETTER HURRY. n .1976 FORD LTD , JOD4 r'ra lir T-rY 34 SQ'._� Now -S5 40850 jl.u[�allrsm� . 1976 ELITE 1976 GRAN TORINO' BROUGHAM 11 O.P'1r NARDII;P . o..•r. R xk , nlln , I I .w ,dr,t. • DOLR NaR0i0n m,, n n Not I. nnr ,ay••." .: . ••' FR'nr h, •••%, nitl141,0"w4S'• °'. l Sri 0,Nchi•n„R0 lA•dr, d• R Y, ,r,[,'. SUGGI R, f 1.1-0;9•544 IISI . [1 NOW :5$351.4 MERCURY ALL PRICES SHOWN 00 NOT INCLUDE: FREIGHT, SALES TAX AND LICENSE. 1974 LEANS- PORTT COUPE Only 19,000 miles on this imam-. maculate car. You've got to see it. .PRICEDTOSELL-WITH_ PRIDE! 1975 MAVERICK GRABBER V1-8 Automatic. Reclining. bucket seats. Almost .10,000 miles, and thatain't much. You'e got to.Tee it. PRICED TOSELLWITH PRIDE! 1972 PINTO 4 cyl. automatic. Good condition.. Ideal Second car. • PRICED TOSELL WITH PRIDE! • ON THE LOT . FOR '76 OUR 1976 STOCK IS.COMPLETE, FROM PINTO TO. LINCOLN, YOURFULL' LINE 'FORD MERCURY • LINC�yO�LN DEALER-. .. AND THAT INCLUDES ,A GOOL7 STOCK' OF TRUCKS TOO! All car dealerships are created equal - Green & Parent ma. es the difference MISE PRICES APPI'.ONLY TO HELM VEHICLES' LISTED A$OYE. • NOW AT THE PUMPS! NON -BRANDED GAS r' A Li E EN .FORD MERCURY,SALIE• �I" D• a 2 a 3 HURON RD. GODER•ICH'• r DON'T FORGET O't.JR 30 DAY',, 1400 MILE, 100, PERCENT. GUARANTEE OI ALL USED CARS., 4