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The Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-19, Page 13
1'. EA (continued' from page 4) of •"•controversial'; trees (the live ones leaving' someone's dining room in •l,a, bit of shade there are considerable' numbers of undoubtedly and .. obviously ;dead ' trees and branches' which should .have been and 'should be cut with all due.speed: Most . pepple le naturally lli P. P .a a Y • presurne that such. elemen- ` •tary tree.care.is under Parks, as -•it is in most other com- munities, However, our outdated and, . clearly un- • productive, system prescribes that there is not one single man working -under Parks in : the winter month$ (the only time pruning can be done op • other than dead branchesand ; trees) and the rest of the time the Parks', workers are: simply a Public Works sub - crew. This' is not the occasion to 'go into discussion :about sortie Antiquated attitudes -reflected q S in a most 'cuntb:erome system which' demonstrably does not . provide ' ,good . working conditions and wastes precious time on lost' directions when it Would be More profitable and sensible to spend our energy in joint efforts to give the' people better parks value for the dollars they are providing. It is an 'occasion to point • ::, out, however, , that:. for whatever:reason the pruning does • not ',get done, the. dead • trees and branches are pot cut the -fault lies .beyond the reaCh of the, Parks' Chair- man; if itdid nbt, wewouldbe already correcting . the situation at full speed: • On . another level ap .parentl.y I . another. level,: "forgiven':, by the Public: • Works Foreman that years ago when there Was quite a lot of public r outcry_ after a particttla'rly severe denudiva of our• banks and, some other places, I was a-mong, thos,e • who wrote on the subject in the local paper.. This haunts me' literally to this day. Not only I.cannot undo it now, but I am qute 'likely to• question some act of our pu lie life C un '1 .h• '-n r . of o o -a agar f Just as 1>�y "Cannell work is open to critical observations from.any source. The. people elect their representatives to ` work - on their behalf. The people pay good,salaries' and wages, with excellent' fringe benefit's, ',to those employed in different capacities.,•,.Surely the people can expect- that we do not act. like sal.tlking prima donnas, but' get on with 'the work without .. ob.structi.oris ' of whatever -Manner. ' Rightly or wrongly, my own belief is that if we have chosen to serve'the public and get paid by. the -people, we.are open'to critical views and. We owe the people an explanation about our work.. T ;' ;Yours sincerely,. Elsa Haydon. even ;if__°i Pan find a_ rcp:uir" shop that might handle such a job.. After. the . first incident I -- telephoned the local office of the `T^ am'd �C- 1I�inrstry and asked if they could arrange to exercise ,a little More 'care. The person ,;who • answer'.pd with all' the refinement and'' courtesy of aaurly bear, alter• indulging . iii 'some ill-natured remarks :and . Profanity, in- • formed .dine that they Were do.iing,`the:.best�theycould and Were not purposely damaging the boxes-, I: didn't "suppose they were ' but, since be brought the Matter up it did seem remarkable that they could damage. so ' many • without trying. It ought to be possible. for a 'citizen to make inquiries and suggestions without incurring an `offensive -response from government employees. The. snowplowo crews, have done .a good job during this stormy winter in clearing the snow from the roads but, in order to do- so, it shouldn't" be necessary' to' clear the mail. boxes from the. shoulders: "Perhaps the damage 'is unavoidable, but, from my � personal observation, I don't think ° so. Preventable damage, committed. by,. employees of aministry, does not • lend . credibility to a government that professes to 'be trying to curb inflation. ' _Another aspect of the snow - removal problem, which is more conspicuous in the. municipalities than •• on the. highways;as the excessive .use of _salt: , • Possi.biy salt • is , a ' necessary solution for•c•ertain• circumstances . but an.'; ex- ._perieneed driver can sense from' the- response. of his vehicle to control action that the wetness resulting • from application of salt usually will increase rather than diminish. the hazard•of driving. • It is understandable that a ..city that rejoices in' a name ik,e ' Hogtowr .would be content'to splash about in the:. slus-h--throughout : all the- winter months but it. is in-- , credible that the citizens of an enlightened municipality would tolerate such an 'uri- civilized .method of dealing • with the snow. ' To divert to :an unrelated subject,. the concept, of con- : flict of interest as• related to elected: .members .of public bodies has been`emphasized in ' recent ' years and: has, r''esulted • in :numerous in, stances in which represen= tatives have felt obliged to refrain from discu'ssin'g' or voting on some issues. ' After .readi,J>,g,. Last week's'' Signaltar the question that came to mind wads how can an. elected ' body ethically; (or perhaps' even legally) raise .the pay . of ..its members ' without first obtaining the abproval.of their employers? I should not argue that'our. . representatives .: do not deserve, increases. but the.,: meth.o.d•: of getting.�them seems. in,conflict which ac- cepted standards.'. Finally, dial' you.. ever blish . the names ' of the; members of the 1Vlenesetung. Canoe Club, �Jhose group .picture `you.: published on 20 Nova 1975? I' recognize a few' : anti can guess at a few more. I should'' think there would be some other old timers .who woad like toknow the names. R;;J.G..Wilson • ' Editor's Note:: Nq sir, the • On ninny things Dear €dfitor, The mortality `rate of the 'nail boxes along the Bayfield -road ;may have come.to your. attention. • I was luckier than many others in that my box rectal. ed only minor' repair after two battering.s but yesterday the snowplow managed to knock,the box off the, post and inflict damage that may`notrbe repairable, a numes were'•never published We don't know the names at this office_ • the names were' never 'fo.rw.arded to us, Perhaps .you -sir, would like to send 'us what names you have,; for publication. We'd be happy to hear.from you, • e PU�ijet"+t 1l'r`'leS has in so many cow tries in Y n the world, In this day and .age; it seems that we have to, put restraints on they Men and. women who; .are running pur country, as well,asthey have toput restraints on us in our i° way of living._.. '.r and the Prime Minister and S atur the ,,Minister of Health had: •• . London ....show•eel-•-can tl-s•ignU1c1. ;•:rn- ;.. eo raro fuT • telligence, -•they would have. �.- • ti0iill: Rlt'H.SICaNAI.-STAL.TUUR�a, A"Y,F $RLiAR.Y 19, 1976. -PAGE BY'IRLA.STEW, gT' day night's, eoneer't -b •Sy m phorcli'estra treat tri 'sound -an:d "Hollentanz", and Ginastera's ".Dame y. the ° from Estancia" with its .intricate rhyth- was .g rns•aiadheautiful.cont��astiri• .movement. sight. . Galt aartists for' the eveningwere g P• ul• M a si orenu, Spanish dancer;" and David Phillips; -ditarist. •These g y talented performers•not:. only, added variety; but extended the understanding and appreciation. of Spanish music, The -colorful: arTd expressiye : pr.esen= tattors" by •Paula Moreno were ' en - 7 i - D'ear Editor, • r• in • ''the, Entitled."Spanish •1VI).tsic,Fbr�'tlance" I had It 'debated • Itis with regret that write �the - ro ram. offered ' g Le islature ,where ...ft • never p ed an exciting 'Choice this letter to your a �.er. in:of music, °from very fa ili paper go to:,. for they were s.o sure of _ m ar to lesser I' known wor s • - regards to• our hospit sitgation in .Ontario - But up till now. We 'have. all been being polite and asking if the matter in regards- to 'the closing' of our hospitals would be reconsidered. No ogre. disagreed we were: under the need of restraints which when' put to the public in the proper" manner 'for the :most part would havebeen accepted. But now we have' come, to the end of being nice and it: is up to all the,people..in Ontario to get up and fight for what is right and just. This has been the most 'colossal blunder. of political procedure in my life, to the.point where now we live In fear.of the state. • " h And -what is that, other than what has :happened in ether countries, in the world, that • 'has led to violence and the downfall of their governing, powers. k k•• These two men, the Prime Minister of Ontario an •themselves 'they 'could do as :the, liked, But if, they "had done' this, ft would have got therm: off the hook and we the people would have been able to 'accept whatever 'decision was made on the grounds that all parties would have been involved in making a:decision in regards to this situation,, In no way have either of them men " got up and. gave, the people of - O"ntario f any in-' formation of • . saying any Money; for the tax -payer, for: they have none and they know it is t!i'st a case of passing the buck ontosomeone else.• I' am .glad that we do not live in the time of the last war when President Roosevelt - paid' farmers to destroy little pigs and calves when they were born- so. we would:'not ' waste the feed to feed them andraise them, for we did not need them' anyway. d the What difference is there to Minister of Health in Ontario, these two men are putting the have proved: that they have axe `to. thousands of people performed the greatest act of and they do not give a damn incompetency- in the handling' • what happens to any of them, for 'they figure: if.- any£hiir`g, happens to one of us, it•will be just one less to look after. In this. disturbance' at Durham; it sliows that tliis•is only part' of: what is to ;come. These two men.have droye a lot of people to the point of • Violence and ;this may spark. off::one; of '.the :greatest - catastrophes• in our country of Canada. this in our province than that of our affairs in the,. hospitals. of Ontario. For the Mnister of, Health did admit that in his - speech of December 19.,'1975.. He said he knew four .years ago that our• hospitals: were getting into•deep financial, : trouble,: If h.e knew this, then -t -he Prime Miriiste_r knew it:. I. tn.yself>. did make. the; 'statement over *two years ago. that our hospitals' could not run:under the present system .of• financing, -on.ly ,to be laughed at, forthey said that. is'a-H-you could expect from,'a -nut. . • '. But in regards to our •problem:of spending, neither the. Prime Minister• or the Minister of Health: did anything about it, note even now as-ye'spend'millions' of dollars' each year for things we do not need; a'lot of Aright here at the Goderich hospital. I• do believe, some of. -the patients could Have looked= .after the millions. of dollars .. that were wasted on ...our hospitals and come up with•a lot -better deal .than' what we have, got from: aur • present Minister of -Health.. :I have •come to believe that the time has - come that in Cases q•f'.this kind inhere we are faced -'with men: in put - .government who.have sp little knowledge of. finance and. we foresee: trouble of •such a tremendous proportion coming to our province, that these' men could be made to appear, before • a panel of ,judges from our•,Supreme Court. If they Fare found guilty of:being-incompetent"in their line of duty- for' the people of ,the province or our country • of Canada, there should then be a law to put them out of office arid bar them from holding any public office; or job in the Dominion of Canada for'as long asey live. • The opening number ;was Schubert's.. "'Overture to Ros•amunde'',•followed b d .,Y.. the. ".pdp:ulai• .Strauss' -waltz ``Blue Danube Nevem has the. London'?Syrn- • phony sounded so.rich and .resonant, or p'llayed with more sensitivity.` . Perhaps this was brou•ght•about by the thence cif music Combined with the'larae size:of,the orchestra (as contrasted with the smaller group in the December concert.) Or maybe, after a. January ofJ cold • white snow,. the Goderich audience was. susceptible to splashes of brilliant sound and color! • • ` Especially enjoyable were Dvorak's • But ' I do request nand ask that all the people, both in Ontario . • and Canada • especially our young people, do not.give into the, statement of the Prime Minister and the Minister. of Health as.final,- for now is the time we must 'fight and show them that•we tnean business: "" ; For you; the young people, this is your -province, your Canada. It is up, to' you to fight for it no -matter what the • cost, -for we are in' very dire trouble and are on the eve of .the.. greatest : financial • I' do not believe in violence of any kind for I,have seen it 'where people go ,mad and de • things they would not. do in their right minds. But.it seems it .is going to end .up this way in -this country as it collapse ever known to man. But you must unite together and find out what you want for youF country and how you are going to --get it. Your first problem is our `hospital situat'ion here in Ontario. You have nothing to fear from. these Iwo men for if you make up your mind you can beat them, not by force but . just because you are Canadian people . fight•ing for what.' •s, right. ,The Mnister of Health where he was given a rough tirrre;'said he had to derit or his 'whole program will collapse". So then. all these '.statements. that he •would reconsider, there., would be a reprieve, ....there may be • changes - were nothing but all. damn lies- So what can you expect from .a man like this • SHOULDER.• BUTS' PORK (HOPS 181,19 SMOKED OR FRESH ' HAM• STEAKS•Le1.19 . BABY BEEF LIVER (6ALVES) SALMON ROUND D STEAK LB.5 7 3 LBS. .1$.1.89 .ONTARIO LOIN LAMB CHOPS LIMI ED cALL ,S .nss, Home Dressed Inspected Ment's at Wholesale pries K thusiasticallji received by the audience. Somehirpes . austere, and aloof, at' other times, warm and gracious, Miss Moreno danced with grea.tt,versatilityand superb rhythmic gkill. David Phillips, on guitar, provided excellent accompaniment 'for three of her numbers. '.Other selections were adequately :accompanied by the 'syrn- phony.. • The highlight ©f the evening was ,the final' selection, . ``Bolero" by Ravel, performed by .the, .orPih:estl a: aird. Paula Moreno, Irii tr .. ,od ,_.n vein • t is nun'be ': n r co ductor;'` C r• sal Evans .' described it as '"14 minutes' of crescendo". e o . ..The orchestra '' r di splayed excellent control of dynamics,.. ' , and tempo (special bo,u--uet to the snare -H.."' q g P Y orchestral effects, #ect s, -produced.: a Iari�ilant drum m^r) - Exciting cfrorea: r a.h-•' an ;.• d castanets, coupled witl,li titin and .g climax. The:stand_ing ovation:w:as well deserved! This was the second'in the concert. series presented 1')Ythe Rotar. Club of r Y Goderich'. The third and final concert; "Orchestral Night,"` ' will be held on Saturday 'March 6tk, at 8 p.rrr in Goderich Collegiate. Goderich is indeed' fortunate to have,.. the 'opportunity to hear 'such :.fine_sym- phonic concerts. Don't miss the next one' - circle March 6th now! a• cKinIey resigns Huron ' Middlesex' MP, R.E.. (Bob) McKinley ' yesterday announced' his ' resignation as the chief Conservative whip. Mr. McKinley has held the. post for the past two and a half years and.his'resignation comes on". the eve of ..the Conservative' party leader- ship nomination convention W be held •this Weekend in . Ottawa. He indicated that he would not . accept a reap- pointment to the post. Mr. McKinley was elected to the Legislature in 1965 and. ,has 'wot1., .re-election' since • then, Reports that he:would- • not be a,candidatein the next -federal election were labelled . 'false' by McKinley. ' The job has ' be'e•n•• a that ..'for: Mr. McKinley that required his services in Ottawa on Sunday to. prepare .the 'plans' and schedules. for the week's' .business. The post also': .required 'a devotion of time to.. execute and still maintain me:mber•, get to .khow• . the nian. Hellyer is a . former respect • with all party.' members. He was respon sible for allotting office space to party'•rnembers, selecting „members for: parliamentary juhkets, deciding. which MPs had to- be. in , the. House Of 'C,ommons to handle debate and which questions they would ask.and 'also to. set up meetings with delegations., "He tries to keep the party running smoothly," he said,:. "IIs been very tough. - Mr. McKinley. has ,.the distinction of lasting. longer than the. ayerage whip., .and p -.party:'rnembers• _claimed he did a good lob .under '•sonie _ rather trying ;circumstances, Reviewed his -tenure as whip I - a multitude of jobs. • •• The.. whip's job becomes increasingly difficult • to rules*: It's- a great Liberal cabinet Minister whom McKinley says is the Mr. McKinley is looking most experienced man for the' • forward to taking a more - job. ' . ` °fictive role in the'busjness of '`We need• someone with. Parka sent. anal .will. :also ' experience.Hjltyer has it in enjoy,_mOrefree timee with his' the House and government. • family.•• and -constituents in He knows, probably more: Huron -Middlesex.. He is also than any .one else, that anxi•ous to become involved in Trudeau is b'ad _ for; -the" the agriculture committee country.'; and asking more.questlons• in' McKihl.ey holds great the House. • respect for•'Mr. Stanfield and Reviewing the future.of the for, his tremendous dedication:, Consersiitive Party Mr.' and now:• has visions . of McKinley. wi1•1 back ex- becoming a member' of the . - �t:rience'. in. the -leadership, --government . if_ ,.Heller' is ;., 1P Y_ nominatiory;conventionand,he chosen as the leader. of the' lielieves,Paul Hellyer is the, party. enlightener: . .as a great enlightener and believes" every,member: j.. should have an opportunity:at !: ••. tbe'post.. I • :"Evei-y member. should 1 hold the position of whip at •,1' one time orThnother to 'play I his part: in supporting the `1 �rty," he. said, "The ,job • 1 •°• • iould he passed around nd ar experience and' to let the • � • Minister of the.: Proyince.16 back biro up. I am in my 64th year:. i have' been a patient in ,,this hospital here at Goderich, it. Will be three years on the 23rd of March, 197G, I have found out a lot, and .I` have coni pleted hundreds of pages of information in•regardsto.our' hospitals, a lot• froinother hospf`tal-s by patients who .were transferred here; You may call me :an old ..track pot, but I can :assure you all that if in any way, I .cam give or get info_rirtation that you may need to assure you of -our need, or if I can somecases direct you to men who can help you and• direct You •.in our fight to beat this problem; I will do' anything I can = and there are • a lot of staff plus the • Union who Will' help..` All we need is you, the people, lots ofpeople.figh'ting when . he has , the 'Prime for one cause to.p_ut down the . dear Rcaders 7 --(contintie.d trim' page 4) was s used foul' surfaces of 20' • x 20' rather thin 40' x.40' for the preliminaries; the.b.ig one, for th-e—finals, The 'results were.gratifying.' South -Huron• won• with 95 points - the second time in• six years: (Incidentally, the Goderich. wrestling 'team res®Its are always published in this • n.ewspaper. We get the in- - formation from the local high school. Thank • goodness we don't ..have tom wait on , this. news le conic through board chaniiels...it would • be two months old! . � The next section concerned Education Research Reports • which can he borrowed from, the London Regional Office. Then there will be another summer program on Family Life and Sex Education. The final •paragraph 'rlp'i)logized-.for • the • short memo , and urged, in the meantime, to "he .or good cheer, winter cari'tt last forever!' " The signature? G O. Phillips, Executive Assistant til the Director of. Educatiot1 for D.J. Cochrane, Director of••Educalion. +++.• I also :.rriad.e a •special stitpvey Of the report of the .February . hoard meeting. Along' with. the • tirade ,about . •Dr.. Peters'. statcrnent about t'he_lack of information, there was newsof mileage rates - 19 ^cents for non board mein bets appointed •'to board- com- mittees and all employees, and ' 15 cents for board members - which had' been discussetl.for three rrionths, Ki tribute :to• the staff for can ceiling • professional development day January 26: info about the addition at . - Exeter public school, (Not too exciting for Goderich and area folks): and info about fie lei' trips approved ad W ingh am and South Htiron, 'Ti, he ahs.olut.ely frank, only 'the bit about the 'mileage rates and.of'courr'se the at- tack on Peters was -of in- terest- to local Pead.ers. And even that washo•hun•1. Yes, it's'a far cry from the area t)tlard• Meetings • where yards Of inti resting copy two .nen who have created the greatest acts of n in- • •I, .competency in.. -• our *.I democratic systain. • ( • S. Mel-kiltngei•.. Poo.f. ,tine ie. . Dear.Editgr, -•• . I .believe the wrong, flags. • ..were placed: around .The • • Square recently• "• • • While returning ,. from • citmnionly • flown has one dirty :red. bar....followed by, a_. •• tattered -and dirty, red maple leaf on a'grey background. • Any v'isitors-to our'Country • would have to 'Say that the Canad•ian.flag looks like this. Hopefully these disgraceful rags will be replaced with fi - new flag and.that the flag wilt... be cared for the wayit should London I saw, only line or two flag's similar to .the: ones on, .; The. Square.. The one mosE 'Yours, • Dwayne Limier. • came out concerning, .scho•ols, i.n• your own ' `-backyard". Now.. area readers have to search through what information there ,is to find.... things •which• pertain to them. • l'hcr:c: n ., : la,.•`,, .. ut;ri,ph or •4wo.' Often; there's' nothing there, So.'they quit looking... +:+-• - Lakt .week:'I had a short • •discussion, with One of. the • • county :editors who. thinks '= • that boar'tl of education fit 's • is pretty blah. I;ie:say's• it' till about,' field trips • and up, coming to.urnamcnt�. Not .much• meat. Well, maybe there isn't much more done at hoard of • educatiiin meetings. In thftt case, it is costing .1.1s away tob - much Money for what we're getting. ., " m . :But board tnebcr5 and the administration ',t' ill argue thcty are busy..; -running a business utitire.s ' )•r• multi.-niillrtn dollar and looking after the into rc st.s of all the student's' in this 'county. The only thing is,..you, wouldn't know • it •hy t.he. reports we get. Which.is it? Is 'the board of education performing a vital' service and• not • telling the rat epayery about it? Or is the board just' doing a lot of un- nt eessa•r•y 0l0awking and. •wing•flapping • which, is ac- curately ,reflected in' the •" reports, going' out , to • the.. , r')le•of this county? • v�i,s:u;;r�nM. at MARATHON 99 Snowrritibile rally for CYSTIC 'FIBROSIS --- SUNSET GOLF. COURSE FEB. /.2nd. -.R'egister at l$ till 2 FRE E•GAS and `OI L. pledges over 1 tick per mile TROPHIES . REFRE$BMENTS ' Sponsored by'the GODERICH KINSMEN Information and pledge sheets a -r. contact B:' FRY 524- 524- 228180 41 13 i . PURSER. •WatctiChannel 12 for -possible cancellation: •.:1. 1' 1 The fashion dist for spring: U•ncumplicated. Classic. In and cotton. Choose f'om our; new spring shades of blue, n'tx•y.Sizes 10 .20, From $50 • And into summer. easy -care polyester Collection in all•the green, shrimp and - ..to$65. S King Street, Clinton 482H7735- Y