HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-8-14, Page 4!IntVitSDAX, AUGUST 12, 1020.
Nn One is useless int this world
'who lightens the burden of it for an-
4ther,--D1akeM ,y $Hifi
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The oldest established business
college in Londonunder present
nnanagement, with the highest qual-
ified teachers, give individual instruc-
tion. Thorough courses in Bookkeep-
ing, Cost .Accounting, Shorthand,
Touch Typewriting, etc. Write for
catalogue. Register now for fall
term, starting September 1st,
Commercial Specialist, Principal
Toronto Daily Mail & Empire $4,60
Toronto Daily Globe $5.00
Toronto Daily World $4.00
Toronto Daily Star $3.09
London Daily Free Press ... , $ 5.11
London Daily Advertiser . , $5_01
Famine Herald & Weekly Star $1,59
Farmers' Advocate $1.6 0
Canadian Countryman $1.9
Montreal Weekly Witness
World -Wide
Toronto Saturday Night .... $4,00
MacLean's Magazine $ 3.0 0
Rural Canada $1.00
The Youth's Companion $2.50
The Farmers' Sun .$1.50
Farmers' Magazine $2.0 0
Christian Guardian $2.00
The Exeter Times has a clubbing
rate with most daily and weekly pa-
pers. Te find the clubbing rate add
the price of the papers you wish to
subscribe for and subtract 25c from
a daily paper and 10c from a week-
ly paper.
Much. Sickness Due to
Lack of Work
en healthy body produces more
energy than it needs to keep the
Heart, Lungs and Bowels working.
This surplus energy mutt be spent
in mental or physical work. On the
other hand, people who work too
hard use their reserve strength and
'swear out the system.
People who are inclined to Ner-
vousness, Constipation, or have any
of the Troubles of the Heart, Liver,
Nerves, Kidneys. Stomach or Bowers
can .greatly improve the condition of
'their health it they so desire.
If you 'work too hard, take more
rest, if you work too ltibtle, take
snore exercise, you will need med-
&cizte to correct the troubles ceased
by your indiscretions and to assist
nature to restore health. Then take
Heart and Nerve Remedy
rand it you require a laxative take
Kidney and Liver Pills
These 'two preparations will Rork
wonders and we will guarantee
Teneficial results because we know
they will do eo..
Mr. Velleon E. Eagleson, of Bay
4ield, writes as follows: "I have
much pleasure in addressing you in
regards bo Hacking's wonderful.
Heart and Nerve Remedy. I have
used sante a. few boxes and I must
say they have done me a world of
goot1. Pl,•a.se send me 5 more boxes
of Eaolcing's Heart and Nerve Rem-
edy and 2 boxes of Hacking's Kid-
caey and Liver Bills."
li you too want to regain your lost
ihealth, then go to your nearest Drag
Store and ask for Hacking's.
Hacking's Remedies are sold in
Exeter by W. S. Cole, Druggist.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
"Pepe's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces-
sive acid in stomach, relieving
'dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at,. once.
k,'into US In dive minutes all stone
€tet distress, ,due to acidity, will go.
No indigestion, heartburn; sourness or
ching of gas or eructations of undi-
d food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
111 or headache,
't pe's Diapepsin ie noted for • its
• ' eed in regulating upset stoiznachs,
is'the tturest, guickestestosnach sweet-
ener in the whole world, and besides it
i6 haa'tttless.a sir
1' t an (eel to stomach
lustre s at once by getting a large fiftq-
4ent case of rape's Diapep9in from any
itg store. a You realize itt five minutes
atw needloes it is to suffer from indi.
kostioii, dyspepsia, or,,,any stomach des=
leder caused by fermentation due to
txceeisive acids rn stonsach,
The following list captains the
names in Huron County of the candi-
dates who has been successful, in
whole or In part, at the middle school
examinatious for entrance into the
normal sehools.
The entry (Hon.) shows that the
candidate passed with honors, and
the entry (Sup.) indicates that the
candidate requires to write a sup-
plemental examination in one subject
in order to qualify for a middle
schbol certilcate,
The names of the Exeter pupils
who were successful appear in cap-
itals. Twenty-one candidates wrote
at Exeter, ten were successful,
11 RON
M, E. Anderson, F. R. Archibald,
M. R. Armstrong, (Hon.) ; E. 3. Ba-
ker, F. E. Baker, I. V. BELL, A.
Baxter, M. S. Blanshard, M. E. Ben-
nett, T. G. CREERY (Hon.), I. I.
Carr, A. W. Clubb, A. E. Cummins,
M. I. Currie (Hon,), S. M. Draper,
R. E. DAVIS, A. M. Deans, •(Hon.),
E. W. H. Edge, (Hon.), J. ii. Ed-
monds, (Hon.) H. Edwards, (Hon.) ,
M. M. FORD, W. 3. Finlayson, D. E.
Fells, W. C. Gardiner, M. M. Gar -
row, (Sup.), 3. W. A. Greig, E.
Hall, M. S. Hogg, K. L. Hamilton,
(Sup.) , A. E. Hellyar, (Hen.), 3. M.
el. Hough, G. K. Hamilton, (Hon.),
A. C. Hays, F. E. Humber, L. E.
Johnston, H. L:' Jefferson, (Hon.),
P. I. John, R. Kilpatrick, (Hon.), E.
Keating, A. L. , Lawrence, G. T.
Laithwaite, (Hon,) , S. 0. Latimer,
M. E. IneCa11, W. L. McCutcheon, M,
E. McNabb, S. E. McNair, E. B. Mc-
Taggart. A. B. MEDD, 0. 1. McClure,
L. A, MacKlin, R. A. Mcgaw, E. A.
MacKay, R. C. MacLean, A. J. Millar
(Hon.). H. Millar, F. H. Moore,
(Sup.), R. Muir, (Hon.), E. L Mus-
grove, (Hon.), H. S. Mitchell, W. E.
Nelson, C. 13. Nairn, V. I. Parker, E.
G. Pridham, K. Pringle, (Hon.), J.
H. Perdue (Hon), L. Robinson, H.
M. Ryan, (with L. S. Art), E. L.
Reid, (Hon,), D. C. Roth, H. M.
Stothers, D. M. Stafford, E. P. Scot-
chmer, L. M. Snyder, el. A. L. Shep-
perd, E. Sowerby, L. Sowerby, G. J.
Scarlett,° G. L. Siliery, 3. I. Sillery,
(with L. S. Geog.), D. M. Staples,
E. M. Sellers. (Hon.), F. E. Stewart,
J. B. Taylor, (Hon.) , A. E. Thuell,
F. TURNBU LL, M. G. Tigert, R. I.
Taylor, 0. G. Truemner, E. 3. Tur-
ner, G. G. Tucker, F. Wallis, A. Wal-
E. C. Washington, W. Weir, B.
Wheatley, W. A. Wheatley, M. C.
Walker, H. A. Young.
The death occurred recently in
Parkhill of Edward Holland, one of
the oldest residents of the town. Mr.
Holland was born in England and
carne to Canada at an early age, set-
tling near Whitby with his parents.
He later moved to McGillivray Tp.,
where he was among the first settlers
He was married in 1863 to Miss Ka-
therine Kennedy, of the same town-
ship. Mr. Holland who was engaged
in farming, retired in 190 7 and set -
led in Parkhill. Three sons and four
daughters survive him. Interment
was made in the Baptist Cemetery on
the eighth concession of McGillivray.
We hand folks over to God's mer-
cy and show none . ourselves. -
George Eliot.
There are in Prince Edward Island
14,500 farms.
The area of Prince Edward Island
is 1,250,000 acres.
Prince Edward Island is the most
densely populated province, there be-
ing an average of 43 persons to ev-
ery square mile of territory.
Last year there were 1,875,036
pounds of butter produced in Prince
Edward Island, having a value of
$1,000,000. Sixt-five per cent. of
this butter was sold in Newfound-
Prince Edward Island's cheese out-
put last year amounted to 2,502,-
449 pounds, having a value of
$650,636. Fully 90 per cent. of this
cheese was sold to Great Britain or
in Montreal for export.
The production of eggs in Prince
Edward Island last year amounted
to three million dozen, valued at $1,-
3 8 0,0 00.
1,-380,000. Eighty-four per cent, of
these eggs sold outside of the Prov-
According to statistics compiled
in 1917, the capital then invested in
manufacturing in Canada then a-
mounted to $2,736,649,727. The em-
ployees ,numbered 692,067; and the
goods manufactured had a value of
$3,0].5,577,940, being ten times the
value of the goods produced in 1881.
1878 the total hank deposits in
1 Canada averaged $10,52 foreach'
roan, woman and child of the popul-
ction. The average last year was
$204 per head.
Last year the field erops of Canada
had a value of $1,452.437,000;
other farts produce heti a value or'.
$523,4,)4,000 making the total agris
cultural, production worth $1,97,5,-
841,00t), or a little more than half
the valne of thiel aeufactt:red goods.
The fisheries of the three prairie'
provinces produce iussually fish to
the value of two milliondollars.
ealatelsli occupies tire. place, It a-
bounds in nearly all the northern
end western lakes,
The greater lent of the fire insur-
ance in Cahada is lar -le by British
companies, The net; amount at risk
is $4,904,306,000.
Aid 1;71 ' 11O. , 1020,
A BY-LAW to provide ,for borrow-
ing the sum of 1;$,8000 •tae pay for'the
co strt ction Of a concrete pavement
en Wellington, Street, in the Village orf
Exeter, and to authorize the ,issue of
debentures there,or r--
WMERnAS, the Municipal Council
o the Corporation of Exeter' and pur-
suant to a request of the ratepayers:
that it is desirable aind"'itt the interest
of the Corporation of the Village of
Exeter ba construct a concrete pave-
ment loin Wellington Street, beginning
as Main Street and extending as far as
the Grand Trunk Railway property
within the Village of Exeter.
AND WHEREAS, it has been. estab-
lished that it well require the sum of
$12,000 bo prepare the roadbed,do the
necessary draimin$.annd to construct a
Pavement thereon. •
AND WHEREAS, under instruc-
tions of the Municipal Council of the
Village 'rat Exeter, estimates of costs
of construction of a concrete pave-
ment have been submitted and in said
estimates the sum sof 98000 is placed
as the stun necessary to 'complete the
cbrporation's share of said concrete
Pavement :construction.
ANIS WHER11,AS subscriptions
"have been assiored by interested par-
ties in the said pavement construction
in the sutra of 94000, which sue scrip
tion list will ' filed with the Clerk
of the Muniespadity of Exeter.
AND WHEREAS, it is necessary
for the said purpose for the said cor-
noratioti of :the Vitiate of Exeter., to
borrow upon the credit of said munici-
pality the sum +of $8000.
AND WHERhAS, ,for the purposes
aforesaid it will be necessary to issue
debentures of the said municipality of
the Village of Exeter far tate said sum
of $8000,, and interest, as hereinafter
provided, which is to elites amount of
the debt intended io ,be created by
this bit-la,w; the proceeds of the said
debenture. to the amplled in the pre-
paration of the roadbed, and in the
construction .of ,th•e concrete pave-
ment 'lane the said Wellington Street
in the Village of Exeter, and for no,
other ,purpose.
AND WHEREAS, it is desirable to
make the principal of the said debt
repayable by annual instalments during
the period of fifteen years nextefter
the issue of the debentures th•eretor,
AND WHEREAS, it will be neces-
sary to raise annually for the period
of fifteen years during the currency
of the debentures to be issued her-
by under special tate sufficient there.-
here-f,or on all the ,rateable property within
the municipality the sum of 9797.00
for the paying of the several ,instal-
ments of principal and .interest there-
on at -the rate of -five and one "half
per cent per annum. '
AND WHEREAS, the amount of the
whole ,rateable property of the Vill-
age ,of Exeter according .to the last.
revised assessment. ¢roll is ;the stern of
AND WHEREAS, the existing de-
benture dealt of the said Village of
Exeter. exclusive of local improve-
meat debenture debt secured by spec-
ial assessments therefor amounts 'to
the sum of $59,184.11, and no part
of the principal or interest thereof is
in arrears.
Therelore the municipal Council of I
the Village ;of Exeter enacts as fol-
lows: -
It shall be lawful for the Reeve and
Treasurer of the said Village of Ex-
eter to borrow on the credit of tee
said corporation ,the sum of $8000 for
the purposes herein before set forth
and for that purpose to issue deben-
tures ,of the said municipality to the
amount of 98000 in sums of not less
tban $100 each and such debentures
shall be (signed by the Reeve ,of the
said corporation for the time being
and countersigned by the Treasurer
for the time being of the said corpor-
ation and duly sealed with the Cor-
poration seal thereof, which seal the
Clerk ifior ,the time being is hereby
authorized and directed to attach to
each tor the said debentures.
The said debentures shall be dated
upon the date of the issue thereof, and
shalI bear interest at the rate of five
and cone -hall per cent, per annum, and
the said interest shall be payable year-
ly on the day of the month on which
said debentures are issued, and as to
Lowe Brothere Steve
Pipe Ecsamel will put wx
automobile finish on your
estove, water heater, regia -
ter, radiator or any metal
surface that is subjected to
Gives any metal a data-
ble black luster that lhsf8.
Easy to apply. Makes
things easy to clean--eaa-
ler to keep: clean.
an will c i
A saial•1 work
1 wonders in your kitchen.
in We have it.
1 +
Paints I
both principal, tend interest 'said de-
beateree eha11 be .payable acanual in-
staliuents within fifteen years; suehla-
sttelnents 160 lbe of such amournts
that the aggregate amouttt payable for
Principal anditatereet in any year shall
heequal. nearlyas inaybe to w a
q ,
is Payable $or principal and interest
during 'eases of the ,other years of such
neriocl of fifteen years as hereinafter.
set forth
1921 $440.00
1922 420.36
1923 399,65
1930 218.98
1931 187.18
1932 153.65
1933 118.25
1934 . 80.92
1935 41.55
That this by-law shall come into
force and take effect on the day of
the final passing therof.
Teat the votes of the Electors of
the•,said Village of Exeter entitled to
vote on this by-law be taken on Fri-
day, the 20th day of August, 1920,
coinnneucing at nine o'clock In the
forenoon and continuing until five
o'clock in the afternoon of the same
day at the following places, within
the said Village of Exeter and by the
follquring Deputy Returning Officers.
Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at
Silas . Handford's residence, Main St.
Edward, Treble, D.R.O. Sidney Davis,
Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at the
Town Hall, Main street. Wellington
Johns, D.R.O. James H. Grieve, Poll
Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at
Mrs. Mitchell's office building, cor-
ner of. Main and Wellington streets.
James Weeks, D.R.O. Alfred Gam -
brill, Poll Clerk.
'Polling Sub -Division No. 4, at the
North End Fire Hall. Frederick Wit-
wer,D.R.O.- Castor J. Willis, Poll
That Monday the 16th day of Aug-
ust, 1920, at seven thirty o'clock in
the afternoon, shall be theday and
tate Clerk's office in the Library
building in the Village of Exeter
shall be the place where the Reeve
shall attend to appoint persons to
attend 'at the various polling places
aforesaid and at the final summing
up of the votes by the clerk on be-
half of the persons interested in pro-
moting or opposing this .by-law res-
pectfully. -
That the Clerk of the corporation
of the said Village of Exeter shall
attend at his office in the said Vil-
lage of' Exeter at eleveno'clock in
the forenoon on Saturday, the 21st
day of August, 1920, to sum up the
number of votes given for and . a-
gainet this by-law.
The above is a true copy of the
proposed by-law which •has been
taken into consideration and which
will be finally passed by' the Council
of the Corporation df the -Village of
Exeter, in the event of the assent of
the electors being obtained thereto
after one month from the first pub-
lications in the Exeter Times and the
Exeter Advocate newspapers, which
first publication was on the 29th day
of July, 1920, and at the hour, day
and places therin fixed for taking
the votes of the Electors a poll will
be held.
Every lease holder entitled by
law to vote on the proposed by-law
shall at least ten days next proceed-
ing the day of polling file in the
office of the Clerk of the Municipal-
ity a statutory declaration stating
that his lease meets'the requirements
by law entitling to vote on such a
by-law. And the names of lease hol-
ders neglecting to file such a declar-
ation shall not be placed on the
voters list for such voting.
Corporations entitled to appoint
a nominee to vote on its behalf shall
not later than the tenth day before
the day appointed for taking the
vote, file with the,Clerk of the Muni-
cipality the name in writing of a
person to vote as its nominee and
on its behalf.
Joseph. Senior,
Clerk of the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter.
13Y -LAW N0. , 1920
A By-law to authorize the Reeve
and Treasurer of the Corporation of
the 1VIus:icipality of the Village of
Exeter to borrow certain sums of
money to complete payment for the
concrete pavement constructed on
Main Street under authority of By-
law No. 4; of 1919.
Andfofr the issue and sale of fur-
ther debentures in the amount of
$20,000.00 to cover said cost.
WHEREAS the sum of Twenty
Thousand . Dollars is deemed neces-
sary by the Council to complete the.
payment due for the construction of
the Main Street pavement.
AND WHEREAS the amount here-
tofore borrowed and outstanding for
the purpose aforesaid and the a-
mount hereby authorized to be bor-
rowed do not exceed the amount of
the said concrete pavement` construe-
N) 'WHEREAS the amount of
the whole rateable property of the
said Village of Exeter according to
the last revised Assessment Roll is
the sum of $775,275.00
WIEIXItEkrSthe he exc ti
s ng dr-
:attire debt of the said Village of
Exeter, exclusive of local improve
meet rlebenture dein secured by spec-
ill assessment therefor, amounts to
the 'suln of $59,1$4,11 and no part
of the principal or interest tlier.eot
is in arrears,.
Be it enacted by the Municipal
Council t
ci o f the Cor o ap r ion of the
Village of Exeter as follows:
1. That the Reeve with the Treas-
urer of the said Corporation be, and
they are hereby authorized in the
ivanner and subject to the conditions
herein mentioned to borrow upon the
credit of the said Municipality the
sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars
($20,000.00) for the purposes herein
before set forth and for that purpose
to issue debentures of the said Mun-
icipality to the amount of $20,000.-
00 in suns of not less than $100,00
each and such debentures shall .be
signed by the Reeve of the said Cor-
poration and countersigned by the
Treasurer of the Corporation and
duly sealed with the corporation seal
which seal the Clerk is hereby au-
thorized and directed to attach to
each of the said debentures.
The said debentures shall be dated
upon the date of the issue thereof,
and shall bear interest at the rate
of five and one-half per cent, per
annum and the said interest shall be
payable yearly on the day of the
month on which said debentures are
issued and as to doth principal and
interest the said debentures shall be
payable in annual instalments with-
in fifteen years, said instalments to
be of such amounts that the yearly
amount payable for principal and in-
terest shall be equal as nearly as
maybe y to what is payable for prin-
ciple and interest during each of the
other years of such period of fifteen
years as hereinafter set forth.
In the Total
Year Principal Interest Payment
1921 $892.51 $1100.00 $1992.51
1922 941.60 1050.91 1992.51
1923 993.39 999.12 1992.51
1924 1048.02 944,49 1992.51
1925 1105.67 886.84 1992.51
1926 1166.48 826.03 1992.51
19.2-7 1230.64 761.87 1992.51
1928 1298.32 694.19.E 1992.51
1929 1369.73 622.78 1992.51
1930 1445.06 547.45 1992,51
1931 1524.54 467.97 1992.51
1932 1608.39 384.12 1992.51
1933 1696.85 295.66 1992.51
19.34 1790.17 `202.34 1992.51
1935 1888.64 103.87 1992.51
That this by-law shall come into
force and take effect on the day of
the final passing therof.
That the votes of • the Electors of
the said Village of Exeter entitled to
vote on this by-law betaken on Fri-
day, the 20th day of August, 1920,
commencing at nine o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing until five
o'clock in the afternoon of the same
day at the following places, within
the said Village of Exeter and by the
following Deputy Returning Officers.
Polling. Sub -Division No. 1, at
Silas Handford's residence, Main St.
Edward Treble, D.R.O. Sidney Davis,
Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at the
Town Hall, Main street. Wellington
Johns, D.R.O. James H. Grieve, Poll
Clerk. •
Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at
Mrs. Mitchell's office building, cor-
ner of Main and Wellington streets.
James Weeks,, D.R.O. Alfred Gam -
brill, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -Division No. 4, at the
North End Fire Hall. Frederick Wit-
wer, D.R.O. Castor J. Willis, Poll
That Monday the 16th day of Aug-
ust, 1920, at seven thirty o'clock in
the afternoon, shall be the day and
the Clerk's office in the Library
building in the Village of Exeter
shall be the place where the Reeve
shall attend to appoint persons to
attend at the various polling places
aforesaid and at the final summing
up of the votes by the clerk on be-
half of the persons interested in pro-
moting or opposing this by-law res-
That the Clerk of the corporation
of the said Village of Exeter shall
attend at his office in the said Vil-
lage of Exeter at eleven o'clock in
the forenoon on Saturday, the 21st
day of August, 1920, to sum up the
number of votes given. for and a-
gainst this by-law.
The above is a true copy of the
proposed by-law which has been
taken into consideration and which
will be finally passed by the Council
of the Corporation of the Village of
Exeter, in the event of the assent of
the electors being obtained thereto
after one month from the first pub-
lications in the Exeter Times and the
Exeter Advocate newspapers, which
first publication was on the 29th day
of July, 1920, and at the hour, day
and places therin fixed for taking
the votes of the Electors a poll will
be held.
Every lease holder • entitled by
law to vote on the proposed by-law
shall at least ten days next proceed-
ing the day of polling file in the
office of the Clerk of the Municipal-
ity a statutory declaration stating
that his lease meets the requirements
by law entitling to vote on such a
by-law, And the naives of lease hol-
ders `neglectingto file such a declar-
ation shall not be placed on the
voters hist for such voting.
Corporatio'ss entitled to appoint
a nominee to vote on its behalf shall
not later than the tenth day before
the day appot
ted for
taking the
vote, file with the Clerk of the Muni-
cipality the nanle in writing of a
person to vote as its nominee and
on its behalf,
Joseph Senior,
Clerk of the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter,.
IWWpWIUIIIU�Ia eseuestu emmenst nnwrinsic
n mmmunmmm "
Ne 4019
erroprieta^ ryorPateenilleaktadki
yi;silnilattngtheFoodbfl*c�� �
ilingtheStomarlsand Bowels ott,p,
Thezeb)'Itomaine� stiosu
neither opiuin,forphinenor.
Miners N!