HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-12, Page 26NAI,rS A11�,,°f IIttRS RU .RV i t`?7a •
Michele Harris, front left, and partner Tracey MacEwan captured the Zoie Raithby
trophy in Stmllar Pairs at Saturday's, inter -club: meet sponsored by the Goderich Figure-
Skating club. Secondplace went to (left to right) Christy Soddy and Lori•Feagan'with
third spot won by Darlenf Moore -and Anne Allen: {staff -photo)
Come in and see
Mr:'Wi'Iliam. F. Parsons,
a foot specialist from London
Mr. Parsons will be at
Thursday, February 1 2
1":40 P.m. -. 5:30 P.M.
A presentation .on': energy
1jas given to the :National
• Farmers Union at Edmonton
, in December by ,Joel Roberts
of the University in
Saskatoon. Mr. Roberts made
the.foilowing statenients: •
percent of thfl wnrl.rf Q energy
to meet. the needsof,, its
population which is only 6
percent of the world total. .
'Canada consumes energy on.
approkimately the wine per•
capita i basis,' ranking :3rd.
• "Oil is the4 largest coins- initernationally.
": mall -'in inter' Tail. trade. •'The. µPersian Gb1T eoun,.. _
bit supplies.75 percent of the tries. that :provide :..the•
world's,technological energy capitalist world's ipost.
requ`irernents. The•U.S,,is the e,secure Jong, ranges supply ,or
' dominant force nationally. irr ' oil only consume I •percent or,
that trade, A .handful of U,S.. 'less, of •the world'•s con
firms • dominate U.S,. surnption. •: In Canada • ours
' government- oil. policy and.• recent Practice of,supplyinga'„
therefore 'world .commerce in false surplus .of oil .to the 'U.S.'
integrated. The firrnts control
the oil' in the ground, the:
drilling operations, the
;pipeline's:„tanker trucks and ,k
ships, refineries to convert
. crude into gasoline, diesel •':- -
fuel, heating,oil as well as the.
se•rvice_ station) nd ad ',
vertising '.operations to ,sell
'thefend.prroduct, and also ttie
t"esearch data and political
sktlls.. �:
• 'Most recently •QEF C led
by Ven,e uela took ' co-
ordinated state
oordinated•state action -to gain''
Controlling interest in their ..
Own oil,. relegating the giant
:firms. to ..secondary ad- _
ni inistrative rotes. - .
This is a true loss-to'•the oil
Companies, a genuine "gain to
the states,, though a great
threat to us . because the
corporate cartel of oil com-
panies was able to •transfer
the 'cost 'of their losses
direcil.y to western consumer
nations, including Canada,
while blan'1'ing the whole
development on OPEC. Yet
this is our own . fault for
permitting,the rnonopolies to
run our energy economy.
. oil ” while importing : an equal
` .Oil accounts for '30
percent ^'amount from Venezuala:and`
of all- U.S., overseas' in- the Middle ;East i being
vestment and'' for 40- percent slowly abandoned in the face
of U.S. investment—'in .un- of dwindling Canadian
derdevelopec'l countries. 'Oil "supply.
.provides 60'percent of U.S, . {The oil industry and -its
earningsfromthese regions. profits are co.m.posed of
- ' The U.S. alone consumes. 36 private companies vertically •.
on Harron
OWPMB- .to --hire consultant
The = Ontario ' Wheat storage conditions'throrighbut
Producers' Marketing Board lake shipping ports and the
has engaged the services'of a
in srm t o .s •u i
consult g, f' dit
y s
marketing operations.
Board chairman' Fergus
Young RR 1, 'Ennismore,
said the' study is aimed at
improving the 'board':s:
domestic and export sales
arrangements ' and_freight
handling and storage
arran ^ •:merits . for the
move s<''' t of export sales. over 10.5 million bushels
Mr. Youngadvised since July 1; 1975, compared
following a regular meeting • to the previous record of 10.3
of the marketing .board million: bushels during . thee•,.
February:' 3 the l study has. .complete crop year July 1974 -
begun and will take about six June 975,
'weeks . for a report to be '
St, Lawrence Seaway system
are placing increased
demands on• the board's
marketing proved `res;
Mr. Young said emphasis
will be placed . oh export
operations where a ;record
volume of sales 'has • been
experienced : during . the
current crop year.
The board has exported
-turned over to the. board.
He said increased volumes.
of wheat handled by ' the
board, coupled with : tight
r . transportation, handling _ and
o star
is Russell Horsburgh
n Blyth Feb. 23-24
Don Harron Will be the star
of a new Theatre ' :Passe
Muraille •m show coaling , to
Blyth Manorial •Halltheatre
on February .2.3 and 24:
Mr. Harron'' is` a man --
many talents 'probably best
known 'for 'his fictional Parry
`.Sound farmer :Philosopher,
`Charlie 'Farquharson.: His
appearance in.Blyth however
will not be as Charlie but in a
more" serious' vein in The
Horsburgh Scandal about the
problems of the • 'late
Reverend Russell I-rorsburgh
who became embroiled in
controversy .and, sent to jail
'over accusations of what
went on in his youth projects
at his . Chatham .Church: He.
was sent to jail:and banishell.
from his church but later the
supreme court threw out the
verdict and he was reinstated
t� his church a short time
before he died of cancer;
Mr. 'Harron will appear••'
with many of the regulars of .
the ` Theatre ' Passe . Muraille •
' . cast who have, brought such •
shows -:as The Farm . Show,
Tri' Donnellys; 1$37
The West Show to this. area:.
The Blyth shows will be the
exclusive performances in
the Huron County. Passe
Muraille's director Paul
Thomson fell in love with
• Memorial 'Hallwhile
rehearsing 1837 there and has
made it his headquarters for
touring in Huron. The ap-.
. pearance here will be
sponsored by the Blyth
Centre for .the Arts and any
profits • will go toward the,
renovation ' work ,at ` the
theatre. ' • •
Go.derich Rotary Club
London Symphony Orchestra
Goderich Series
Saturday, February 14, 1976
Goderich Collegiate Institute
Guest artist PAULA MORENO
• Tickets Adults 2.50 Sr. Citizens 1.25
Family •1.00 Students 1.50
Tickets Available Goderich
Mac`Oarripbell's, Orfnandy's. Mall
Clinton Newsl ecord -
The Blyth stop was
arranged, by jugglingthe
work schedule at the theatre
to' leave the open dates.
Original' plans had called for
the seats to be out during that
period for refinishingof the
auditorium floor but things
have been rearranged so that
the seats can stay in _ until
after the performance.
Meanwhile those who have
seen the work being done
-have been' pleasantly sur
prised: A new floor has been
installed on the stage and
much of the woodwork has
been stripped down to reveal.
the beauty of the old wood. By
summer . it appeaxs •the hall
will be back 10 its old:
'splendour. • •
Tickets are available. 'in
Godeirici'•r at the Coach house •
Travel Service, :in Clinton at
the News -Record or reser-
vations by calling 523-9616.
Any item in wood
new furniture built
ofd furniture '
• repair_e'd
Phone 529=7.205.
+ Vacuum Cleaners
Washer -Spin Dryers
+• Po•rta;b1w,Dryers
available' on
easy terms
308 HURON RD. •
i' wm Ie C1
.teoarate:evon .100. F
According to,expei is the• less oil you use in your snow
mobile;, the hiciher your'fuel.,oct'ahe ratjiig. Which,rne;ans
you tl.erijoy grip ptxre ' Serfornia:nce acid lower' life • from your• •
inaehi•ne,. i3clt iii using les$. oil you stiI[' ieed to make:sure
yttur engine get5-propier lubrication: New Bardahl 50:1
formula in the. 16 oz., can provides lust the ri9ht•rrieasure to
help increase your c,1as'octane rating , and also provides'
.theStipesbitdaricatii.ig qualities.that Bardahl is fainous for.'
A high-quality, •Iiigh-temperature lubricant, Bardahl 50:1 -
contains a. unique.polymer i. rngred•ient aiid special '`polar"-..
cleaning agents. It wont separate franc the gasoline–even' at
100°F–arrd'has a pour point of •'=2..0"'H Get new Bardahl
50:1, suowmoblle oil . at your Bardahl dealer now.'
New Formula Bardahl401
We'vemade.a fine product even Netter! New Bardahl 40:1
• formulation ensures that gas burns inorecompletely for
improved engine performance,.CarbonFormation s almost
eliminated .., spark plug foufiny reduced to a minimum
And the new lower pour point of -20'17 makes Bardahl
40:1 easy to°use:evenarr.subzero weather.'
524-7831 • ..
Domtar Limited reportsiiet
earnings of $35.3 trillion tilt
52.34 per.comnion share` for
the year ended 1D cember.31,
1975, The comparable figures • • '
for 19"a4,w•cre $82.5 rnillioni:srfd,.
55.53 respectively
For the last quarter et 197.0,
net car'nin.g:'s. were $'6,1 million •
or 40 Cents per corn Moil Share
compared' with $17.4 million
or!!;l . I per com rrlon share. for
the cn.rrespcnding'period•in
S.:rtes and other revenues
tottitic'd $82f.l million in 1975,
clown frlrm"$900.7miliion the
year before.'
..:budone [hin�l'llfiet on
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The one that.'made the difference
for me is they 'l-oronto I orninlon
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has all. the benefits of a:batik ds✓po,
sit built right in and isnot subject.'
ti'r stock market fluctuations: 1
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__twice_ yearly... rid as long as•it •
stays in•the'plan, it -s taax free. -i-he•.
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But whats.best of all is that 1 know •
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