HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-12, Page 24.• • 4.= • ,••••in,••,,!(.. ' . • • , ;;;' • ry , :,,PAO 1.6.--GODEMi SiGNAL-STAR, INURSD.Ax, FHBRU 'AR;v 1•2, iliii / • ' ,. 4/0 • :, - - '' . , ...., . :, . . ' • . . , ., .. f p titre .. ar H con, act.... , .. 4 ••• . • r,„.....,,„:,......c....,...,.......7,77..7.777 ,,,,..,.:,,,4,,..,i....,:„...,,,....,„:..,,,,.:...,,,,,.+:.,41, r;,,,,ir,,,i.,,;.:.,43.,..7.0....4;,,,;:,,,,...z..,,,..,....,..,.:. . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . 7777 .., „ cottncit sits down and'decicles expanding spOrt iteene. He • • continued from page ! • you peopie, want to throw us Which way ,it is to bi--done .siii.ci Jilt', board 9f edUcation, . we -leased the track anci'went out?'' ., . . . ' - ' s'incenwe'ha ve no final say one prospOty across fro'M GDCI,''' - *along: with Cassina to keep ., Mayer 'bleb Shewfelt said way or another". ' which they offered. tor the ' the race§," McKay ex- the pressure pPint is at At a suggestion by Gower sports complex; CoUld be uspd plaipecl.'"Theiv is riltir way we Agriculture 13„ark arid. has that Mike Dymond should co for a lighted ' baseball - . • -can dhangt_the dates and if been for severalyears. ordinate park activitie.s, Mrs. diamond; tennis eourts and a ' -_ we do„we are dead." _ . ''What we nee'd Is another Donnelly added that. either running track. He estimated • ..: . _Dave Gower.. told bOard„,, ,light.Pd ballpark," -he said. the parks programs should be the ,prOject fo .cost betwe.en-: trenthers that regardfess Of ' .-Every spoil in. the- coni- . ttin by co•uncil or the $199,goo - dnd $'20(),;.0.0 .and the - date that the TrPtting m-u,nity is expanding and the : recreation board' and that it cOuld bp realized through a • "1. ......1•:•,t, = '':: . , • ASOeiatiOn _became . aware -numb,er, • one „need in the was not tau% to Dymond tor'. commun.' y.e ort.,. • - ''"1"---------tife'Y-Vcittl'it-t-a"Ce`4-Thurs'aig—*ViScFriveninsitrisf-arrottgEtwIr7m7-4ra-v.pir-11-not-he.e---z--eorl!i.i-494,-,T4P,„:„...„„,r.e.c.gdea,t,„i4ni„,......i.i'frit44.....,,,,,, nights • it didn't ,change the Board , 'rnen-I. b•er , J,,shi.I.; -thairrnan discuss progi-ams",Pitablished•a -"sub committpi . • , . ' . to illetigate the tfeasibifity' 'Conflict..*Xe Said the=:trotters tS. h . t - • 'd ir t - • -.di '''i'thl.l'ill'i' . ,:- ' o er y .sat ..t • a regal ess . had. no-,, contfol; over '. their • Recreation ooarckhdirrnan of the Projeet. Board mernher' 1 - '0. • „ Of • Ihe-decisiOn. as to- •who ' . Peter McCauley s,aid that one .... 'Manfred Diprolf wi'llliairthe. ': ... cacingtlate.s and were sillIP'Y.'..'would get Thutsday night gro.up has to ,. ,:iVork the , .sub-comrpittee whi* will.. - given, Thursday...nights. He , there would 'he hard feelings. programming in rhe- parks alo.irtclucte lini• Peter§ ...and . added that . pne group .is • He urgod the recreation ward to .ge( dn. the ball and . ;And the recreation board :was MiKeDYrnopd: .. governed by.the. province and ..; the otheT by local atitdrion:IY: ., : the obvious chdice. . . ',.,' ! -11-6-itlecisron .. 110 .'been move. Immediately' cin the . - CounCillor teroy Harrison reaehed on the use Of . Fisher'''. •rtiterated .his - • ,_ problem. ' earlier sentimen•ts about. • -' . ' . said th.ere "Were only nine Agrieultyre Park on Thu.r, ary onne y argu a cOncern for the other factions involVed, such., aS minor " th6 board members were soccer. and baseball who alsd Patsies Since the board had'no power or jurisdictioft. and the haVe to 'Set dafes. McKay matter was: a waste of time i:.- added that -there were seven for bbth the delegations and days in the week of Which the board ''' • ' ' baseball was:. given' six and , "Mike (Dymond) should racin,g one. ,' • co-ordinate what. goes on in i•••':,•. . . tt:-Now. e are the Ain.: . -the park,'" -she said. "It's time derciogs.'' MCKav said: "Do . ,, , . ,t : . . . • • . , , • , • 1 y . . • , • , „. • t • • • • .`4! rt 1 . • • • . • • • . • •"„ • . • , • • • " • • t... . • • • • g 7 • • • „. • • tfo oard responds... . • (continued from page 12) Codnty board ,.(if education , and. employees. of the. board 'was finally,. settled Wed- nesday after three months of discussion .atid recom- mendations. , The motion to increase tire mileage rate fOr non -board member . appointees to' hoard oorn.miftees and alr em- ',ploYees to 19 cents .pei° was made,;,,by Icen CoOke of Clinton' and Clarence McDonald of Exeter. .• ID the savne motien, which • was recommended by the management committee, .the . f'-nilleage rate for. board members Will retriai'n 'at '.1.5 cents per mile travelled. on board -business.. At the board meeting 'on N'd'vernber 3, 1975,, the - chairman's . advisory cern- presentod mendation to , increa§e. the board's milea.gerate-frorn 15 -eents,Per miie tO 18 cents per mite. This vv:a.S rejected. and . referred to the managetnent 'committee, for., its reccini- mendatiOn. . • ' dates in conflict in July and • sday nights but now that the Apgust and the feasibility of recreation director has the. switching'industrial baseball , jurisection to sefiedule to Wednesday night and girls' • ovents in the park the Softball to T.htiesday. night be 'decision will be the reSpon- investigated. He „suggested sibility :the, recreation that on the nine Thursday beard: • - nights in July ancl.Au.gu,st the Mr. Dymond infbrmed the girls could seek.nn alternate Signal -Star. that he will meet diamond at a public school. -With-the.tv;o partieS involved Mayor Shewfelt then* and a decision will be handed suggesied that the recreation 'down either at a special board act on establishingnew '. meeting or at the board's facilities to accomthodate the' regular monthly meeting. On December 1.. the ' • management committee recornmended to the board. that it adopt the mileage allowance plan ute'd by Huron County' Council whereby , elected members ,,nd enr- ployees who are relativelY high m ijeage. driVers ' be" p,add„.. 19 ce,nts per Mile, and relatil,;elf low Mileage - drivers -be paid li.610 per month ' ancI•14.conts per mile... This was also rejected and .due io the lack Of time, -the 197(i rn,anligement cominittee was, asked to .S..tudy .the. qUestion at it§ meeting bn January 16 4.tand -th:e recom- mendation. Which was finally approved wassugg.ested. ' The rate of. 15 cpnts .per mile • ca:Fne ' into effect qn *.clober'), 1973 fOr all board mernbers, appointees• and' employees. • Bantams- even.... (Continued from page hiSthird goal cif -the gaibe. Third garrie. played ; Snturday February 7th: was a - tough game to lose on home ' ice as they- were leading a't one: stage Pete: Reed;., South 4ondOn'S best player led the attack with three goals .:and.if 'the Steelers hope to get back in the serie,s they will : ha'Ve to eheck him very. closely. Tinat s6re was for -South London. • First period ended 171,as South London opened the . • scoring in the fIrst Minute of bat GOderich Lakelaort Steelers tied the game ,on an uriasSisted kbal by '.Mike• Steelers went ahead . in the second period, on Rob Trehish goal, then Roger, „ Lewis' combined witl-C'Larry Madge. and Larry Paer to makt it .34.. South' Loridon - • finished .the period .on Pete . Reeds second goal to ;close the gap Final period -.South London picled up three • unanswered .goars fOr• a ,5-3 • • win and take ,the lead in the Series 271. - Third :game Wa'played at Gren Cairn :Arena' in Landon, and Goderich . LakePort • Steelers came from behind ' for , a mUeli deserved 5=4 victory. South London we'nt. • • 2. Ahead 3-1 • 1 -4 ---the end of- the firSt, goderiCh's only goal wa§ by Rodger „ ,unaSsisted. Stve Nclaoiar tied the game with two seCond: period _goals •as he *played a strong game:on defense and up on the'forWard line. Larry Daer, Mike'Larkin- and Mike Hodges ptcked .uP: assists_on .these Gcrderich Steelers . •goaltender Steve GalloW was the difference in •the .garrie as he' came through with some outstanding saves to.givaGocierich fhe win. 'Arbour- ‘vds. respansible'in ',starting:. the plays fdr Goderich :two goals in the thirg. Period, as he ,set- tip Larry Madge Jo.rrfake it 9-3 :and then Rodger .1.:eWis for the fifth goal, 48 . seconds. later. Playing a strong game. 'both ways Was: Larry Daer, Who also was in on.both goals.. , South 'London fou:g.ht back but. coUld only, :rnanage one goal this coming in the dying miniktes Of the, • game. Godbrich deserVed the will' as the: wl-tole .te,am played their hearts o:ut. 'The final game ih thiS, series Wilt.' be played ih Goderich•this-Saturciay night: 'The Bantarn'S could use all the' -support they .can get,• so gets ...have a sellout, Visit our r SEFIVICIE ONIII1B1110104 Ilik111101IIIAIIII,IE • 5244581 30 in atoniA NoRTH GODERICI4 — ••••+,4'.. • , • ,„ • ; , • 1 „ • ' • • . . 1rehip Barber, left, pFesident of Libns . club 'and Rognr 0§'mond. The Goderich Lions*Club purchased the fountains Turcotte, right, chairman of the Lions community bet- and also paid for the installation that Was 'completed last erment committee, present drinking fountains to arena _ Friday. (s,taff photo) manager Bill Lumbv and recreation director Mike • DE'.LUXE .ILVERINOODS • ••• • .ICE CREAM- 1.:2. GALLON .4 '1-4 4orty P Op • .jr,!!4.,i'W e • • >". , • •71: 32 FL.. OZ. . TABLE:SYRUP ALLENS PURE 48 FL OZ APPLE JUICE 59c 41, PLEDGE FURNITURE POLISH LIBBY,S ROSES 7 LB. BAG FLOUR $1 -19 MITCHELLS. 19 FL. OZ. APPLE SAUCE T'89c F 8,2 FL. oz', FIELNZ: LS' FL. OZ. KETSUP 99t NIUFFIN, MIXES SHOUT •1:AUNDRY•• '18 F-1....OZ, • -28 F.L. OZ. • .• •,, R• SAUERKRAUT,‘.; 89c , DEEP BROWN - . 1.9 FL. bz.. BEANS rIvolTRH 2 '1 • NED ROSE INSTANT oz JAR COFFEE $2 69 */-5* LIQUID -1,4";.- 111;1 • JAVEX- ,54 FL'. OZ. • U. c. "Atl'EAS :* P.KG, OF 4-31`. OZ.-PKGS.' ORA!NNGE tRYSTALS 79c ROYA.LE, ° PAPER.' JUN1.B0 .F.zoLL .TOWELS OZ: 'TEN DOG. • FOOD ALL OZ.. PKG. • 1 $ 2 2 ..PI.LLSB.DRY •• dz. . _ DETERGEN't. : :BISCUITS -.1.4cROYI 4 Lf3.. , • • - . . INGERSOL 1 LB. J R CHEES" . SPREAD • : ...41 41.k" ,-"‘ • 4v4.•-) .t," • . . . :FLORIDA . :- .. ,' • F $ - GRAPEFRUIT141-1.1+E OR PIN.'1( f(:). PROPPCE'DVII.S..A... CAN.. NO: 1 GRAPE - '. .11EADAETTUC:E• .. .. .3.7-4 1 .UU F e 1 ot Mk ORANGES - . . ts:ITE. . - i4OZ. 99t ... RIPE BANANAS 2, . LBS - 4 • GOLpEN . :,. PRODUCE OF MEXICO" '`.•;,, CANADA NO. 1 GRApE ... TOMA.TOES .1.8.$ 1 00' • .:,...:,,--..,--......----.•.,....----,,,---- et.1",“ r . CULVERHOUSE ,:“1 PEAS 19 FL. OZ.: ry. $ ':-C—OLVERHO-U-SE..• 1 •• , :KLEENEX FACIAL . . 50 • TISSUE- 2"'s ' (REAM 1? FL. OZ. 215c. 10..1,1,1,111:1,1,11,111,1,c41•M . GRADE:C TuRKEY 6.TO:10 .LB. AVG.: LB. .. ' SUNSET • 'FR°Z64‘1. SHOULDER • CANADA PACKERS LAMB - BA.COtt,$B-1.39 ROAST. c FBOUNLLEYLEtS0SOK"Ei').... • MNPLE LEAF. '0A/EET•PIC.KLED COTTAGE • DINNER , HAM $1 79. -ROLL . LB • .tt MAPLE LEAF LUNCHE0111 COOKED MEATS' ' • GtENCEHADE ES E.:- P c' BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA LB 49c i - • DELSEY BA.THRPOM KRAFT MAXI BOWL TISSUE 4. . .RO.LLS iLB..6 SOfT JP,AARGARINE CULVERHOUSE '-'19 FL:. PZ. • ' H E WHITE POTATOES i° $ 1. = 19 PL. OZ.' " ;•••:.,f • • ,.•.. •Cd • , .PEARS 99 it. 1/4CULVEWHOUSE 14 FL. OZ. 2 CHERRIES . . . .',ULVERHOUS'E • • •,, CHOICE HALVES 19 .FL- Oz. ',.?4,...,r, N....A)). „ t!....t„..A, „,,,. TEACHES . , V: 99( • , , :.,... • --,,,.."4„.,,,, ,,,.,L.„4 . . L.,,,,y, , , • .--,-- PUSS N'BOOTS 'SPAGHETTI 14 FL (,)Z‘ $ 1 000. 'CAT FOOD 15 °Z., 5i?$1,.00 FPODMASTER 91 VICTORIA STREET GODERICH PRICES 114 EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST WE RESEOR,FilT,NITiRLIGyHTTITLovlilom:P1 TmQ U. NT I I E S • . • ••• . J76 • $ , 9a FABRIC FLEE - 'SOFTENER OZ. I • 7 CuATA CHOW 2 1-13 99(1 P R N ii1141:181i AT 15 02 59c I MIRACLE / ft WHIP "."- °L 07C • SA.VARIN. 2i -69c t.1:NS1711Nt mpcED:VE,GETABLE.S.:281A,: tyc RICH'g ' COFFEE ...RICH- 31;;PL 59( TURR La: '1 29, !,' !!1'7• '•!! r • ,!! 1 • 4 ' a