HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-12, Page 16PA.E 8_GQDERIC.1-1.SIGNAL-STAR, •T HURSDAY, F1i.BRUAI,Y 14, 197(1
IHtE. EVA.F.9A112.0NER•
says Huron Ian
County planning and land- tided raying, It tttee
He concluded by � • ' c.anxri'
As Idrove along: th. rod`• relationshi � s• The tongue .can' 'ttr..,s � w.«^ ,,,^^ who takes :use•were •discussed by Huron is my •personal conviction. Following a coffee :break,
ng a a P
n i e the witneasao.the truth er spread .c itt on when the •road sign CounkY Warden; Jack- that.: the future prospects of the meeting, formed small
e of -r°da mot c d ki•
`�d�ises�•`•Cauti�on'. H•a is -=•a ",u:lture •in Hurgn Go>�nt•y buzz groups todevelop ideas
m;any 'Cal, tion; .signs. Voir-. -falsehood. ' a �1VtcC tcheorc;-whel� he -spoke -age
'Caution wise ':man:, who handles ,at�the:February 5 rneeting.of 'ark bright:. s-r`°"'rkt`e""'"-r.n°":"`b'e+p°r'e's I•t-cd, :Ib�,.„.„, ,
instance, Cautionhere ^ Capita,. - , ecious 'thins::.',with . care:,....: i .a riCaltura3. lands 'in --ocher 1 E%ecutive to; the::.blur-an
`�dhgol" ''Caution - 1'Igspital,.;,;,. There is alsoilae powor. of Pr . „ g' the Huron County Federatlap •.-•.�•� and zir-. M'eznbei;s� -of ,parliament ,;at "
..."Caution - Deer .Crossing'; exarnple•which can point men who , avolds..the dangerous, of -Agriculture, which was more • populated
,with ' care; and who , ban ized regions -are gradual•1y, - Clinton on March 6th4'
t•.and; 'Caiitii7n Pedestrian to God of lead them away,things1-1. hSt:the�Sea•' .'D%strict
• in :uses. :c'arefully•. the things stxlpp:ed away by the Maurice Bean, ; Reionah, i
', Crossin ;: :.- froth. God, Which -Sow , ..... High School. ,
' -• r a which have greet' unrelenting' pres,sures'of non-*' 'Director for ..-Huron,' Bast..
"I wasreminded`aftkie story li%e a seed .af goodness o D.uri,rig . his speech he -
'far gOod or for evil'. alined the co mitmen•
t of farm .development's, 1 feel Central; 'gave • an, :extensive
- •T r. William ,Barclay told ,of .seed of evil.,
'his 'trp..through Wales where
he came upon a most .extra-
ordinary sign which • read
'Caution Peacocks'. Sure,
enough, 'as he rounded a bend,
he 'came to a great white
-house with peacocks: on the
lawn; •on the arch of the gate, ,
and most astonishing of all, a,
beautiful peacock ' parading,
up and down the road in full
color, • apparently' REFLECTIONS
deliberately stopping every ,; Most of us have had that
car which passed. that waay. quiet, lovely experience; of
Needless to say, 'cars were 'sitting beside a pool or: small
lined up' and cameras were
clicking to record the :beauty lake in summer watching the
of the scene. • trees, the clouds,. the . sky
These signs reminded me being reflected in the water.
A photographer friend of
that we should observe some 'mine has many '.•beautiful
caution along the Road of : slides taken in.the.Muskoka--
Life. I think there are at least Georgian Bay area,: of rocks
three kinds of `Caution's signs along a shoreline reflected in
'still waters. So perfect are
they that you can turn the
• we should obey.
1: We should be very
Cautious haw we touch and photographs .upside down and
handle and treat things which not be able to discern'whi&h is:
are very. beautiful, fragile, reflection and--wktieh� is
and precious to us. It •was reality,
because the peacocks were : ' Many of us, I'm sure, have
beautiful and precious that '.had times in our .lives when
the ',.road sign',had been• we wondered which were the
erected in• Wales. All precious :reap things and which were
;_.things tnust.•be handled with •morely-t-he-•r-eflect•iaris-•of:the.
How cai:erully we . as Te:world has become Christ, the Living Water, ;can -planner wit' be added to the .yet • been drawn up, he
parents• and teachers should to s turvy and upside' down mean•to•;our souls. staff this year. suggestedthat.thefederation
`toficli' and handle the minds. P we have almc9st lost the. As the still waters bring of Agriculture- immediately
•• ildren:- How - and
rad lues: of ch ;..be rat rowth and fruit:. set u' a-.s.mall steering '
a l faculty for knowing when 1t is y g P --- -
of their the world of nature,. I --- ._-_-committee and-Ta�r expand
careful we must be ri ht side u :. W e get. lost in.. fulness to . � C'N A L S N . .
frie dshi- g p ori` s . 'life and ezxiot het their .friendship h Id f d so Christ ng
the, Gounty government -in_ that' biuron,:County, ;because., report on the. proceedings at.•..
staving: to ,'preserve and of its protected land base,: -its tthe•January- meeting: of the:
enhance the agricultural, ,skilled farming•cosl'1mun;ity, .0..F.A
assets of --Huron CotirtVy, . and its commitment to A resolution to organize `a
through "'r its planning agr`lculture, Will inevitably be ; lottery. in Huron County,
drawn` into •a , g -t eater which had been deferred
prHe stated, "It is clear that 'agricultural role filling the from the January ° meeting, -
the land is the life -blood of ' gap of withering agricultural was, discussed and pa^sed.._
Huron County and that a ' economies in other. parts of Proceeds', from' this::•,lottery,
community., skilled and '',.the province, ' Through 'a. will'be used to•help balance,
• -- oriented to agriculture and :'sound land-uSe 'program and the ' deficit "budget, Lottery
room, where `..there is^ just the way of life it supports, is'..., the 'effo.rts: of dedicated licences are to'be obtained
enough light to , develop the the heartbeat which -keeps groups such as the Huron from each township 'where
negative. .- Although 1 ,the agriculture in a .healthy :and County Federation • of ' tickets`are to be sold. '
darkroom is not particularly productive condition."Agriculture,. I am convini:•ed The meeting adjourned
lovely it is a necessary stop in Mr:'McCutcheon discussed that the agricultural ex with everyone wishing bon
the production of the finished the County Plan which was Pectations of the County can voyage to President; Adrian
photograph _ approved in' .1 973, and' the and will be fulfilled," Vos who was flying' to Van:
In the process of God, some need.,for the preparation and Following his -speech, Mr.. couver next day for a meeting
of. us have emerged -from the adaption of secondary' plans McCutchean was kept busy o& -the Canadian Federation of
darkroom -with a clearer and: by, -Paws' for each in. .:fielding many .' interesting. ''Agriculture. .
picture of life. There, we have diyidual municipality within questions from those present The ' next meeting of the
learned the difference. bet- the County. He urged all who: wanted further Huron County Federation of
ween, the realities: and the: farmers to attend the plan,clarification of future plans .Agriculture will be on
reflections. ' • - - ning meetings in their area for Huron County. •," . • Thursday, March 4th: All
• And getting back. .,fo and contribute their ideas so . Alien - Campbell, individual: service members
reflections, still. waters. �}re that the' final plans.will meet representing -the 'Huron are urgedao attend. .
not primarily created just to with their.approval. Count r Plowing association, �j ���,���
reflect the•beautyo€the.world However, secondary plans:, reported ,on the plans for thepII�Qn
about them and the sky above for the townships can only be Home, 'Improvem:ent coin o Li
them: `God created them to 'developed at the' fate of three 'Petition to be, ,held in con-����
cleanse,, to nourish and :to .or 'four per year due to the junction wi-th the 197
sustain the creation and the •limi:tations ' of the ',Huron Plowing Match in .Huron
'creatures, , and to symbol,z;,e : un .:. P_Lannin D epart-:-_ County ::, . .
in the ' natural sphere. at o g` F ' Altfiou h •a budge has"ridt "
meet although .another,' g
this to include ..a represen-
t is world. o pressure an
and their love lest the most d h seeaxts Ca be beauty to us. It is He' who • Enjoying •'sunshine and tative from each township in
beautiful of urt' .''spec ...not mg
cte•ar cute an more. Our `leads ;me beside thea •still •.-'warm weather in Florida are. the County.' Ralph Foster;
b hurt• ox t and restoreth my ,-I2hada MacKenzie and Ashfield Township has been
-"relationships' e d and bodi row weary
waters Mrs' •
damaged,or ...impaired. minds
we ought to be: and our sense Of perception- til.' It iscrily:He whahasthe__her sister. lvliss- ra:a So'ok of appointed -chairman of Illr
Howconcerned g ower to lead anyAne fp the Owen •Sound and Mr. and.
abouts their mental and fountain of hvingwater Mrs:K.L. MacKenzie: f
Representative .
11. Cambria Rd., Goderich
Seaforth, Ontario
Save Hundreds on Pianos & Organs.
at Pulsif er Music
Seaforth - 527-0053
For free Home Demonstration of small Wurlitzer Piano -
ideal for apartment, trailer, home, etc. -approved by piano
teachers and players. Our price $799.
Store open Friday and Saturday or by appointment.
Goderich - 524.6291
Thy source of courage ahtl power ,is the
promotion of- the Word :.of Godi, 'and stead-•
• '• fastness• in •His Love_
For further information phone 524.6179'or•
Write Bahai Faith P.O,.•Box 2.12 Goderich
E'stahli,"hed 1876' .. �••
HEAD OFFICE: .Seaforth,°Ontario'
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Set. Treas. Phone 527-0400
Ir Only
Costs A4
Little To
Be Safe
- Fire, Extended Coverage, Wind-
storm,' Theft', Property Damage,
Liability, Etc.
, Directors and Adjusters:
Lavern Godkin, RR 1, Walton, Ont.
- Robt� 4wefribaJd� RR--4;-Seafor•#kr..-
Ken Carnochan, RR 4, Seaforth.
Ross Leonhardt, RR 1, Bornholm
John McEwing, RR 1,..Blytli'
StanleyMcllwain, RR 2, Goderich
Donald Mct<ercher, RR 1,.,Dublin
Wm:Pepper; Brucefietd
J.N. Trewartha, Box 641, Clinton
• ''Agents:
James Keys, RR 1 Seaforth K.J. Etue, Seaforth
Leiper, .Londesboro Steve J. Murray, RR 5, Seaforth
Phone 527-1877
5.27 18:17
482.75.34 ..
less keen. •.� �..:..•,.,�>._. - z.._.. - - -
Under such stress we are •
`'spiritual growth so that •they .•• of There.is no other source of . Mr. and Mrs. Duncan . ' ••
Womanhood unharmed byttie \Yeglcannot see things ob-' sparkling; nourishing, returned home from a month
sordid things of life: The • L.
rendered , incapable
•. ,
and . d true values -of l*fe• 'Life-than_thP rich, _.c1ea boJ; rb:u'rn ha -Gently
.--may-eeme ta-._manboad u
and Jayson is 1. BEREA Y-� 1•HE. �f�r ATE
grey ,mus ... - �• _
be treated with great care.. developed- ed' negative It has cleanses,
as the water.. that : '.reported .making progress in �.
2 : e ver cap zoos. ows tom ear o ., hospital
outlines and we have' the where he has been a .patient j e g
• fragile and lovelythins must jectively.
g s like an un cleanses nurtures . lir. Gordon:m
Life looks, like a g _ water that in Florida'
Wei meet Y t' P, .. i.
::how we meet the. dangerous• neither colour, nor clear-cut fl f • theheart f University ' London,' '.,
things in.life. •Itis to warn. bf
apprt7'aching 'danger that
most signs on 'the road are
• erected. It is very 'easy to bring up the beauty and the trails since mid December•in Owen • !:
play with fire or, to flirt with Listen with m1-a`little while j
outlines "so that we may Sound hospital' was.moved to
danger. I ead re'cently of an eld`erly�
--distinguish the concrete froth .' To nature' s whispered tales. _Sound
hospital on. i
lady, who' in. the ab• tract ' the real from Saturday
' +++ M etin at Robertson Memorial Schaol7
feeling: it lacks something. since before Cfrei ttl`f'as: j (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) •.
It needs the touch of. the.: Walk with me a little mile' Mrs. Emile MacLennan,•
Master Photographer's hand. Down shimmering sunrit . who has. been • hospitalized . ,# ' SUNDAY, 1=E•BRiJARY 15,.•1976..
• s
of for
all ages a
Sunday Scho g .
the, olden days If man could only understand ° -
• e images. �
Sympathy is extended .to � Marvin L Berz, Paster 2235' � l-
.t g . s24- ..-....�.,
advertised for a .new
oach • Jane. Scott, •in her book; The words that nature Yt i.P I "Beira justified b faith, we have peace with•God through
the Finla'son families in the 9 ,i y
man: Adventure With .God, says, speaks.'' Y • ` •#our Lord Jesus Christ': Romans 5 1 , t. ' Nof.th Street United G arth
There were three ap, "F Frequently when men and •He d: have the `world at ,his death of Mrs.. Majcom
req Y Finlayson. j_.:�. _ f I'
licarits.° Shp.asked. each of comiriand~ ' services at Ashfield ^•^"- ev.int
"Ralph E K B A B D M' ""`
twomen become confused, Church•- •-••- • . -, j The R ng, . j
them the same question. G takes us into the dark And. find the' truth he seeks:;'j..�r� • miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assisfant•
TTniu.near?" she asked, can. °d y will beBethel Pentecostal Tabernacle
/ • Mr: Lorne H. Dotterer°Director of Music ,
T-he.family .tha•--pry-yi--tegetlier,.: =
Stays together
you drive to .the:' edge of a
precipice?" The first. an-
swered that he could drive to
within a 'foot of the edge. The
second claimed that he could •
drive within an inch of the
edge' ;The -third ' said
"Madam; I cannot: tell you,
because l always keep as far
away ' from danger. as
possibly can," The third.man
got the job.
There is never any sense in
putting .' ourselves :into
1• situations in which temp- 5
#1 tation is'given an opportunity deals with the many uses North to attack: us There- s•no-.sense. inade•--of the--lakes'incliiding 'C
�ews'�roi� the Library
Presbyterian a terzan for the e with,ee P
m. for the next -six .. .; •.
held at 11 a. 77
months, weather permitting. Affiliatede.nl.ecostal' Assemblies of Canada .1.1•4
' Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a•m.
Due to storms and bad roads : •l CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS • •Sunday School forages 3 to 9 from Worshrp'at 11:00 :a.m-='
•services • there as in'many Pastor:. C..Fred Day. Ti
places, had tobecancelled SUNDAY,,FEBRUARY l5,"1976 i .�
• SUNDAY SCHOOL Wig() A M:' 1 • 1
�• .� t 11 a.m. Worship Service l
Contact 524-6543 for bus transportation '
• �•l .' :. SERMON: �,
11:00 a.m. MORNING. WORSHIP • /
7:00 P.M. EVENING MEETING: �..� NurseryFacilitie5 •
• l•
choir and Old fashioned`'Congregatianal Singing j Confiir:mation'.Class 7 p,m: (grades•7 &up) j•'
a e ddenl'
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt r
Street, died su y Come and Worship with us ' .
braham.S: Bah rrria`ri, Regent t be saved" -••- -•• -• •-
17 8:Ob�onday, February 9, at
ern. at te'oderih ranc R ,. xa
2 Montreal Street there will General Hospital.. : {. I • S T. G E OR:G E1 S CHURCH
chairedbyM.rs., Hope Township �, � . �Y,� SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1976. •
• A 1ayman''s interpretation husi ess the ch srY h f Albert Peter Rose, .213
of the potential' and disaster .w' tet purification"Y
f Tuesday February d
related to the Great rakes is.. %,A
James P. Barry's ,"The
ate b' ' h Ale ndra Marine an
of the hakes". The author
e a .film .presentation. on He was born in Nqrt ast-••-••-••• j i .. (SEPT
nadian Art h 71 years -ago -,--1- per' 'pp �'�Rpp��H
in belrig deliberately blind to industry, -transportation, 8 HOLY --
our own. faults • and water supply and. recreation. Lou Legg. Bring along a He , has been a . Go c t
PP Y friend for this interesting resident since 1944. He has k
weaknesses, .We do'. well to . He explains how both theL
treat all .dan er`with the evenin .been 'retired for the lost i' l l 11 :0o HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON
g American and Canadian g " � j
caution which it deserves. overnments have legislated February 18` andFebruary' years, _ 10:00 & 1,1:00 AcM. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM &NURSERY
ver Cautious g 19,: Family"fashions :of . He Was :predeceased by his
3 „We mu"sthe y to control pollution.. A aneSt wife Ella Martha Quaft, i 10 0o A M. BIB I
�•F •
REV. •R: B U AGHER Pastor
how we use things which have, ,
approach too current issue. Toronto will be presen Ing a LE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Rector Canon anis Russell B.A., B.D.
free -04444c. ,on attern making October 12, 1975, . He is sur-
ur / /• Ch Rettoster-Organist: Joseph B. Herdman
great pinpossibilities
for good or Other .books, discuss water t tl .o_.r_.. _ • _ . , _ ••.-..-.•
p 0 A.M.A M: MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE. •, •, ,�• -,,;
,evil.,. things which may bring pollution.' They inelude': at the, Goderich branch• vived..by several. nieces and %l (-• _•'
P `Times for clinics are 10:0'0 nephews. •.-6.:15,
P M' WORD OF LIFE CLUB /�.. .•�.. ..ate �.. j
ruin or blessing. The ..biology • h polluted
Wb anfsee this kind of'waters" by Hugh Bernard a,•m., 2:00 pm•' and 7:30 p.m.. The funeral service will be I
necessity facin the world ' ,Yeac day: • held at the.Heinbuck Funeral r
g Hynes; Water fit for use '. by .. h Home, . •15fi :Albert St. • in
today. In nuclear and atomic Carl.Walker Carlsson, and Stratford today (Thursday)
-power• the world has.. • YW ater is everybody's ` ;. at 2 p.m• with the 'Rev: Orval
tapped - GIVE BLOOD:
discovered; , ,and .Jansen officiating.
something which cane bring Interment will be at St.
untold benefit to mankindr���
something which at tire same' Peter's Lutheran : .Church
leave the world a'� Cemetery, Gadshil].
time can leavismil�� -
shambles and wipe ..out the t
human race.
FEB 15
There are things, in. life Jerusa em �•
which have great possibilities. k dii RAIN OR SNOW
for good •or for .evil, There is violence increases, .
for instance, human speech.. - THE SERVICE WILL'GO
We can use our tongues to do
great good or infinite harm.
.. The tongue'canpersuade men
. to do good or seduce them into
doing . evil, a ' torigue can
" ,cement friendship and bring.
peace •0r it can divide men in
anger and destroy. their.
•Free Methodist Church .
PROVIDE THE SPECIAL MUSIC"AS,A.,FAMILY. . i ,/ • Park St, at Victoria . • Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls
WED. 8 P.M.`PRAYER' 8't• BIBLE STUDY'''. j / 2 way Bus Service Free to S,S. and A•M1 Worship by:calling.
_ 9:45 a.m. Sunday-S'chool
•+••+ 11 :•00 a.m.. Morning Service
• 1.0 - p.m -Evening Service t
j(Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) •• (� �. ` 11 _ r _ ' `••, ." ".......,....08-.............6.........11,,..••t
"MONTREAL•5TREET(nearTheSgua.re) s
REV. W.H. MCWHINNIE F,R•.G.S. `- ! t.� �..�..�.•�. I
•Organist: Mr: Frank Bissett I I
9:45a.m.- Sunday School . • !• 1 . THE .SALVATION ARMY.
11 A, M: WORSHIPSERV:ICE j1 18 WAiERLOO ST.. S. 524-9341 .°.j
j Come t SUNDAY SCHOOLL - 9:45 A.M. •
You will be made welcome - ? FAMILY WORSHIP- 11:00 A,M.
Home League"(Lad,ies) Wed. 8:00 P.M..
The Lord Jesus is corning to
"rule over the Gentiles"
Rom. 15:12) from "the throne
of His. forefather David" in
I (Lk. 1:32) assure
as Israel is a nation again (Lk.
21:24) Wic a ess and
"the time
of trouble" has commenced.
Learn about this overlooked
Gospel message, , God's
declared purpose and the
truth of eternal life, free
before "the door',l's Shut",
Time flies:
Write. "ASK:', ••Btix' '221,
Weston, Ont. M9N 3M7,
Residential Lighting Display
Electric _ Floating -
•8 PM
. r.
1. r,.,...r•�,.-..r,._ ~,�..-............. ,.
_ l:
r Knox Presbyterian Chor±ch-
1 THE REV'• G. LOCKHART ROYAL., B.A. Minister , i { All Are Cordially Invited to Attend
MNCAMERONc, Director of Praise
I ..,. .�.i�....,..:.. :..�........:..........Y.;y .... .«.i
C\A L M Assistant
- DAY, FEBRUARY 15; 1976 i Vi•ctorla Street United Church
11:00 A.M. The Merning.Sery to C� / 'FfOU5�E OF FRIENDSHIP 'WEN/. LEONARD WARR
• t •10 a.m.. Bible School forall Grades )
-e''JESol1S A.ND 'THE ±KINGDOM OF GOD" 11:00 p.m; Gllorship .Service
(Nursery Facilities) • ' t' •SERMON:
,Lonsolidafed Sunday 5chilot:retires,d'uring Service) I .]t] ".YH"E PFtOBLEIVi OF EVIL"
1.3(1 p.m. Yoznlg Peoples Society •I• c' IN
Ltlfer f . L C O TVI E
to Worship Depart °to Serve I Mrs. J Snider, Organise & Choir Director
.r-w.ir+YY.rr' .sawn of r•••'rravW.....:•w,:4a..w...•ria.w•,.i�:.w...r+...+••�.•wrW.yr•....�YswY..+v.w.. r•�w...w...w.w....s.
• Prayer & Bible• Studies Thurs.,7':30 P.M.