HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-12, Page 12PA
Hooray for Colborne.,
Hats off this week to •'Colborne►" in this cbnnectiort, the Sinal Star
Township Council members who -after regrets it is unable to , provide the \'-•%
a long absence, have begun once again manpower to cover all township
to make., regular rsVorts . of their meetings in tho:area. It is agreed that
. meetings to the Signal-Star....T They have . ,the very best 'communica#•ion is
ioined councillors' from • Westachieved when. a taff repor}er can be
Wawanosh•.whc also submit meeting- • on 'hand to. hear thediscussion and
're•orfs fo this newspaper , for ,: write about it. g
•prtblicati%i,, " --»-?+‘'SInc'e"hhisi t.1,4 Jn claIl- fcasj, 1eai
. Two more townshipi councils are tliii time, the next - best, arrangement Is ' -
mee ng regularly but still do not.send'• to have:reports'sent in;fr.om the.various
in -copies of their •minules. Pe• rhaps in._, coitncils. ,Thjis takes• 'cooperation in
the .near future, Goderich 'Township: those m.uilicipalifies, and. sincere
and Ashfield Township will realize the' _.� • ""-":'
appreciation ,js expressed to°the clerks .fes
"irnpOrtance of keeping. ' their in Colborne, and West" 1/Vawanosh for •,:
deliberations in•f,ront of thep public via their 'interest' SJK'
the, press. p " z • • �.
Need more f ac ilities -
The annual conflict between .the
horserace erithusias,'tts and the baseball
fans inoderich should be alleviated
wit] town council's Monday night
approval for the Goderich, Recreation
and Community Centre Board to be the
co-ordinating body for all. activities :at
Agricultural Park; with the.. power to
make the , final decisions about
scheduling there. •
..JustIa'st week, the dispute between
the ball players and the horse racers
was very much in the news again.vv.hen
it became; abundantly • clear; that -
lear •'that -
Thursday• night race nights 16- 1976,
would conflict -with regular Thursday:
night industrial 'league ball games. The •
ball7 players cited lack of com-
munication as, the reason for :their
upset,''charging that, the :horsemen had
promised to consult with them` before.
Making any, 'applications for altered.
dates. The'"basebai'i executivC-Was
miffed about reading.in the newspaper •
about the switch ' from. Friday ' to
--Thti'rsday'-raee--dates,-even though -the.
9 .
Trottin Association -had_ not applied •
for Thursdays but got those..nig•hts as a
result of government •juggling..
The truthpof the matter is that even if •
Was dropped entirely 'in '..
racing pp
Goderich,, • the scheduling at
• -Agricultu•r. -1-Rarer for -all -recreational-.
activities Would be impossible:
Baseball enthusiasm is growing so that
last year,, people of all" ages were
forming: leagues and playing games a
over town. Soecer•is expanding, too. -
Last, "year., .the Rec Board co-
operated with
o-operatedwith VictoriaPublic School to•
.irnpeove ;the baseball diamonds there
to take some . of the overflow from
Agricultural Park. This year, that co-.
ope,r..atio.n` will- continue and .it is ex-
pected a :similar co-operative.
agreement will .be: instituted with St..
Mary's .: Separate School -for outdoor .
facilities there: Sonne organized ball,': is
• played on Robertson'Memorial School
diamonds ih the summermonths, too,.
although. the -Rec. Board-' has- not of-
fi'cia'11y.formed an 'agreement with that
school. The football field at GDCI is
used by' the' community' for soccer
games despite the fact that'.the field
has no regular maintenance (watering,
fertilizing etc.) -'to keep. it -in good
shape. The high. school tennis coVrts
most days •in the summer as well.
"But with all this space for
recreational. activity,. Goderich.
citizens 'are still lacking facilities.
More are needed. -
At the last meeting of the Rec Board,
a committee was formed to look into
the possibility of developing another •
bail diamond, tennis courts, a`}a mile'
running frock and possibly a soccer
field on the property -across from the ;
high school at the .corner of 'Bennett
and Eldon Streets. .
It is wlot difficult then, to see that nine
race'nights during the summet4 are not' ,
the major hitch •when scheduling'.ac-
tivities at. Agricultural Park Racing :.
"has been a tradi:tioti.._ in. Goderich .fur's
many :tong. years. It shouldn't •be.'
crowded out now on a technicality or
for lack of recreati.onal'. facilides in
• town.' .
There is reason. forthe.study. to , be..
completed by the town' lin the near
future to determine the cost: of racing
to the taxpayers of Goderich in relation
to ..t -hp actual revenue .from the track
!here. For ma'nYyears,'the _•trottin g
people have insisted that the race track
rs a . small industry in Goderich;
bringing real revenue in a real: way to
town. 'ht is time n.o.wto determine as
close as -Possible the actual amount of
that value to''fhe..community.
Until that study is finished ond.its
'findings compiledt, the Rec Board has
no alternative but to accommodate
Thursday night racing ir(Goderich ....,
even atthe • expense • of::, other.
recreational•activities which will have
• to:•be rescheduled or'relocated.,.-' SJK
Charnian.•is right
Some members of Huron 'County
Board of' Education were conc-erned•
I 't week about .comments attributed
to, Goderich' Cd"uncillor: Jim::iPeters
about . the .Clinton -based board' and •
published in "the London Free Press,.
However, the quote in the Free Press. •'
and the quote in the Signal -Star of what
- Councillor Peters said .were :.quite- ' .
different. ,.The`. Free Press quoted
'Councillor Peters as saying the board
"was .a bunch of ..bj.lreauc•rafs"; the
Signal -Star quoted him as 'saying •the'
board "was run- by a bunch of
bureaucrats". - - . • _ -
But Councillor Peters did fake ex-
ception to the poor press coverage
from the board ' meetings.. Both .the
• F'r'ee..Press and the Signal -Star agreed
- of 'that:. • 1 '
Board . Cha'irman Herb Turkheil'n
denied rens reports were... lacking. He
W� said' weeklies keep - the people well
informed of board deliberations. .He
also argued that• press coverage is not
the responsibility of the board - '
While if May .befruethat the board is ;• •
Thanks L r ans.''
Crescentview Apts. No. 3
86 WaterlooSt. N,
Goderich N7A 2W4,
Dear Editor, •, ,
Last Thursday', along with •
four' other Senior Citizens we .'
'had . the .privilege and '
pleasure of riding in the Mini , ,•
Bus' sponsored by the Liens.
Club .each Monday, and
Thursday for .the convenience _
Of Senior Citizens Ono coast.. •
This is=a big help especially
for those who otherwise could
.+< not. get. out to shop especially
. ; those -"•-wishing to go to -the
We are sure., that we . ex-
press our thanks along with .
many others for the
generosity of the Lions Club
in their efforts for the people
in Goderieh. .
,:• Thank�you;
S1JyLL-1hR • Sincerely •
.. Dick and Anna Berlryman_
Seat belts
Dear Editor, "
We can easily see how stop-
lights, •. stop -signs, speed
limits, :etc. are for the safety
of other drivers . as well- as
ourselves. But we'have never'
been convinced that wearing
seat belts helps us to love our
neighbours. . •
Furthermore,' we used to
+ ++' . trust God's angels to protect
The retailers say; '.'• us wh'enwe.drive. Now we are
5.. "Thrift should'be ,en- thus.
unemploy : by permitting :.effectively destroying:.` the .
unemployiilete ►assurance • to witness and testimony of our-
b'accumulated as a pension faith!
If our Co st oT► .
As of January.'1; 19.76,. the. skills, seriously looking fora
Unemployment Insurance job.
Commission raised the•.:Manpower people know this
contributions of Canadians' to ;•for a' fact, too. Folks with
the 'fund from $1.96 . -per skills•or'.trades or:professions_
hundredto $2.31. per hundred .:have little difficulty_ finding
Of $4.q. This • work It is the 'unskilled,
fitof claimant to $133 • who has the tough time fin
sent :around•liy the UIC.
Census `.taking is hardly
worth mentioning.
The retaiters_say: • • 1_ '
'2, . "Recipients of •'unern-'
ployment insurance should' be
permitted to takeshort-term
jobs,. without having to waita •
to a maximum o• for retirement by, those, who n it:uti • provides
'unt'rained; uneducated person p do not. draw. on it, or draw less for freedom 'of .religion, them
will bring.. the .
bene i s: a c aimari than their maximum we�-hope someone is ready,
per week $Id a week more ding a' job. 'The job `pop furthert two week period. for allowance.... willing and able to.take this to:
torturiities for them just benefits- to 'lie reinstituted, The idea,behind th.e UIC •is .
than the present $'L23. p th'e Supreme .court Failure ..
,.c •
The ion of Mer
Association of Ontario has
forwarded a brief to .the_3ou. •Retail Merchants Association does not dram the fund." • .; unemployment. It is not, a it is still proclaimed; "las God..
Robert Andras, Minister of of Ontario that .there are In actual fcT; t iT—e UTC iOes pelrsion-fimd bu ff-it were, W,e-Tru•st . '
Manpower and Immigration, "tong lists of employment encourage recipients to•take the contributions 'would have
to . the increase's . opportunities • that. go.. part-time employment: While to sky -rocket because the cost
"•ants a`ren t therty. 7'7 " -y be'c•aise' 'while-the--nee-to
---te-pr-Ovide.-protection �.a- � her�--m°a-y�tt•1-t-ir�-at¢•ly ,pra�inlse::;'.�;
Thus:: the statement of the works, he is productive ,and period' of tl,ne against a migration to.a place where
' charging, "Whenever you run : begging'-'., is sorne'what'
short of money, the answer is misleading. It implies' 'peopl f
up the ante.- dont want to work. It Is one o •
not' responsible for what the press
writes, or. even if they attend' the
meetings ''it is the responsibility of the
board to' make every effort to' inform
the�people of this.county about. every
aspect of the .board operation. Usually
good press coverage is the best way t�'
achieve this. 'That means complete
openness. at all meetings, plus 'a
deliberate and concentrated effort to
co-operate and .clarify. to •.the total
-satisfa•ction .of the reporters' who are
Striving to provide readers with factual.
accounts. •
• Chairman Turkheim was dead right;
when 'he suggested representatives of
the board: should rrieet with Goderich
council to improve' mutual un-
derstanding. This newspaper has long
advocated regular visits.by' board
members to their respective.municipal
councils,,- not -only .'t :answer to
questions but to show visible concern
for the members Who coi.lect education
The, „retailers say •'that . those .:sweeping '.statements
are `.`a monstrous perversion pressions among 'those who
of the Original aim of "ar•
d theUIC to"read negligent
present policies of the -UIC which . can cause false r m -
the recipient' must declare would' :be 'astronomical, I
would suspect, ect
earnings over and aboveP ."
UIC benefits, he or she is :If the.retailers think the'.
definitely- "at- liberty to work fund.. is costly now.,. let them
for •a' period of tirrie without imagine what it would cost if.
having to re -qualify,. • everyone •.who had worked
•What s more; ' e UIC in- ' could collect a 'pension on
• sists that :to' qualify: for retirement'.If`they .think it<is
• benefits, ,a person .must show abiised now, let them try to.
e eager to.believe thate 'Wh th
unemployment, insurance". UIC is -mismanaged or
They urge :
it newspapers to see - + + + -that he or she is' actively envision the problems to be
the: daily under the scheme
the ling• lists of employment Getting back to ,.the engaged in seriously seeking
opportunities that go recommendations put forth in work. In fact; new legislation
the' brief by the Retail makes it even'more difficult
"We have some suggestions Merchants Association of
or true,`"changes in the,Ontario to Mr. Andras; there
Unemployment . Insurance are seven.'
Program,'! the retail•erssay The retailers say:
to.. turn. down jobs and still
collect benefits.
The retailers say:
_r _I• 1 "Practise ',what you - . '3.' "There should be. an
Before getting into the preach - non -productivity is
seven .recommendations the major .cause of .inflation.
made by the retailers for Make . the unemployed
rovin `:the UIC: policies, recipients work to-receivethe'
irnp g
let's 'take 'a look at the "long benefits such as taking
fists , of employment op- 'census,. cleaning .away
;portunities that go begging"snowfall, working . in public
in: one of, the area's daily buildings etc this old
papers, The London..Free . v-We''ve all- heard
Press. •
chestnut applied to welfare
About seven co umns o
11 s to those
increase .in the qualification
period from the present.eight
week minimum to': a
minimum of 12. weeks. ` The
additional :time workirig'is all
productive to the national
economy." .
And . the government ap-
pears . to agree with this
philosophy. At the present
time, this very: matter is
D. Hannenbe'r
42 Claren t.
O tawa
K . 5133
Wants: ainsi4.,er
Dear Editor,
In- a letter to the Editor, Jan
8th, 1976, I'';protested against
created the• spending of public money,
theysuggest. r'y. by. the Township' of :• West"
g Wawanosh, referring to the
The retailers say:n honoring of tht former' Road
6, "Pregnancy payments, Superintendent. h
are a drain on the fund and . The_ $is307 question , why
should be discontinued": • --should the' taxpayer bleed
Fortunately,•. -the govern- 'also.: asked in that letter, -for
Ment doesn't agree with this. ..rndney to be replaed.'- No
'suggestion at all: As of Comment: The response to
February 1; 197'6, women who that first letter, sorry to say,
are pregnant not only -can-.were nil: The responseto me
collect 15 weeks of benefits, personally, made by people,
they can take these weeks were corresponding •.very
any_ time during a period much with own views.
beginning as early as . eight The excuses,. to • express
weeks' before the - expected • themselves " publicly; were
mostly. because, of -relation,
ship -or business reasons, and
birth of the child and ending
as late as 17 weeks after •the
jobs are available in the issue on unemployment insurance • under review actual birth
it was even mentioned, "Well
• In . the past, -women to ` it's only a little thing
Going on, the retailers say: qualify for maternity'leave If only, some ,of these,,so
nesday, February 4). In the good. In practice, it is not so. 4 "A complete 'restruc- g Y
beneficial the overall f• benefits had' to take eight called little'things, would
seven solum classifiednth of a have been
for' consideration (Wed- benefits: In theory,' it sounds. G
stopped before
for birth, and they 'developed into big
asps "of classi ie . in tur'ng' of the payment or he birth
w uld mule
i at first imagine. - ---:,-should-be--ir�-€act,' a -one for child, one week
In Goderich, or instance, e, one syst.em:.This would'mean ' weeks, precious Olympics, etc.
re even this -eye -or when snowfall you could d -raw one •
week Dollar Headaches,
display and ' word ads, 5n• scheme of things as one o
' weeks before -t
. ,.should be invoked It
demand skilled labor and -or f t C six weeks after birth -total 15 things, like•Water-gate-or..our
specific experience
Of the remainde
d r, 'there a, thaty The new legislationpermits : Billion
-. 19 jobs for, ,babysitters '• 17 is at a record high, it Would be of unemployment insurance
ositions for sales people' . impossible and ' even im a' woman to work right' up that's what -they are, and all
(door-to-door, real • estate; • practical to
arid p take her entire maternity. p
for every week fund. that
you have until her confinement; and left in the end, for the tax -
id ' .
ions' for maintenance we are ••erriploye, or an eight baby written a letter to a ;•
treats:' Hownany shovellers d qualifying fora full 51 i W W nosh '.
e retailer's
payments. The person who. .? proposal- to, discontin the taxpayers, to justify sue .
keep those .on hid into the fund. This wou
oyer to digest.
shoe: stores etc.), seven. unemployment insurance a eliminate .'the person who is
posit' if busyat cleaning the d f ht k leave after 'the •birth of• the .. Let it be known, that I h ane
taxes as. well, as Municipal funds,• and
for the' local people who efect•them. —
;SJ K"
people (many with qualifying 5 pe
b d to Keep rio qua i ying Th •
should be Township of est awa
clauses like couples only, e
o explain to -us
or would e required weeks of insurance
of evencourt . house . park severely criticised for the' � aeking them, t
carpentt°y incl plumbing), sidewalks. clean.. ow mut z works for 12 weeks wodld
qqualify for only an equ.ivalerit pregnancy payments., In this Mone matte spending,
pots rest,
one for a topless attendant; more uickly can it be done This
one for a taxi driver; and one with mechanical equipment? --,of 1'3`weeks•of.payments."modern world in which we
Iver. How much • more In areas of Ca'nada'where
• In other words, mflre than.', economicali'y? Suppose. the.. are making their wa-5 alone one way or the other.
the unemlhoyment-rate.is low : and to some,' re nano is a Yours sincerely,
half the jobs listed demanded unemployed ran the equip- , .like Goderich, for instance - 1 ton P •
that fosters' `
must 'have knowledge h h
fora couriertlr
'live . more and more women until satisfaction is achieved,
,, person' who has worked •coin ica i Y"
very speci'ff` Skills (in -)hent. Would .municip l andP
h f
Besides. this,, the per=' ` '
dust;; ial engineer., tool and die : county staff perhaps find k 1f'
fjle sgobltritb '�
-0 - The County Tow rii Newspaper of 'Huron —O =
Founded in 1848 and published every Thursday at Goderich, Ontario. Member of the'NWNAarnd
0WNA. Advei'tisin rates' on request. Subscriptions payable in advance f I.i69 in 'Canada, ftp 5n;
in all countrlea other than Canada, single copies 25 Cents. Display advertlsfng 'rates available on
request. •Picaae ask. for hate Card No. 6 effective Oct. 1, 1975. Second claso`mBail (Registration
Number 0716. Adveriisi'ng is accepted lin: the condition that, in the event oi't o ra Meal error,
tine advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item, together with reasonable allow'anee for
signature.'wifLnol be charged.for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for ift the
appilc'able-rate. in the event of a -typographical error advertising goods or servie'•es at a wrong.
:price,, goods or service may not be'soid: Advertising is merely an offer to sell, and may be with-
drawn at any time: The Signal -Star is not' responsible for the loss or d'pma'ge of Unsolicited
Manuscripts or phnfo , "
Business and lEditoritd Office
'TELEPHONE : 524-833'1
area code 51*
Mffilirfg Addrflss: ,';
0,04 (0lt 220, Goderich
Chid cffiiss MAO re1gistralion niumbee-0/16
Published Iia Signal -Star Publishing Lill•
.ROBERT,G, •SHRIER--president and publisher
JEFF SE'DDON--editorial staff
DAVE •SYK.ES--editorial staff
EDWARD J. BY•RSK1—advertising manaiyg,ri,;„,
maker, offset operator, .themselves out of work,
Juergen Becker.
intolerable financial hardship 1•
eight weeks qualifies ora
for 'herandherjamily. ;, ;S✓ op lC�£if!
maximum of 26 weeks in spy p p
bookkeeper, secretary, thereby 'creating in a sense
, .benefits. .Additional benefits
medical receptionist,, moreunemployment.
tentage of payments made to
are pa(npcs,w
qualified day care assistant). Whataboutindividuai women who claim this benefit
unemployment.. rate is equal Y
Of the rest, nearly half the •househotde.rs? Would they be to or h'ighe`r than the national is.quite small; bothBregiiionally
willing ttrpaY a man for_one, rate. Where the , rate os
f and natdonally'.
lob opportunities •were afor two. or ,three "hours at even protection. for the w° ut z. it ho.
babysitting in your own unemployment is three per is left•re nant and alone or
''home. Almost . half the minimum wage to shovel the cent over the national pregnant
snow away in.a driveway even perhaps, the sole
remaining Cop e oft tics were average, a maximum of 44 breadwinner in 'the family
for .some people, often purely when' a snowblower• can do weeks of benefits is paid after breadwinner
'the husband is disabled
a ' comm ission basis job the job in r less less time for
eight weeks of empl'oymen't. where sick. It u goodais disabled
demanding either a. person
'•inn equal or, lesser'ainount ofIn short, the retailers are• which It vital wherever
`•gefi 'n that 51
a great deal of natural; m'oney?a wrong in evi g women are required in the
s abilit or• in tfe case of lvlanpower in Goderich weeks of 15eriefits ,are •paid 'salC y •
work force. ! -
There may be some reason
to question the wisdom of
maternity benefits being paid
ire all 'cases, no matter, what
the. circumstances, But that's.
real. estate sales people, report's there are, very few after only eight weeks of
ready to take time to Snow shovelling jobs for the work , •
personsunemployed • or: welfare
learn and' study and become There may be merit -in the
qualified: -
there are
recipients, bt u when
stich q re' nests' the people • one-for-one suggestion ' at
end of 'the scale
The. job as a to:pleg5 at re
cgistered with there are sant the o om
;`tendant wiles only 'to one nut to dc� the work, What about someone who has not what the arataifers said.
man jobs in .olid pwrsrked for 15 years and'been They ,. asked' that . all
lii5t h:aw.. Y . i(� Would/he
Sex and inert,` only
Loa very
. _.._. -..: ..••-... :' • ' are . thrown ofoutwon pregnancy •paymen s e
limped number off app'it ams... iiiourPd jsubllc buil.dirag .a _. ....:. ears of. - _ tc an
,Only two jobs out of seven there in'Goderich and area? eh ' Not r 1 .• y but �: discontinued.,.,. and -that's
ccilumrts the' taxi driver <tnd ver' 'few,,.. acid what ;jobs
benefits? Notlikely c:. unreasonable' a n d
the courier -driver' would :aCe . are ak�en up by. where .would be a fair and. un;responstble suggestion.. '
. th
Dear Editor,
It was the first snowfall and
approximately 7-12". of fregh
snow had fallen; .the wind was
very, very strong that day.,
The garbage men had made,
their, usual pickup on our.
street. • They had forgot to,
just like they always do, put ,
the lids back on our garbage
carts after emptying thein..
Needless to 'say, when we'.
want to bring in our garbage ..
cans we couldn't find either .
lid. The' wind had blown them
away. 1 had to take a broom
handle and poke it through
the snow and then I only".
fou,id one .lid: We had to wait.
,until the snowfall melted
, 'Ofray to find the other'lid.:It •
was on -the other -side- of our
The garbage me'n. are,
careless with our . garbage:
• cans. They never replace the •
(continued on page -5) •
appeal or apply to the f •
ulltime pe°plc who wouldn't' equitable cut -of point on a + + +•
as is
average uneirlployed man or f k kindly to being one-to-one basis such The retailers says.
cel to b . casua a
woman without sp 'f' `rplaccdr y 1 '1 borers s iggestcdbyiheretarl:ers. ' ' (continued on page 5)