HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-02-12, Page 94:C February I 00.11'1 ilieritage. Day In 'spite of th'e fact thatthis coming Monday, February. 16 will stillfind youcomin•g and going as usual, it is hoped �tliat�ro,,,Wi11Nbe enjo-ying.-a-•nr'rd• v-tnter-loctg2•we°eltti °-m—' - . • to celebrate national Heritage Day. r .:;. • This .date has been selected as unlike July 1 and Labor• Day,. �ia all during .the school .yea•r and so provide an 129 YEAR - 7 _ opportunity for student projects 'and exhibitions: to help . :' • ° THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 stimulate,:a•, realer• inter st. 'n: true natio'. " . g e' l nal identify .as •, .. ..;f r. � 1,976. represented-inthe nation's culture, history an:d:national ... :estate - those buildings of ':unique interest within; o Canadiariegrnmunities.: • • IL is hoped'that you will take a moment on Monday, e.b F-ruary; 16. to reflect upon, the condition of,• local historical buildings Only through vigilahce historical •landm•arks',be (yr'eserved to:. hold intrust for • `future generations . To help celebrate Heritage Day, 1976, several projects have been.undertaken locally. •The•Huron County Branch of the Architectural Conservancy' is sponsoxingan Essay & :Projects Competition°. •within the . County, secondary. . schools.; The .public is cordially, invited to view 'this display on Monday,. February 16,''at-8 p.m. inthe-Clinton Secondary School. The Goderich Kinsmen Club is also actively engaged in° bringing the spirit of Heritage Day to the .community through their posters and by initiating a. poster contest in the public and separate•schools, ' ' On The Sgda.re, the day will be noted by"the erection of four Canadian' flags by the Goderich, Tourist Com- mission. The Tourist Coinin.issionand the'Kinsmen will com bine efforts- toprovide a display of furnishings from the -past in the -Bank of Nava Scotia. Pro jeit People to People .ill help quake victims The. Rev. and ; Mrs. Ken -w nison Lawton of Bethel Holiness Chapel. Bible Missionary Church at the corner of Huron. and' Walnut Street in Goderich area .collecting., aid for the ear- thquake victims -- - in Guatemala. "Theneed there is urgent,"• -reportslVIrs':Tawton. • .She said she had contacted- an : Interdeno,minati'onal Mission With c,.onnections in Guatemala. She learned that tents,-. .. blankets, cold •rerriedies,: dysentery • medicines •and dry food (beans., •rice, milk) are badly needed there. "Butfrom the experiences they have hadin other disasters," Mrs. Lawton said; "money provides the quickest •and. best way to get supplies into. the Country. M.i~._and:Mrs.:Kennison are collecting 'meney and -or. • •supplies for Guatemala: They:.. are calling it Project People To. People. Persons •who would 'like to assist should telephone 5'24-27'85 , right,, away, 1300 ore opposed to seatbelt rule • Ray Hanna, -RR 2 .Auburn, -says he has . collected mote. than 1390 signaturaes from people who are -.opposed to the Ontario . governme:nt -4legislation. which makes the :use of seatbelts mandatory. •; . "We're not -•bpposed to seatbelts,'"'insisted Mr. Hanna. "Only to the use of seatbelts being compulsory. Over 1;000 names of people from Wingham, Goderich; Clinton,.Lucknow, Blyth and. Seaforth were included on the petition sheets put Out in the area by Mr. Hanna. Only11 persons stated they';were in favor of •• the compulsory aspectof the legislation' regarding seat= belts.-- . This week, Mr. Hanna will be talcia petition sheets -4o: Douglas Point. ' - All signatures will be turned over to Mrs. Karen Hepinstall; Elora; wh,owill compile the results aeross the. province and ` submit 'her findings to Queen's Park. In the question period in the Legislature of • Ontario recently, the Hon. J.W. Snow, -Minister of • Transportation and Communr-eations,. said, "I must say', that if I had to sumrnari2e, inthe mail that has come to my desk, there', has been a great deal more support for this legislation than there has been' objection' to it." (Hans'ard - January 16, • Another ballpark . eeciecil . A for Goderich 'recreation Goderich town council passed a motion Monday night ght giving the.,Reoieation Board jurisdiction over scheduling o Agriculture Pa • Last. • week, delegation. SiNGLE CQQY 2 5c • esti 1 . events , in rk., following a from -., the Industrial Softball League •who expressed concern; for their playing dates, council referred the :Matter- to the recreation board . and parks' committee to co-ordinate the functions held . at the park. The recreation board drew up The.Goderieh. Kinette Club money to be donatedto the members placed containers Goderich several weeks ago count the: money the citizens stint -Mlenday •night counting March of Dimes after the club . in stores and businesses in and Monday collected them to of Goderich placed in them` to •' 1 izens The . Concerned. Citizen's Committee in Goderich stepped up their activities this week in their fightto keep Goderich • Psychiatric Hospital .and, other general hospitals in the area open. 1976) _ The committee opened an :office donated by Bert Frank Miller une Y JEFF SEDDON... One year ago this • week Frank Miller, Ontario's mini-s•ter of health, was greeted with •. open arms by health professionals in Huron County. when the minister made a whirlwind tour of the county. ' to '.`ferret out feelings"' on hearth needs in Huron." " Mr. Miller is expected back • in the_county this week with • the key to ,lock the doors on some hospitals here. Something he said a year ago he wouldn't do. The 'time period between • the two visits --b=y Mr. Miller broughtabout a reversal of several points he made to a gathering of .about_50 health, professionals on his last tour. The reversal, something the minister is not akin to, resulted in the expected closure of one or two. of Huron's: rural -urban hospitals. The minister is currently on, a field trip that ,..will bring him to Western Ontario/ and sources at Goderidh P'sychiat'ric Hospital who want very`much. ' to see the minister, says that' 'Mr. Miller is coming to Huron. as fa'r•'west as•Clinton. - • A visit from the minister. •- recently has been followed by a wake of closed hospitals*, ., angry doctors, • unemployed medical and hospital staffers and an irate public concerned. • about losing,thei°r community. _hospital to save the province s tee be donated t:othe charity. Gil Tomsen, left; wsgwith fellowKinettes Brenda Parker, Joan McDougall'and clubpresident Freida Thomson,right;who reported that x1,910.2 had; been collected thus farinthe drive and thatheclub expects more to come (staffphoto) . Alexander' in Suncoast Mall, and: seeking 'county -wide support for a. blitz of Premier -William Davis' office to have -the premier- reconvene 'the legislature • to debate the entire restraint program.The campaign, which kicked off atthe beginning of • • vee year ago to1a money. His present trip about the province has locked the doors qof .three general hospitals and his itinerary calls for visits to two more Thursday, and the same number Friday. The minister's goal is reduction of $50' million from the 1976 health budget: His niethod of reaching that goal is to -reduce the number of hospital beds in the prov.irice by 3,00.0, cutting out;. 5,000 jo`.bs at the same thine. Mr. millet. ..has......bean cdn- "sistently accused by Op- position parties in Queefa's. Park and by -. heallth professionals for his lack! of consultation with ,hospt!tal staffs and doctors and with the Ontario Legislature prior to weilding his'axe of closure. Direct • questioning from those groups and hundreds of citizens.. have resulted in vague statistics and veiled reaoning- behind the decisions of closure, Mr. Miller has offered no sound financial benefit for the hospital bed cuts, ' He has ' constantly• referred to "savings the cuts will mean to his n1inistry but has Claimed ' ignorance, as 'have other ministries, as t0 what the closures* will cost' • the government • for unem- ployrnent..lnsurance' and additional staff in hospitals designated to serve the ,people currently using the hospitals to be closed; what thy dosing.of tore psychiatric hospitals will mean to ' community mental health;. what the apparent lack of -respect the government has. shown the people has done to the voters' confidence in government; and what, in the case of the psychiatric hospitals, the- closures will mean to out-patients using the facilities daily.• • The moves by Mr.•Miller in °Hn uroare contradictions -of his.•com:ments. made a year ago. At that time he told health -professionals •in. Goderich that Alexandra Marine and General was. safe from closure. and .that • other • rural hospjtals , werein no danger of being closed. He instructed the 'doctors and hospital administrators not 'to look • for "wholesale changes in the health scene" adding'thathis main concern health facilities was duplication of servfces bet - Ween large • urban' hospitals close togethixc,. ' The minister said that 'in. the urban. -areas, hospitals were, g.eographically close •together and cjujte fte•n had the- same programs and., equipment ' which was an expensive habit. He said that that situation: 'r was "Impractical and could not go onuncheeked'•• Mr. Miller. told thegroup" that the' centralizing of specialists in one large area was already in practice in. arenas of heavy population but was not . affecting s't'nttiler • efforts t is we k, h s been supportd by 1,:000 people who signed cards, asking for the. :pre.inier's intervntion. The cardswere signedin the first 48 hours of•the campaign and thommittee are seeking an additional 4,0.00 supporters this week. • . .�Advertising for supporters was placed in newspapers in Goderich and London and the success 'of those ads willdetermine. if :simiarads are placd in the remainder of the weekI news a ens in Hy p .p uron , County. • . • ea t and the leaders- of the opposition. parties. ' The letter\ signed by 'committee chairman .- Paul Carroll' concedes " that financial. •restraint is necessary at this. time, ad- ding that if the` issues ' in- volved are to .receive the fullest consideration the premier should reconvene the legislature and 'subject the restraint programs to. democratic. debate in the house prior.to their im P lementation. • -The -letter statesthat the The three maifi concerns of •level of services provided to them )60.000• citizens in :the and active Concerned citizens hospital •catchment area has been secured, allof whom must be maintained and feel that mental health • rt the committee have been hospitals: He said that the stressed in a letter to the idea of abandoning smaller .premier;' the Minister of health services and herding large groupsof people to one centre . was "completely w'r`ong„• . The. change of thinking the minister seems to have had in the:past year, have resulted ” in some profound wholesale changes in the health scene in .. Ontario, sotttcahing IVIf,. Miller said not to look for.• The. moves have caused.:' , .. enough concern in Queen's . Park and in_the cornmun.ities. directly affected to cause the opposition parties -to prepare to bring down the government with a vote of non confidence.. The changes have shown the people of Ontario that it may be 'time to • take a. tour of - Queen's Park to try to "ferret out feelings the government seems to be lacking for the people they serve'. Beach • area Op .for lease The Marathon Realty Co. Ltd informed councilthat the property formerly: leased by. Imperial phot the heach.will not be available to the town rent .1 rev. The town will be able to lease the land for. $1,200 per year plus taxes. Council: referred• rhe matter to harbour and finance • committees. ,. • • a motion at their Thursday affernati.ve for the ,league if night meeting requesting . the trotting association was jurisdiction , over " the allowed • to race Thursday. scheduling ofevents at the nights but it would be difficult park • while the parks -tom since .they also. play on mittee would retaimi•ts.role of Sunday . and Monday ; and . maintenance.•a•nd•-re ainether .players would have to stayin' ju.ristl•ietion -• over the .town for a l'i ween. He explained thatfuthe ekprobldems could •perhaps have been alleviated if the league was . notified earlier of,the trotting .11 association's plans: - Doug Fisher told members Thursday night to settle their, of the recreation board that if dispute for playing dates: the indusia-iea•gue•is.forced Ind•ustr,ial Softball operated to change its Thursday night • •. on Thursday nightslast year, date it .Would mean an in: ' and the .trotting associationconvenience' tcr Other groups was informed by the Ontario •involved . in the use ';of the Racing Commission they had park. • Rine Thursday night,racing: "We must also consider_:. dates in J u.ly" and Augu. ' minor baseball, soccer and ' Doug Currie ofst'. the the girls' softball. teams,'.he'. :Industrial Softball executive said. "If we move to another said the :executive •.was • nsight..then ene_ofthtese other working . on plans and - groups will get.shunned:' ' schedules 'for the season and Fisher explained -that a ° would request to start earlier . move" to a . weeke.nd..night in the season' and^then.were would probably" .Mean less •,inforined of the Trotting participation by players and Association's.Thursday�. night. fans.. dates. Currie claimed the Don 1VIcKay of the•Goderic-h • association knew; of the day Trotting Association.: ex elrange-on December.' 30 but—piained—tris-:group' had—no • nowsay theY .only. received : control over the situation'and •. officiia.l.,,,,confirmation oh that the Ontario Racing , February 4. .. 7 Co'mmiss.ion- ,,simply `gave "We hadto get •the in-. them approval torace nine .: formation second hand ' Thursday ..nights•through July .' .-l through the newspaper and and August. The Commission, • heard- nothing of their date approved Thursday nights' to• • changes until'tode-said. - avoid conflict - with , racing. "We have tried to go', along dates of other tracks in the ': Kith .them in,t'ie past but it is arq difficult. -"Two years -ago we' were on Currie explained that •the borderline and last,year Friday night. was the ()Lily • continued onpage,l6 operation of the park. Representatives of both the Industrial 'Softball League and the` Goderich. Trotting Association attended the recreation board meeting to save - finally adds that some mechanism be ' established that will permit a degree of community ..involvement..in areas' where the restraint Programme may have ad- verse social. or:.economic effects. ' • " -The committee advised the ,recipients of the letter that they will continue their campaign regardless 61 the final decision of the gover- nment. . The support of 20 groups Including' ng' n unici palities, social 'agencies, •medical groups; community groups • vice's must :be provided .in ",..some form in thecomr"nunity.: They state that if a .com- promise is reached they will monitor the„sitrration to en- -sure that the transition of the hospital does not cause social;.• health ar economic disruption ` 'in the community. The, committee members are also concerned over the problems. that have been •.created. due to the time . the. minister has taken to an- nounce his plans definitqy. They claim that staff morale at the hospital is at.a low ebb and that patients : at 'the hospital and their families are being sujjected.• to:ex- treme anxiety, l I,rr' Goderich committee of Concerned Citizens opened an nt;l`ice in the Stincoast Mall Monday as part of a stepping up'. • Of their enna'paign to enlist the support,ot the eotnniunity to ki,ep (ioderich Psychitatr•ic 'Hospital 'open. - Here G1'H •sup iorte'i s, left to right, R'iinford Jackson, Neil Louttit, Stephen Daynes and Reg Lang peruse newspajierclippin s" _ • about the hospital.. (staff photo) • , g