HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-8-14, Page 1ORTY- SECON D YEAR -110: 2277 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 14th, 1920 J t. VNDIH;ILWEN'L OL'EIt4:TION, JI�l1�lI�Ilil�lNlnlnl�itil!lllnulllilaltlllrilutll�llllltllliliiilltilllltliinllultlnliliiil�rltilllllliiitllilll!lIIIIai11�11uniu111111a1L� =I Oa 1Vlortday, Mr.. W. J. ITeaman ,...., M▪ OM VIM m▪ ime 11101.4 uNIMIN AMON m OVIMMU i_ Z maniaMibt • OMNI IMMO amine MOW 1/11/0 i .111111. .111.111.1 • LADIES' AND MISSES' FALL AND WINTERCOATS• ALL MARRED AT PRICES BELOW TILE LUXURY TAX Our stpck of Ladies' and Misses Coates feu the coming fall and win- ter seasons is now nearly complete. New styles, New Cloths and New Colors. Make your selection early. We hanlde the celebrated Northway and Canada Cloak brawls. ASK TO SEE •OUR SPECIAL VAI. UES IN SALT'S• BLACK SEAL- ETTE COATS, NO LUX- URY TAX. FURS FOR THE COMING SEASON We announce our first showing ot neck Curs and muffs in such popular furs as Sable, . Wolf, Fox, Bolura Beaver, Black Waif, etc, All marked below the luxury tax. ALL SUMMER GOODS M1TST GO Ladies White Wash Skirts, clear- ing at $2,95 Men's Panama and Straw Hats at $2.35. Ladies' Middies, Clearing at $1.60 Girls' Middies, clearing at ....69c, Ladies' Black and White Silk hos- iery at 75c. Ladies' Pullover Sweaters, all.wool at *4,91 Ladies' House Dresses 25 per cent. off. Children's Dresses at 25 per cent, off. Summer Dress Goods in Voiles, etc greatly reduced. RHONE 32Jones PHONE 32 I .C. • �Ilttlii�illlllllitlllliltitllltttililll111111Nlittililtlllllllllitlttlllllltiittllifiltlllitlllttltt1111ttllllllllit�liiliti-� i� Illtlitliilll II!lllllr' a was called to (:rand Bend owing to the illhess Of Mrs, Leaman, who was =cluttering from appendicitis. She was a immediately taken to London where 1C she, underwent au Operation the same evening, Her many friends will be - gled to know that the operation was successful and .that she is getting along nicely. Mr, I;}eanian and fain-. ily have camping been caing at the Bend aN for the summer. e sic IHED INITORONTO The many friendia In town of Mr, and Mrs. Prank Oke, of Toronto, regret to know of the loss of their onR. Fred O . son, ha ke, w died out Friday last following a short illness from•. appendicitis. The eleceased was 18 years and 5 months old. Mr, and Mrs, Oke, were holidaying in the a west whep their son was taken ill, They immediately came east and er- a rived in Toronto the same day their son died. The f(ineral was held on "' " Monday. An older rbrother survives. e inINE The grief-stricken family will have the sympathy of their many friends. IMMO mind ' A horse belonging to Mr. S. Smith tell into a well on the farm of Mr. E. Penhale, in Hay Township and died before it could be taken out. The horse went thru the platform hind end first: The well was shallow being about ten feet deep. By kick - ...a ing with its feet and tossing its S head the horse loosened the earth a around the top of the well which s fell in on it and packed it in. The animal died before it could be ex- tricated and it was with difficulty that two teams of horses pulled the remains out of the well. HORSE FALLS INTO WELL. i_ S i! DEATHOF JAMES TAYLOR Ou Thursday, August 5th Mr. Jas. Taylor passed away at his home in ",.. Exeter aged 64 years, 7 months and 1 day. Mr. ,Taylor has not enjoyed ,j good health for years and off and on has been a great sufferer. He has been a life-long resident .of the coin- -inunity. and 'Vas widely known and MEM highly esteefned: He was born at Zion in Usborne 'Township, Besides his bereaved ewidow, whose maiden name wast l•1"Nina 50uest, he is sur- vived by two daughters and one son: Mrs. R. Huston, of London, Mrs. W. D. Burke, of W gbeerf; and Edward at home. Three' brothers' and three sisters also survive: Andrew, of Yar- mouth Centre; Robert of Zion and John W., of Exeter; Mrs. A. J. Pearson, ot London; Mrs. S. Cooke, of Walkerville and Miss Lizzie Tay- lor, of town, all `of whom were pres- ent at the funeral which was held privately on Monday, interment in the Exeter cemetery. S Inalo ammo 411,0 MOIR =mMo MOMS W ENN Mani WISE FARMERS USE GOLD MEDAL HAY FORK ROPES —and -- GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE Spec]al prices on POLARINE. Why pay more?. 1 gal. Litho. cans 1 gal. (bring your car) $1.25 $1.00 $ gals. (bring your car) .... 90e. gal. Also Garg. Oil in 1 and 4 gal. cans. and bbla. Now in stock At very low prices. WASHING MACHINES AND WRING/FAS Gold Medal washers $18.00 Electric washers ;100.00 Wringers from $7,00 up Wash Boards 650. Galv. Tubs, and etc. can an'S Hardware 27W PHONES 27d simmumilemaniammaisionialommissaliumaitamiainimmumme BOER FRENCH—In Wetaskiwin, Alta., on August 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Vie - tor French, a son, (James Pal- mer.) BI4A.IR—At Hyndman's Hospital, in Exeter, on August 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Blair, of Biddulph, a 4 son. iU.1LRIHD TAYLOR -1n Exeter, on August 5,: 1920, James Taylor, aged 64 years, 7 months and 1 day. YELLAND—In Exeter, on August 9th, Rev. J. G. aged 77 years, 2 months days. OKE—In -Toronto, on August 6th, R. Fred Oke, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Oke, a,ged 18 years, and 5 months. Monday, Yelland, and 2 ()AHD OF THANKS Mrs. James Taylor and family de- sire to express their appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of Mr. Taylor, also to the Exeter Bowling Club and others for the beauelfel floral offer- ings. Special Photoplay at Dome Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAII t GARDEN in her first screen appearance in "T.hias" Written by Anatole Prance, A story of the east, Gorgeous stage set- ting, costumes, etc. :ADM/SSION 2G; cent;:. MAIN ST. SOUTH OF BRIDGE OPEN FOR TRAFFIC. The barriers which prevented the use of the new cement road thru the business portion of the town -were taken down on Saturday and Main Street is now open for traffic as far north as the river. The bar- riers were taken down on Saturday night and the number of rigs and autos that paraded up and down the street was quite a contrast to the deserted appearance the street has had during the three months the pavement has been in construction. The building of the road has not been without criticism and the coun- cil has not had smooth sailing in try- ing to please all parties. The new road makes a decided improvement to the Main Street and should prove a valuable assett to the town. Busi- ness which has been more or less interferred with during the construc- tion of the road, should resume nor- mal conditions. That „portion of the road north of the bridge is nearing completion. EXETER, HIGH SCHOOL REPORT Exeter High School with an at- tendance of less than 100 has ob- tained 16 Lower Schools, 10 Normal Entrance and 10 Matriculation sten- 'dings, None of the first form. took part in these examinations and near- ly halt of the second form (who are not proceeding as teachers) did not present themselves, NORMAL ENTRANCE I. Viela Bell, Theron G. Creery, (Hon.) , Richard E. Davis, M. Mae Ford, J. Maurice Harvey, Muriel Ho- garth, A. Bruce Medd, Florence Turnbull, Mildred Wafer, Harold Wright. MATRICULATION Mervyn E. Can -1m, (Pharm.); Theron 'G. Creery; Richard E. Davis (Partial) ; Mildred Mae Ford, Muriel Hogarth (Partial) ; Lilllam M. Wal- ker (partial); Mildred Walker; Har- old Wright (partial) ; Grace Keller- man completes metric. An enclosed memo. from the Dept, stated that the ceri.ificate for J, M. Harvey will follow'. Of the eight candidates for complete matrieula- tion every candidate from Exeter was partially or entirely successful, not a single failure. • To the list of lot' er school Candi- be added dates :hauls Miss 17arothy'. Campbell and Miss Rossie .Broad- IREV. YELLAND DIES ,,AFTER FORTY ]EARS IN THE METHODIST MINISTRY The certain closed down on the life of Rev, J. G, Yellrz aaon.NMon- day day and he passed from this earthly sphere to enjoy the fruits of his la- bors of forty years in the service of the Methodist ministry, Mr. Yel- land was taken ill last February with influenza and he never fully recovered front the effects. For over a month he has been under the doc- tor's care and for about tyro weeks was confined to his bed. During that time he suffered quite severely. The revered and honored minister was born at Brenton, Devon, Eng- land, in 1843. His father was a lo- cal preacher of the Bible Christian church. At the age of twenty-five Mr. Yelland received his credentials to preach from the Tavistock Cir- cuit in Devonshire and came to Can- ada. In April, one month before sail- ing for Canada he was united in mar- riage to his now bereaved widow. Mr. and Mrs, Yelland first located in Belleville where Mr, Yelland was re- ceived into the Canadian Conference of the Bible Christian Church. He was first sent to Prince Edward Is- land where he was stationed at Ver- non River, West Cape and • Wheat- ley River. From there he wap stat- ioned at Campbellford and Lambeth with the B, C. Church. At the time of the union of the Bible. Christian and the Methodists, Mr. Yelland was stationed in the London Conference and remained in this conference since. that time. He has travelled the cir- cuits of Dover, Bayfield, Strafford- ille Cott v am, Arkona, Talbotville, Crediton, Ethel, Benmiller and Ade- laide. It was while stationed at Ade- laide in the conference year 1909 Mrs. Rd. Coates. of Usborne for sever - that Mr. Yelland superannuated and al days. came to Exeter to reside. At that time he had completed forty years Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Crittenden, in the active service of the ministry. and Miss Dorothea, spent Saturday Since coming to Exeter Mr. Yel- and Sunday with Goderich friends.— land has identified himself with. the Blyth Standard. Main Street Methodist church and Masters George and Reg. Beavers, followed with a keen interest all who have been visiting their grand branches of the work of the church, mother, near St. Marys, returned `tto He was ready at all times to render their home this week. what service he touts and up until It looks as if there might be a his illness frequently supplied for shortage in high school books. It other pastors, might be well for pupils needing such Besides his bereaved widow he is books to secure them early. LOCALS Mrs. Williams is visiting her sou Mrs. Hy. Hornet', of town, Exeter Fair will he held Septem- ber 20th and 21st. Mrs, C. Anry, visited in Goderich over the week -end, Mr. Ralph Hawkins of Detroit, is visiting relatives on. the London Road north, Misses Florence and Viola Rowe, of .Galt, are holidaying at. Grand Bend, Mrs, Hy. Welsh, has returned home after visiting for a week in Cleveland, v d, Miss Stella Gillies returned on Saturday after visiting her brother in Sarnia. AkIr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury are teri d boat trip up the lakes going as far as Duluth. Mr. C. Pym has some first year Alsike clover that measures 28 in- ches high in spring grain. Mr. Earle Browning, et Toronto is holidaying this w uex with his par- ents, 1)r. and Mrs. Browning. Miss Isabelle Turnbull leaves this week for Dundas to visit her sister- in-law, Mrs. Reg. Turnbull. Mrs, Harry Terrington, of Detroit spent the past week visiting hes sis- ter, Mrs. Rundle, of town. Ivlrs. Enislie and two children of Kitchener, visited at Mr. and Mrs. • C. Pym's and Mr. J. Cole's this week. Miss Allie Eacrett, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Eacrett, also Mr. and Mrs. Bea- vers. Mr. 0. Sweetrnan,and son Kirby of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and survived by two sons and two daugh- Mr. R hom,e from Toronto where he;:as Snmson, of Port Perry; Misses Annie been taking the summer course in and Bessie at home, He has one bre- theology at Victoria College. titer living in Hartely, Ohio. The fun - Miss Bella Ramsay, of Dundee, eral is being held to -day (W ednes- day), service being conducted in the Scotland, who is spending a couple Main Street church, interment in the of months visiting in Canada, is the •-ters: Johh Gibbs, of London, and T. E, Southcotta,s returned' Exeter cemetery. BOWLING TOURNEY AND CIVIC HOLIDAY Exeter Bowling Tournament is being held to -day (Wednesday). Forty-four rinks are in competition. The entry is one of the largest at an Exeter tourney. The day is being ob- served as Civic Holiday. BLANSHARD RESIDENT RUN OVER BY ROLLER David Johnson, Sr., who resides with his daughter, Mrs. T. Gunning, Whalen, met with a severe accident on Friday last. While bringing a steel roller from the .field to the barn the tongue broke, hurling him to the ground, directly behind the hor- ses. The horses became' frightened and ran away. the roller passing over the unfortunate man's body, narrow -1 ly escaping his head. One foot was badly crushed, also the back of the hand was terribly torn exposing the ligaments. It will be some time be- fore' Mr. Johnson will be able to be about, but unless serious compli- cation arise, no serious fears are en- tertained as to his recovery, STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened •un: the Town Hall, Crediton, on '‘Monday,, Aug. 2, at 1 0. m. All members present, The min- utes of the previous,' meeting were read and adopted, The'following orders were. passed: M. O'Brien, Coml. S. IL, $2.50; Con., O'Brien., do. 45; M, M. Nesbitt, re, Williams $19.50; G+,_ T. RI, _freight ,on $.1.5.84; G. Steeper, c,ontra,c t, S. B,• 522.50' J. B. White, Cemt S. B., $3; F. McKeever, gravel, $9.95; Shenk and Fah,ner, grading 3rd S, R„ S9; D. Tie - man, cement, $52.50; J. Wilson, grav- elling and; graveli, con. 22, $45; 'Webb, grading, 68.40; Ed. Allen, draw- ing tile. 6,00; , Jeinah 'I essell, repairing bridge and lumber E,S.:R. 25,00; Nel- son 'Baketr ntnd others, grading 25.56; Peckover's Limited, -steel Co, bridges, 225,84. The council acljounn,ed, to meet again fO'r snecisd bus.,nicssi in, Crediiton en NIon(lay, August 9th' at 8 p,m, Henry Eilber, . Clerk. The Hurandale Women's Institute held a'most successful Apple pie and lee Cream Su ciia8, on, the School Gmunds, an: Friday' evening, Aug, 6, The weather ;was ideal, and a very large crowd ,sreat a very •enjoyable evening. The .ttrogrann of musical numbers, readings and recitations, was excelient ard consisteds"sted it localtalentent from the community. The proceeds in a.i,c1 of the London Sick Children'$ Hospital amounted $$77,73,. , guest of Mrs, James Ramsay, / of town. - Mr. Leonard Abbott, of the Mol - sons Bank staff at Harrow and for- merly of town, is holidaying at his home in Centralia and also at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robinson have returned to Detroit, after holidaying for a couple of weeks with relatives. Mrs. Passmore, of town, returned with them. Miss Idella Davis, one of the op- erators at the Bell Telephone cen- tral is holidaying in Ingersoll and London. Miss Preszcator is relieving in her place. Mrs. H. T. Rowe, and daughter, Mildred, Mrs. Hy. Coultis and Miss Gertie Francis are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Jones at their summer cottage at Grand eBnd. Mr. Harold Boyle, and Miss Lillian Boyle, of Toronto, are holidaying with their sister, Mrs. W. S. Thom- son at Grand Bend. They have called on Exeter friends on several occas- sions. Mrs. E. J. Wright leaves to -day (Thursday) for Buffalo, and Roches- ter, N.Y., to visit relatives. Also her mother and two sisters who are visit- ing there from Winnipeg and Minne- apolis. One of the cars that conveyed the Junior ball team to Hensall last Fri- day evening ran out of gasoline a- bout the midnight hour, when a couple of miles out of Hensal.l and the boys walked home. Dr. Ward, Chiropracic doctor, suc- cessor to Mrs. Kerr, has moved his wite and family to„Exeter and have taken up rooms in the McDonnell block, Dr. Ward. will . continue to use the rooms corner. of William and Sanders streets. Florida,Mr. Frank Handford, of W sleds 1is visiting his father, Wiry, James Handford, and, Water's, 04 town, Frank is rec iperating from. 6. recent illness, a Mr, Heathcote, of London, condutjj ted the services in the Trivitt Mew orial church last Sabbath in the ah.a sence of the pastor, Rev. A. A. Triune per, who is on his vacation. Miss Rose Lanr'porte, underwent an operation on Monday for the r4Se. moval of her tonsils. Drs Grahanta of town and McGillicuddy, of London: were the physicians in charge. Miss Ether, Day has returned tai, London: after holidaying with' her,. parents, pts, Mr, and Mrs. L. bay Sets; friend, Miss Olive Rutherford, or London, visited her over the weele end. 1 Postmaster Russel and Mr. Fere guson, of the Molsons Bank staff. spent the past week on a fishing trips; in the Bruce peninsula. Mr. C, ga Shepherd, of Clinton, has been re- lieving for the latter. 1 Wednesday of last week wad "Ford" day at Grand Bend. Therei was a large crowd present. A list of sports was put on during ,the day, An accident whichmarred the pleasure of the day happened when the steps of the Eccleston pavilion, which was crowded with people, gave way under the weight, Several were injured, One man was found wan- dering in the park stunned and hel was taken to the hotel and put to, bed, medical aid being summoned. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Boyle and sot!' Clarence, Mrs, N. here and daugh- ter Jean, motored to Detroit thii week for a short holiday. Mr. Ac- quilla Sheersw ho h b as een visiting! his mother, in town for sever weeks returned with them. Mr. Willis is in charge of Mr, Boyle's barber shop during his absence. Mr. Thos. Ramsay and wife of San Francisco, are visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. James Ramsay, of town. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay; were former residents • of Exeter, leay.}llgyhere about 37 years. ago. Me. Ramsay has recently- disposed of his interests in several large flour mills in California and,. contemplates make ing his _beenee,.in Ontario. Huron County has supplied. three Methodist Presidents this year. Rev-, George Jewitt, president et the 'Lon- don !Conference;' Was 'bornein 'eiorris .township; Rev. W. A. Smith, pre*, ident of the Alberta Conference was born in Brussells and Rev, T. W. Neil, president of the Toronto Con.= Terence is a native of the village of Londesboro. DISTRICT NEWS Mr. W. H. Deleon, of Clinton, has sold his hardware business to Messrs. Corless and Venner. Wives are wonderful things. -Ev- ery man should have at least one as a piaster of education. The total cost for tarvia and labor, for Clinton streets last year was $859.00, This year the increased_ cost will bring it up to $1316,00. Mr. Frank Metcalf, of Blyth, Dom- inion Fruit Inspector, has left for. Saskatoon, Sask., where he will be stationed for the next few months. This makes the ninth year that Mr. Metcalf has been fruit inspector. Mr. Ray Rumball, who has been manager of the Bell Telephone Co., at Goderich for five years has been promoted to traffic chief with head- quarters at London, his district in- cluding some 95 offices from Windsor to Owen Sound. - Mr. A. Bennett, of Blyth, received the sad news of the death by drown- ing of his brother, Gilbert, of New Westminster, B.C. The deceased was fifty years of age and unmarried. He served overseas for two years and on his return a year ago visited' relatives in Blyth. Councillor Humber, of Goderich, was severely burned when some gas- olene in the garage caught fire. HiS clothing started, to burn and he put out the flames by Tolling in the grass He afterwards ran his car out of the garage, the latter being badly scorch- ed, We enjoy thoroughly only the pleasure we give, ---Dumas. Prest-O=Lite Batteries Having the agency for South Huron district for this famous Bat- tery and have a full supply now ready for business. . This is one of the best Batteries on the market and Is guaranteed to give one year's service. Come and get our prices and be satisfied, We also do battery charging and relZairing, Taylor Tire and Battery