HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-8-5, Page 8T1 XETER TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST .45th, 1020. 4; A. STEWART PHONE 10 All Summer Goods a Greatly Reduded Prices , • Owing to the extremely cool weather we are over stocked in Ginghams, White and Fancy Voiles, Middy Blouses and White Waists, We must sell all. Our prices will surprise you. New! New! We have two advance 'shipments of Knitted Shawl Scarfs for the Ladies'. These are quite the newest thing and are going to be worn extensively. Attention "Men" We have too many Panama hats, every hat must go. Regular 43, $3.50, $4, and $4.50. Your choice for $2.75. Sweater Coats and Pullovers These are very essential for the cool evenings. New ship- inents arriving weekly. A wonderful variety to choose from. MI moderately priced. $199 Ladies' Silk Stockings $1.99 All our ladies' pure thread silk stockings in Holeproof, Luxite, and Radium in the ribbed and plain top in black, brown, navy, gun metal and white. Regular $2.50 and $2.25. Sale price $1.99 No luxury tax. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce. J. A. Stewart itiNEEEINIEI4 "MEI ," ARE YOU A. Man or Woman Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in the coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Company, Box EXETER TIMES OFFICE NAME ADDRESS Date Born, day of in the year AB. Market Report The followiniPIS the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday, No. 2, wheat $2,00. Oata 1.20. Barley 1.25, Family flour $7.55. Lard 350. Bran $3,00 per 100 pounds. Shorts $3.50 per 100 pounds, Feed flour $4.50. New laid eggs 55c. Dairy butter 50c to 53c. Creamery butter 64c, Potatoes Sc to 6c per ib. Roosters 17e. Hens 23e. Chicks 320. Young ducks 27c. Old ducks 200. Hogs $20.50. Western University London, Ontario @Arts and Sciences 014-edicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regristrar Clerk's Notice of First Posting of VOTERS' LIST, 1920. Municipality of the Township of Us - borne, County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sec. 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said section to be de- livered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in the said Municipality at Election of the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal Eleetions and that the said list was first posted up in my office in I.Tsborne the 2nd day of August, 1920, and remains there for inSpection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correc- ted according to law. Dated this 3rd day of August, 1920 HENRY STRANG, Clerk of Usborne With the Churches QAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jared Foote, B. 10.00 a.M.-Sabbath Bible Classes. Services at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. D, Lucan. Union Prayer service in Caven Church on Thursday• evening. A., Minister School and„ and 7 P.m Johnston, of Good Musk at all Services 41,•••••••••••••••41Pir•••••••• • LOCAL • • ••••... 0410411•11.41. Mr. Hubert Jones is holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Mr. S. Snell visited his sister in Brantford last week. Mr. Graham, of London, visited friends in town on Monday-. Mr. Rd. Wilson, of LOndon, visited his sister, Mrs. Allen, on Monday. Mr, J. B. Lobb, of Galt, visited with Rev. and Mrs. Kestle on Mon- day. Mrs. (Dr.) Routledge, of Zurich, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Allen, this week. Mr. Jack Hurdon, of Buffajo, N. Y., is holidaying with friends and relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Clark, of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hind, over Sunday. Mr. Arthur Rowcliffe, of London, visited his uncle, Mr. Robt. Dinney, Sunday and Monday. Mr. Will Strang was successful in passing the first part of the upper school examinations. Mr. Will Manson, of London; is holidaying with his parents in town also at Grand Bend. Mr. Stanley E. Fisher, of Hamil- ton, visited in Exeter and at Grand Bend during the past week. Mr. Wilfred Stewart, of Kitchener, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hepburn, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westcott during the week. Messrs. Harper Rivers, Wilbur Luker and Will Brown, of London, spent Sunday and Monday in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradt and child, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell over Sunday and ,Monday Mrs. A. Sheere and Mr. Frank Sheere are holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere, at Brantford. Miss Jessie Manson and friend, Miss Evans, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Manson. over Sunday and Monday. In the recent report of the H. S. entrance examinations Thos. Yellow of S. S. No. 5, Usbtrne, should have been credited with 100 marks in arith metic. Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Beavers and Mrs. Howard were in Hensall on Monday afternoon at the W.C.T.U. meeting where Mrs. McAllister gave a very instructive and helpful ad- dress to the women on the laws gov- erning our temperance legislation and explained the coming referen- dum to the women, which was very much appreeiated. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was ser- ved by the Hensall ladies, IMPORTED SCOTCH SHORTHORNS I will have an importation of Scotch Shorthorn Heifers, Young CoWs and Bulls arrive at Brampton this fall. Anyone wanting a good imported Shorthorn it will pay them to see this shipment, 1 can sell them at reasonable prices. All first-class individuals and the best of breed- ing. When you purchase from us you have a market for your stopk, W. X, McCALLUM • Mx. PhillipS, wife and family of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and BramPton, Ont.; Brandon, Man.; Mrs 13 S Phillips • . and Wighton, England, ••••••••••••••••16.06.1. JAMES STREET INETIIODIST claws Rev. M. J. Wilson, B,A., Pastor. Mr. Andrew Boa will preach 11 a.m.-"The Great Gospel of the Future." 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class's. 7.00 p.m. -"At the Judgment Bar of God There will be no Differ ence." Hon. Arthur Meighen, Premier of Canada, will visit his native town, St. Marys, on August 16th. A pub- lic reception will be given. Mr. Russell Balkwill, of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce staff, at Sifton, Man., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Balkwill. Miss Dolly Gerrie, of Toronto, and' Misses Eileen and Evelyn Morrow, of Parry Sound, are visiting their cousin, Miss Margaret Gladman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter, and little son, Stanley, of Atwood, motor- ed down and visited with relatives in this community on Tuesday. Mr. Robt. Ogden, and Misses Lil- lian and Mary Grey, of Detroit, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Foote at the Manse on Sunday and Monday. Miss Gladys Down, who has..been visiting Mrs. J. C. Tom, and Mrs. W. D. Yeo, for the past month, left on Thursday to visit friends in Wood- stock. Mrs. Lounsbery and her daughter, Mrs. Mcllroy, of Hamilton, arrived in town on Tuesday evening and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Dignan. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Martin and family, of Kitchener, who have been 'holidaying at Bayfield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Vrooman left last week to visit in Brantford after visiting for two weeks with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson. Monday was Civic Holiday in a number of places and a number of visitors took the opportunity to spend the week -end with relatives and friends in town. Mr. Will jeckell, wife and daugh- ter, of Youngston, Ohio, are visiting the former's brother, and sister, Mr. James Jeckell and Miss Jeekell, of the London Road North. Main St. Methodist congregation appreciated Much the violin solo, "Avia Marie" by Gounod, Sunday evening by Mr. Will Manson, an old Exeter boy, now of London. Miss Mary Tom, daughter of In- spector J. E. Tom, of Goderich., and neice of the Misses ,Toin, of town, bas passed successfully her 3rd year examinations in medicine at the To- ronto University. Mr, Melville Madman, of Kitchen- er, visited over the wek-end with his Iparents. Melville has been suecesS- ful in passing both parts of the upper school examinations and. obtaining honoi in French, 41•1111.111M16.110•••••MONIMI MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo, McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 a.m.-"Over Mountains and Through 'Valleys." An experience. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School. Classes for all and a welcome. 7.00 p.m. -"The Unwavering Aim." BETHANY 2.3.0 p.m. ---"My Church." Sacrament after public worship. Dr. Roulston desires to announce that his dental office will be closed for several weeks,9whilst he is on vacation. Choice Clover Honey in Five and and Ten pound pails. -WILSON & SIMS. MUSICAL RECITAL, A piano recital will be given in the Opera House, Exeter, on Monday, August 16th, by the pupils of Miss Lila Sanders. ,For particulars see posters. "SPECIAL SALE" for this week in Ladies' White Wear. Black Sateen Skirts and Children's White Dresses also remnants and Hosiery. MRS. W. D. YEQ. BINDER FOR SALE. -Used bin- der in good condition, also other farm implements. Apply to John Mc- Mahon, lot 4, concession 2, Hay. HORSES FOR SALE-1Dark Per- cheron colt, three years old, broken to harness, also mare and foal. Ap- ply to Clyde Heywood. Miss Powe, of London, visited her parents, in town on Sunday and On Monday. Mrs. Vollick and son Allan, of Hamilton, are visiting with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sill, and son Roy, of Kitchener, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman. Mr. Hy. Strang" took the service in the Oaven Presbyterian church very acceptably on Sabbath morning last. Mr. Wes. Snell shipped some cat- tle to the Buffalo market last week. He was accompanied by Mr. W. San- ders. Miss. Ruby Treble, of Toronto, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble, for several days during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Westaway and Mrs. E. Hillborne, of Hamilton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford, this week. We were informed that J. Walker Hodgins of the Coursey Line thresh- ed from seven acres 49 V4' bushels of alsike this week.-Lucan Sun. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hughes and Mr. Fred Howey, of Brantford were visitors at the Main St. parsonage this week. Mrs. Hughes is a sister of Mrs. McAllister. Mrs. Norman }fern, of Norwich, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Hern, Miss Olive Hem, who is con- fined to her bed with illness is not progressing very favorably. Mr. Geo. Clark, of Stephen, suf- fered a painful accident at Silas Stanlake's sawmill ,last week when a piece of timber he was sawing flew up and struck him in the, eye, rendering him unconscious. Miss Ida Blatchford, of Grace Hos- pital, Detroit, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Blatchford. Mrs. Wm. Welsh and son and daughter, of Toronto, spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford. ?Ir. and, Mrs. Thomas Passmore children and grandchildren, number- ing abut thirty-five motored to Springhank Thursday morning, July 29th, where they held their annual family picnic. Althougn the.weather was not very favorablk in the after - neon a most enjoyable tithe was spent. Mr. Clyde Heywood has disposed of his two teams of horses, one to Mr. Alex McFalls and the other to Heywood Bros, of I./Shame. He also disposed of two drivers, -These hor- seS were advertised for sale in the Times. Mr. Heywood is now offering other horses for sale, See advt 011 the back page. mnimmump000mmimmumommommummimminomminimummiumumummomommumiumum PHONE 134 IN•11•111 =Nona MOM ••••• MEW •••••• 11•111.011 moinal MINN SOUTHCOTT BROS. Ladies' Dresses BEAUTIFUL VOILE DRESSES This week we are showing a beautiful range of Fancy Voile Dresses. They were 420 to $25 values but we were able to buy the at a price aid will clear them at $12.50, $15.00 & $16.50. HOUSE DRESSES Why worry about making a house dress when we can supply you with good styles and good fitting dresses at very low prices. We have sizes from 36 to 49. Our dresses for stout women are splendid Misers. $2.75 to $4.25. Shoes! Shoes! SMART PUMPS & OXFORDS All we want is an opportunity to show you our new styles in sum- mer footwear. You will like them. Our prices will save you money. WHITE CANVAS SHOES FOR HOT WEATHER • Every roember of 'the family should have a pair for the hot wea- ther. They save your good leather footwear and look smart for sum- mer wear. +.0111•••••••••••••••••••11. SOUTHCOTT BROS. E E E E ••••• 1•110011 IMO= *EOM id•••••1 11101.11•1 unolowl •••••14 *MON .011•11 OIMMON 1011••• NONNI 01•011 an. AMEN aminl 111•11.1 MINIM witywint ••••0111 ••••01 1011•11=1 MOWN =NM 1.1•1•111•0 ••••=11) 110•101111 ilummnumummummnimmommimmimentiminnummitimmummumummilimmumiffinimmumm, Furniture & Undertaking We vashSttotarthounce tor:the Vublic tbat we can 'now supply ,.teurse in,eennection with our undertaking business. M. E. Gardiner OPERA HOUSE BLOCK a motor PHONES 74W and 74J. FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy termia of payment. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0., auction - FOR SALE-Rabber tire open buggy. Set single harness. Apply to Dr. Vining, FOR SALE -Frame cottage, cor- ner of Main and Victoria streets. Apply to Gladman & Stanbury. Dr. Sweet wishes to announce that he will still continue to practice at his own office. All calls promptly attended to. Phone No. 120. R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER We have added a motor hearse to our undertaking business, Phone 20. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS You are assured when you buy your meats from us. We are scrupulously careful to see that our scales are ab- solutely right,, and just as particular about the quality of our cuts. We are here to please yon -not our- selves. That is why We have made good, BEN. MAK1NS The -Sanitary Meat Market, Where quality is higher than price. NOTICE CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56. Wilson & Sims. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you will let T. H. ELLIOTT do your. Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP Remember we can save you 2'be on your daily paper. Saws gummed, wood turning, wood pumps repaired and accessyt ies on hand. -S. J. V. Cann, Brett', Phone 115. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50o, three insertions for $1.00 Farm of Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four, insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25cs-. Local reading notices etc.. 10c per line per insertien. No notice lesa than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inch,es in length. Legal advertising 10c and Sc line. Both Equally Smart and classy are the summer suits in- cluded in our present offering. They are not to be compared with ordin- ary ready-to-wear apparel. They are in a class by themselves. You'll have to see them to realize how superior they are in every way and bow great is their value at the prices we quote. Flannel Pants Duck Pants Palm Beach Pants and Motor Dusters W.W.A 1V1 A N PliONE St a