HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-29, Page 23. Bj Jack. Haran.Middlesu MP.P SIT rtf P :twice •Ob tiously there• was some. ley -merit Of the -housing unit; crowding. Seven, dais of grace., must; concernme:.about ..a state nt (4) Interference °with the l n . the. c. ease of public . be allowed' to: tenants • to which appeared :in 'the. press' safety of your, own .,housing' housing a further justifiable; nahle therri`to make amends, : vwh.r •h- -a l.leg•ed l y. Tir read e.. uila.ut,---u t1 e*;.;:we.0 he ing i.:: . i x_.441 ld ' hend g -•.o '-�f'veon,�.-,=_gi�r=Trig-a:n-e'�porturt�'tyy-Ce;--fo.' •''regarding `'the. closrn,g of someone. else -'that is Ii-:+.conside_rationis if tenants• are. ins•tance,,, pay the:;,,[lverdae• general .hospitals' in. Huron fringement• on, 'the; •'lawful 'found to'' hav"e• ate is r Vin. r lly rent or repairthe',da'magta if • County.. Sieffice to say, that I rights andmpxivaieges of oter ,misr:eprese�nted their lncome,. this is -:clone, then the r'. cor-. •is 'do •not endorse the Health tenants; . thus affecting their eligibilityft g ' wiped:c-lean: ,However;, if a. :• Ministers ractice of clogi � .(5 ;Final! f=?nor , 1for anyform f" n p ,ng :.. ) S; t, . a PeAP e . o government: • srniilia' aituation"oecurs'again • hos',itals to cut- government' are: housed unitthan su orted housing . p PP �'aC " within .six 'monlih5, then the expenditures; as I : firmly •seems reasonable over '`commodation.- 4 landlord: is not called upon;to, give the seven days grace. -He .' sirn.ply.gives 14 days' notice- and cab -then 'apply -for a writ of.possession. . Where the expiry date of the original lease is the;oc rasion for the landlord wishing- to ive. notice to the .tenant; then all the foregoing reasons would be •given - believe that health ,,care is a basic;' right df O'ntar'J,o, citizens, and 'not just; :a' priviledge. With the support of hurt_ dreds of concerned Huron.' County' citizens, I employed the energy, . persuasion and authority available to me to get the minister of health to reconsider •his decision to. . close the . Goderich. . . CHURCH NEWS Psychiatric Hospital. •I am d to put •th• e same effort into retaining our Dungannon United Church general hospitals, in Huron and Reverend H.G, Dobson's and . Middl•esex .counties, shouldthe niinis.ter decideon sermon .was entitled, The asimilar'fate for therii • • Messenger based on the DUN�A.tINON D.OLN� MRS. MARY BER•E enough are interested there . consideration as justification. will be a bus from Lucknow. Another cause. in these cir- cumstances would be if the: prepare COMMUNITY NEWS S d S •un a ervice' at From. information which I 'The of John the Baptist. have .been able:to.:ascertain. The various. organizations of from the Health Ministry,our • the church are.`requested, to general hospitals in' the. hand in their. annual reports Huron -Middlesex riding will as ,soon as possible, Any in continue to operate, and the terested. young people please worst we can expeet,`is a few • jet the minister know• if •you bed closures in'hospitals are interested . in ' joining throughout 'the • area. I •look confirmation class.' - forward to ,your, 'support in •U C,:W. held their. meeting Our endevours to keep•.these • • on Tuesday afternobn at the "hospitals open; manse. Mrs.. Robert Irvin has The , Rent Review; been . appointed card leg:islation' about which I secretary *so: if. anyone knows reported to'you:.some two someone ,. who; is • ill or weeks ago is to `be •ad- bereaved please 'ether know. ministered' •in • Conjunction' ` A decision .::was made • ; to with the, companion discontinue the' practice of legislation • , the recent: . sending'gifts to -the sick but to :Amendments to the Landlord- send cards instead and:'Tenant Act, which were '_ Huron-Perth._._Presbytertal• also passed 'during the first is to be held on February 3' at session of the 30th Ontario . Brucefield United Church.. A Legislature: These :Amen-, hot; dinner`.' will be available at dments provide. for security . the church for $2.00. Anyone of tenure:.'• • • '. wishing to go should contact One ••most important° thing.. ,Mrs: Graharp .McNee as if ,, to remember is that, under the terms :of .the legislation, • ' 1 people , haye: no reason for .anxiety if••they .do not actually havea written lease, because a tenancy agreement giving-..' or renewing the• right of a tenant to occupy a dwelling,• does not necessarily have to' tl be in writing, to'be.'considered ' validand r the `taw It may -7- '' also be verbal Or implied ' • If, a landlord wishes to give! • • a tenant notice of termination of a tenancy agreement, he must give the tenant 60 days' notice in writingpand he must also` give cause. Such notice - • has to 'be in writing; and'the landlord must, under the law,. clearly indicate the detailed reasons for his 'wish to ter-' minate the tenancy. • In :the case . of proposed termination prior t'o' the expiry of' its original terms, , there are -only five reasons which , will be , considered justifiable cause -.or may be so considered: ' (1) :One' reason would, of. ' course, be 'non-payrtient :of rent; , (2) A.n•other would .be --if 'a tenant has caused • '`wilful damage to .the property of the landlord; (3), So`called "undue.." nuisance= would.- be icon- . • sidered _.muse ;. that -is something which interferes with the reasonable :en-' . • It For all your noney needs Whether you want to borrow' money or, have Migney.tci invest Profitably 'whether. you want'"a registered retirement savings plan or whether yrou seek &reliable' ' adniinist`rator•for your estate,- whatever your money Reed, turn. confidently to Victoria and I'Grey T.ust,..y.our .friendly, local stoney service that 'hits been relied' on by. people :like you since 18$9.,, Member Canada Deposit Insuranee Co.rporatiion rJJ' Cl+lull ni. UG T. l7 5•Y:G O•MPANV' ,S,NCI' 189 Mari:19.erJ..D. 4 Dave)•Cross 524.7381 Goderieb, Mr. Aubrey Higgins - returned home froth -hospital . in London during the week. Sympathy is extended: to Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Drennan and family on the death of his father, Mr. Wilfred Drennan in Lucknow, ! Mrs. Thomas Webster returned home . • from W ingham Hospita11agt weep, Mrs. Cecil Blake returned on. Sunday_; after spending a•' week visiting her son Jim and his. wife, Mr:. and Mrs.... J•irn, Blake and Sean'at Alliston. Sympathy' is extended to the relatives of Mr. Charles Rivett who passed' away in Alexandra'" Hospi:tal,, G'oderich'on Sunday -Morning., __ o .. death -defying act Give Heart Fund. Give.Heart.Fund HA Sw AriN l $�iER:oE ' : OW WHY LAI-DN'T 1 THIN Of THAT ,.: If you're up a, tree. on woo ,to drive, give GREEN 9. PARENT FORD ME'RCIJRY•SALES a try. If Jim, George or Peter can't get you down with the "quality" car you wan)j,no one can. At lease we try harder..• • , 'Stuck wilhOut 6 -car 16'r the days Don't go barking up a tree'. We aisb have pa,ly 'Rentals • at very reasonable rates. GR•Ei.1 PARI wr 10•; FORD MERCURY' SALES LTD. • . All car dealerships are created equal. Green ti Partint Ford Mercury Sales. makes the dttterence•" .-.263 HURON RD. oonealCH fx.gvi i66s landlord needed the ac= conimodation for his own use, as well as persistent lateness in payment of rent, or in the case of . "public housing" Ceasing to.rneetthe necessary 1- ions for such ac commodation. • If a condominium arrangement • has fallen. •throylgh,. this would-be given, consideration, and the same .applies where there are plans . to demolish the property. In circumstances. where ex- tensive renovations are going. to take place, or the premises are to be converted to other than 'rental use, justification" 'Might be'found, although • in the case of. renovation, the tenant should :oe given first refual• on the renovated pre.niises. Twenty-eight days, notice must be given: on' monthly ` tenancy, agreements, and in other cirduinstances' si*ty: days notice is required. . See you next week, GODERICH SIG'JAL T4R, T RSD4Y, JANUARY 29, 197E Ver h nc�r�v NORRIS PEEVHR In response to increased demand, the Stratford office of the.'Federal Business Development Bank is. step - ping up' ,.the frequency • of formal visits of its represe•rit•ative Norris Pe,ever,' to Goderi.ch from bnce.�'-to twice monthly? (Location and dates of these visits are a dvert:ise.d='fn. the'. Mr. Peeter is responsible for reviewing thg,-...ter•nz ,finaiicin e q �• ir. ' ' is . „financing', r q.0 em,.n , . o GoderJch: area..lffiusrnes5men;: and `farmers,. , and is. Well known • ;to many . !:orally • . r .. through his, sever�a,l year' • .associationwith'the 'own.•.; PBDB, a'•CroWn'° cor . poration whicksucoeeded the • Ind-ustria,1 :D.evelopment- Bank,° proni.otes and assists . the growth and creation of business enterprises'•across. Canada; particularly those of smaller-- 'size, ,. It . provides financial assistance," management, counselling, management training, and inforrn.ation on government programs for business. AGE:t 1 TOUR HEADQUARTERS .PPR •ROGER5'iMA.SS;IIIIC. TY *EXPERT.Tif•'SERVIC.E;. -.ANTENN:A t INSTALLATION�1• '. o 1 .2' u . 8 R1F S GODE.IC •' IRST. AID20URSE SPONSORED 13:Y• -St.: John Ambulance AssepiatiOn GODERICH... MacKay Hall Wednesday, February 4 S:po P.M 0OR INFORMATION TELEPHONE 324-2484.-. :5 24-2;884 FINAL GODE•RICH CLIA WINTER BOOTS 1 ALSO 300 Pair of Wolin ni''s DressShoes oo BROKEN' SIZES Price• rr t. . Casuals'_ i t_Onl.y All Sajes'Final:-.[+lp. Exchange - No fitaiysld Come in and fill out- a ticket on 'The Great Coin' Giveaway• servic adverti; re th*.Signal- bankers The answer to both questions is an emphatic "YES"! Bankers like money. It's the very base, whiihour daily lives are centred around. Helping people -sand keeping our economy on the move. And you get service„when you advertise in the Signal -Star. We'll go out of our way to please... bringing buy.,er andseller together, and fulfilling many needs in our day .to !lay lives. Call Don, BiII, Tom or. Ed at 524-8331 and see what we mean. Let our ideas work for YOU. • a