HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-29, Page 18CH.I'QU.ITA • BANANAS::2LB .45c PRODUCE' OF U.S.A. • • I LB. BAG RADISHES .2 69t .. PAGE 12.-.GODERL,CH SIGNAL -STAR, "rHLIRS'DAY JANUAR1''3,9. 1976 M th minister C i.. ,RR e�� continued. from. page :l . health minister that when he ° in itrany 'instances the arrived al the meeting he felt hospitals identified • for very hostile : and wanted to closure have occupancy rates relieve his hostilities on Mr. - 'considerably lower than their Miller, . • peers and have an alternate that " reasonable • He said that the thing facility-v3thin j � •t with driving distance. distressed him the`mos t Doctor Michael Lambert, regard to closing, GPH was • :head .of the Huron County `the manner in which it waso. iY�¢ical k�s6o i t nr_ duct ,d;;y.Hesated there was .ee�ers p��epar • : 'Steel:'.Bar, The"' Lake o'rt. P Bar, - tains added' two games to: their winning streak aver: the , weekend; defeating Hanover 3;2and 75..' arae 3layed in . - In ° a , g P Goderich on Saturday" nigh the Steelers ,carne from' behind to win 3-2, Hanover opened the' scoring late in the first period, but the Steelers soon came back as: Steve RArbour.;scored Goal on a breakaway. The • go . ahead. goal for : Goderich came minutes later on an unassisted goad by Rob Trebish. With :nine minutes left in the period Hanover tied ' the score two all, . Unfortunately the referees were having a few problem's with the Hanover players and fans. They called the -period with nine minutes . left and G�derich scouts.. active. • r A- no consultation with health professionals.or hospital staff and that the a nnouncement.to close was like a "bolt from. the blue", ?' Dr. Lambert said he had watched GPH grow into -a fine ° institution over its _ 13 year history and it ,`seems"in "cr.e.dible,.(hat.the government w•Quld. close it". , •He' added ,. both .° tearris` took: •their usual • ,break: They took -tile" loss ••of' "'nine minutes .' and • went .straight' into the third .period., After ,only three minutes of OAS/ Larry Daer broke away,, p y . the winning''goal: • L. anover received 68, minutes in penalties and the ,Steelers a mere 10.,;inutes. 'Steve Gallow played an ex- - ceptional game in net for the Steelers: . Oh Sunday the Bantams travelled to. Hanover for their I • second, weekend victory: By' the :end of the first period the score was 2-0' for Goderich on goals • by:. Danny Maillet, assisted by Rob Trebish; and Roger Lewis assisted by Rob McDbnald tinct" Larry Daer. La:rry 1VIad'ge got Goderich's third goal early in the second period assisted by Roger i • of f s Lewis, ;and: Mike • •Larking. Rohs,' Assisted by .... ob. re .sh Ra'ndy'Stoddart gotthefourth _Goderich goadl far'`a -0 lead-.: Hanover soon"took" control an,d came bai;k. with;four-: quick goals before the end of the period to tie the game. The Steelers. dominated the third period With three fast, goals for a 7-4� lead and Hanover could ofrly come back withone more for a. final - Score of 7-5, Third' period goals fo'r' Goderich were scored,.;:-ly Mike Larkin, his second; Jim Costello and • Larry Daer. Assists.went•to Danny M'aillet, John Clements and Mike Hodges. .• The Steelers . -start their playoffs this 'weekend against South London. Watch for:game tires. •'fAtw Adl . On January 24 and 25. "The ., Goderich placed, first .with - 4th Goderich B•oy Scouts" Scott Bank's and: Jim took part in a Boy., Scout Clements competing. Camporee.'held" at. Owen -In" •the.snowshoe races Sound. •brayii g -20 degrees Calvin Martin : placed. first • temperatures sleeping in , with, third-place place going, to. ,tents. Clarke Williams. Fifteen 'scoots,. one leader •• ' • and three volunteer . fathers .• . The . boys also took part in spent they -weekend -there: with .:tobaggan-races and obstacle,: - Tthe• scouts cooking all of the. courses, - meals:, •... Altogether there were 135 ,, The boys competed in a log ..Scouts.. 45 le •ders •and` :sawing contest- 'which ;.•volunteers , Request equipment.... continued from page 1 • • "that several incidents have ' disapprove of the officers occurred •r"n Goderich where. a� taking them out on the high police 'officer• had. a loaded ' Pay to cle.an.out the engines gun pointed at him -in the line,; in a•fast drive ; ' of duty. • �' The ;commission delayed - . • We may :not be able.to any " decisions. on the • avoid..arined incidents:ut at • association..requests.until the least for $25.0 we Can do all we 1976 budget is before them: canto protect• the officer's;" • Chief . King then told the caid•the chief. cotrimission that clothing for The commission;: gave the the • officers wa's"'costing, a same -reply to the chief . e ' considerable arriount • of s money and: perhaps could be .: they did. the association,, .. avoided if.the terms of the agreeing to ' investigate the working agreement- between matters when the` -budget is the town .and the department were changed slightly, -- • Under the,,,present'system. officers receive items.of clothing regardless of • the need and the chief claimed that` if the.clothing was dispersed on a user's need basis, some money could be saved. He explained. that parkas worn .by the officers in :winter .lasted .several' years. and :did • not .need • to be replayed' as often. as they are that '-'he •wondered. if 'the Toronto basedministry was - NV aware.. -of the lass the' closure would' mean to Huron 'County in terms of •psychiatric care of patients, loss of specialized. employees at. the hospital' and Qn the „ . economy of the community. Mr, Miller explained to the Huron doctor that he knew".he had conducted. 'the GPH closure wrong and that he wished he had -talked to the y, ` people affected by move. `He added that the area served celebration, Mrs. Albert'Shackleton of Toronto And -lVM.rs. Donald Maltgry of . Alberta a:re " visiting with Mr:. nd' Mrs. -Worthy t g Fowler. .While visiting' here, - Mrs. Shackleton • had her 80th birthday and' another cousin Mrs. 'Jean ,Patterson of Goderich was celebrating her 75th• birthday,,' so "about 40 relatives' and friends enjoyed an evening of progressive euchre in Carlow.. Halh, Monday evening'.January 2p. in their honor, .4 . Winners were ladies- high, Jewel Plunkett;; ladies low, _ Mrs. Albert McFarline; men's, high,' ' Gordon ' IVIcClinchey, and ,men's low, • Jack Sprung. 4. .I fitting. • by GPH was no larger than 1.that served by the 15 other psychiatric hospitals in. the province.' The minister's recent announcement to close the s nalL general hospital in Chesley has caused &surge of A He- said patient break-1di'scontent in that cpm -.use• the down at GPI-. showed that 1.4,' munity. The :dislike of the pto people hof Chesley was the. percent of the GPH patients minister's restraints moved Hanover hospital claimed he .o. errc percent . •a,: about into the Hanover t `nfront Mr..Miller�•�had to -limp I 1t 13 i•Il' e•to ca put people Qn.gnerrployment insurance at the govern- ttient's expense. • :- Mr:. Smith said that, the. cn1 istry's suggestion to the are fromG d h 37 b t 20 residents of the ,appreciated. He fr-onn Huron Coupty, u ag ce 18 -with questions and appeals to hospital, once as a result of an perc�[il, from fru. cent•from Perth and' :8 the . ,preverlt,°. the "closure from . injury'and was told to co•ne.. .remaining • 18 percent are:- going through. • ' pack ,in two hours, . then' as of the ..a' The. Chesley Hospital board • "j. wouldn't' send a .dog to • f-hom � riitat. he " -� -' PrOvrnee.' .,.. chairman .Carr wton s�ar'd the-- II•anover- llos� The minister• told Doctor 'that: the community had built • Charged:: "X would rather go- .,• Lambert ,that he knew the • the:hospitat•'therns•elves'•and it to the vetertnar►•an in ••'coixrrnuhity. GPH• •ServeB\the govet'nmerit.hadnt taken .Chesley," • people's money: through ' ,Mr. Miller-r.replied 'to the Would ke upset wheh he made over, .poop Y with some P dents The gue:sts enjoYec.1•.. a .de'licious• ,'lunch. with the special' dess4rt of a lovely ,birthday cake. _ Sdcial News The neighbors are pleased. to. see Mr. FAA Shields home again after a short stay in the Hospital. We are gald, to report Miss NorinneBrindley, a patientin 'University Hospital; London, is improving. Due • 'to the 'inclement weather . several' functions have been•postponed. The sympathy: ` of :the community is extended to the • famiLy . of the late Harry McCreath, Mr, McCreath was a residerit of ' Colborne Township for many years. the hos ital. wou,ldLnot Ghesley reel . OhiI}?�, p ,� the 'wished' i to • eh s.e • ` sh the decisiono� a wr in h be elasing.. ,canSola•tion saying g hospital bu at the. decisionbeen. p . teslahospital had• .imed that. if ' Che{Ghe'sley _ could''not'be avoided. He said. . M'r. Hawtonicla a •• ;that there were. Probably the closing was carried out no lax in Some regards to give other reans';af risingmoneymunicipality, smallbusiness • him' good reason to closit,' or-or g ariiz&tion would'be safe other'than, restraint, • to continue health services as g Were . th` theyhave 'been, but that •a' from the.:"•whnns - of grand He 'said closures e- , ..careful study of- the provin- fondling of the government". only reasonable way to save revealed.' He said' that inflation was not money adding that it was not cial expendituresreale jobs with cau . -but .to Chesle : and would. not' be taxpayers'___money • b closing the areas where 'spending couldsed by the community of • his duty to c be ,reduced:' y He explains,• however, that -solvedy Chesle,y - provide services for•people. raising the money•wasanot the hospital but by t.rying te, keep ; "He said the province simply • issue but " ettin the most the :small ` communities in _can't afford a • lot of small g g Ontario thriving, - hospitals close together but • mileage out of the tax dollar • there. was no Shelley • •S m it'll who had, to amalgamate servicesell was. He said excuse for. wastingmoney: , descirbed himself as .a citizen adding that timewill only tell "'"M w" 1 a ree of Chesley :told Mr. Miller what other hospitals,- - in-, ort" people L1 g with the restraints in prim: • that closing. the hospital dluding some major ones ciple but not -When it• affects wouls1, not save the govern- would fall vic'vm to restraint. • their coinmunit or their. area .Ment any money but would "There is -tie line tip cif .. Y job," he of expertise,"said Mr.. merely transfer expenses. • people to take my Miller: : • He said that the closure would sighed to the angry audience. set. In other business the commission agreed to call tenders on a new cruiser to replace the •1974 police car. The, chief told, the board that •the oldest cruiser- had over 60.000 miles ',on it and ac-' cording to the town•mechanic was •a .lemon, The car . had - beerr constantly in need of : repairs arid:was, costing . `a ...considerable' sum• to. keep operating now. He added that the. of Commission member Earl • ficers receive -l0 shirts a year, Rav7son said the tender would poin•ti ng out • that few • probably be 'the .wishst move - • departments issue that many. since the car would cost more Thechief also told the -than ' average—to keep commission that he intended . operating • Ind would ' to purch-ase a bulletproof vest depreciate another year if the • , for the department, He said • new .one was not bought soon..• i • :.SPEED QUEEN SUPERTIIVIN • . PORTABLE WASFtER' ..,,�fWA...1C[ ArrlO��i GoodHou Ekeopmg rn, i rA coon KC•CEK'J Peaturesi'•'4 Convenient Settings, • Including Durable Press; Fast:Efficient Washing; Rinsing and Spin=Drying; Durable P.olvpropyiene Agitator With' 4 ,•1igh-1/,arles; • Water and Suds Saver; •No S ieoial Plutnfii g Required. , • WESTON'S CHOCOLATE •SWISS• ROLLS. PKGS: WESTON'S CINNAMON NUT LOAF: MMIRACLE Hi„:32 FL. OZ PURINA :2Z LB.,, BAG DOG CHOW 9 ROYALE . JUM®B�b ROLL PAPER TOWELS,' ELS WESTON'S PKG. OF 8 HAMBURG OR WIENER ----RODS: �! GRANNY ' TARTS DOZ, SUNLIGHT 32 FL: (3Z: LIQUID PURINA CAT CH2.2 L B OW 99c • COFFEE 9c:MAT.E- 16:QZ 1.19 RED ROSE ECONOMY TEA BAGS 1,05 1.19 GLAD' GARBAGE BAGS. ios 9-9c 4.W .L.... GRADE- A SHORT :RIB OR BLADE AST LB. •BY THE.PIECE .BOLOGNA SCHNEIDERS • MINI SIZZLER SCHNEIDERS - LB 49c WIENERS DEVON KINDLESS SAUSAGE I -B$1.19 BACON SCHNEIDERS BEEF PATTIES FRESH. GROUND CHUCK L B ,1•..O 9 CB: 89c LB 89c $1.49 2 LB BOX 2.19 SMOKFn OD FILLET LB GRADE - A 'CROS;S RIB OR CHUCK 9- SILVEkBRIuHl SALMON STEAK12.59 2.'S9 ST LB $1A9 LAKE TRoth PIECE� 1.49 'GREENLAND TURBOT .1'29. 24 F L: OZ: TIN. NESTLE HOT CHOCOLATE-. 2,LB. TIN 1.69 KRAFT • • CHURNED. ' HONEY 2 LB. JAR 69 YORK PURE STRAWBERRY .JAM GLAD SANDWICH BAGS •5os CRISC • .B•AYE'R A's'p P,FLLSBURY BISCUITS SHORTENING RIN • F 8 OZ, 408 9t 180 • MEADOW GOLD �.. .E 1,2 GAL, INDIAN RIVER.. GRAPEFRUIT WI-IJTE OR; PINK SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES Dz. 9t PRODUCE OF U.S.A.VNO. 1 GRADE HEAD .LETTUCE ° �9C DELMONTE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT &=DR i PINEAPPLE ORANGE KRAFT DINNER PK . 3i7 9 INK 48 FL. 'OZ. SUNSPN LJ TE STOKELY, KIDNEY BEANS 'oz` RISE N' , S H-1 NE' ORANGE FLAVOUR INGERSQLL CHEESE :. • SPREAD 1 JARLB. L39 LAURA:SECORD -PKG OF4. 5FL,•QQ. TFNS PUDDINGS 89c :_CRYSTALS. .. CEE-N SE-KRAFT CANADIA N SSIN,L.EI SC :7. OZ. T , I N. S -COFfEEBQAN. �21. 15SAN VAN CAMP' BEANS 14 FL OZi PO.RK .2R.69C P UDD :wITH.F . y STARKIST- WATERPACK SOLIDTILIGHJ CHASE :N' 3•l.; PKG,'.;OF 4 OZ. PKGS . • I2 NL B G;-PSK G . PLANTERS MIXED' NUTS 13OZ,1. TIN 9 .�9 KRAFT MAX; BOWL SOFT • MARGARINE LB.. 69c NESTLE ASSORTED LISTERINE 30 FL, OZ.. ANTISEPTIC $.1• 99 LIQUID• 'JAVEX 64 F L . OZ: '.;, C DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE DAR E S"a COOKIES gAG 1.76 F'L. OZ`, .99 15 FL. OZ',. . -3off: DEL MONTE 48 FL, OZ. TOMATO JUICE 55c CHEESE - - -t16 OZ. JA;2 WHIZ KING. SIZE.4.19 GREEN GIANT FANCY f. PEAS, CREAM CORN, GREEN BEANS''4ozL` E„ LB: BOX r DOG FOOD 15074 V R CULVERHOUSE CHOiCE MARTIN CHOICE 48 FL; QZ• APPLE JUICE 55c., .WHOLE POTATOES N7. ' STAFFORD CHERRY - 1 d0� PIE FIL�L�19FL •;O c DUNCAN HINES CAKE' MINCES 18{ OZ PKG,. ' DERt bLD.SotJtH A All ,JUICE 12 FL. OZ. Fiioz f ,' • . • .F F ROZfJ- { X04 • ry. 2 LBl• sA0•.,